Emperor Movie Poster: In-class group project

Emperor Movie Poster: “Mini-Project”

Several of the Roman emperors had extremely intriguing lives: dramas, comedies, thrillers, you name it! Imagine that Paramount Studios has decided to make a blockbuster movie about the Roman emperor your group has been assigned. Your team has been hired to create the movie poster that will be used to advertise the movie. This poster will be up at movie theatres nationwide, so it’s important that you do an excellent job!

First, your group will have to research your emperor. Decide together – would his movie be a tragedy? A crime drama? A bloody thriller? A dark comedy?

Then, come up with some exciting highlights from his life. These are the things that would probably be advertised on a movie poster. Remember, posters don’t usually contain a lot of writing. They are big, bold & designed to capture the public’s attention. While you will use some writing on our posters, try to illustrate the key events of your emperor’s life.

Next, come up with a title for the movie/poster. The bottom of the poster should list some of the film’s major stars: for instance, which modern day actor would play the emperor? What about his leading lady (or man?) Who would the co-stars be (the generals of the army, his enemies, family, etc…) List the major stars & the producer/director – they would probably be big names if this was going to be a blockbuster movie!

You can be visually creative with your poster, but it should definitely include the following:

1. Title of the movie

2. Name of the emperor

3. A BIG visual (probably of the emperor himself)

4. At least 5 facts about the person’s life

5. A tag line (see Braveheart example)

6. Info about the stars, etc…

Part 2 of the project is the completion of the fact sheet. The fact sheet should be completed during your research & attached to the back of the poster, along with your rubric. You will grade each member of your group so it is imperative that EVERYONE is working on the project, whether you are researching, drawing/coloring, or working on the fact sheet. You will also turn in the point sheet along with your project.

Emperor Movie Poster Rubric

Group members: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

ALL elements included /30

Visually appealing /30

Fact sheet included & accurate /30

Work is neat & eye-catching /10

Total Score /100

Notes and/or Comments:


***Make sure you answer in COMPLETE sentences! It may be advantageous to type these answers & use this copy as a rough draft…

Full Name:

Birth date/Death date/Life Span:

Early childhood:

Military Career:

Rise through politics:

Family life:

How did he meet his death?

What were some of his contributions to the Roman Empire?

How did he help or hurt the Roman Empire?

List 4 other interesting facts about the emperor:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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