“Uniform Guide” - Wargamerabbit

“Uniform Guide”

“Napoleon’s Campaigns in Egypt and the Holy Land.”

Table of Contents:

1. Republic of France, Page 1.

2. Mameluke, Page 5.

3. Ottoman Empire, Page 5.

4. Great Britain, Page 7.

5. References for Napoleons Campaign in Egyptian and Holy Land . Page 12


1. Republic of France:

Cockade: Red, White and Blue.

General Officers:

General Officers wore a tricoloured (Red, White and Blue) hat plumes.

|Coat |Collar |Collar Piping |Cuffs |Turnbacks |Piping |Sash |Shabraque |

|Dark Blue |Scarlet |Gold Lace |Scarlet |Gold Lace |Gold |Red White and |Scarlet with |

| | | | | | |Blue |Gold Trim |


When the French invaded Egypt in June of 1798 they were wearing their heavy European uniforms. All units below have White Belts, Brown Leather Packs, off White/Grey Overcoat Rolled on there Packs, and Black Cartridge Pouches.

Line Demi-Brigade.

Black bicorne hat, blue cut-away coat or habit, with red collar and cuffs red piping, white turnbacks with red piping, blue shoulderboards with red piping white waistcoat and breeches (the 18th, 25th, 32nd and 75th had red-and-white ticken overalls) and long black gaiters (most info shows the gaiters were not worn. Instead the breeches/overalls were simply worn lose or cuffed at the ankles.

Light Demi-Brigade.

Black bicorne hat, blue waistcoat or habit, with red collar, white piped cuffs with green epaulettes, and blue breeches.


Both the Grenadier and Carabinier Company’s as above but with a red horsehair falling plume on the bicorne as well as red epaulettes and shoulderboards. Some sources state that members of the Grenadier and Carabinier Company’s wore Bearskins. Grenadier with Brass front plates, Carabinier without.

In November of 1799 the Carabinier Company’s of the 2nd Legere was eliminated (men scattered throughout the rest of the Demi-Brigade) do to a mutiny led by the Carabinier Company’s.

In October of 1799 the Infantry started changing over to their new uniforms. Known as the Kleber

Ordnance. All infantry had white gaiter – trousers. And the famous helmet with houppe or pouffe. The Tricolor Cockade was worn on the left side of the helmet.

In most cases Musicians wore reverse colors of its Demi-Brigade, with yellow chevrons running down both sleeves and yellow bars on the button line across the chest.

Listed below are the colors of the second uniform. For the helmet pouffe, if you see two colors listed the first color is on top of the second color. If only one color is listed then the pouffe was a solid color.

When the Demi-Brigades transitioned to the new uniforms, (October of 1799) the Grenadier and Carabinier Company’s did as well. With red epaulettes and shoulderboards and a red Pouffe on there helmet. Also a Brass flaming grenade insignia was worm on the front and rear of there helmet. The Grenadier Company’s of the 9th Demi-Brigade of Line were ordered to were there Bicorn hats with red falling plum as the rest of the Demi-Brigade had red Pouffe’s on there helmets.

Some of the Demi-Brigades had many change’s in their uniforms over the time that the campaign took place. The first color for each is what they wore during the initially change, but some elements may have received different uniforms over the period of the campaign. Those additional issues are listed as (Alt).

