What Each Player Needs Army Rosters Types of Points

Warhammer 40,000 Escalation League Rules


Overall, the goal of this Escalation League will be to introduce us all to Warhammer 40,000 6th Edition. Many of us will be starting a new army for the league, and it should be a fun way to learn how the mechanics and tactics have evolved. Players should be prepared to get up to 4 games a week, and have fun.

What Each Player Needs

Each Player will need to represent up to 4 Flagships during the course of the league. It is recommended that each player purchase a few Battle Fleet Gothic ships with flying bases to use on the game board. Which ships they purchase is not as important as that they be easily identifiable. Each Player should paint their ships appropriately for their army.

Additionally, the game will require a total of 48 planets or other objects. Each Player should purchase one pack of Small Round Flying Bases from the Games- website, and turn them in to the store for use on the game board. They are currently listed as $4.95 for a pack of five.

Army Rosters

The Escalation level will start at 500 points. Every two weeks, this will increase by 250 points, until 2,500 points are reached. Each Sunday, players are allowed to change their Army Roster by posting it to the appropriate thread on Royal Oaks Gaming Club's website. Your Roster may only remove one unit each week (i.e. totally dropping a unit selection). Changing your wargear selections does not count against Army Roster changes (i.e. you can switch your Tactical Marine's Heavy Weapon and still drop a different unit). Your Army Roster must abide by all rules of your Codex and the 40k Rulebook. Alliances are allowed a small exception, detailed in that section.

Types of Points

During the course of the campaign there will be points that each Player will accumulate and spend. These points are Fleet Points and Resource Points, or FP and RP respectively.

Fleet Points are given automatically to each Flagship at the start of the controlling Player's Turn. Each Flagship gains 2 Fleet Points which may be spent on movement or combat. Unspent Fleet Points are lost at the end of a Player's Turn.

Resource Points are earned based upon Victories and owned resources. Each Game Turn, every Player gains a Resource Point for each of the following:

+1 Freebie Point (Every Player gets 1 RP/turn minimum) +1 For each Forge World with a Headquarters +1 For a Random Challenge that resulted in a Loss +2 For a Random Challenge that resulted in a Draw +3 For a Random Challenge that resulted in a Win

Resource Points are spent to build new Headquarters, build new Flagships, repair your Flagship, and engage an enemy in Planetary Assault.


During the first turn of the campaign, each player will be given a random starting point from one of the twelve Starting Planets on the game board. Have each Player roll 6D6. Starting with the highest roll, let each Player choose a Starting Planet to place their Headquarters on. They may then place their Flagship in any space adjacent to their Headquarters. Keep a list of the order that Players deploy in, that will be their initiative order for the rest of the League.

The Game Turn

At the start of the game turn, each Player immediately gains Resource Points for the turn, before any player moves. These are determined as outlined above, in Types of Points.

Next each Player takes their Player Turn in the initiative order that was determined during Deployment.

By Random drawings Players will be paired for a Random Challenge during the week. This represents that each army will have various Strike Cruisers with troops carrying out odd missions across the galaxy. The result will determine the next week's Resource Point awards.

The Player Turn

Each Player begins his Player turn with 2 Fleet Points on each of his Flagships. From here the Player may spend Fleet Points and Resource Points in any order.

Moving Your Fleet

You may move your Flagships during your Player Turn by spending your Fleet Points. For each FP you spend your Flagship may move two spaces on the Game Board. However, if there is an enemy Flagship adjacent to yours before you spend a FP, your ship may only move one space. It is entirely possible to use your ships to hinder your opponent's movement, for example to keep them from assaulting your Headquarters for another turn.

Remember that each Flagship only gets 2 FP per Player Turn.

A disabled Flagship is not able to move, and must be repaired before any FP are spent. It costs 1 Resource Point to repair a disabled Flagship.

