Computer Science II - Juniata College

Computer Science II

Spring 2005, Wednesday, 2/9/05

100 points

Name _____________________________

Explain or give the UNIX or vi commands or keystrokes to do the following tasks.

[29 pts]

1. Display all details of files found in your current directory. __________________[2]

2. Display java source files found in /academic/cs2 _________________________________ [2]

3. Create a subdirectory called proj5. ___________________________[2]

4. Move all .java files in your current directory to this subdirectory proj5 ________________________[2]

5. Delete all files that contain tmp in the name from your current directory. __________________________[2]

6. Change your current working directory up to the parent directory ________________________[2]

7. Display only the first 10 lines of the file . ______________________[2]

8. Begin capturing the screen display to a file for printing later. ____________________ [1]

9. Start the visual editor on file ______________________[2]

10. Compile the code in ____________________________[2]

11. What keystroke cancels a program in Unix? ____

What keystroke designates end of input in Unix? ____

What character designates the current directory? _____

What characters designate the directory one level up? _____ [4]

12. Which file may contain alias commands c-shell? _________________________ [1]

13. Run the Java program prog using the file data as a command line argument. __________________________________________________[2]

14. Run the Unix program filter using the file data for input and pipe the output stream through more. __________________________________________________[3]

15. Give the keystroke(s) in vi to perform the following actions

[8 pts]

_____ move the cursor up 1 line (1 char)

_____ start insertion mode (1 char)

_____ end insert mode (1 char)

_____ repeat the previous editing operation (1 char)

_____ delete the current line (2 chars)

_____undo the previous action (1 character)

_____exit and save the file (2 chars)

_____ exit and do not save the file or its changes (3 chars)

15. Arrays.

[10 pts]

a. Give a code segment to define an integer array of 100 elements and a for loop that initializes each element to its index (element 0 contains a 0, element 9 contains a 9, etc.). [7]

b. Explain how a two-dimension array is an array of arrays. A drawing is permissible. [3]

16. Abstract Data Types. (True/False)

[5 pts]

a. ____ The ArrayList class is found in the package java.util.

b. ____ The ArrayList requires the use of wrappers in order to store ints and doubles.

c. ____ All ADTs implemented as Java classes ultimately inherit from the Object class.

d. ____ An abstract class can be used to define shared methods and instance variables inheritable by related subclasses.

e. ____ An ADT defines the data organization and its operations, but not necessarily the implementation.

17. Object-oriented programming design principles.

[8 pts]

b. A ________-condition specifies what must be true at the beginning of a method and a ____________________ specifies what must be true at the end of a method. These assertions provide a form of a contract between the ____________ and the implementer.

a. The Information Hiding Principle specifies that the user of a module is provided only the necessary information to _________ the module and that the ___________________________ is provided only the necessary information to ______________________ the module.

c. Testing a module knowing its function but not necessarily its implementation is called ___________- box testing while ___________ -box testing ensures each control path is tested in the implementation.

18. Miscellaneous Java concepts (True/False)

[10 pts]

a. _____ Each Java class should be defined in its own separate file with the extension .java and that file name must match the class name.

b _____ The contents of the .class file are called bytecodes, which are machine independent.

c. _____ Garbage collection in Java must be started by the user to recover memory from the unreferenced objects.

d. _____ The toString method that can be defined for each class is an example of an accessor.

j. _____ Protected variables are inheritable but still private to the user of the subclass.

e. _____ An iterator ensures that all elements of a collection can be sequentially accessed.

f. _____ A class that is inherited from an existing class is called a superclass.

g. _____A class is one usually composed of public instance variables and private methods.

h. _____The Exception class has the property of being throwable.

i. _____ Two strings compared by the compareTo() results in an integer.

19. Number the steps of the software development cycle (Waterfall method) from 1 to 6 in correct order.

[5 pts]

_____ Design _____ User request

_____ Analysis _____ Implementation

_____ Integration _____ Maintenance

20. We have discussed the differences in the implementations between an UnsortedStringList and SortedStringList. Describe for each of the abstract operations how the operation is best accomplished in a sorted setting and an unsorted setting

[9 pts]

|Abstract operation |For UnsortedStringLists |For SortedStringLists |

|Insert a new element into the | | |

|list | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Delete the first element from | | |

|the list | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Determine if an element exists | | |

|in the list | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

21. Below is a segment of code similar from class and your project. Assume classes Date is a class that holds the day, month and year along with a String description. A constructor can take three integers and a String, or another date instance and a string. IncDate inherits from Date and adds the increment method that advances the day by one. In both cases the toString() function prints the date in mo/day/yr format and a function getDescription() returns the description string.

[16 pts]

0 try {

1 IncDate [] events;

2 events = new IncDate[10];

3 events[0] = new IncDate (1,17,2005, “Classes start”);

4 events[1] = new IncDate (2,2,2005, “Groundhog Day”);


6 IncDate today = new IncDate(2,9,2005,”CS 240 Exam 1”);

7 IncDate tomorrow = new IncDate(today,”Work on Program 3”);

8 tomorrow.increment();

9 events[2] = today;

10 events[3] = tomorrow;

11 events[4] = new IncDate (5,4,2005,”Reading Day”);

12 } catch (Exception e) {

13 System.out.println(“Error in initialization: “+e.getMessage());

14 }

15 for(i=0; i ................

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