|Demi- |Coat |Collar |Collar Piping |Cuffs |Turnbacks |Piping |Helmet |

|Brigade # | | | | | | |Houppe / |

| | | | | | | |Pouffe |

|2nd Legere |Light Green |Dark Blue |White |Dark Blue |Dark Blue |White |Green |

|4th Legere |Light Green |Crimson |White |Crimson |Crimson |White |White Green |

|(Alt) |Light Green |Brown |White |Brown |Brown |White | |

|21stLegere |Sky Blue |Yellow |White |Yellow |Yellow |White |Yellow Green|

|(Alt) |Sky Blue |Yellow |White |Yellow |Red |White | |

|22nd Legere |Sky Blue |Crimson |White |Crimson |Crimson |White |Red |

| | | | | | | |Green |

|9th Ligne |Scarlet |Blue |Red |White |White |Blue |Red |

|(Alt) |Scarlet |Green |White |Green |Green |White | |

|13th Ligne |Crimson |Dark Blue |White |Puce |Puce |White |Dark |

|(Alt) |Crimson |Dark Blue |Green |Puce |Puce |Green |Blue |

|18th Ligne |Scarlet |Brown |Brown |Yellow |Yellow |Blue |Black |

|(Alt) |Scarlet |Yellow |Blue |Yellow |Yellow |White | |

|(Alt) |Scarlet |Scarlet |White |Scarlet |White |White | |

|(Alt) |Scarlet |Scarlet |Blue |Blue |Blue |Blue | |

|25th Ligne |Crimson |Sky Blue |White |Sky Blue |Sky Blue |White |White |

|(Alt) |Crimson |Blue |White |Blue |Blue |White |Red |

|32nd Ligne |Brown |Scarlet |Blue |Orange |Orange |White |White |

|(Alt) |Crimson |Blue |Blue |Blue |Blue |White |Blue |

|(Alt) |Violet |Scarlet |Blue |Orange |Orange |White | |

|61st Ligne |Crimson |Dark Blue |Yellow |Dark Blue |Dark Blue |Yellow |White |

|(Alt) |Crimson |Blue |Blue |Lt. Green |Lt. Green |White |Black |

|(Alt) |Brown |Yellow |Yellow |Yellow |Yellow |Yellow | |

|(Alt) |Brown |Yellow |Blue |Lt. Green |Lt. Green |Blue | |

|69th Ligne |Brown |Scarlet |Blue |White |White |White |White Yellow|

|(Alt) |Brown |Scarlet |White |Scarlet |Scarlet |White | |

|(Alt) |Brown |Scarlet |Blue |White |White |Blue | |

|75th Ligne |Scarlet |Sky Blue |White |Sky Blue |Sky Blue |White |Red |

|(Alt) |Scarlet |Sky Blue |Blue |Sky Blue |Sky Blue |Blue |Dark Blue |

|85th Ligne |Brown |Scarlet |Blue |Yellow |Yellow |White |Red |

|(Alt) |Brown |Scarlet |Blue |Yellow |Yellow |Blue |Yellow |

|88th Ligne |Crimson |Blue |White |Green |Green |White |Blue |

|(Alt) |Violet |Blue |White |Green |Green |White |Yellow |

Note: all units above have White Belts, Brown Leather Packs, Off White/Grey Overcoat Rolled on Pack, and Black Cartridge Pouches.


Note: all units below have white belts, black boots.

|Unit |Coat |Breeches |Collar |Cuffs |Turnbacks |Lapels |Head Gear |Shabraque |

|7th Hussars bis,|Dark Blue | |Red, |Red, Yellow |Red |N/A |Mirliton Shako, | |

|Pre October 1799|Dolman, Red |Dark |Yellow |Piping. | | |scarlet wing, | |

| |Pelisse. |Blue, Yellow |Piping. | | | |white piping, |Red, |

| | |Stripe. | | | | |Black Plum White |White Trim. |

| | | | | | | |Tip. | |

|14th Dragoons. |Dark | |Dark Pink |N/A |Dark Pink |Dark Pink |Note Below |Green, White |

| |Green |White | | | | | |Trim. |

|15th Dragoons. |Dark | |Dark Pink |Dark Pink |Dark Pink |N/A |Note Below |Green, White |

| |Green |White | | | | | |Trim. |

|18th Dragoons. |Dark | |Dark Pink |Dark Pink |Dark Pink |Dark Pink |Note Below |Green, White |

| |Green |White | | | | | |Trim. |

|20th Dragoons. |Dark | |Pale |Pale Yellow |Pale Yellow |Pale |Note Below |Green, White |

| |Green |White |Yellow | | |Yellow | |Trim. |

| | | |Piping | | | | | |


All Dragoon Regiments wore Brass helmet, Brown fur turban, Black horse hair crest.

An alternate uniform did exist for the Dragoon Regiments after there first uniforms had worn out in October of 1799. This was White Jacket for Officers and Unbleached Linen Jackets for enlisted. All appropriate collar, cuffs, turnbacks and lapels as above.

Artillery, Engineers, Pontonniers and Aerostiers: All French gun carriages were painted Olive Green, Metal carriage fittings were black. Gun tubes were Bronze. Note: all units below have white belts.

|Unit |Coat |Collar |Piping |Cuffs |Turnbacks |Pants |Head Gear |

|Artillery a Pied. |Dark Blue |Red |Red |Red |Red |Dark Blue |Bicorn |

|Artillery a Cheval. |Dark Blue |Blue |Red |Red |Red |Dark Blue |Mirliton Shako,|

| | | | | | | |Red plume on |

| | | | | | | |the left side |

|Engineers. |Dark Blue |Red |Red |Black |Black |Dark Blue |Bicorn |

|Pontonniers. |Dark Blue, |Dark Blue | |Dark Blue |Dark Blue |Dark Blue |Black round Hat|

| |Red | | | | |white |with left side |

| |epaulettes | | | | |gaiters |folded up, Red.|

| |and | | | | |under the |Plum, Gold |

| |shoulderboard| |N/A | | |pants. |Anchor and |

| |s. | | | | | |cockade on |

| | | | | | | |flap. |

|Aerostiers |Dark Blue |Medium |White |Medium Green, |Medium Green |Dark Blue. |Bicorn |

|(Balloonists). | |Green | |White Piping. | | | |

|Medical, Officer |Dark Blue |Black |Gold |Black |Black |White |Bicorn, red |

|(Sevice de Sainte). | | | | | | |plum. |

Non Regular French Units:

|Unit |Coat |Pants |Collar |Head Gear |Boot |Shabraque |

|Dromedary Corps, 1st |Sky Blue |Red, White |Red Collars, White|White |Black, White|Red, White Trim. |

|Uniform. |with |stripe. |Cuffs and |Turban. |Trim on Top.| |

| |White | |Turnbacks. | | | |

| |Piping. | | | | | |

|Dromedary Corps, 2nd |Red Long Jacket |Medium Blue,|Blue Collars, |Red Shako with Black|Black, White|Red, White Trim. |

