Annual Refresher Training 9 February 2021 Lesson Plan 150S ...

[Pages:82]Sexual Harassment/Assault Response & Prevention (SHARP) Program Annual Refresher Training, Version 12.2

Annual Refresher Training 9 February 2021

Lesson Plan 150S-1P0301 Version 12.2

____________________________ Distribution Restriction: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Foreign Disclosure: FD1 - This training product has been reviewed by the training developers in coordination with the SHARP Academy - Ft. Leavenworth, KS foreign disclosure officer. This training product can be used to instruct international military students from all approved countries without restrictions.

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Sexual Harassment/Assault Response & Prevention (SHARP) Program Annual Refresher Training, Version 12.2


Administrative Academic Hours Classification Instructor Requirements

Mode of Delivery Supporting Materials

Instructional Guidance

This training sets the foundation for all SHARP learning that occurs with the Total Army (Active, Guard, Reserve), ensuring that all members, Soldier and Civilian, of the Army profession understand and can apply the fundamentals of both prevention and response. SHARP training occurs annually within all units and organizations to sustain knowledge and proficiency.

Methods Small Group Discussions ? Estimated time to complete training is 1 hour, 35 minutes.

Security Level: This course/lesson will present information that has a Security Classification of: U - Unclassified.

This training is designed for delivery and facilitation by unit leaders with the assistance of credentialed SHARP professionals to ensure accuracy and consistency. The unit/organization will select the instructor from their leaders. Training should be done in small group discussions. Leaders MUST play an active role in this training. It is strongly recommended to have another certified SHARP professional present to assist attendees who may need to excuse themselves during training. If a SHARP professional is not available, instructors must ensure that contact information for their local SHARP office is provided. If you feel, based on your audience, that you will discuss in depth a topic with complicated legal issues, like consent or incapacitation, or victims' rights, invite the Brigade Trial Counsel and IG to assist with your training. If your organization has a large population of Army Civilians, consider having a representative from the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) office present for training.

Face to face by leaders with assistance from credentialed SHARP Professionals

Instructor Materials:

1. PowerPoint Presentation 2. Vignette Package

3. Lesson Plan 4. Checks on Learning Tri-fold 5. Videos:

Why We Fight Video

Note: Before presenting this lesson, instructors must thoroughly prepare by studying this lesson and the supporting reference material.

In accordance with Army Directive 2018-23, para 4, a, (2), Annual SHARP training will be conducted face-to-face using the approved Department of the Army SHARP Annual Refresher Training Support Package available on the Army Training Network. Commanders will determine the duration, location, and means for conducting training. Leaders will lead Annual Training with the assistance of credentialed SHARP professionals.

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Sexual Harassment/Assault Response & Prevention (SHARP) Program Annual Refresher Training, Version 12.2

The following instructor notes and related slides meet DoD minimum requirements to educate Soldiers and Army Civilians regarding sexual harassment (SH) and sexual assault (SA), and the relevant topics related to both. The products are an enabler for commanders to build and maintain a productive, professional environment free of sexual harassment and sexual assault. The materials within this Training Support Package provide the foundation for effective instruction along with links to additional resources to customize training to meet specific unit needs.

Instructional Legend: The following terms and symbols within this guide are used to highlight and clarify key content: -Key Takeaway: The main point the audience should understand from the verbal and visual delivery. -State: Recommended points for the instructor to verbally state when showing the accompanying slide or video. -Ask: Recommended questions for the instructor to ask the audience in order to facilitate discussion and participation. -Note: Important information for the instructor to be aware of during that point or portion of delivery. -Background: Additional information that provides depth, context, and/or technical reference to the topic being presented. It supports instructor preparation and understanding. It is not required to present this to the audience but may be incorporated into discussion at instructor discretion.

ATTENTION: Instructors must review all "Checks on Learning" questions with the audience to meet the assessment portion of the training requirement.

The use of vignette and video resources in specific locations throughout the lesson is strongly recommended to enable participation and improve understanding in accordance with adult learning methods. Vignette and video locations are identified with the graphics demonstrated below:

- Vignettes

- Videos

- Additional Training


Videos and vignettes to accompany this lesson may be found at:

. yo m/c ha nne l/UCSLzq YmF znj0P -LdkQ gWJa g/vid eos

Note: If you intend to use the videos on Army Training Network (ATN), download the videos to your desktop to prevent buffering issues.