Fire On My Target

You may also spend Fleet Points to engage an enemy Flagship. That flagship must be in a square adjacent to your Flagship's. Each FP spent allows the attacker to roll a D6. On a 5+ the enemy ship has been disabled, and must be repaired. In the spirit of a good game, destroying an enemy Flagship is not possible.

Build a Headquarters

During your Player Turn you may attempt to build a new Headquarters on any planet that is adjacent to one of your Flagships. It must not already have a Headquarters located on it.

If your army is Chaos Daemons, Chaos Space Marines, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Orks, or Tyranids, then you must spend 2 Resource Points to build on a Hostile Planet, or 3 Resource Points to build on a Civilized Planet.

All other armies must spend 2 Resource Points to build on a Civilized Planet, or 3 Resource Points to build on a Hostile Planet.

All armies must spend 3 Resource Points to build on a Forge World.

Planetary Assault

If you wish to build a Headquarters on a planet which is occupied, you must attack that planet first. The attacker must first spend 3 Resource Points to initiate the attack. The two Players then must arrange a game of Warhammer 40,000 at the current points level. If the attacker receives a Win result, they have captured the existing HQ and may now use it as their own. If the result is a Draw, the attacker is refunded 1 Resource Point as he sees he must retreat. A result of a Loss means the attacker's force has been wiped out, and he has nothing to show for his spent resources.

If a second player wishes to assault the same Headquarters, they must spend the points to assault and wait to schedule a game with the winner. If scheduling with the winner is not possible, the second player may have priority to attack the planet first on the next Game Turn, or they may opt to receive a refund of all 3 RP at the start of the next Game Turn.

A Player defending his Headquarters may reinforce one building or ruin in his deployment zone.

Build Orbital Defenses

At any time during your player turn, you may build an Orbital Defense System on a planet where you already have a Headquarters. That planet cannot currently be under attack by a Planetary Assault. It requires 2 Resource Points to build an Orbital Defense System.

Any planet with an Orbital Defense System forces enemy players to count their adjacent Flagships as one fewer for the purposes of Orbital Assistance. This does not prevent an enemy from declaring a Planetary Assault with their first ship. If a Headquarters with an Orbital Defense System is captured, the ODS is considered destroyed by the attackers, and must be rebuilt anew.

Build a Flagship

If you control more Headquarters than Flagships, and you do not already have 4 Flagships, you may spend 3 Resource Points to build a new Flagship. Place the Flagship in a space adjacent to one of your Headquarters. No Player may ever have more than 4 Flagships.

Orbital Assistance

When a Player declares a Planetary Assault against another Player's Headquarters, they may gain one of the effects listed at the end of this section for each Flagship that is not disabled that they have adjacent to that planet.

A Player who is defending their Headquarters may also move any of his Flagships adjacent to the planet during his own Player Turn to assist his force. If a ship becomes disabled after the Planetary Assault has been declared, it still provides Orbital Assistance, since the assistance is considered to be given at the time of attack.

Multiple adjacent Flagships will allow you to select additional abilities. The same ability may not be chosen twice.

+1 To Reserve Rolls +1 To Determine Deployment Zones +1 To Steal the Initiative One-time use Orbital Bombardment, fired by one of your HQ models








Heavy 1, Ordnance Barrage,

Large Blast, Always Scatters,


Disabled Ships

If your Flagship becomes disabled it may not move, fire on another ship, or hinder another ship's movement. If a ship is disabled at the start of a turn, it may not provide Orbital Assistance to a Planetary Assault, unless it is repaired before the assault is declared. This does not stop a ship which has already declared a Planetary Assault from providing Orbital Assistance.

You may repair any Disabled Flagship at the start of your Player Turn by spending 1 Resource Point.


At the start of any Game Turn, two Players may agree to an Alliance. There is no cost to Ally. The benefits of an Alliance are listed below:

An Ally may defend the other Player's Headquarters if it is attacked.

An Ally does not hinder your Flagships' movement.

Your Ally's Flagships can contribute Orbital Assistance to your games.

All Alliances are Permanent. You may only have one Alliance. Choose wisely.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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