|Uniform. |short sleeves, |White stripe|White Cuffs and |plum with yellow |Trim on Top.| |

| |Blue Sleeves. | |Turnbacks. |tip. | | |

|Dromedary Corps, |Red Dolman, Red |Red, White |White Collars, |Black Bicorn, Red |Black, White|White, Red Trim. |

|Trumpeter. |Pelisse. |Trim. |White Cuffs and |White and Blue Plum.|Trim on Top.| |

| | | |Turnbacks. | | | |

|Legion Nautique. |Red |White |White |Black Round Hat. |Black |N/A |

|Coptic Legion. |Green |White |Yellow |Black Fez. |Black |N/A |

| | | | |Grenadiers Bicorn | | |

| | | | |with Red falling | | |

| | | | |Plume. | | |

|Maltese Legion. |Brown |White |Red |Blue Fez. Grenadiers|Black |N/A |

| | | | |Bicorn with Red | | |

| | | | |falling Plume. | | |

|Greek Legion. |Blue |White |Red |Red Fez. Grenadiers |Tan with Red|N/A |

| | | | |Bicorn with Red |Leggings. | |

| | | | |falling Plume. | | |

|Guides |Dark Green. |Red |Red |Bicorn, Red over |Black |Green Red Trim. |

|a Cheval. | | | |Green Plume. | | |

|Guides a Pied Pre |Dark Green |Red |Red |Bicorn with Red |Black with |N/A |

|10/1799. | | | |falling Plume. |White | |

| | | | | |Gaiter. | |

|Guides a Pied |Dark Blue |White and Lt|Red |Helmet with Pouffe,|Black |N/A |

|Post 10/1799. | |Blue ticken | |Red White and Blue | | |

| | |Overalls | |(front to rear). | | |

|Native Guides. |Blue Chemise |N/A |Red Sash. |White |Brown |N/A |

| |egyptienne (robe),| | |Turban. |Sandals. | |

| |with Dark green | | | | | |

| |collars and cuffs.| | | | | |

|Janissaries |White and off |White and |N/A |White and off white |Brown |N/A |

| |white egyptienne |off white. | |turbans. |Sandals. | |

| |(robe). | | | | | |

|Syrian Janissaries. |Green with short |Baggy Red |N/A |Red |Brown |Red, White Trim. |

| |sleeves, worn over| | |Fez, multi-colored | | |

| |a light colored | | |turban. | | |

| |shirt. | | | | | |

|Mameluke’s de la |Red |Baggy Red |N/A |White Turban, Red |Red |Blue, Red Trim. |

|Republique. | | | |Fez. | | |

Notes: all units above have White Belts, Brown Leather Packs (if foot), Off White Overcoat Rolled on Pack and Black Cartridge Pouches.

Dromedary Corps were known to were Bicorne with White falling Plume in the field. And a white caftans.

All French units and French allied would were the Cockade of Red, White and Blue.


2. Mameluke’s: (Fellahins, Meccan’s and Bedouins):

Cockade: None.

The Mameluke Army had no actual uniform, everyday clothing was worn.

|Jacket |Pants |Vest |Hat |Sash |Boots |Shabraque |

|All Colors of the |All colors |All colors |Red Fez, White |All colors |Red, Brown, Black, |All colors |

|Rainbow. |of the |of the Rainbow. |Turban |of the Rainbow.|Yellow |of the Rainbow. |

| |Rainbow. | | | | | |

BodyGuard Cavalry, Silver Helmet and Silver Shield. Red Jacket and Pants.

Mameluke Dromedaries Battery: Uniform as per normal Mameluke costuming, with Fellahins as manual labor. These mounted two 4 lb. gun tubes on the body of the Dromedaries and fired from that position. Yes, it’s true.

Fellahins, Palestinian, Maghribi, Naplouse Mountain Tribes, Maugrabinns.

The Fellahins were the local levy raised by the Mameluke. They had no uniforms. They wore white and off white clothes and turbans .All Fellahin gun carriages were Natural Wood color, Metal carriage fittings were black. Gun tubes were Bronze.

Meccan’s: Same as the Fellahins except they had green turbans. Their hair and beards were dyed red, indicating a Pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca. All Meccan gun carriages were Natural Wood color, Metal carriage fittings were black. Gun tubes were Bronze.


Same as per the Fellahins: Some are described as dressed all in black.

3. Ottoman Empire: (Ashirs, Maghribi, Naplouse Mountain Tribes, and Maugrabinns):

Cockade: None.


