Art design and craft room - GENERIC RISK ASSESSMENT

|RISK ASSESSMENT |Practical lessons during Covid 19 pandemic | |[pic] |

|LORETO COLLEGE |Assessment by: S Cooke |Date: August 2018 | | |

|Review Date: |Approved by: |Date: | | |

|HAZARD |HAZARD RATING |Who may be |Normal control measures |Additional Control measures |Amended hazard |

| | |harmed | | |rating |

|SUPERVISION/CLASS |Medium |Students & Staff|Group sizes appropriate to the design & size of the room, nature of the task, |Splitting the class into smaller group if |Low |

|SIZES | | |equipment, age, ability, aptitude and special education needs of students |task requires it | |

| | | |Where possible, students encouraged to maintain a social distance of 1 metre and | | |

| | | |avoid close face- to- face working | | |

| | | |Year group ‘bubbles’ maintained to prevent unnecessary contact between groups | | |

| | | |Teacher to maintain a 2 metre distance from students if possible and wear a face | | |

| | | |covering if not | | |

| | | |Wherever possible, there should be 2 members of staff to supervise and manage | | |

| | | |practical activities | | |

| | | |Demonstrations involving students crowding at the front should be avoided & | | |

| | | |visualisers used where possible. | | |

|USE OF EQUIPMENT |Medium |Students/ |All those involved in practical work should wash their hands prior to handling | |Low |

| | |Staff |equipment and afterwards/ at the end of the lesson, using antibacterial soap, | | |

| | | |warm water and paper towels | | |

| | | |Wherever possible, students should work with the equipment at their workstation | | |

| | | |or their own materials eg. Art kits at KS3. | | |

| | | |Equipment may be shared between students in the same ‘bubble’ but will need to be| | |

| | | |cleaned or quarantined for no less than 48 hours before use by pupils in other | | |

| | | |‘bubbles’. | | |

| | | |Teachers will need their own set of equipment for demonstrations and must not | | |

| | | |share these with students. | | |

|USE OF ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT |Low/ |Students/ |Any handheld electrical equipment should be cleared away at the end of the | |Low |

| |Medium |Staff |session and cleaned by a member of staff or quarantined for no less than 48 hours| | |

| | | |prior to being stored away for future use. | | |

| | | |Machines or other fixed equipment that have been used should be cleaned by wiping| | |

| | | |with suitable cleaning products and allowing to dry. | | |

|CLEANING |High |Student |Furniture, including benches, tools and larger equipment will need to be wiped | |Medium/low |

| | | |with antibacterial wipes or sprayed with disinfectant between groups from | | |

| | | |different ‘bubbles’. | | |

| | | |Smaller, handheld equipment can either be wiped with antibacterial wipes, | | |

| | | |immersed in a solution of disinfectant or cleaned in the dishwasher (food | | |

| | | |equipment only). | | |

| | | |Equipment that has become dirty during an activity needs to be cleaned before it | | |

| | | |is disinfected. The cleaning may be done by a student, as long as this is then | | |

| | | |checked and disinfected by a member of staff. | | |

| | | |Bleach/ chlorine free disinfectants work on bare metals, while textiles and | | |

| | | |plastics can be disinfected with Milton or similar products. | | |

| | | |In order for the disinfectant to work, it needs to be in contact with the surface| | |

| | | |for the time specified on the product, normally 10- 20 minutes. | | |

| | | |Food utensils should be quarantined rather than disinfected. | | |

|PPE |Medium |Student |Teachers should not attempt practical work where eye protection is required but | |Low |

| | |/Staff |not available. | | |

| | | |Eye protection should be sanitised by fully immersing in a Milton bath. | | |

| | | |Oven gloves are considered as close contact PPE, so will need to be soaked in a | | |

| | | |bath of disinfectant for 20 minutes after use. If they are dirty, they will also | | |

| | | |need washing. | | |

| | | |Aprons are not considered PPE but it is still advisable for students to wear | | |

| | | |their own apron. Spare aprons which are lent out must be washed at a high | | |

| | | |temperature between uses. | | |

| | | |In the case of an emergency where a member of staff needs to break the 2 metre | | |

| | | |distancing rule in order to provide care to a student, the following kit should | | |

| | | |be available in each practical area in addition to the normal first aid kit: | | |

| | | |disposable gloves, a fluid- resistant face mask, a disposable plastic apron, | | |

| | | |disposable eye protection/ face shield/ plastic bags for the disposal of used | | |

| | | |equipment. | | |



|7/ 6/ 18 | | |


|28/ 8/ 20 | |Some small amendments made due to new equipment purchased eg. printing press |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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