Indiana State School Music Association

Indiana State School Music Association

Parent Information Newsletter

The following information is being provided by the host of the upcoming ISSMA Organization event in which your child will be participating. Please take a few moments to read the provided information to assist you and your child for this important performance opportunity.

PERFORMANCE : Indiana State School Music Association

Organizational Festival for Bands, Orchestras, and Choirs


1500 East Michigan Street

Indianapolis, Indiana (downtown area) 46201

When you first arrive at Arsenal Technical High School, please use the north parking facility. This is accessible as follows: When you come north on Arsenal, turn left onto Michigan, get in the far right lane, and turn right at the next stoplight, which is Oriental and borders our campus. Head north on Oriental to the SECOND set of gates (these are double gates). Turn right into those gates and head up into the north parking lot as it curves to the left. The cafeteria/music building and auditorium are due south down the wide sidewalk. Signs will be also be posted. Check-in is in the cafeteria, warmup and sightreading rooms are on the 2nd floor of Moon Hall (cafeteria/music building), and adjudicated performances are in the auditorium, which is on the north side of Moon Hall.

It is MOST IMPORTANT that you follow and are aware of the following guidelines:

1. Once a performance has begun, NO ONE will be allowed to enter the performance area until all three musical selections are complete. Therefore, please plan to arrive no later than 15 – 20 minutes prior to your child’s performance time.

2. Some performance sites have multiple performance rooms, be sure to locate and identify the correct performance area prior to entry.

3. Please be courteous of all performers, host officials, and the host facilities. It is allowable and encouraged that you applaud a fine performance.

4. Electronic devices such as cell phones, pagers, and watches should be turned off or placed on a muted setting prior to entry of a performance room.

5. Concessions will be available in the cafeteria. However, food or drink is NOT PERMITTED outside the cafeteria

6. Every ensemble is performing music selected by the teacher for a panel of adjudicators. Ratings, not placings, are provided to each group based upon the rating established by the total panel.

Thank you for making a sound investment by supporting your child in such a wonderful educational opportunity.

Should you need further information, the Arsenal Tech Music Office phone number is 693-5328. Please feel free to call!


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