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Sexual Harassment/Assault Response & Prevention (SHARP) Program Annual Refresher Training, Version 12.2

Note: While many instructors have historically used the "Tea Consent" video available on YouTube, the Office of The Judge Advocate General (OTJAG) reviewed the video and determined that the definition of consent used in the video does not conform to the DoD definition within DoDI 6495.01. Therefore, the "Tea Consent" video is not approved for use in conjunction with this lesson.

The instructor must insert local installation helpline phone number information on the last slide before presenting the lesson.

Individuals wanting to be exempted from the mandatory group face-to-face (FTF) SHARP training may work with their Commander and/or Supervisor and their local SHARP office to coordinate one-on-one training.

We encourage Supervisors or Managers to offer assistance to employees or Soldiers by offering Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services (for Army Civilians) or SARC services (for Soldiers) if they indicate the desire for additional resources.

PowerPoint and Video Notes: Based on the audience, commanders may authorize instructors to hide slides or skip portions of the videos deemed unnecessary for instruction (e.g., slides that are directed toward Army Civilians or insertion of a different mode of media to accomplish the Learning Step Activity). It is up to your commander based on your knowledge of the audience. The intent is that your attendees can accomplish the Terminal Learning Objective (TLO) and Learning Step Activities (LSAs) by the end of the instruction. Remember that slides and videos are enablers to accomplish the learning objectives.

Checks on Learning Trifold: One Checks on Learning trifold should be printed for each Soldier and Civilian attending training. To edit the Checks on learning Trifold, open the document in Microsoft PowerPoint. Select Enable Editing. Insert your installation and unit logo and SHARP Contact information in the designated box. Ensure you delete the placeholder text. To print the Checks on learning Trifold, select print, change the Print One Sided to Print on Both Sides & Flip pages on short edge (see photo below). Input the number of required and select the print button.

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Sexual Harassment/Assault Response & Prevention (SHARP) Program Annual Refresher Training, Version 12.2

Method of Instruction Time of Instruction

Mandatory Training for Military and DOD Civilians Requirements: National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) FY12, Sec 585, Training and Education Programs for Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program, states "the Secretary of each military department shall develop a curriculum to provide sexual assault prevention and response training and education for members of the Armed Forces under the jurisdiction of the Secretary and civilian employees of military department to strengthen individual knowledge, skill, and capacity to prevent and respond to sexual assault."


Small Group Discussion

5 min

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Sexual Harassment/Assault Response & Prevention (SHARP) Program Annual Refresher Training, Version 12.2

Show Slide 1: Instructor Notice

Show Slide 2: Annual Refresher Training

State: Welcome to the Army's Annual Sexual Harassment/Assault Response & Prevention (SHARP) Refresher Training.

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Instructional Lead-In

Sexual Harassment/Assault Response & Prevention (SHARP) Program Annual Refresher Training, Version 12.2

Show Slide 3: Disclaimer

State: We do not intend to re-victimize, initiate unwanted emotional responses, or inflict psychological stress on anyone. The nature of this content may be disturbing to some of you. This training contains elements that may be offensive or likely to induce high levels of emotional response or psychological stress in some participants. Attendees may choose to not participate in the discussion and can also step out of the classroom during the videos or vignette exercises if they are uncomfortable with sexually suggestive content and language but must step back in after those activities are complete. State: Before we begin, let's watch the Why We Fight video (1 minute & 15 seconds). As you watch, think about what it means to be a member of the Army profession.

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Sexual Harassment/Assault Response & Prevention (SHARP) Program Annual Refresher Training, Version 12.2

Show Slide 4: Why We Fight Video

Key Takeaway: Sexual harassment and sexual assault are contrary to our Army Values and the American ideals that we swear an oath to support and defend. Ask: What are some of the key themes from this video? Ask: How do these themes relate to our individual responsibilities as Army professionals, both Soldier and Army Civilian? Ask: Though not mentioned specifically in the video, how do incidents of sexual harassment and sexual assault relate to our Army values and the ideals that we have committed to support and defend? State: Sexual harassment and sexual assault are contrary to what we stand for. We all have the right to be free and protected from these harmful attitudes and behaviors. When these acts occur within our formations it represents a form of fratricide, or blue-on-blue. Sexual harassment and sexual assault can overwhelm and devastate individuals, their units, communities, and threatens the Army's mission. State: We will spend some time today learning how we can protect others and prevent sexual assault and sexual harassment form occurring, and what do to when it does happen.

Note: This video can be found at: Additional Training Resources: Bystander Invention & The Army Values, 1:38,

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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