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1 Signal Support

1 Information Mission Area (IMA)

1. Under the IMA concept, signal support provides the commander the means to command and control (C2) on the battlefield. The IMA doctrine covers all aspects of information management. It consists of five disciplines:

• Communications.

• Automation.

• Visual Information (VI).

• Records Management.

• Printing and Publications.

2. The signal support responsibilities to each of these disciplines differ at the tactical, operational, and strategic levels of war. All signal personnel must understand the IMA disciplines and the need for signal support.

NOTE: FM 24-1 and 11-75 covers this subject in more detail.

2 Communications

3. Tactical communications transfers information throughout the battlefield. Information is generally divided into three categories:

1 Voice

4. Voice traffic provides real time user-to-user information flow.

• User-to-user — Interactive two-way traffic.

• Conference — Several parties conversing together.

• Broadcast — One-way area coverage, receiving information..

1 Message

5. This is Hhard-copy information such as documents, charts, maps, and photographs. Message traffic generally falls into two classifications:

• Formal — Passed through the record traffic system.

• Informal — Passed directly between users.

2 Data

6. This is dDigital information passed from computer machine to computermachine. When computers are linked together to pass information or share resources, the result is a local area network. The C2 systems on the LAN will pass and share information to support the commander's intent.

2 Common user

7. All users of a communications system have access to a large group of subscribers with minimum communications assets.

3 Sole user

8. This service provides a link between two points where high priority or high-volume traffic prevents sharing common-user links. Sole-user service is no longer used at tactical levels of the Army. Support of joint organizations requires the occasional use of sole-user circuits over satellite systems. MI units use dedicated circuits.

4 Communications Architecture

9. Tactical communications architecture is generally divided into the following networkswide area networks (WANs):.

• Area Common-User System (ACUS).

• Combat Net Radio (CNR) System.

• Army Data Distribution System (ADDS).

▪ Enhanced Position Location Radio System (EPLRS)

▪ Joint Tactical Information Distribution System (JTIDS)

• Broadcast Communications System.


10. MSE is a common-user, switched communications system of linked switching nodes. The nodes form a grid that provides the force with an area common-user system (ACUS). It is one of the major communications systems of an Army force at echelons corps and below (ECB).

11. The MSE system is digital, secure, and flexible. It contains features that compensate for link or functional element outages, overload in traffic, and rapid movement of users. MSE provides voice and data communications on an automatic, discrete-addressed, fixed-directory basis using the flood search routing technique. MSE supports mobile and wire subscribers with a means to exchange command, control, communications, computers, and intelligence (C4I) information. A tactical packet network (TPN) is a packet switching network that is overlaid on the circuit-switching network of MSE.

12. The TPN supports data communications within the corps, joint task force (JTF), adjacent forces, echelons above corps (EAC) assets, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) forces, and commercial networks.

Note: See FM 11-55 for more information.

6 It is a communications system made up of a series of network node switching centers connected primarily by line-of-sight (LOS) multichannel radios and tactical satellites (TACSAT). Army ACUS networks are Tri-Service Tactical Communications (TRI-TAC) at echelons above corps (EAC) and mobile subscriber equipment (MSE) at echelons corps and below (ECB). ACUS provides a multi-user, common-user area system for high-volume voice and data communications. Users at or near extension nodes link to the system for access to other users.

7 Combat net radios NR

13. The Combat Net Radio (CNR) network is designed around three separate radio systems. Each system has different capabilities and transmission characteristics. The three systems are-

• Single-Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System (SINCGARS),

• Improved high frequency radio (IHFR)

• Single-channel tactical satellite (TACSAT).

14. Combat net radios single-channel and frequency hopping (FH) radios, which are organic to almost all organizations. CNRs primary role is voice transmission for C2. To support the commander, units use these radios in networks such as command, administrative/ logistical, and intelligence/operations.

15. The CNR network assumes a secondary role for data transmission when requirements exceed the Army Data Distribution System (ADDS) or Mobile Subscriber Equipment (MSE) capabilities.

Note: See FM 11-53 for more information.


16. It is an integrated C2 communications system providing near real-time transmission capabilities to support low- to medium-volume data networks. The system automatically relays information from the origin to the destination transparent to the user.

17. Subsystems are the Enhanced Position Location Reporting System (EPLRS) and the Joint Tactical Information Distribution System (JTIDS). and the Enhanced Position Location Reporting System (EPLRS).

Note: See FM 24-41 for more information.

9 Broadcast

18. Communications systems use technology similar to commercial radio stations. Transmit-only stations send information to high frequency (HF) radio systems, satellites, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or other means. Weather, intelligence, and position location/ navigation (POS/NAV) information are support derived from the broadcast system.

Note: See FM 11-54 for more information.

10 AUTOMATIONNOTE: FM 11-75 covers this subject in more detail

19. Automation is a process, not an act, which embraces more than mechanization of what was done previously. The use of computer systems to integrate online common databases and electronic sources of information on different networks accessible through the WAN.

