[Pages:11]GCU College of Education



Teacher Candidate: Grade Level: Date:

Heather Shoemaker 1st



R chunks

Instructional Plan Title Week 2 ar- Pirate week-Day 1


Lesson summary and focus:

Classroom and student factors:

I will use some Kegan strategies, reading resources, and pirates to help students understand ?ar sound. I would than send home a practice book.

Describe the important classroom factors (demographics and environment) and student factors (IEPs, 504s, ELLs, non-labeled challenged students), and the impact of those factors on planning, teaching and assessing students to facilitate learning for all students.

National / State Mo-ELS:


IV.3.b-Participates in word games.


IV.3.c-Discriminates some sounds in words.

V.1.d-Uses a variety of resources to facilitate writing. Mo CCSS/GLEs:

1.RF.3.a- Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. Know the spelling-sound correspondences for common consonant digraphs.

1.RF.3.b-Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words.

Specific learning target(s) / objectives:

Teaching notes:

I can use my phonics skills to read new words with ?ar.

I can use my phonics skills to write new words with ?ar.

Unit- R chunks Week 1- er , ur, ir Week 2- ar Week 3- or, ore, oar


Formative assessment:

Reading time: 24-32 mins

1. 1-2 mins -Read objectives. Practice talking like a pirate ?ar.

2. 20-25 mins-Morning message, board meeting/flashcards, quiz quiz trade.

3. 3-5 mins-Circle chunks in practice book then read and assign it as homework.

Writing ar words using tools or phonic skills o Observe students during writing time using word wall or sounding out words o Keep a log of writer's conferences

Read ar words using phonic skills o Observe when taking turns reading practice books and activities.

Writing time: 32 mins

1. 1-2 mins- Read objectives. 2. 5-10 mins- Mini lesson on fairy tales,

sounding out words say it like a turtle, stretch it like a snake, and write the sounds you hear. 10-15 mins- Independent writing time/conference time. 3. 5 min- share time for one or two students.

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Academic Language:

Key vocabulary:

Cart, arm, barn, art, yarn, harm, shark, dark, large, sharp, hard.



Introduce a new phonics chunk to grow their vocabulary. Students will sound out their words when they do not know it.


Introduce new words and methods to utilize in their writing. Students will sound out words to spell them like they sound.


Students will follow the model for sounding out new words with ar.

Students will read books with ar.

Students will write stories with ar.

Students will do activities with ar words.

Students will define ar words using prior knowledge or resources.

Instructional Materials, Equipment and Technology:


I Love to Read by Houghton Mifflin Sharks review book 93, Dry erase board, marker, word wall, index cards with vocabulary words on them, writing paper, writer's conference binder, writing supplies.

Prior to instruction students are paired with peanut butter jelly partner (peanut butter is higher reader). Writing time is independent or if unsure can whisper a question to a table friend.

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Prior knowledge connection: Anticipatory set:

A. Opening

After reviewing some ar words, students will use prior knowledge to define the words.

Read objectives and ask students to make a prediction of the sound a and r make when put together. When one says ar or if still not getting giving the hint what does a pirate say. These are our pirate words.

B. Learning and Teaching Activities (Teaching and Guided Practice):

I Do

1. Write words up on board then run finger under words as we sound them out as a class with my help first two or three times. Choose one student at a time or whole class finish words as modeled.

2. What does that word mean? 3. Review how to do quiz,

quiz trade. 4. Observe quiz, quiz trade. 5. Attention grabber to finish

activity. 6. Have students circle all ar

chunks in homework book. 7. Choose students to read

pages of the book. And listen for sounding out of new ar words. 8. Have student mailbox/ put in homework folders. 9. Read objective for writing. 10. Mini lesson on sounding out unknown words while writing a fairytale. Say it like a turtle, stretch it like a snake, write down what you hear. 11. Observe writing time for sounding out words and using the words wall. 12. Writers conference with one to two students 13. Attention grabber to bring students together 14. The students that were conferenced with share one page from their story. 15. State clean up.

Students Do

1. Read words with teacher 2. Define words using prior

knowledge. 3. Listen to directions 4. Participate in quiz, quiz trade. 5. Follow attention grabber and

listen to teacher. 6. Circle all the ar chunks in the

book. 7. Read page from the book

sounding out when needed and quiet when others are reading and following along with pointer finger. 8. Mailbox work for homework 9. Read writing objective. 10. Listen and practice spelling out new words to write. 11. Independently writing stories using method taught or word wall on unfamiliar writing words. 12. Conference with teacher about story. 13. Follow attention grabber 14. Conference student shares a page from writing time other listen politely. 15. Clean up writing.


1. None 2. None 3. None 4. If a student is having a

rough time reading the word on the card the quizzer can assist in sounding out the word with the other student. 5. None 6. Review how many found on each page and check with a partner 7. First time reading teacher help second time reading peanut butter jelly partner helps. 8. None 9. None 10. None 11. Use neighbor to help solve problems in a whisper voice. If students finish with their first story they may start another story or work on illustrations and cover. 12. Ask questions and have students ask questions back. 13. None 14. Set with any children who need it. 15. None. .

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Summative Assessment:

Closure: Homework:


Observation and recording is the assessment I would use here. Spelling pretest on Wednesdays. Spelling test at the end of the week for those that did not pass pretest with 100%.


Not much because my assessment is observation of progress. If student is unable to use the chunk in words. I will organize a small group for tomorrow to review.

Students that pass pretest get to do free draw or extra writing time their choice.

I will ask students what sound ar makes. Then they will have to read me one of the words that contains that chunk. Writing is done during conferences once a week per child.

Homework book Sharks and spelling practice


I feel like utilizing pirates to remind the students of the sound ar makes will help that to stick. This process worked with my 1st graders last year. When they forgot the sound I could just say it is a pirate word and that reminded them to use that sound with the ar. After teaching this process with my students last year in writing and reading they improved their writing skills because they began to understand that sounding out words in not only a tool that can be used in reading but writing too. This increased and encouraged those to use know phonic sounds to help them guess and read new words they have not seen before. I feel by seeing that aspect that this lesson is a successful one for phonic learning. I also am trying to keep from a worksheet based room as much as possible. To give students the ability to grow more freely.

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Post Assessment

Closed reading of At the Food Mart checking for understanding of ar chunk. I would do a running record of the reading for the assessment. Running records are a great resource to gather data for phonics and comprehension. If a student struggles with this I will have them read it again with a different copy that have the ar chunks circled to help them see that chunk. For students that are not consistent with the ar chunk I will provide a small group for them. I will continue teaching the next chunk full class. Then during RTI time I will work with these student on this chunk. I will use the words of the ar list to make activities. We will read them, sound them out, push up the sounds, write the word and cut apart the sounds and push them back together (puzzle), I would then make some folder games for partners or individual with ar words. After 3-5 days I would reassess them with the story or find another ar word story.

I would also use observations and conferences to assess their phonics skills during writing. I have the students read their story to me or what they have at the time. We talk about their success and their editing point. We then set a goal for the next meeting. I will also recording them using resources to spell words they cannot figure out sounds to. I will listen for them to say words and stretch them out to record what they hear. I do cut them down for spelling words wrong. We work on using word wall for words that we have had on spelling tests or for sight words. Others need to be spelled out how they sound. This keeps students' confidence up. If they are told they can only spell things correctly it make them hesitate in their writing, and can cause less elaborate writing. I have seen them several times with students.

Below are the resources for assessment.

word list plus Spelling list from above

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