|Unit |Jacket |Pants |Vest |Hat |Sash |Boots |

|Cairo Janissaries. |Yellow |White |Red |Red Fez White Turban |Medium Green |Brown |

|Janissaries. |Medium |White |N/A |White |Green |Yellow Slippers |

| |Blue | | | | | |

|Janissaries |Blue |Red |N/A |White, Brass Band |Red |Yellow Boots |

|Marines. | | | | | | |

|Nizam-i-Jedid. |Reddish |Dark Blue |N/A |Red Fez |Dark Red |Red Shoes |

| |Orange | | | | | |

|Sekhans. |White |Dark Blue |Green with Gold |Dark Blue Fez |Sky Blue |Yellow |

| | | |Trim | | | |

|Rayas |Dark Green, Light|White |No Vest. Yellow |Light Pink |Green |Brown Sandals |

| |Pink Piping | |Shirt | | | |

|Greek Derbents. |White, Light Pink|White |N/A |Red |All Colors |Orange Shoes |

| |Panels on the | | | | | |

| |Front and Rear | | | | | |

|Panduks |Light Green |Orange |Light Blue |Orange Fez |Black | |

|Ashirs. |Reddish Brown |Blue |N/A |Green Turban |All Colors |Red Slippers |

|Maghribi Native |White, |White, |N/A |White Turban |All Colors |Brown Sandals |

|Musket. |Off White |Off White | | | | |

|Bedouin Militia. |Off White |Light Blue |N/A |Light Blue Head band |Brown Belt over a |Brown Sandals |

| | | | |over a White Head |White sash | |

| | | | |Cloth | | |

|Arabian Sekhan. |Brown Tunic with |White |N/A |Red Fez White Turban |White |Yellow |

| |broad white | | | | | |

| |borders | | | | | |


|Jacket |Pants |Jacket |Hat |Sash |Boots |Shabraque |

|Suvarileri Guard |Yellow |Red |Red Turban |Yellow |Yellow |Light Green, Yellow |

|Cavalry | | | | | |Trim |

|(Body Guard). | | | | | | |

|Sipaha |Light Blue |Light Blue, with |Red Fez, White |Yellow |Yellow |Light Green, Yellow |

| | |Orange Stripes |Turban |and Red | |Trim |

| | |Trimmed in Yellow | | | | |

|Suvarileri |Red |Mustered Yellow |Red Fez, White |NA |Yellow |Light Green, Yellow |

| | | |Turban | | |Trim |

|Circassian |Blue |Short sleeve Light |Silver Helmet with |NA |Orange, White |Dark Blue |

| | |Blue with orange |light blue streamer| |Trim | |

| | |trim, over Silver |on top | | | |

| | |Chain Mail | | | | |

|Yoruks |Mustered Yellow |Dark Green |Grey Fez, Red |White |Red |Light Green, Yellow |

| | | |Turban | | |Trim |

|Djellis |Red |Blue Jacket, Yellow|Blue Turban |Green |Yellow |Light Green, Yellow |

| | |Trim | | | |Trim |

|Syrian Spahis. |White/ off White|White/ off White |White/ off White |All Colors |Brown Sandals |Grey |

Artillery and Engineers: All Ottoman gun carriages were a Natural Wood color, Metal carriage fittings were black. Gun tubes were Bronze.

|Unit |Pants |Vest |Jacket |Hat |Sash |Boots |

|Topij |Green |Red | |Red Turban |Fawn |Brown Sandals |

|(Foot Artillery). | | | | | | |

| | | |White | | | |

|Topij |Medium |White Shirt |Dark Blue |Orange Fez Blue |Orange |Black Sandals |

|(Horse/Dromedary |Blue | |Trimmed in |Turban Orange Trim | | |

|Artillery). | | |Orange | | | |

|Humbaraciyan |White |Red and Pink| |Red Fez Orange |Orange |Black Sandals |

|(Siege Artillery). | |Striped |Dark Green |Turban | | |

| | |Shirt | | | | |

|Humbaraciyan |Dark Green |Orange Shirt| | |Orange |Red Boots |

|(Bombards, | | | |Black, (Janissaries | | |

|Mortar’s). | | |Dark Green |style) | | |

| |Blue |NA | |Red Fez Yellow |NA |Brown Sandals |

|Lagimciyan | | | |Turban | | |

|(Engineers). | | |White | | | |

Ottoman Dromedaries Battery: These mounted two 4 lb. or smaller gun tubes on the saddle frame of the Dromedaries and fired from that position. Yes, it’s true.

Notes: Many of the above Ottoman uniforms were less likely to be seen the further you got on the fringes of the Ottoman Empire. In most cases the Ottoman troops in Egypt and the Holy Land would be dressed in a more native dress such as the Fellahins, Maghribi, Naplouse Mountain Tribes, and Maugrabinns of below.

Syrian, Maghribi, Naplouse Mountain Tribes, Maugrabinns, had no actual uniforms. They wore white and off white clothes and turbans.

4. Great Britain:

Cockade: Black.

General Officer:

General Officers wore a White over Red hat Plume.

|Jacket |Pants |Collar and Cuffs |Turnbacks |Boots |Shabraque |

|Scarlet |White |Blue |White |Black |Blue, Red Trim |


Notes: all units below have White Belts, Brown Leather Packs, and Tan Overcoat Rolled on Pack, Sky Blue Canteen and Black Cartridge Pouches. Grenadier Company’s Red Plume, Light Company’s Green Plume, Battalion Company’s White over Red Plume. Most officers in theater wore the Round Hat. Musicians wore reversed colours. Except 50th, 58th, 64th, 70th and 80th Foot. These Regiment musicians White Jackets with Black facing colours.