20. Commanders use computer hardware, software and peripherals to command and control operations. Units also use other software applications to aid in managing unit functions. These include word processing, financial analysis, maintenance requests, and personnel databases. The rapid widespread use of automated systems has established standards, responsibilities and polices of use.

Note: See FM 24-7 for more information.

3 Visual Information

21. VI is the documentation of military operations: processing, transmitting, reproducing, and distributing visual imagery, graphics production, conferencing, and multimedia presentation services within the theater or tactical environment.

22. VI assets are found at the corps level and above. Signal staff officers below corps must request VI support when needed. Requests are sent to the next higher echelon's signal office. The signal officer then assists the unit commander by directing VI assets to support the assigned mission. This includes—

• Establishing VI policies and procedures.

• Briefing commanders on capabilities/limitations of combat camera (COMCAM) units and procedures for requesting COMCAM support.

• Integrating VI to support battlefield functional information systems at their level of command.

23. Units must coordinate VI requirements along functional lines to avoid duplicating VI assets in the same mission area. The unit staff must—

• Develop its own VI requirements and standardize VI equipment and systems to Department of Defense (DOD) and COMCAM unit standards.

• Manage organic VI systems.

• Establish VI policies and procedures according to the recommendations of the signal officer.

• Tactical VI includes COMCAM and functional VI support.


24. Its mission is to document the activities of all military services. This documentation is used for both operational decision making and historical records. COMCAM units document operations or events regardless of classification or sensitivity. Decisions on classification, sensitivity, or release are made afterward through command, intelligence, operations, and staff coordination. COMCAM imagery requirements include—

• Recording or documenting key actions before, during, and after mobilization, deployment, force generation, and force employment.

• Assessing the effectiveness of force preparations, support operations and objectives, and problem identification.

• Evaluating the effectiveness of weapons systems, intelligence related activities, medical support, public affair purposes, and countering enemy propaganda.

• Historical documentation.

• Maintaining stock footage.

25. At theater and corps, COMCAM support is provided by COMCAM companies. For each division in the corps, support is provided by a COMCAM platoon in the corps' COMCAM company. When tasked, teams from the COMCAM platoon provide support to brigades and battalions.

26. COMCAM teams are task organized. Team size is normally two to four soldiers. Figure 1-1 shows a typical COMCAM support structure. Team size, skill, and equipment needs are determined by the mission. All COMCAM units fall under the operational control (OPCON) of their signal officer.

Figure 1-1. Typical COMCAM support structure

2 Functional VI Support

27. Functional VI is user-owned and user-operated and does not include COMCAM. The primary purpose of functional VI is to support the unique information and decision-making requirements of the specific commander. Examples of functional VI support are the organic activities of military intelligence, psychological operations (PSYOP), public affairs, and medical units.

NOTE: FM 24-40 covers VI in more detail.

4 Records Management

28. Records management is the administration of correspondence, reports, forms, directives, publications, and distribution/official mail. It includes the maintenance of record information, classification/declassification of recorded information, and the implementation of responsibilities under the freedom of information and privacy acts.


29. The goals of the records management system are to create the records essential to support, sustain, and document the following:

• Military operations in time of war and operations other than war (OOTW).

• Protect the rights and interests of the Army, its uniformed members, their family members, and civilian employees.

• Distribution/official mail management.

• The Modern Army Record keeping System (MARKS) provides procedures for the systematic identification, maintenance, retirement, and destruction of Army information.

• Correspondence management limits correspondence to essential requirements. (See AR 25-50.)

• The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) program activities are conducted in an open manner consistent with the need for security and adherence to other requirements of law. (See AR 25-55.)

• The Privacy Act (PA) program protects the privacy of an individual from unwarranted invasion by ensuring that collection and maintenance of recorded information about the individual is necessary and accurate. (See AR 340-21.)

• Personnel records maintenance during wartime is kept to an absolute minimum. Staffing of records branches will not allow the extensive personal service provided during peacetime.

NOTE: FM 11-75 covers this subject in more detail.

2 Printing and Publications

30. Printing and publications are the processes of information composition and representation on media. It covers printing, reproduction, and publications management. There are no organic printing capabilities at corps and below, other than engineer topographic and PSYOP units. Although low-quantity printing requirements can be done with user-owned automated systems connected to printers, large-volume printing and copying requests are performed at theater.

31. Units with publications accounts order and distribute Army publications to their subordinate units. Although not mandatory, the units may maintain a publications library and perform systematic management of publications and reproduction equipment. The systematic management of publications includes initiatives to modernize the Army publications system with new publishing management concepts.

NOTE: FM 11-75 covers this subject in more detail.


32. ABCS integrates the five battlefield functional areas (BFAs) of maneuver, fire support (FS), air defense (AD), intelligence and electronic protect (EP), and combat service support (CSS). Whether deployed for land combat or conducting peace operations, ABCS supports the mission by integrating the automation and communications systems that link strategic and tactical headquarters.

33. ABCS is inter-operable with joint and multinational C2 systems at upper echelons, and it is vertically and horizontally integrated at the tactical and operational levels.

