Aquaculture Week 2000 - SEAFDEC/AQD

Sci-Art AquaWeek 2016

25 – 29 July 2016

SEAFDEC/AQD's 43rd Anniversary, AQD Museum’s Year 23, FishWorld’s Year 16

Rationale of Sci-Art AquaWeek

The SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department advances responsible aquaculture and supports sustainable development in the Philippines and Southeast Asia. SEAFDEC FishWorld is dedicated to science and environment education of the general public—children, adults, students, teachers, researchers, public officials, tourists, local residents, etc.—

particularly about aquatic ecosystems and biodiversity, aquaculture and fisheries, and marine conservation.

Sci-Art AquaWeek seeks to build understanding and appreciation among school children and teachers in Panay of the research and development work of SEAFDEC/AQD and the relations between aquatic biodiversity, aquaculture, fisheries, human nutrition, and economic advancement. Such understanding is then expressed through contests with various outputs. Sci-Art AquaWeek 2016 focuses on (1) ocean literacy; (2) aquaculture and its importance to food security, and (3) the Philippines being the center of the center of marine biodiversity and how Filipinos should know more about this natural heritage. Six contests are open to all high schools, and four contests are open to all elementary schools. The AquaWeek contests are funded from FishWorld visitor fees; there is no registration fee.

Events during Sci-Art AquaWeek 2016

Date Day Time Events

25 Jul Mon 8 am–5 pm Mural Painting: “Ocean literacy in the Philippines” HS

2–5 pm Ocean Literacy Quiz: “The Philippines is a water country” HS

26 Jul Tue 9 am–12 nn Powerpoint Lecture (by HS Teachers): “Ocean literacy for Grades 9–12” HS

1–5 pm Conchology Quiz: “Mollusk architecture and identity” HS

27 Jul Wed 8 am–12 nn Bring, Show, and Tell (by ES Teachers): “Ocean literacy for Grades 5–6” ES

2–5 pm Nutrition and Aquaculture Quiz : “Kilalanin ang pagkain”   ES

28 Jul Thu 8 am–12 nn Talentong Dagat: “Awit, sayaw, palabas tungkol sa (buhay) dagat” ES

2–5 pm Aquarium Quiz: “Lantawa kami!” ES

29 Jul Fri 8 am–12 nn Seafood Festival: “Farmed seafood as appetizer, entrée, dessert (set of three)” HS

12 nn Anniversary Lunch: FishWorld is 16!

3–5 pm Award Ceremony (for winners and coaches) HS, ES

Invitations to Principals, descriptions of the contests, and Participation Forms are available from FishWorld, landline (33)-330-7032; telefax (33) 330-7031; and mobile 0921-559-0824; and on the website .ph /aquaweek 2016. Sample quizzes and other information materials may also be downloaded.

In keeping with 21 years’ practice, invitation letters and descriptions of contests are sent to the Principals of about 50 schools in Iloilo and Guimaras when classes start in June. Principals choose contestants and coaches as soon as possible. Students, pupils, teachers, and parents work together and do background research, collect specimens, practice drawing and presenting, and make all related preparations for the competitions in July. Principals fill in the Participation Forms with the contestants’ and coaches’ correct names and submit the forms to SEAFDEC FishWorld, 5021 Tigbauan, Iloilo, or fax them to (33)-330-7031 as soon as possible before Friday, 22 July 2016. The FishWorld staff needs lead time to prepare Certificates of Participation, other materials, and logistics.

Ocean literacy is understanding the influence of the ocean on us and our influence on the ocean (see attached pdf file Ocean Literacy from ). An ocean-literate person:

• understands the essential principles and fundamental concepts about the functioning of the ocean;

• can communicate about the ocean in a meaningful way;

• is able to make informed and responsible decisions regarding the ocean and its resources

The seven essential principles (each supported by several fundamental concepts) are:

1. The Earth has one big ocean with many features.

2. The ocean and life in the ocean shape the features of the Earth.

3. The ocean is a major influence on weather and climate.

4. The ocean makes Earth habitable.

5. The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.

6. The ocean and people are inextricably interconnected.

7. The ocean is largely unexplored.

The Philippines is an archipelagic country with a huge marine territory and 7,107 islands surrounded by various marine habitats with an amazing diversity of species -- fishes, crustaceans, mollusks, corals, echinoderms, other invertebrates, as well as seaweeds, seagrasses, mangroves, sea turtles, dolphins, and whales. The country has 100 million consumers of fish, about 60 million residents of coastal barangays, and probably 20 million workers in fisheries, aquaculture, fish trade, and marine transportation. The ocean and marine biodiversity are essential to daily life in the Philippines. How much do our students know of the importance of the ocean and marine biodiversity, the threats to them, and the interventions implemented by various sectors of society? How much love and respect do our people have for the ocean and marine biodiversity? We should all strive to be ocean-literate.