|Unit |Jacket |Pants |Collar and Cuffs |Turnbacks |Boots |

|3rd Foot Guards |Red |White |Blue |White |Black |

|Coldstream Guards |Red |White |Blue |White |Black |

|1st Regiment of Foot |Red |White |Blue |White |Black |

|2nd Regiment of Foot |Red |White |Blue |White |Black |

|8th Regiment of Foot |Red |White |Blue |White |Black |

|10th Regiment of Foot * |Red |White |Bright Yellow |White |Black |

|13th Regiment of Foot |Red |White |Philemot Yellow |White |Black |

|18th Regiment of Foot |Red |White |Blue |White |Black |

|20th Regiment of Foot ** |Red |White |Pale Yellow |White |Black |

|23rd Regiment of Foot |Red |White |Blue |White |Black |

|24th Regiment of Foot ** |Red |White |Willow Yellow |White |Black |

|25th Regiment of Foot ** |Red |White |Deep Yellow |White |Black |

|26th Regiment of Foot ** |Red |White |Pale Yellow |White |Black |

|27th Regiment of Foot |Red |White |Buff |White |Black |

|28th Regiment of Foot |Red |White |Bright Yellow |White |Black |

|30th Regiment of Foot |Red |White |Pale Yellow |White |Black |

|40th Regiment of Foot |Red |White |Buff |White |Black |

|44th Regiment of Foot |Red |White |Yellow |White |Black |

|50th Regiment of Foot |Red |White |Black |White |Black |

|54th Regiment of Foot |Red |White |Popinjay Green |White |Black |

|58th Regiment of Foot |Red |White |Black |White |Black |

|61st Regiment of Foot* |Red |White |Buff |White |Black |

|80th Regiment of Foot * |Red |White |Yellow |White |Black |

|86th Regiment of Foot * |Red |White |Yellow |White |Black |

|88th Regiment of Foot * |Red |White |Pale Yellow |White |Black |

|89th Regiment of Foot |Red |White |Yellow |White |Black |

|Unit |Jacket |Black Feathered|Collar and |Turnbacks |Hose |Boots |Kilts |

| | |Bonnet |Cuffs | | | | |

|42nd Regiment of|Red |Red and White |Blue |White |Red, White and |Black with |Black background |

|Foot | |checkered Band,| | |Pink diagonal |White Gaiter. |with Green & Blue |

| | |Green square | | |checkered. | |checkerboard |

| | |where Red lines| | | | |stripes. |

| | |cross. | | | | | |

|79th Regiment of|Red |Red and White |Dark Green |White |Red, White and |Black with |Green background |

|Foot | |checkered Band,| | |Pink diagonal |White Gaiter. |overlain with thick |

| | |Blue square | | |checkered. | |blue criss-cross |

| | |where Red lines| | | | |stripes to give a |

| | |cross. | | | | |checkerboard pattern|

| | | | | | | |with thin yellow & |

| | | | | | | |red criss-crossing |

| | | | | | | |stripes. |

|92nd Regiment of|Red |Red and White |Yellow |White |Red, White and |Black with |Black background |

|Foot | |checkered Band,| | |Pink diagonal |White Gaiter. |with Green & Blue |

| | |Green square | | |checkered. | |checkerboard stripes|

| | |where Red lines| | | | |with a thin Yellow |

| | |cross. | | | | |stripe. |

All three Highland Regiment’s wore Black Feathered Bonnets.

|Unit |Jacket |Pants |Collar and Cuffs |Turnbacks |Boots |Head Gear/ |

|90th Regiment of |Red |Grayish |Deep Buff |White |Black |Tarlatan Helmet with a Green |

|Foot | |Blue. | | | |Plum. They may have worn a |

| | | | | | |Black round Hat with Green |

| | | | | | |Plum. |

|Corps of Rifles |Dark Green.|Dark Green. |Black with White |Black with |Black |Black Stove Pipe Shako, Green |

| | | |Piping. |White Piping. | |Plum and cords. Black Belts and|

| | | | | | |Pouches. |

|Marines |Red |White |White |White |Black |Black round Hat with Red over |

| | | | | |Shoes |White Plum. |

Artillery and Engineers: All British gun carriages were painted Blue Grey, Metal carriage fittings were black. Gun tubes were Bronze.

|Unit |Jacket |Pants |Collar and Cuffs |Turnbacks |Boots |Head Gear |

|Foot Artillery |Blue |White |Red |Red |Black |Black round Hat, with White Plum |

| | | | | | |or Stove Pipe Shako. |

|Engineers |Blue |White |Black |Red |Black |Black round Hat, with White Plum |

| | | | | | |or Stove Pipe Shako. |

Cavalry: Notes: All Light Dragoon Regiments wore the Tarlatan Helmet with Red over White Plum, White Belts. The 8th Regiment Light Dragoons wore a helmet closer to the French Dragoon Helmet in Style with a Red Horse Hair.