1 Battlefield Functional Area control systems (BFAcss)

34. Integrating the five BFACSs and the Force XXI Battle Command – Brigade and Below (FBCB2) system supports the requirements at brigade and below for situational understanding (SU) and C2 data. Within this integration of systems, the force-level database first forms at the battalion to meet the tactical commander’s requirements for the common picture and SU.

35. The BFACSs are—

• Maneuver, Maneuver Control System (MCS)

• Fire support, Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System (AFATDS)

• Air defense, Air And Missile Defense Planning And Control System (AMDPCS)

• Intelligence and C2 protect, All Source Analysis System (ASAS)

• Logistics, Combat Service Support Control System (CSSCS)

• Mobility and survivability, FBCB2 System.

36. These information systems consist of computer hardware and BFA mission application software that organizes and manages battlefield information. All systems must be interconnected to successfully pass voice, message, and data traffic to and from the commander, his staff, and higher and lower echelons. Signal support provides the means to interconnect the TOC LAN the Information Systems reside on. This is done through four tactical communications systems that support the BFAs. They are ACUS, CNR, ADDS, and broadcast. See Figure 1-2.


37. The combined arms team commanders and staffs integrate and synchronize the BFAs to exercise force-level control (FLC). This is achieved by managing, manipulating, and assessing information from the BFACSs and developing tactical plans and orders based on that information.

2 LOcal Area network

1. A local area network (LAN) is a data communications network that interconnects a community of digital devices and other peripherals. These are linked over a network and are distributed over a localized area. The LAN consists of a communications channel that connects a series of computer terminals connected to a central computer or, more commonly, connects a group of computers to one another. Figure 1-1 shows an example of a LAN.


Figure 1-1. Example of a LAN

2. A LAN is connected by cables or by wireless technology. All Army LANs use the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) 802.3/802.3u standard, which is 100 megabytes per second (mbps).

38. A LAN can be configured in a multitude of configurations depending on the unit's modification table of organization and equipment (MTOE). A LAN includes–

• Digital devices (computers, scanners, printers, and other peripherals).

• A communications medium that exchanges data from one device to another.

• Network adapters that provide devices with an interface to the communications medium.

• A physical topology extending the medium between adapters.

• An access protocol carried out by the adapters to ensure an orderly use of the medium.

• A logical format for transmitting data over the medium.

• An electrical specification for data encoding and transmission.

39. Three common applications of a LAN are hardware, software, and information resource sharing. The communications resources of a LAN are shared among all devices attached to the network.

• Hardware resource sharing allows each computer on a network to access and use devices that are too costly to provide for each user or cannot be justified for each user because they are used infrequently.

• Software resource sharing involves storing frequently used software on the server's hard disk so multiple users can access the software on each computer.

• Information resource sharing allows anyone using a computer on a LAN to access data stored on any computer in the network.

3. The LAN will be connected to the wide area network (WAN) via a SEN.

4. User units are responsible for installing, operating, and maintaining all user-owned signal equipment. This includes coordinating with the S6 for equipment training. The unit staff addresses all communications matters to the G6/S6.

40. BASs are the functional information systems which support the seven BOSs.

NOTE: FM 24-7 TRADOC Pamphlet 11-9 covers this subject in more detail.


7 Battlefield Information Services

41. Two IMA disciplines, records management, and printing and publications compose the BIS. BIS are administrative services that are performed on the battlefield. When a maneuver unit deploys, the organic signal element is responsible for BIS. At brigade and battalion, the Information Services Support Officer (ISSO) is the S1. At division and corps, the ISSO is in the assistant division signal office (ADSO)/G6. The Directorate of Information Management (DOIM) is responsible for BIS in garrison. The nine BIS are—

• Printing.

• Publications.

• Forms management.

• Reproduction.

• Classified document control.

• Distribution/official mail (E-mail).

• Correspondence.

• Files management.


42. The signal officer uses the methods of direct action and regulation to supervise the BIS.

1 Direct Action

43. A central point of contact, under control of the signal officer, receives and routes all requests relating to the service. Only three of the nine BIS require direct action. These are distribution, printing, and FOIA/ PA.

44. Distribution consists of—

• Recommending distribution policies and procedures.

• Internal headquarters distribution.

• Coordinating resources for messenger service.

• Official mail and accountable distribution.

• Distribution center operations and pick-up.

45. Printing consists of—

• Reviewing and validating printing requests.

• Forwarding print requests to the theater reproduction team.

• FOIA/PA consists of—

• Recommending policies and procedures regarding both acts.

• Establishing a point of contact in matters pertaining to either act.

2 Regulation

46. The signal officer recommends local policies regarding all other services. These BIS occur at the user level. The user is responsible for following Army regulations and local policies recommended by the signal officer.

47. Users must perform all user level BIS. Any questions regarding policies or use of the BIS should be addressed to the signal officer.

NOTE: FM 11-75 covers this subject in more detail.


Section I - Signal Support

Section II -- Signal responsibilities


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