Performance Requirements Summary Template ... - U.S. Army

Performance Requirements Summary Template Example LanguagePerformance Objective (Include PWS Ref)Performance StandardPerformance ThresholdIncentive / disincentivePWS Para. C.14.B. Thecontractor will be required to perform relocations of previously placed portable latrines and/or provide latrines to additional delivery points during the daily performance of the contract.Initial delivery and relocation services shall be accomplished within four (4) hours of receipt of an order.Initial deliveries and relocations will be completed in 4 hours or less 95% of the time. Data to support this metric will be maintained by the contractor. Contractor will maintain logs identifying date and time of receipt of initial delivery and relocation orders and date and time of delivery completions. The metric will be calculated monthly by dividing number of deliveries/relocations done in 4 hours or less by total number of deliveries/relocations for the month. This metric will be reported monthly by the contractor in the monthly activity/significant event report.Contractor compliance to 4 hour relocation and initial delivery will be tallied for CPAR reporting periods and the results of the data will be used to substantiate objective ratings of contractor performance.Trends of less than acceptable performance could result in reductions in monthly payments at the discretion of the Contracting Officer.Results of this performance objective will be used in calculation of ward fee.Note: Government surveillance of contractor performance is not limited to the Performance Objectives as outlined in this PRS. The Government reserves the right to conduct compliance surveillance of any contractual requirement of this acquisition. ................

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