USA Shooting




19th Annual

USA Shooting National Championships

Rifle and Pistol


Smallbore Olympic Team Trials

May 30 – June 11, 2012

Fort Benning

Columbus, Georgia


USA Shooting

Competitions Division

1 Olympic Plaza

Colorado Springs, CO 80909

Telephone: 719-866-4882

Fax: 719-866-4884

Email: competitions@



Pool Range Complex

    Ft. Benning, GA


It is with great pleasure that USA Shooting announces the 19th Annual USAS

National Championships and Smallbore Olympic Team Trials. The competition results will determine both the National Championships and Final Olympic Team Selections per the USAS Policies and Procedures. For more information please refer to the Olympic Team Selection Procedures available at


This match will count towards Performance Standard Average (PSA) and Individual Performance Scores (PSI). Performance Standard Average / Individual Performance Scores, as established by USA Shooting, must be achieved before any athlete may travel with the US Shooting Team to selected competitions outside the United States.


The Olympic Team Trials for Smallbore are open to only citizens of the United States until May 11, 2012. All competitors must be current members of USA Shooting in order to participate. The match will be open to foreign competitors after May 11, 2012, provided space is available. Foreign athletes must be a member of their home federation. All foreign athletes should submit a copy of the picture page of their passport with their entry form. Finals eligibility: The top 8 open shooters in each event will compete in a final. Only U.S. citizens will be eligible for the finals.


The Smallbore Olympic Team selection will consist of the aggregate of three match courses plus best two finals. Olympic Team berth will be allocated as applicable.


Current USA Shooting Rules will govern this competition. It is the shooters responsibility to be familiar with these rules.


USA Shooting will select a Jury Chairperson to serve at each Olympic selection match. The Chairperson should have a valid ISSF A or B judge's license. The Chairperson will coordinate with the Match Director to select an appropriate number of Jury members. An adequate number of Jury members should be selected so that at least three members will be available to adjudicate a protest, considering that one or more Jury members may be involved in the issue and therefore must be disqualified from Jury service for that issue. Selected Jury members should be familiar with USA Shooting Rules and be experienced as athletes, officials and/or competition staff.

The Chairperson verifies with match staff that the targets and computers are working according to USAS Rules or that the shotgun targets are set according to USAS rules. The Chairperson may address a question, resolve a dispute or make a ruling/decision solely or he/she may convene a Jury consisting of at least three persons to decide the issue. If a formal written protest is filed, the Chairperson must convene a Jury to decide the protest. The Chairperson must guide the Jury through the adjudication process using current USA Shooting Rules. The Jury may call witnesses and/or request written statements from those concerned with or knowledgeable of the protest situation.

Any decision by the Chairperson or Jury must be made as promptly as possible without compromising relevant information. The Jury Chairperson must document each decision and inform concerned parties and the competition staff. Any decision by the Jury is final and cannot be appealed.


The United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) may conduct testing for banned substances.

a. Participation in this match constitutes willingness to undergo testing if selected.

b. Procedures for testing will follow those established by the IOC, ISSF and USADA Doping Regulations.

c. All banned substances are listed on the current IOC and ISSF doping lists.

d. Competitors or their physicians may address questions concerning medication to the USADA Drug Hotline at 1-800-233-0393.

** Even over-the-counter medications and supplements can contain a banned substance. Always check first with your doctor and the USADA Drug Hotline before taking any medication prior to competition.


Please register online or by mailing in your entry form with payment. Online registration is available at – Events – Calendar- USASNC & Smallbore Olympic Team Trials – Enter. This link will take you directly to your membership account. You must scroll to the bottom of your membership page, ensuring all data is correct and then click “next”. This will take you through to the registration page, followed by the payment page. Please call Nicole Levine at 719-866-4882 if you have questions or difficulties registering.

1. USA Shooting classification system will be used. Those who do not list their classification will be considered unclassified and will be assigned by the match director to shoot in a classification based on their known ability (see rule 5.6.1)

2. Competitors must check in on-site, verify their entry information and pick up their competitor packets in person or be represented by their team official.

3. Entries may be confirmed by calling the Competitions Division at 719-866-4897 or online at

4. Mail-in entries will also be accepted, please complete the official entry form and send WITH YOUR ENTRY FEE & WAIVER to:


USA Shooting

1 Olympic Plaza

Colorado Springs, CO 80909

Make checks/travelers checks/money orders payable to USA Shooting.



|10M Air Pistol Men | | |$100.00 |

|10M Air Pistol Women | | |$90.00 |

|25M Rapid Fire Pistol Men | | |$115.00 |

|25M Standard Pistol Man | | |$115.00 |

|25M Center Fire Pistol Men | | |$115.00 |

|25M Junior Sport Men | | |$115.00 |

|25M Sport Pistol Women | | |$115.00 |

|50M Free Pistol Men | | |$115.00 |

| | | | |


|10M Air Rifle Men | | |$100.00 |

|10M Air Rifle Women | | |$90.00 |

|50M Rifle Prone Men | | |$115.00 |

|50M Rifle 3 Position Men | | |$135.00 |

|50M Rifle Prone Women | | |$115.00 |

|50M Rifle 3 Position Women | | |$115.00 |

| | | | |


Refunds, minus 10% administration fee, will be granted until May 11, 2012. No refunds will be given after May 11.