|Unit |Jacket |Pants |Collar and Cuffs|Turnbacks |Boots |Shabraque |

|8th Regiment Light |Grayish Blue |White |Red |Red |Black |Blue, Red Trim. |

|Dragoons * | | | | | | |

|11th Regiment Light|Dark Blue |Buff |Buff |Buff |Black |Blue, Buff Trim. |

|Dragoons | | | | | | |

|12th Regiment Light|Dark Blue |White |Pale Yellow |Pale Yellow |Black |Blue, Pale Yellow Trim. |

|Dragoons | | | | | | |

|22nd Regiment Light|Dark Blue |White |Red |Red |Black |Blue, Red Trim. |

|Dragoons ** | | | | | | |

|26th Regiment Light|Dark Blue |Dark Blue |Blue, White |Blue White |Black |Blue, White Trim. |

|Dragoons | | |Piping |Piping | | |

Non-regular British troops:

Note: all units below have White Belts, Brown Leather Packs; Tan Overcoat Rolled on Pack, Sky Blue Canteen and Black Cartridge Pouches.

|Unit |Jacket |Pants |Collar and |Turnbacks |Boots |Head Gear |

| | | |Cuffs | | | |

| |Red |White |Yellow |Yellow |Black |Black round Hat with Red over |

|Minorca Regt. | | | | | |White Plum. |

|(Stuart’s Regt.) | | | | | | |

|De Roll Regt. |Red |White |Sky Blue |Sky Blue |Black |Black round Hat with Red over |

| | | | | | |White Plum, Officer in Dark |

| | | | | | |Grey. |

|Dillon’s Regt. |Red |White |Yellow |Yellow |Black |Black round Hat with Red over |

| | | | | | |White Plum. |

|De Watterville’s |Green, Red |Medium Blue |Black |Black |Black |Black round Hat with Red over |

|Swiss Regt ** |arm band. | | | | |White Plum. |

|Corsican Rangers |Medium |Medium Grey |Black |Black |Black |Black round Hat with Red over |

| |Green | | | | |White Plum. |

|Hussars d’Homesch |Green |Red |Red |Red |Black |Black round Hat with Red over |

| | | | | | |White Plum. |

|Chasseurs |Dark Green |Dark Grey |Yellow |Yellow |Black |Black Stove Pipe Shako, Green |

|Britanniques** |(Black | | | | |Plum. |

| |Belts). | | | | | |

|2nd Bn. 1st Regt. |Red |White Short |Orange |Orange |Brown |Blue cap with a Yellow pompom |

|Bombay Sepoys * | |pants with a | | |Sandals |on top, Yellow stripe from |

| | |Dark Blue cuff | | | |front to rear. |

| | |at the bottom. | | | | |

|2nd Bn. 7th Regt. |Red |White Short |Orange |Orange |Brown |Blue cap with a Yellow pompom |

|Bombay Sepoys * | |pants with a | | |Sandals |on top, Yellow stripe from |

| | |Dark Blue cuff | | | |front to rear. |

| | |at the bottom. | | | | |

|Bengal Volunteer’s *|Red |White Short |Light Yellow |Light Yellow |Brown |Blue cap with a Yellow pompom |

| | |pants with a | | |Sandals |on top, Yellow stripe from |

| | |Dark Blue cuff | | | |front to rear. |

| | |at the bottom. | | | | |

|Bengal Foot Artillery|Blue |White Short |Red |Red |Brown |Blue cap with a White pompom on|

|* | |pants with a | | |Sandals |top, Red stripe from front to |

| | |Dark Blue cuff | | | |rear. |

| | |at the bottom. | | | | |

|Bengal Horse |Blue |White Short |Red |Red |Brown |Blue cap with a White pompom on|

|Artillery * | |pants with a | | |Sandals |top, Red stripe from front to |

| | |Dark Blue cuff | | | |rear. |

| | |at the bottom. | | | | |

|Madras Foot Artillery|Blue |White Short |Red |Red |Brown |Blue cap with a White pompom on|

|* | |pants with a | | |Sandals |top, Red stripe from front to |

| | |Dark Blue cuff | | | |rear. |

| | |at the bottom. | | | | |

|Madras Pioneer |Blue |White Short |Red |Red |Brown |Red cap with a Yellow pompom on|

|Battalion * | |pants with a | | |Sandals |top, Yellow stripe from front |

| | |Dark Blue cuff | | | |to rear. |

| | |at the bottom. | | | | |


Units marked with * were part of General Bairds Contingent from India and the Cape. 10th, 61st, 80 and 88th Regiment of Foot, Black round Hat with Red over White Plum. All of the Native Indian units would have Anglo officers that wore the Black round Hat with White Plum.

Units marked with ** were part of reinforcing units, May – July 1801. These two (*, **) contingents saw little action, other than mopping-up and garrison duties.

References for Napoleons Campaign in Egyptian and Holy Land:

Every source listed with * in the Reference is in my personal library.

Books on Napoleon’s Campaign in Egyptian and Holy Land:

* Napoleons Egyptian Campaigns 1798-1801, MAA 79, Michael Barthorp, Osprey Pub. Ltd. 1978, ISBN 0-85045-126-4

* French Soldiers in Egypt 1798-1801, Warrior 77, Terry Crowdy, Osprey Pub. Ltd. 2003, Terry Crowdy, ISBN 1-84176-628-3

* Bonapart in Egypt, J. Christopher Herald, 1962

* Uniforms of the French Revolutionary Wars 1789-1802, Phillip J. Haythornthwaite, Blanford Press 1981 ISBN 0-4137-0936-7

* Napoleonic Uniforms Vol. 1, John R. Elting, Macmillan Pub. Co.1993, ISBN 0-02-897115-9

* The Ottoman Empire and the Napoleonic Wars 1792-1815, William E. Johnson, Nelson Enterprises 1988.

