Elementary Art Rubric, Grades 5/6 - Weebly

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|Elementary Art Rubric, Grades |

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|Title of Lesson: Grade: |

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|Objective of Lesson: See Lesson Plan |

|*Criteria to be assessed in Content/ Concepts area of Lesson: |

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| |1 |2 |3 |4 |Score |

| |Unsatisfactory |Needs Improvement |Proficient |Advanced | |

|*Content/ | | | | | |

|Concepts |The student 's work |The student's work |The student's work |The student's work | |

| |demonstrates no |demonstrates little |demonstrates an |demonstrates a deep | |

| |understanding of the |understanding of the |understanding of the |understanding of the | |

| |concept(s) taught. There is|concept(s) taught. Evidence|concept(s) taught. There |concept(s) taught. There is| |

| |no apparent relationship |of learning and affective |is evidence of learning |strong evidence of learning| |

| |between the student's |application of the lesson's|and satisfactory |and effective application | |

| |artwork and the lesson's |content are somewhat |application of the |of the lesson's content. | |

| |content. |lacking. |lesson's content. | | |

|Creativity | | | | | |

| |The student's artwork shows|The student's artwork |The student's artwork |The student's artwork | |

| |no evidence of creative |demonstrates minimal |demonstrates some |reflects an exceptional | |

| |risk taking. The final |creativity and risk taking.|creativity and risk |level of creativity and | |

| |product does not reflect a |The final product shows |taking. The student's |risk taking. The student's | |

| |unique and original point |little evidence of personal|personal interpretation of|personal interpretation of | |

| |of view. |point of view and |the lesson demonstrates a |the lesson demonstrates a | |

| | |originality. |unique point of view and |unique, original and | |

| | | |some originality. |expressive point of view. | |

|Craftsmanship | | | | | |

| |Art media, materials and |While some care has been |The student's use of art |The student's use of the | |

| |resources are |taken to ensure a quality |media, materials and |art media, materials and | |

| |inappropriately used. |product, the materials are |resources is generally |resources is consistently | |

| |Completion of product is |not always used |appropriate and |appropriate and | |

| |hurried with little |appropriately. Lack of |demonstrates a reasonable |demonstrates, from the | |

| |attention to detail or |follow through results in a|amount of care and |beginning of the lesson to | |

| |structural integrity. |compromised quality of |attention to detail. |the end, care and attention| |

| | |product. | |to detail. | |


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