
FloricultureRevised 6/2019 2021 VersionPurpose and StandardsThe Floriculture Career Development Event seeks to effectively prepare students for the expectations of the agricultural floral industry. Students seeking careers in the floricultural field must develop a high degree of knowledge and skill, and also use critical thinking and oral communication skills. They will be able to demonstrate quality evaluation by judging potted foliage plants, cut flowers, flowering potted plants, and floral design classes. The students will identify the many cut flowers, potted plants, and tools and materials commonly used in the floral industry. Students will also demonstrate their design ability with flowers to wear, flowers to carry, and a floral design according to the floral industry standards. Students will also demonstrate their knowledge of the floral industry with a written test. California Career Technical Education Model Curriculum Standards addressed by this event include:Foundation Standards: 2.0 Communications – 2.4; 1.1; 2.2 a, b, c, f; 5.0 Problem Solving and Critical Thinking; 6.0 Health and Safety.Career Pathway Standards: Agriscience Pathway C11.2; Forestry and Natural Resources Pathway E8.2; Ornamental Horticulture Pathway F1.4, F1.5, F9.0, F11.0 ContestantsTeams shall consist of four members. The scores of the four team members shall be combined for the team score. All team members are eligible for individual awards. State finals contest will consist of a preliminary round and a final round. The preliminary round will be held on Monday April 26, 2021 and the final round will be held Wednesday May 5, 2021. To qualify for the final round, a team must be in the top 12 teams after the preliminary round. The preliminary round will consist of three identification classes, three judging classes, the 25-question exam, and one reasons class. In the preliminary round, in the case of a tie, the arrangements judging class will be used as the tiebreaker. The top 12 teams will be notified and emailed directly after the preliminary round tabulations. Preliminary round scores will be added to the final round scores for construction. ClassesThe contest will be scored on 900 points per individual/3600 points per team. Individually the contest will be scored as follows:ClassIndividual PointsTeam PointsA. 1 class of plants (foliage or flowering)50 200B. 1 class of cut flowers 50200C. 1 class of floral design50 200D. 1 class of reasons50200E. Identification (25 each of Cut Flowers, Potted Plant, and Tools/Materials)3001200F. Construction (1 design)100400G. Written Test (25 questions)100 400TOTAL700 2800Tie BreakerThe team or individual scoring the highest reason score(s) will be with winner.If a tie still exists, the total score of the individual or team will be used to determine the high individual or team.Sub-contest AwardsSub-contest awards will be given for high teams and individuals in the following areas: Judging, Reasons, Identification, Construction. (Reasons are not included in judging sub-contest score.)RulesThere will be seven portions of the contest. They will be labeled A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. These shall consist of: One class of commercially marketable cut flowers; one class of flowering or foliage potted plants; one class of floral design from one of the five basic design styles; asymmetrical, symmetrical, L-shaped, horizontal, vertical; one portion of identification including 25 from the cut flower list, 25 from the potted plant list, and 25 items from the tool/materials list (identification items must be grouped by category); a construction assessment including flowers to carry, and a written test. Reasons will be given on one of the