* The Crescent Among the Eagles, Johnson, William E., Nafziger Press, 1994. ISBN: 1585450065

* Armies of the Ottoman Empire 1775-1820, MAA 314, David Nicolle, Osprey Pub. Ltd. 1998, ISBN1-85532-697-3

* The Campaigns of Napoleon, David Chandler, MacMillian Pub. Co. 1966, ISBN 0-02-523660-1

* Memoirs of Napoleons Egyptian Expedition 1798-1801, Captain Joseph-Marie Moiret, Greenhill Press, ISBN 1-85367-449-4

* Napoleon In The Holy Land, by Nathan Schur, Greenhill Books March 17, 2006, ISBN-10: 1853673455, ISBN-13:1853673450

* Napoleon's Regiments: Battle Histories of the Regiments of the French Army, 1792-1815, Digby George Smith, Greenhill Books, (October 2000), ISBN-10:1853674133, ISBN-13:978-1853674136

* The Blue Nile, Alan Moorhead, Perennial 2000, ISBN 0-06-095640-2

* Guns in the Desert, General Jean-Pierre Doguereau”s, Praeger 2002, ISBN 0-313-32-32512-X

* The French Expedition to Egypt, M.J. Miot, Worly Pub. 1997, ISBN 1-869804-47-3

* Armies of the Napoleonic Era, Otto Von Pivka, Taplinger Pub. Co. INC, 1979, ISBN 0-8008-5471-3

* Napoleon’s Mercenaries, Guy C. Dempsey, Greenhill Press 2002, ISBN 1-85367-488-5

* Le Armee Francaise, ETV Services 1998, On Military Matters

* Journal of the Late Campaign in Egypt by Thomas Walsh, 1803 (Republished by Gregg International Pub. Ltd Westmead 1972 ISBN 0576 171115

* The French Expedition into Syria 1799 by General Berthier, Worley Pub. 1990 by ISBN 1-869804-18-X

* Mirage: Napoleon's Scientists and the Unveiling of Egypt, Nina Burleigh, July 2006, Pub.: Morrow/Avon, William Morrow & Company, ISBN: 0-06-059767-4

* Napoleon in Egypt, Abd al-Rahman al- Jabarti, Markus Wiener Pub., ISBN 1-55876-338-4 (hard cover) ISBN 1-55876-337-6 (paperback)

* Napoleon's Egypt: Invading the Middle East, Juan Cole, Palgrave Macmillan, (August 7, 2007), ISBN-10: 1403964319, ISBN-13: 978-1403964311

* NAPOLEON'S CAMPAIGN IN EGYPT (Vol 1) French Armies, Grant, C. S. Partizan Press, 2006, ISBN: 978-1-8581818-524-8

* NAPOLEON'S CAMPAIGN IN EGYPT (Vol 2) BRITISH & ALLIES, Grant, C. S., Partizan Press, 2007, ISBN: 978-1-8581818-552-1

*The Battle of The Nile, Oliver Warner, Macmillan co.1960, ASIN: B0000CKTIR\

* Abercrombie and Moore in Egypt, First Empire Publishing 2004, ISBN: 0952630435

* Narrative of the British Expedition to Egypt: Carefully Abridged from the … by Sir Robert Thomas Wilson. 1803:

* State of Egypt, After the Battle of Heliopolis, Reynier, G and J Robinson 1802,

* Ottoman Wars: An Empire Besieged, Virginia Aksan, Longman Publishing June 2007, ISBN-10: 0582308070, ISBN-13: 978-0582308077

* A Short History of the Naval and Military Operations in Egypt, 1780 to 1802", Lt.Col. Sir John M. Burgoyne L'Expédition d 'Égypte 1798-1801, par Clément de la Jonquière 1899, ISBN-10: 1421245043, ISBN-13: 978-1421245041

* Memoir of a campaign with the Ottoman army in Egypt, from February to July 1800, John Philip Morier, Published by Printed for J. Debrett, 1801, Original from Oxford University, Digitized Nov 9, 2007

* The Discovery of Egypt: Vivant Denon's Travels with Napoleon's Army, Terence M. Russell, March 2006, Publisher: Sutton Pub., Limited, ISBN: 0-7509-4145-6

* The Importance of Malta Considered, in the Years 1796 and 1798, Mark Wood, Published by J. Stockdale, 1803, Oxford University, Digitized Oct 1, 2007,

* Mirage: Napoleon's Scientists and the Unveiling of Egypt, Nina Burleigh, Harper (November 27, 2007), ISBN-10: 0060597674, ISBN-13: 978-0060597672,

* History French occupation, 1798-1801 Sources, Skakowski, A. M. (Adam Mieczysaw), 1877-1951; Zajaczek, Józef, 1752-1826, Cracovie : G. Gebethner,

* Guerre d'Orient: Campagnes de Égypte et de Syrie, 1798-1799. Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire de Napoléon, dictés par lui-mème à Sainte-Hélène, et publiés par le général Bertrand, Volume 1, Bertrand, Henri-Gratien, comte, 1773-1844, Comon 1847,

* Guerre d'Orient: Campagnes de Égypte et de Syrie, 1798-1799. Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire de Napoléon, dictés par lui-mème à Sainte-Hélène, et publiés par le général Bertrand. Volume 2, Bertrand, Henri-Gratien, comte, 1773-1844, Comon 1847,

* Final French struggles in India and on the Indian seas : including an account of the capture of the Isles of France and ... ; with an appendix containing an account of the expedition from India to Egypt in 1801, Malleson, G. B. (George Bruce), 1825-1898, London : W.H. Allen.