1. Only U.S. citizens are eligible for finals and selection to the National Team (NT) and National Junior Team (NJT).

Non-U.S. citizens are welcome to compete, but are not eligible for finals or selection to the NT.

3. Junior finals will take place for Olympic events provided there are at least 6 competitors.

The open men’s, open women’s and junior champions, second place and third place finishers will receive medals.

11 These awards are based on the aggregate of 3 match courses plus top two finals for Olympic Smallbore events. If there are no finals, awards will be based on match score only. Air gun event awards are based on two match courses plus finals.

12 Trophy plaques will be presented in those events that have a National Championship trophy.

The senior champion, second place and third place finishers will receive medals.

14 Based on match score only.


1. 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place open men’s, women’s, junior and senior finishers are not eligible for class / category awards.

2. Class and Category awards are based on match scores without finals.

3. Class awards will be given to the high scoring competitor in each class (A, B, C, D) providing:

a. There are three entries in the class for first place.

b. There are five entries in the class for second place.

c. There are seven entries in the class for third place.

4. If there are not enough entries in a class, competitors will be combined with the next higher class.

5. Category awards will be given provided there are at least three entries in each category.

a. Men’s Categories

i. High Collegiate

ii. High Visitor

b. Women’s Categories

i. High Collegiate

ii. High Visitor

c. Junior Categories

i. High J2

ii. High J3

d. Senior Categories

i. High S2

ii. High S3


Teams may be submitted with appropriate fees on site only, before the first match shot is fired. Awards are based on the first course of fire. Awards will be given as follows:

1. One award for 2-3 teams entered

2. Two awards for 4-5 teams entered

3. Three awards for 6+ teams entered



May 30 – June 11, 2012







| |Male | |Female | |Visitor | |Collegiate |

| |Intermediate Senior (‘48-‘57) | | |Veteran Senior (‘47 & | |Senior Year of Birth |

| | | | |earlier) | | |

| |J1 (18-20) | |J2 (15-17) | |J3 (14 & under) | |Junior Year of Birth |

|(Born 92, 93, 94) |(Born 95,96, 97) |(Born 98 & later) |REQUIRED |

CLASSIFICATION (You must check one per event entered)

| | |Fee | |AA | |A | |

| |Intermediate Senior (‘48-‘57) | | |Veteran Senior (‘47 & | |Senior Year of Birth |

| | | | |earlier) | | |

| |J1 (18-20) | |J2 (15-17) | |J3 (14 & under) | |Junior Year of Birth |

|(Born 92, 93, 94) |(Born 95,96, 97) |(Born 98 & later) |REQUIRED |

CLASSIFICATION (You must check one per event entered)

| |FEES | |AA | |A | |B | |C | |D | | | | |50M Rifle Prone Men |$115 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |50M Rifle 3 Position Men |$135 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |10M Air Rifle Men |$100 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |50 M Rifle Prone Women |$115 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |50 M Rifle 3 Position Women |$115 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |10M Air Rifle Women |$90 | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

TOTAL FEES ENCLOSED $_____________________

ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS FEES AND RANGE WAIVER ARE ENCLOSED. The Competitions Division must approve any exception.

By registering to compete at this competition you are consenting to be subject to drug testing. If found positive for a prohibited substance you are subject to sanctions under the US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA).

Competitor’s Signature ________________________________________________________







US Army Marksmanship Unit

NOTICE: By executing this document you waive certain legal rights on behalf of yourself and your family. You should read this document carefully before you sign it.

In consideration for being permitted to participate in activities on Fort Benning, Georgia, I ____________________________, do hereby agree to waive, indemnify, and hold harmless the United State of America, its agents, servants, and employees from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, liability, judgments, costs and attorney fees arising out of, claimed on account of, or in any manner predicated upon my trip at Fort Benning, including any claims and actions for property damage or personal injury I receive in connection with such trips. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless the United States of America, its agents, servants, and employees, and waive liability for any additional claims, suits, or actions for personal injury, loss of consortium, and property damage for which my heirs, executors, administrators, agents, and each of them, may hereafter acquire against the United States of America, its agents, servants, and employees to the extent that such claims, suits, or actions derive from injury, damage, or death that occurs in connection with my trip and participation in the shooting tournament at Fort Benning.

Signed and executed on this ______ day of ____________________, 2012.


Signature of Participant

(Print name and Sign)


Witness (Print name and sign)




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