Army Grade Determination Review Board and Grade Determinations

嚜澤rmy Regulation 15每80

Boards, Commissions, and


Army Grade


Review Board

and Grade



Department of the Army

Washington, DC

12 February 2020



AR 15每 80

Army Grade Determination Review Board and Grade Determinations

This major revision, dated 12 February 2020〞


Updates information on the policy and procedures for the operation of the Army Grade Determination Review Board

(chap 2).


Deletes the requirement that grade determinations in 30-year cases (not involving reductions for misconduct,

inefficiency, or cause) be conducted at time of retirement (para 3 每 2).


Authorizes retirement grade determinations for warrant officers in accordance with the amendment of Section 1371.

Title 10, United States Code (para 4 每2).


Supersedes Army Directive 2016每 08, Authority to Conduct Warrant Officer Grade Determinations at Retirement

(para 4每 2).


Implements internal control provisions in accordance with AR 11 每 2 (app B).


Updates titles and addresses (throughout).


Department of the Army

Washington, DC

12 February 2020

*Army Regulation 15每80

Effective 12 March 2020

Boards, Commissions, and Committees

Army Grade Determination Review Board and Grade Determinations

grade determinations on behalf of the Secretary of the Army.

Applicability. This regulation applies to

the Regular Army, Army National

Guard/Army National Guard of the United

States, and the U.S. Army Reserve, unless

otherwise stated. This regulation remains in

full effect during mobilization.

History. This publication is a major revision.

Summary. This regulation governs the

actions and composition of the Army Grade

Determination Review Board established

by Department of the Army General Order

1985 每16. This regulation also sets forth

grade determination policy. The Army

Grade Determination Review Board determines or recommends the highest grade satisfactorily held for service/physical disability retirement, retirement pay, and separation for physical disability. In discussing

the authority of the Board, this regulation

also references other organizations that

have been delegated authority to make

Proponent and exception authority.

The proponent of this regulation is the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower

and Reserve Affairs). The proponent has

the authority to approve exceptions or

waivers to this regulation that are consistent

with controlling law and regulations. The

proponent may delegate this approval authority, in writing, to a division chief within

the proponent agency or its direct reporting

unit or field operating agency, in the grade

of colonel or the civilian equivalent. Activities may request a waiver to this regulation

by providing justification that includes a

full analysis of the expected benefits and

must include formal review by the activity*s senior legal officer. All waiver requests will be endorsed by the commander

or senior leader of the requesting activity

and forwarded through their higher headquarters to the policy proponent. Refer to

AR 25 每 30 for specific guidance. The Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and

Reserve Affairs) has delegated this approval authority to the Deputy Assistant

Secretary of the Army (Review Boards).

Army internal control process. This

regulation contains internal control provisions in accordance with AR 11 每2 and

identifies key internal controls that must be

evaluated (see app B).

Supplementation. Supplementation of

this regulation and establishment of command and local forms are prohibited without prior approval from the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve

Affairs) (SAMR每 RBL), 251 18th Street

South, 3rd Floor, Arlington, VA

22202每 4508.

Suggested improvements. Users are

invited to send comments and suggested

improvements on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank

Forms) directly to the Assistant Secretary

of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) (SAMR每 RBL), 251 18th Street

South, 3rd Floor, Arlington, VA

22202每 4508.

Distribution. This regulation is available

in electronic media only and is intended for

the Regular Army, the Army National

Guard/Army National Guard of the United

States, and the U.S. Army Reserve.

Contents (Listed by paragraph and page number)

Chapter 1

Introduction, page 1

Section I

General, page 1

Purpose ? 1每 1, page 1

References and forms ? 1每 2, page 1

Explanation of abbreviations and terms ? 1每 3, page 1

Responsibilities ? 1 每 4, page 1

Records management (recordkeeping) requirements ? 1 每 5, page 1

Statutory authority ? 1 每 6, page 1

Section II

Responsibilities, page 1

*This regulation supersedes Army Regulation 15-80, dated 12 July 2002 and AD 2016-08 dated 1 March 2016.