FishWorld urges students and teachers to visit the AQD library and website (.ph) and find out what the SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department has accomplished in aquaculture research and development. After all, the key to food security is the responsible harvest and use of wild food species through fisheries and the responsible farming of domesticated species through aquaculture (and agriculture). More Filipinos should now take advantage of aquaculture science and current technologies to produce more aquatic products (1) to feed an ever burgeoning national population, (2) to gainfully employ rural communities, (3) to earn foreign exchange, and (3) to conserve and restore aquatic resources.

Schools invited to Sci-Art AquaWeek 2016

Kinaadman Elementary School (ES) Hua Siong College of Iloilo

Santo Domingo ES Philippine Science High School WV

Nanga ES UP High School in Iloilo

Buyuan ES Ramon Avanceña National High School (NHS)

Eugenio Torrento ES Parara NHS

Tigbauan Central ES Tigbauan NHS

Guimbal Central ES Guimbal NHS

Oton Central ES Oton NHS

Iloilo City Central ES Iloilo NHS

Miagao Central ES St Louise de Marillac School, Miag-ao

Leganes ES Leganes NHS

Sta Barbara ES Sta Barbara NHS

Hibao-an ES Dumangas NHS

Namocon ES Colegio del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus, ES, HS

Arroyo ES Colegio de San Jose, ES, HS

Lapaz Central ES West Visayas State University, Integrated Lab School, ES, HS

Pavia Central ES Central Philippine University Development HS

Baluarte ES University of Iloilo ES, HS

Rizal ES IloiloCity SPED-ISEC, ES, HS

Quezon ES Kaunlaran Learning Center ES, HS

Jaro Central ES Ateneo de Iloilo ES, HS

Santo Nino Sur ES San Joaquin School of Fisheries

Molo ES Pavia NHS

Arevalo ES Tubungan NHS

Sci-Art AquaWeek 2016

Description of Contests for Elementary Schools

Bring, Show, and Tell (by Teachers): “Ocean literacy for Grades 5–6”

(27 July, Wednesday, 8 am–12 nn)

This is a contest among teams, each made of a teacher-speaker and two pupils, from all interested elementary schools. Teachers study the attached pdf file guide, Ocean Literacy and select appropriate topics to teach to Grades 5–6 pupils in 20 minutes by the traditional way, that is, without use of computers and projectors, but with bring-show-and-tell items, interesting props, and audio-visual aids.

Weeks before AquaWeek:

1. Teachers study the attached pdf file guide, Ocean Literacy (also downloadable from .ph). From the seven essential principles and the supporting fundamental concepts outlined in the guide, teachers select appropriate topics, specifically 10 main ideas, to teach to Grades 5–6 pupils in 20 minutes.

2. Teachers decide how to present the new topics to the class (i.e., the audience during contest day) in an interesting tactile, visual, and auditory way. It is best to bring specimens of rock, water, plant, animal, or other illustrative material; show these to the class; and tell a lesson about them.

3. Teachers prepare a 20 min lesson in Grades 5–6 language, with minimal technical jargon. Writeups from encyclopedias and Wikipedia may NOT be used.

4. Teachers also prepare a one-page lesson plan to be submitted to FishWorld on contest day. Ten main ideas (2 pts per idea) in ocean literacy must be included in the lesson plan.

5. Teams procure the necessary specimens and prepare the teaching aids (props, audio-visual materials) to facilitate learning of the new topics.

6. Teams practice the presentation of the lesson. The two pupils must be involved in the lesson, the script and choreography, as assistants or questioning listeners.

