
11th Contemporary U. S. History

Final Review Sheet

Terms to know:






Cold War





Yalta Conference

Potsdam Conference

Iron Curtain

Truman Doctrine

US Foreign Policy during Cold War

Marshall Plan

Korean War

Results of Korean War

Berlin Blockade



Planned Post-WWII Communities


1950s Music, Literature, Art

The Other America

Impact of The Other America

Chicago 1960s

De Jure Segregation

De Facto Segregation


Executive Order 9981

Brown v. Board of Education

Martin Luther King Jr.

Southern Christian Leadership Conference

Tactics used by King, Jr. and SCLC

Civil Rights Timeline

Watts Riots

Kerner Commission

Civil Rights Protest, Birmingham, Alabama (1963)

Civil Rights Act 1964

Freedom Summer

Voting Rights Act of 1965

Malcolm X

Black Panthers

Civil Rights Act of 1968

Affirmative Action

Equal Rights Amendment

Characteristics of JFK

JFK’s Economic Policies

Bay of Pigs Invasion

Goal of Bay of Pigs

Cuban Missile Crisis


Peace Corps

Head Start


Public Broadcasting Act

Lyndon B. Johnson

Johnson’s View of Federal Government

The Great Society

Criticisms of The Great Society

Immigration Act of 1965


Characteristics of the Counterculture

New Left

Views of the New L

The “Establishment”

Woodstock and its Outcomes

Geneva Accords (1954)

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

Domino Theory

Vietnam War

Viet Cong

Viet Minh

Americanization of Vietnam War

War of Attrition

Tet Offensive

Impacts of Tet Offensive

Agent Orange

Results of Vietnam War

Vietnamization of Vietnam War

American’s Reaction to the Vietnam War

American’s Reaction to Vietnam Veterans

Vietnam Syndrome

President Richard Nixon

Nixon’s New Federalism Policy


Outcome of Nixon’s Visit to China

Watergate Scandal

National Energy Act (1979)

President Carter

Carter’s Foreign Policy

Camp David Accords (1978 with Carter, el-Sadat-Egypt, and Begin-Israel)

Three Mile Island Incident

National Women’s Political Caucus

Characteristics of Liberals

Characteristics of Conservatives

President Reagan

Reagan’s Political Policies

Reagan’s Economic Policies

Supply-Side Economics

Strategic Defense Initiative

Reagan and Lebanon

Iran-Contra Affair

INF Treaty

President George H.W. Bush

Americans with Disabilities Act

Clinton’s Political Policies

Clinton’s Economic Policies

Clinton’s Successes

Clinton’s Failures

Dot-com Boom

Effects of Dot-com Boom

President George W. Bush

Persian Gulf War

Causes of the Persian Gulf War

Iraq War

Effects of the Iraq War

Ethnic Cleansing

Racial Profiling

Causes of Rise in Globalization

Effects of Rise in Globalization

Department of Homeland Security

VISA Restrictions

President George W. Bush’s Tools Against Terrorism

Essential Questions:

Ideally you should be able to answer these questions after each of the chapters/units/topics covered throughout the year. You should be using the terms/people/concepts from the previous pages to fully answer the essential questions.

What is History and why do we study it?

What are America’s founding ideals and why are they important?

How did the United States and the Soviet Union become Cold War adversaries?

Were the methods used by the United States to contain communism justified?

How did the anxieties raised by the Cold War affect life in the United States?

Why are the 1950’s remembered as an age of affluence?

How did some American’s rebel against conformity in the1950’s?

Why did poverty persist in the United States in an age of affluence?

How did segregation affect American life in the postwar period?

How did civil rights activists advance the ideals of liberty, equality, and opportunity for African Americans?

How did civil rights activists change their strategies and goals in the 1960’s and the 1970’s, and how successful were they in achieving racial equality?

Why and how did the civil rights movement expand?

Was JFK a great president?

What is the proper role of government in shaping American society?

What was the impact of the counterculture on American society?

Why did the United States increase its military involvement in Vietnam?

What made the Vietnam War difficult to win?

What lessons for Americans emerged from the Vietnam War?

What events influenced Richard Nixon’s rise to and fall from power?

How should historians characterize the 1970’s?

Was the Reagan Revolution good for the nation?

Were the effects of President Reagan’s foreign policy actions mostly positive or mostly negative?

To what extent did George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush fulfill their domestic policy goals?

How well did U.S. foreign policy decisions meet the challenges of the post-Cold War era?

What debates have arisen since 9/11 about how to balance security while preserving American ideals?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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