three classes judged.Reasons will be scored from 0 to 50 points based on the following criteria:1. Subject matter60%2. Logic and force30%3. Bearing and address10%Ten minutes will be allowed for judging each reasons class and five minutes for each non-reasons judging class. Two minutes per contestant will be allowed for presentation of oral reasons.Classes of cut flowers: four vases of six flowers each. Flowers will be displayed so that the condition of the flowers does not change throughout the contest. Flower classes will be selected from the following list only.? CARNATIONS; STANDARD OR SPRAY CHRYSANTHEMUMS; SNAPDRAGONS; STOCK; GLADIOLUS; and ROSES.? Class of flowering potted plants: four specimens. Flowering potted plants will be selected from the following list only.? CHRYSANTHEMUM; GLOXINIA; CINERARIA; AFRICAN VIOLET; AZALEA, LILY and HYDRANGEA.? Class of potted foliage plants: four specimens. Potted foliage plants will be selected from the following list only.? DEVIL'S IVY (POTHOS); PEPEROMIA; RUBBER PLANT; DIEFFENBACHIA; BOSTON FERN; and PARLOR PALM.Contestants are only allowed to bring the following items to the contest with them:Florist’s KnifeFlorist’s ShearsFlorist’s ScissorsWire CuttersCold Glue (floral adhesive)Identification - Students will be allowed 45 minutes for the identification section. Items will be selected to include 25 from each list, for a total of 75 items. All items will be recorded on a single scantron. Construction – Students will be allowed 30 minutes to complete the construction portion. Students will construct one design within their time allotted and may choose how to distribute their time and materials provided. Written Test – Students will be allowed 30 minutes to complete a written test of 25 questions. Questions will address elements and principles of design as well as industry information. A question test bank of 250 questions will be created by the coaches of the top five floral teams from State Finals. Each question will be worth four points each for a total value of 100 points. Resources for the test include all materials identified in the “Study Materials” for the California State Floral Association’s California Certified Florist exam.Flower and Color Guide produced by the California Cut Flower CommissionFlower and Plant Care and Handling by the Society of American Florists (SAF)The Art of Floral Design by Norah T. Hunter, Delmar Cengage LearningAIFD Guide to Floral Design: Terms, Techniques and Traditions by AIFDPrinciples of Floral Design by Pat Diehl Scace and James DelPrinceJudging/Construction Terms Which May Need ExplanationCultural Perfection - the physical appearance of the plant clearly indicates the skill of the grower.Pot to Plant Relationship - plant should be in proportion to the size of the pot. Rule of thumb, plant should be 1 1/2 times that of the pot.Balance - A visual stability created by the placement of weight and attraction in the arrangement. A physical balance of the completed arrangement.Color Harmony - Colors used which work well together and reinforce the overall design.Depth - Placing flowers further back from the central vertical axis to create a change of plane.Focal Point - Created by the placement of one or more mass flowers at the middle of the design, on the rim of the container.Form - Designing an arrangement of the proposed form (i.e., symmetrical triangle)Proportion - The size relationship between elements of the whole.Radiation - Stems should originate (radiate) from the central vertical axis.Rhythm - How the viewer's eye flows through the arrangement as a response to the flow of material and color.Scale - Size relationship of the individual component parts.Spacing - The flowers at the focal point