8th grade Math & Science - Weebly

8th grade Science

Welcome to 8th grade! Math and Science are the core classes that are part of a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) curriculum. This year in Science we will be implementing the new NGSS Science standards. Math is often integrated as it is used in Science all the time in the real world. Below is some basic information about the expectations of 8th grade Science.

What supplies do you need? These are the most often used items

For Science – a notebook dedicated to Science class only (either spiral bound or the composition type is fine), pencils, pens (blue or black ink), folder, lined paper, markers, colored pencils, a highlighter

You may use a binder instead of a folder to hold onto loose papers and returned work. 8th grade is about learning and preparing for high school, so you decide (folders or binder) on which organizational strategy works best for you. Some place to put papers instead of the bottomless pit of a backpack is preferred. It is the student’s responsibility to hang onto their work throughout the trimester.

You will be using a textbook, tablets, and websites this year. Take good care of your textbook. If you damage or lose it, you will be responsible for a fine or replacement fee. If you have your own tablet you may use it in class when directed to do so. Homework often requires doing research on the internet.

Grading policies

We use a variety of teaching methods to address the different learning styles of our students. Inquiry Science methods are used to learn scientific concepts. Students construct knowledge through hands-on and minds-on activities. Student notebooks are crucial in students making sense of their world. Assignments that are handed in will be graded as follows:

90% - 100% = A

80% - 89% = B

70% - 79% = C

60% - 69% = D

0 % - 59% = F

Active class participation is crucial to learning. Students who find it necessary to use class time to socialize will often find themselves in detention or missing out of the fun activities. One method of grading class participation is through the use of “Warm Ups”. Each day begins by answering a Warm Up question and writing down the agenda on the green sheet. If you are interested in knowing what your child did in Science on any given day, ask to look at the green sheet. They turn them in for points every other week.

Late Work and Make-Up Policy

Turning work in on time is very important. If you are absent and it is a verified absence, you can of course have an extra day to turn in an assignment that was assigned while you were absent. However, late work may not be accepted on long term projects. If 2 – 4 weeks is given to work on a project, being late will result in a reduced grade. Do not procrastinate on your projects.


1 – Be in your seat ready to begin the Warm Up BEFORE the bell rings.

2 - Be prepared with materials.

3 – Use technology only as directed by your instructor.

4 – Be respectful to ALL.

5 – Actively engage yourself in the learning opportunities each day.

Students are expected to abide by these expectations. Students who meet these expectations help create a safe learning environment for ALL students to learn. Students receive praise and other positive reinforcements for meeting these expectations in addition to the satisfied feeling of having learned so many things; however if a student should have trouble meeting these expectations they may receive detention and parents will receive an email or phone call. Most behavior issues are dealt with in class, but contact with a parent or a detention means the student has not responded to in class warnings.

Further information about being on time (tardies), absences, homework policies, etc can be viewed online at the school’s website: Click on Parent/Student Agreements to view many documents with all kinds information - Class starts on time and class begins when the tardy bell rings. Students should be in their seat by the time the bell rings.

Lab Safety

In Science there are many safety guidelines that must be followed. These guidelines are outlined in the Science textbook and we will go over them in detail during the first two weeks of school and as we do certain labs during the course of the year.

Requested Items

Since there is no longer a budget for the Science Department we are requesting a $10 donation for lab materials. 8th graders do lots of labs, especially in Chemistry and 7th graders have historically done dissections, with no budget this year we are requesting your $10 donation so we may continue the success of our Science program here at Art Freiler School. If you need a receipt for tax purposes, please email Mrs. T at mthorburn@

As we go through the year, we often run out of other materials and those materials are typically replenished through the teacher’s own pocket. If you can donate any of the items listed below it will be greatly appreciated:

* ream of white copy paper * glue sticks * markers

* masking tape * duct tape * white board dry erase markers

* scissors * white glue * box of tissue

* plastic Ziploc baggies * Post It notes (variety of sizes, colors)

We look forward to an exciting year. Many things happen in 8th grade as they prepare themselves for high school, so if you have any questions, please email me for the fastest response. Mrs. Thorburn for 8th grade Science at mthorburn@ Please sign below that you have read through this. If you list your email address, we can add you to our contact list. You might receive an email letting you know of an upcoming event or due date.

_________________________ student name

_________________________ Parent signature

_________________________ print parent name

_________________________ email addresses (give more than one if you like)

What type of work do you do? (for career day data)

Parent/guardian 1 - ____________________________________

Parent/ guardian 2 - ____________________________________

This year we will be using Edmodo in Science. Edmodo is a free and secure learning network for teachers, students, and schools. It provides a safe way for teachers and students to connect, share content, access homework, participate in discussions, manage due dates, and receive class information. Students can access class notes, turn in assignments, get feedback on their work, and take online quizzes to assess their understanding of the curriculum.

Edmodo is accessible online and through any mobile device with Internet capabilities – including free apps for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and Android devices. Students can access their account from any mobile device or computer, and set up notifications within Edmodo to receive alerts/reminders via text or e-mail.

Edmodo will not be used as a social network like Facebook or Instagram. This

tool will be used strictly for educational purposes using the following guidelines:

( Students will be required to use appropriate grammar instead of texting language

( Edmodo does not allow private student-to-student messaging - the site will be used to discuss school-related content only, and the teacher will monitor all Edmodo activity

( No put-downs or sarcasm toward another’s ideas. All school rules and consequences related to harassment apply

Students who violate the guidelines above may face disciplinary action and/or face losing the privilege of using Edmodo.

Loading... You can also sign up for a parent account that is linked to the student account, and will help keep you informed of due dates, assignments, current events, school events, important resources, and any direct communication between your child and me. The web address is I look forward to a great year as we incorporate the use of technology into our classroom curriculum. If you have any questions, please contact me at mthorburn@

Thank you, Mrs. Maralee Thorburn


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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