Extension Waupaca County


ARTS & CRAFTS / VISUAL ARTS RECORD (for projects: stencil paint, block print, metal enameling, ceramics, leather craft, basketry, Latino cultural arts, macramé, creative stitchery, Art)

Member Name__________________________________________________________ Grade (January 1) __________

Years in project __________ Number of project meetings held _________ Number attended __________

Check all that apply to your project:

DRAWING & PAINTING – I used the following medias/techniques:

_____ oil _____ acrylic _____ charcoal _____ pastels _____markers or

_____ crayons _____ chalks _____ graphite pencil felt tip pens

_____ colored pencils _____ ink _____ scratch art _____ water colors

_____ poster board _____ canvas board _____ tempera _____ any other, please list: ____________

Put P for Painting and/or D for Drawing for the following you did:

_____ portrait _____ still life _____ animal/bird _____ figure drawing

_____ perspective _____ landscape _____ abstract _____ any other surface, list: ____________

_____ splatter _____ poster _____ combination _____ computer generated


_____ glazed _____ stained

_____ dry-brushed _____ any holiday

_____ food safe _____ combination, please list ______________________________________________

_____ any other, please list _____________________________________________________________________________

_____ free form, list types ______________________________________________________________________________

CHECK the items you did:

_____ shape 2-d/3-d _____ space _____ bead jewelry _____ pony bead

_____ any other beads _____ stained glass _____ glass etching _____ basketry

_____ macramé _____ tie dyeing _____ paper stenciling _____ wood stenciling

_____ scrapbooking _____ cloth stenciling _____ any other stenciling: ___________________________

_____string art _____ batik _____ creative stitchery _____ plastic canvas

_____ rubber stamp wood _____ rubber stamp other _____ rubber stamp paper_____ rubber stamp cloth

_____ paper mache _____ sand art _____ metal art _____ embellished shirt

_____self-determined _____lost art _____recycled, upcycled _____stepping stone

_____ leather craft

_____ mosaics (seeds, paper, stones, glass, combination, other): ________________________________________________

_____ any other, list: __________________________________________________________________________________

Describe your most challenging project: ___________________________________________________________________

Describe the project you most enjoyed doing: _______________________________________________________________

List any project talks, demonstrations, or tours: ______________________________________________________________


Waupaca County Arts & Crafts/Visual Arts Record

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|Name of Article |Cost of Material |Article Worth* |Labor (time it |Placing at Fair |

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*Estimate article worth by checking in catalogs, at craft fairs, etc.

Total number of articles I made: __________ R12/06


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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