are the closest together and as you move away from the focal point, the flowers are progressively spaced farther and farther apart.Texture - The reaction to the surface of the material; rough, smooth, glossy, dull.? Cut Flowers Identification: Twenty-five cut marketable items will be selected from the following list to be included in the overall group of 75 identification items. Each will be scored at four points per item, for a total of 100 points possible for Cut Flowers.AAchillea filipendulinaYarrowBAgapanthus africanusAgapanthusCAlpinia purpurataGingerDAlstroemeria aurantiacaAlstroemeriaEAmaranthusAmaranthusABAmmi majusQueen Anne’s LaceACAnemone coronariaAnemoneADAnthericum saundersiaeLily GrassAEAnthirrhinum majusSnapdragonBCAnthurium andraeanumAnthuriumBDAsparagus asparagoidesSmilaxBEAsparagus plumosusPlumosa FernCDAsparagus retrofractusMing FernCEAsparagus setaceousTree FernDEAsparagus sprengeriiSprengeri FernABCAster ericoides ‘Monte Casino’Monte Casino AsterABDAstilbe hybridAstilbeABEBanksia sp.BanksiaACDBuxus sp.BoxwoodACECallistephus chinensisChina AsterADECamellia japonicaCamelliaBCDCelosia argenteaCockscombBCECentaurea cyanusBachelors ButtonBDEChamaedorea edorCDEChamelaucium speciesWaxflowerABCDCordyline terminalisTi LeavesABCECosmos spp.CosmosABDECymbidium cv.Cymbidium OrchidACDECyperus papyrusPapyrus FoliageBCDEDahlia hybridsDahliaABCDEDelphinium ajacisLarkspurADelphinium elatumDelphiniumBDendranthema morifoliumSpray of Pompon ChrysanthemumCDendranthema morifoliumStandard ChrysanthemumDDendrobium cv.Dendrobium OrchidEDianthus barbatusSweet WilliamABDianthus caryophyllusSpray CarnationACDianthys caryophyllusStandard CarnationADEcheveriaHens & ChicksAEEquisetum hyemaleHorsetailBCErica carneaHeatherBDEucalyptus polyanthemosSilver Dollar EucalyptusBEEucalyptus pulverulentaSpiral EucalyptusCDEustoma grandifloraLisianthusDEForsythia spp.ForsythiaABCFreesia refractaFreesiaABDGalax urceolataGalax LeafABEGardenia jasminoidesGardeniaACDGaultheria shallonLemon LeafACEGenista sp.Scotch BroomADEGerbera jamesoniiGerberaBCDGladiolus hybridaGladiolusBCEGypsophila Baby’s BreathBDEHelianthus annuusSun FlowerCDEHeliconia speciesHeliconiaABCDIris xyphiumDutch IrisABCELathyrus odoratusSweet PeaACDELeptospermum scopariumLeptospermumABDELeucadendron spp.LeucadendronBCDELeucospermum sp.Pincushion ProteaABCDELiatris calliepisLiatrisALilium sp.Asiatic LilyBLilium sp.Oriental LilyCLimonium hybrids‘Misty Series’ StaticeDLimonium pereziiSea Lavender StaticeELimonium sinuatumAnnual StaticeABLysimachia clethroidesLysimachiaACMagnolia grandifloraMagnolia foliageADMathiola incanaStockAEMolluccella laevisBells of IrelandBCMyrtus communisTall MyrtleBDNarcissus pseudo-narcissusDaffodilBENerine hybridsNerine LilyCDOncidium spp.Oncidium OrchidCEOrnithogalum thyrsoidesStar of BethlehemDEPaeoniaPeonyABCPhalaeonopsis cv.Phalaeonopsis OrchidABDPhormium tenax cv.New Zealand FlaxABEPittosporum tobriaPittosporumACDPolianthes tuberoseTuberoseACEProtea sp.ProteaADEPteris sp.Brake FernBCDRanunculus asiaticusRanunculusBCERhaminus californicaCoffeeberry (hypericum berry)BDERosa hybridaRoseCDERumohra adiantiformisLeatherleaf FernABCDRuscus aculeatusItalian RuscusABCERuscus sp. (hypoglossum or hypophyllum)Israeli RuscusABDESalix discolorPussywillowACDESalix matsudana ‘Tortuosa’Curly WillowBCDEScabiosa spp.Scabiosa FlowerABCDESenecio cineraria“Diamond” / Dusty MillerASolidagoSolidago (solid aster)BStephanotis floribundaStephanotisCStrelitzia reginaeBird of ParadiseDSyringa vulgarisLilacETulipa cv.TulipABTypha spp.CattailsACVeronica cultivarVeronicaAEXerophyllum tenax Bear GrassBCZantedeschia aethiopicaCalla LilyPotted Plant Identification: From the following plants, 25 will be selected to be included in the