On 27 July, Wednesday morning:

1. Bring the lesson plan and necessary illustrative specimens and teaching aids to FishWorld.

2. Register at 8 am and get a team number for an exhibit table and the order of oral presentations.

3. Submit to the FishWorld staff the one-page lesson plan with 10 main ideas (worth 20 pts).

4. Set up the table exhibits in the Kids’ Room, NOT in the hallways. The exhibits include the specimens, props, teaching aids, audio-visual materials, etc. to be used during the lesson presentation. Judging of table exhibits (worth 20 pts) starts at 9 am.

5. The lesson presentations start at 10 am. Teacher-speakers each have 20 minutes to present the lesson. Teachers must be knowledgeable, accurate, confident, animated, and inspiring.

6. The presentations will be scored as follows:

• Scientific content and accuracy of the lesson (30 pts; 3 pts for each of 10 main ideas);

• Speaking and teaching ability of the Teacher-Speaker (20 pts)

• Involvement of the two pupils in the presentation (10 pts)

7. Other notes for the contest:

• Judges: AQD researchers and the FishWorld Curator

• Maximum score 100 points. Minimum score to be considered for a prize is 70 points.

• Top three scorers >70 win prizes: First (P1,500), Second (P1,200), and Third (P1,000).

• Non-winning teams with scores >70 get P500 to subsidize expenses for lesson preparation.

• Contestants and coaches will receive Certificates of Participation on contest day.

• Certificates of Merit and cash prizes will be awarded to the winners at 3 pm on Friday, 29 July.

Sci-Art AquaWeek 2016

Description of Contests for Elementary Schools

Nutrition and Aquaculture Quiz: “Kilalanin ang pagkain”

(27 July, Wednesday, 2–5 pm)

FishWorld's AquaWeek fits right in with the Department of Education’s Nutrition Month activities in July. Elementary schools usually hold a Nutrition Quiz, which FishWorld extends to include facts about aquaculture, fisheries, and their importance to food security. Schools can hold their school-level nutrition quiz before 27 July to select the contestants they will send to the Nutrition and Aquaculture Quiz at FishWorld.

Teams of two pupil-contestants and one teacher-coach from all interested elementary schools may join the contest. Contestants are expected to know the basic concepts in nutrition, agriculture, fisheries, and aquaculture, and to recognize good food items. They should visit fresh-produce markets and see a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, grains, spices, meats, and seafood. They should also study the sample quizzes provided by FishWorld to participating teachers over the past 15 years.

The Nutrition and Aquaculture Quiz is a read-and-answer written exam with 30 questions, 15 of them with multiple-choice answers. In this year’s quiz, the other 15 questions require contestants to name (in English, Filipino, Ilonggo, or scientific name) 15 actual specimens of vegetables, fruits, grains, spices, and seafood.

On contest day, 27 July, contestants register at FishWorld at 2 pm and get individual numbers indicating their seats and their quiz sheet.

• Judges, proctors and scorers are AQD researchers.

• Contestants must score at least 20 correct answers to qualify for a prize.

• Top three contestants with scores >21 win cash prizes: First (P500), Second (P400), and Third (P300).

• Place ties will be awarded Certificates of Merit but shared cash prizes.

• Contestants and coaches will receive Certificates of Participation on contest day.

• Certificates of Merit and cash prizes will be awarded to the winners at 3 pm on Friday, 29 July.

Sci-Art AquaWeek 2016

Description of Contests for Elementary Schools

Talentong Dagat: “Kanta, sayaw, palabas tungkol sa (buhay) dagat”

(28 July, Thursday, 8 am –12 nn)

This contest is open to teams (each composed of four pupils and two teacher-coaches) from all interested elementary schools. The main tasks are: (1) find a song, dance, play/story, or other act about the sea, or the lives of coastal people; (2) learn it and practice to stage it in an engaging way; (3) perform it in 3–5 minutes to a FishWorld audience on 28 July, Thursday. For this competition, teams have to do the following:

Weeks before AquaWeek:

1. Find and learn a song about the sea or about animals or people of the sea, e.g., Under the Sea, Dandansoy, Si Filemon, Turagsoy, etc.

2. Or find and learn a dance about the sea or about animals or people of the sea, e.g., Under the Sea, Pangingisda, etc.

3. Or write/create, or find and learn a play or story about the sea or about animals or people of the sea, e.g., Under the Sea, etc.

4. Or put together an act (some combination of song, dance, play, poem, or other performance) about the sea or about animals or people of the sea.