AR 15每80 ? 12 February 2020




Secretary of the Army ? 1 每 7, page 1

Chief of Staff, Army ? 1 每 8, page 1

Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) ? 1 每 9, page 1

Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Review Boards) ? 1 每 10, page 2

Director, Military Review Boards, Army Review Boards Agency ? 1每 11, page 2

Senior Legal Advisor, Army Review Boards Agency ? 1 每 12, page 2

Army Grade Determination Review Board ? 1 每 13, page 2

Commanding General, United States Army Human Resources Command ? 1每 14, page 2

Separation authorities ? 1 每 15, page 2

Chapter 2

General, page 3

Section I

Army Grade Determination Review Board Establishment and Functions, page 3

Army Grade Determination Review Board establishment ? 2 每 1, page 3

Army Grade Determination Review Board functions ? 2 每 2, page 3

Automatic grade determinations ? 2 每 3, page 3

Section II

Guidance, page 3

Grade determination considerations ? 2每 4, page 3

Unsatisfactory service ? 2 每 5, page 4

Service in lower grade ? 2 每 6, page 4

Period of service ? 2 每 7, page 4

Information to be considered ? 2 每 8, page 4

Forwarding cases for review ? 2 每 9, page 5

Reviews ? 2 每 10, page 5

Chapter 3

Enlisted Personnel Grade Determinations, page 5

General ? 3每 1, page 5

Thirty-year cases ? 3 每 2, page 5

Physical disability cases ? 3 每 3, page 8

Reserve enlisted members reduced not as a result of the member*s misconduct ? 3每 4, page 8

Chapter 4

Officer Personnel Grade Determinations, page 8

General ? 4每 1, page 8

Warrant officers ? 4 每 2, page 9

Physical disability cases ? 4 每 3, page 9


A. References, page 10

B. Internal Control Evaluation, page 13

Figure List

Figure 3每 1: Sample application to initiate a 30-year grade determination, page 7



AR 15每80 ? 12 February 2020

Chapter 1


Section I


1每 1. Purpose

This regulation establishes policies, procedures, and responsibilities of the Army Grade Determination Review Board

(AGDRB) and other organizations delegated authority to make grade determinations on behalf of the Secretary of the

Army (SA).

1每 2. References and forms

See appendix A.

1每 3. Explanation of abbreviations and terms

See glossary.

1每 4. Responsibilities

Responsibilities are listed in section II of chapter 1.

1每 5. Records management (recordkeeping) requirements

The records management requirement for all record numbers, associated forms, and reports required by this regulation are

addressed in the Army Records Retention Schedule-Army (RRS每 A). Detailed information for all related record numbers,

forms, and reports are located in ARIMS/RRS每 A at . If any record numbers, forms, and reports

are not current, addressed, and/or published correctly in ARIMS/RRS每 A, see DA Pam 25每 403 for guidance.

1每 6. Statutory authority

The AGDRB reviews cases referred for purposes of secretarial grade determinations under the following or similar statutes:

Sections 1212, 1370, 1371, 1372, 1401, 1406, 7343, 7344, and 12771, Title 10, United States Code (USC). Additionally,

the AGDRB will review any other cases referred by the SA.

Section II


1每 7. Secretary of the Army

The SA retains the prerogative to accomplish discretionary grade determinations without referral to the AGDRB. The SA

retains sole authority to make discretionary grade determinations in cases involving brigadier and major generals. Under

the provision of 10 USC 1370, in the case of an officer who is requesting active duty retirement in the grade of general or

lieutenant general, the SA may retire such officers in one of those grades only after the Secretary of Defense certifies in

writing to the President and Congress that the officer has served satisfactorily on active duty in the grade of general or

lieutenant general. The SA retains authority to take final action in any case in which a subordinate authority, including the

AGDRB, would otherwise be authorized to take final action. Final determinations of grade rest exclusively with the SA

and the Secretary*s designees. No one will enter into any agreement that will in any way limit the exercise of that discretion.

1每 8. Chief of Staff, Army

The CSA, or designee, will recommend general officers to the SA, or designee, to serve as members of the AGDRB when

it considers cases involving general officers.

1每 9. Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs)

The ASA (M&RA), after consultation with the CSA, will appoint general officers for the AGDRB when it considers cases

involving general officers. The ASA (M&RA) retains the authority to take final action in any case in which a subordinate

authority, including the AGDRB, would otherwise be authorized to take final action.

AR 15每80 ? 12 February 2020



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