overall group of 75 identification items. Each will be scored at four points per item, for a total of 100 points possible for Potted Plants.AAechmea fasciataBromeliadBAglaonema modestumChinese EvergreenCAnthurium speciesAnthuriumDAphelandra squarrosaZebra PlantEAraucaria heterophyllaNorfolk Island PineABAspidistra elatiorCast Iron PlantACAsplenium nidusBirdsnest FernADBegonia sp.Rieger BegoniaAEBrassaia (Schefflera) actinophyllaUmbrella TreeBCCaladium bicolorCaladiumBDCalathea speciesCalatheaBEChamaedorea elegansParlor PalmCDChlorophytum comosumSpider PlantCECissus rhombifoliaGrape IvyDECodaeum variegatumCrotonABCColeus blumeiColeusABDCrassula argenteaJade PlantABECyclamen persicumCyclamenACDDieffenbachia sp.Dumb CaneACEDizygotheca elegantissimaFalse AraliaADEDracaena fragransCorn PlantBCDDracaena marginataRed Edge DracaenaBCEEuphorbia pulcherrimaPoinsettiaBDEEuphorbia splendensCrown of ThornsCDEExacum affinePersian VioletABCDFatsia japonicaJapanese AraliaABCEFicus benjaminaWeeping Chinese FigABDEFicus elastica ‘Decora’Rubber TreeBCDEFittonia verschaffeltii argyroneuraWhite FittoniaABCDEFuchsia hybridaFuchsiaAGibasis geniculataBridal VeilBGynura aurantiacaVelvet PlantCHedera helixEnglish IvyDHippeastrum vittatumAmaryllisEHoya carnosaWax PlantABHyacinthus orientalisHyacinthACHydrangea macrophyllaHydrangeaADHypoestes sanguinolentaPolka-Dot PlantAEImpatiens sultaniiImpatiensBCKalanchoe blossfeldianaKalanchoeBDLilium longiflorumEaster LillyBEMaranta leuconeuraPrayer PlantCDMonstera deliciosaSplit-Leaf PhilodendronCENarcissus sp.PaperwhitesDENephrolepis exalta ‘Bostoniensis’Boston FernABCPelargonium hortorumGeraniumABDPelargonium peltatumIvy GeraniumABEPeperomia caperataEmerald Ripple PeperomiaACDPeperomia obstusifoliaWax Leaf PeperomiaACEPeperomia obstusifolia ‘Variegata’Variegated PeperomiaADEPhilodendron oxycardiumHeartleaf PhilodendronBCDPilea cadiereiAluminum PlantBCEPlectranthus australisSwedish IvyBDERhaphidophora aureusGolden PothosCDERhododendron indicaAzaleaABCDSaintpaulia ionanthaAfrican VioletABCESansevieria trifasciataSnake PlantABDESansevieria trifasciata ‘Hahnii’Birdsnest Snake PlantBCDESchlumbergera bridgesiiChristmas CactusABCDESenecio cruentusCinerariaASinningia speciosaGloxiniaBSpathiphyllum spp.Peace LilyCSyngonium podophylumArrowhead PlantDTolmiea menziesiiPiggy-back PlantETradescantia, Zebrina speciesWandering JewTools and Materials Identification: From the following tools and materials, 25 will be selected to be included in the overall group of 75 identification items. Each will be scored at four points per item, for a total of 100 points possible for Tools/Materials.A Aqua Pics B Bouquet HoldersC Boutonniere PinD Bud VaseE Care TagAB Cardette AC Casket SaddleAD Chenille StemAE Clear Vinyl LinerBC CompoteBD Corsage BagBE Corsage PinCD Crushed StyrofoamCE Curling RibbonDEEnclosure CardABCExcelsiorABDFabric ScissorsABEFloral FoamACDFloratapeADEFlorist EaselBCDFlorist KnifeBCEFlorist Shears/SnipsBDEFoam CageCDEGlass GemsABCDGlass MarblesABCEGlue GunACDEGlue SticksBCDEGrapevine Wreath or GarlandABCDEGreen Enameled Florist Wire #18AGreen Enameled Florist Wire #24BGreen Enameled Florist Wire #30CGreening Pins (Fern Pins)DHot Glue PanEKenzon (Pin Holder)ABLatex BalloonACMetal PickADMetallic FoilAEMylar BalloonBCNetBDOrchid TubeBEPaddle WireCDPan GlueCEPaper Mache LinerDEPearl Spray/LoopABCPoly FoilABDPot CoverABEPreserved/Dry Oak LeavesACDPreserved/Dry Wheat ACERaffiaADERibbon #1 1/2BCDRibbon #3BDERibbon #5CDERibbon #9ABCDRibbon #16ABCERibbon #40BCDERose StripperABCDERose VaseAShredded Wax PaperBSingle Design BowlCSpanish MossDSphagnum MossESquare PicksABStephanotis StemsACSteel Pick MachineADStickumAEStyrofoamBCTulleBDWaterproof TapeBEWire CuttersCDWired