Bonita Unified School District

Bonita Unified School District

Course Description

Course Content

Chaparral High School Mr. Martinez

ART Class

Course Name:

• The Art Class. This is a visual art class that is a Fine Arts or a Fine Arts Elective class. In the first semester we study and draw in different mediums, while in the second semester we work on projects and different artists... The Art class is year round.

Course Goals and /or Major Student Outcome (ESLR’S)

• Fall- To learn the basic fundamentals of Art and how it is used in a visual setting for class assignments. This class will allow the student to hone their skills in drawing and painting in different and various elements: pencil, charcoal, water colors, etc. In addition, the student will develop perceptual skills and analyze art elements/principals of design. In addition, the student will learn how to prepare a portfolio of two and three dimensional works of art, review, and refine observational drawing skills and communicate/ express through original art works/projects.

• Spring-The student will continue to hone their skills learned through the first semester with new mediums not taught in the prior semester using projects for competitions throughout the community but will also be given time during the semester to understand the historical contributions of the visual art spectrum (different artists and their works) in addition to analyzing and comparing/contrasting different styles of works in the visual realm.

ESLR’s that the class will follow will be:

• ESLR 1. Collaborative Worker who is a team player.

• ESLR 2. Complex, Critical Thinker who solves problems based on sound reasoning: Applies introspective skills in setting achievable goals.

• ESLR 3. Goal-Oriented, Self-Directive, Responsible, Quality Producer who communicates effectively; Develops intellectual, artistic, practical and physical works.

• ESLR 4. Technologically Skilled Person who utilizes the Internet: Integrates technology in all aspects of their lives.

Course Standards or Specific Learning Objectives

• The students will be working individually towards mastery, using the California State Standards as a guide. Using the State Standards, the students will be developing in the areas of organization, motivation, performance, and working in unison to fulfill the class requirements ().

Grading and Assessments

• The class uses the traditional A-F grading scale with Work Habits and Cooperation grades included.

• Assessments are done by tests, different class projects (following both classroom standards and California State Standards). In addition, the students will have the option to show their work throughout Bonita Unified School District and the local community.


• Credit is given at least every fifteen days. Staying on task is very important. If the student does not participate and produce in their class work assignment, the student will not receive participation points for the day. This can and will push back the day or day’s the student would have received their credit.

• Digital High School Papers and Outside Performance Credits are two ways the student can receive anywhere from one credit to three credit outside the classroom. These projects cover research papers to an actual performance that the student may do outside of the class time. Check with Mr. Martinez for information.

Instructional Methods and/or Strategies

Primary Method:

• Direct instruction by teacher for class content (lecture, direction, advisor, teacher).

• Independent work outside the classroom with teacher approved projects.

Text and Supplemental Instructional Materials

• Short Lessons in Art History (Phyllis Clausen Barker)

• Exploring Art Media (Barbara H. Shannon)

• Various projects from instructor


Videos that we use in class:

• Michelangelo : Artist and Man

• The Agony and the Ecstasy

• Art of the Western World

• Introduction to Design Principals

• Other pertinent videos approved by BUSD and those that follow California State Standards


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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