* Histoire de l'expédition d'Egypte et de Syri, By Jean-Joseph A. Dupont et Cie, 1826

* Napoleon in Egypt, Paul Strathem, Bantam October 21, 2008, ISBN-10: 0553806785, ISBN-13: 978-0553806786, ISBN 0-86372-299-7, ISBN-10: 0863722997, ISBN-13: 978-0863722998

Relation des campagnes du Général Bonaparte en Egypte et en Syrie, Berthier, Louis-Alexandre, 1753-1815, Milan Impr. Rue Neuve,

Poesie der Kreigskunst: Oder, Feldzug der Franzosen in Egypten in den Jahren …. 1824:

Guerre d'Orient. Campagnes d'égypte et de Syrie, 1798-1799: Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire de Napoléon, dictés par lui-même à Sainte-Hélène, et publiés par le général Bertrand. Tome 1 by Napoléon Bonaparte ISBN-10: 1421239108, ISBN-13: 978-1421239101, ISBN-13: 978-0543948502

Mémoires sur L'expédition d'Egypte, par Jean-Gabriel de Niello Sargy, Officier de Correspondance, attaché a l'état-major general, P. Belfond (1984), ISBN-10: 2714416837, ISBN-13: 978-2714416834

Le Directoire et l'expédition d'Égypte: étude sur les tentatives du Directoire pour communiquer avec Bonaparte, le secourir et le ramener - Alfred Boulay de la Meurthe 1885,

Biographie maritime: ou, Notices historiques sur la vie et les campagnes des marins célèbres français et étrangers, By Joseph François Gabriel Hennequin, Published by Regnault, 1837,

Web sites with info:

The Napoleon Series:



French Occupation Period:

Museum des ancient costumes Turks of Istanbul.:

Description de l'Égypte,

Funcken, Les armes et uniformes de la période révolutionnaire jusqu'au Consulat (1788 - 1804)

The Sultan's Big Guns, by William Johnson.

Ottoman Gun Sizes.


Medicine in Egypt at the time of Napoleon Bonaparte.

Flags and Standards:

Warflags: France, Great Briton.

Napflags: France, Great Briton.

Histofig: Ottoman.

French Flags: Free Flags.

Military Flags of the World 1618-1900, Terence Wise Blandford Press 1977, ISBN 0-7137-0824-7

Drapeaux of the French Army Line & Light Infantry, 1794-1804

Magazine Articles:

* Napoleon in Egypt, By Melanie Sue Byrd, Napoleon Magazine # 13.

* Napoleon in Syria, By John Dunn, Napoleon Magazine # 15.

* Napoleon & the French in Egypt, By Coley E. Cowan, Command Magazine Issue 52

* Battle of the Pyramids, by John Dellinger, Military History Magazine, April 1998.

* Napoleon Saves the Day at Mount Tabor, By James W. Shosenberg, Military History Magazine, April 1999.

* Final French Triumph in Egypt, By Eric Niderost, Military History Magazine, August 1999.

* Striking at Britain Indirectly through an Expedition to Egypt, Introductory Guide the Age of Napoleon.

* Ottoman Empire, by John Dunn, Introductory Guide the Age of Napoleon.

* The French Campaign in Egypt, 1798-1801, Part I, Stephen Ede-Borrett, Wargames Illustrated #34, July 1990.

* The French Campaign in Egypt, 1798-1801, Part II, Stephen Ede-Borrett, Wargames Illustrated #35 August 1990.

* The French Campaign in Egypt, 1798-1801, Part III, Stephen Ede-Borrett, Wargames Illustrated #36, September 1990.

*The British Army in Egypt, Stephen Ede-Borrett, Wargames Illustrated #42, March 1991.

* An Egyptian Episode, Arthur Harman, Miniature Wargames #68, January 1989.

* The Campaign on the Nile 1798-1799, Richard Gilby, Miniature Wargames #75, August, 1989.

* Death on the Nile, Part I, Gary Hughes, Wargames Illustrated #113, February 1997.

* Death on the Nile, Part II, Gary Hughes, Wargames Illustrated #115, April 1997.

* Death on the Nile, Part I, Gary Hughes, Wargames Illustrated #118, July 1997.

* Napoleon In Egypt, Dave Watson, Wargames Illustrated #249, July 2008.

* The Battle of Aboukir 1799, Mark Bevis, Miniature Wargames #144, March 1995.

* Middle East Disaster, The Battle of El Hamad, Egypt, April 21st 1807, Miniature Wargames #173, October 1997.


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