Wooden PickCEWristletSCORECARDSMARKETABLE CUT FLOWER JUDGING SCORECARDVALUE1. Condition25%uniformityfreedom from bruise and blemishsubstance2. Form 20%uniformitymaturitycorrect shape regular petalage3. Stem and Foliage20%uniformitystrength and straightnessfoliage qualitysize and proportion4. Size 15%uniformitydeduct points in relation to developmentand condition of oversize or undersize5. Color20%uniformityintensityFLOWERING POTTED PLANT JUDGING SCORECARDVALUE1. Cultural Perfection30%general symmetrygood foliage colorfreedom from diseaseinsect pestsmechanical injury2. Floriferousness (effect of: floriferousness)20%placementnumber of flowersdistributionsymmetry of floral display3. Size of plant 20%formgood pot to plant relationshipgood condition -- not spindling4. Color of bloom10%good according to varietyfading5. Size of bloom 10%good according to variety6. Saleability 10%profitability for retail sale of itemsPOTTED FOLIAGE PLANT SCORECARDVALUE1. Cultural Perfection 30%formsymmetry of formplant in good condition – according to industry standards2. Health 20%fungus or bacterial diseaseinsect pestsphysiological diseasemechanical injurysunburn3. Size of plant20%proper pot to plant relationship4. Foliage 30%characteristic for varietycolorfreedom from damagesufficient to cover the plantFLORAL DESIGN SCORECARDVALUE1. Design 50%spacingbalanceproportionscale2. Color 20%harmoniousplacement3. Condition of materials10%materials of good qualityappropriate for style4. Texture 10%appropriate for style5. Finishing Detail10%attention to mechanics, ready for delivery/customerConstruction PortionA 30 minute time limit will be allowed for all contestants to complete their design session. Selected flowers will be provided for each student and each will be free to choose from an assortment of foliage and necessary materials made available by the team coach/advisor. Judging will be done over Zoom through the camera.Team Coaches/Advisors will set up an appropriate workspace for all 4 contestants and set up a Zoom Camera that will allow the contest officials to monitor the construction.Teams that Qualify for Construction will be scheduled a time to enter the Zoom Waiting room. Once admitted the contest official will begin the construction time.At the end of the allotted construction time the team will be sent to the Construction Judging Breakout Room. The official judges will be present and each contestant will present their hand-tied bouquet to the camera. Judges will request the student rotate and display parts of the design for evaluation. Once all team members bouquets have been scored, the team will exit the Zoom. Flowers to CarryA flower bouquet will be constructed by each student. Each student will construct a hand tied bouquet to be carried. The contest site will determine the design style of the bouquet, either spiral or parallel. Appropriate lines, mass, filler flowers, and foliage will be provided in the supply package provided for the construction portion by the team coach/advisor.The flowers to carry category includes bouquets to be held for special events and should be appropriate in size, weight, and design to be suitable for such use.Finished bouquets should be adequately secured and appropriately finished and ready for delivery to a customer.The following scorecard will be used to evaluate each bouquet:FLOWERS TO CARRYPOINTSA. Mechanics20 points B. Color Harmony and Placement15 pointsC. Balance and Shape: visual and physical20 pointsD. Scale: size appropriate for holding10 pointsE. Proportion: relation between elements10 pointsF. Spacing and Rhythm10 pointsG. Depth10 pointsH. Creativity15 pointsTOTAL 100 Points ................

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