5. Decide on the component(s) of the performance. For example, the performance could be a song or instrument solo, a chorus, or a band; a pair or group dance; a big drama or comedy. It may be in English, Filipino, or Ilonggo.

6. All performances must have an underlying ocean, sea, or water theme, and must be educational, engaging (emotional), and entertaining.

7. Practice the performance repeatedly. The teacher directs and critiques.

8. Plan to use only simple and inexpensive (or recycled) props or costumes.

On 28 July, morning:

1. Register at 8 am and get from the FishWorld staff a team number indicating the order of performance.

2. Study the FishWorld mini-stage in Toledo Hall (back lobby) and make final adjustments in the performance.

3. Performances start at 9 am. Teams have 3–5 minutes for the presentation.

4. Criteria for judging the performances:

• choice of song, dance, play, or act about the sea or the lives of coastal people (20 pts)

• singing, dancing, acting, or performing ability of the contestants (10 pts for each pupil, total 40 pts)

• direction by the Teacher-Coach (10 pts)

• props and costumes (20 pts)

• educational and emotional value of the performance (10 pts)

5. Other notes for the contest:

• Judges: AQD researchers and the FishWorld Curator

• Maximum score 100 points. Minimum score to be considered for a prize is 70 points.

• Top three scorers >70 win prizes: First (P2,000), Second (P1,700), and Third (P1,500).

• Non-winning teams with scores >70 get P1,000 to subsidize expenses for practice and props.

• Contestants and coaches will receive Certificates of Participation on contest day.

• Certificates of Merit and cash prizes will be awarded to the winners at 3 pm on Friday, 29 July.

Sci-Art AquaWeek 2016

Description of Contests for Elementary Schools

Aquarium Quiz: “Lantawa kami!”

(28 July, Thursday, 2–5 pm)

Teams of two pupil-contestants and one teacher-coach from all interested elementary schools may join the contest. Contestants learn about the plants and animals that live in the sea, particularly those harvested by fisheries and aquaculture. They observe and become familiar with the animals in the FishWorld aquaria (numbered 1 to 20). The species and their placement in the 20 aquaria change over time; attached is the list and placement of species in July 2015. An updated list will be provided the week before AquaWeek.

The Aquarium Quiz is a read-and-answer written exam with 20 questions and multiple-choice answers. The questions can be answered only by going around the aquaria and observing the animals in there. Questions include aspects of appearance, swimming, feeding, breeding, other behavior, and use by humans. Sample quizzes have been provided to contestants and coaches over the past several years and may be provided to new participants.

On contest day, 28 July, contestants register at FishWorld at 1 pm and are assigned individual numbers from 1 to 20 (or more). Contestants then continue to study the animals in the aquaria. At 3 pm, contestants, coaches, and parents assemble in the Audio-Visual Room. Coaches and parents must remain in the AV Room until the quiz ends. The contestants’ assigned numbers indicate the order in which they enter the round of aquaria. The first 20 contestants occupy the aquarium stations and first answer the quiz questions corresponding to their assigned numbers (e.g., contestant #1 goes to aquarium #1 and answers question #1). Contestants are given one minute at each station. When the bell rings, contestants must move to the next higher-numbered station. A practice run may be conducted before the actual quiz. The contestants are given the quiz sheet at the start of the quiz. The quiz sheet is also the answer sheet— the selected letter answer must be clearly encircled and darkened or crossed. When a contestant finishes the round of all 20 aquaria, he or she must go back to the AV Room to submit the quiz sheet to the scorer. The next set of contestants #21–40 then take the quiz -- contestant #21 goes to aquarium #1 and answers question #1; contestant #31 goes to aquarium #11 and answers question #11, and so on). Contestants who have finished must stay in the AV Room. Scoring is done with a key and finished quickly.

• Proctors and scorers are the FishWorld Curator and staff.

• The perfect score is 20. Contestants must score >14 points to qualify for a prize.

• Contestants with scores >14 win cash prizes: First (P500), Second (P400), and Third (P300).

• Place ties will be awarded Certificates of Merit but shared cash prizes.

• Contestants and coaches will receive Certificates of Participation on contest day.

• Certificates of Merit and cash prizes will be awarded to the winners at 3 pm on Friday, 29 July.


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