Project Options - Central Dauphin School District

The Diary of Anne Frank – Project Options

You are to complete TWO pieces for this assignment. Choose one from each group. Each piece of writing must be at least 600-650 words. It must be typed and/or extremely neat. You will also be graded on grammar, spelling, sentence structure and thoughtfulness. Show me you put some work into this. Don’t save it for the night before!

DUE DATE: ____________________________


Option 1: Diary: Create a diary entry from the perspective of another character. You may use the one you already wrote after Act 1 as a start, but this will end up being longer and more in-depth. You should choose one important event from the story and show that person’s thoughts about the event. It should not just be generic but should show real insight into that person’s inner thoughts, troubles, and feelings.

Option 2: 1. Imagine that you are a newspaper reporter who happens on the scene of the Frank family being arrested. Write a newspaper article about the event. You will have interviewed witnesses on the scene, some of whom will be anti-Jewish while others will be sympathetic. You may write the article from the perspective of either a pro-Nazi newspaper or a Dutch paper sympathetic to the plight of the Jewish people. Remember to include an attention-getting headline. Look at real newspapers to see how an article should look.

Option 3: Ask yourself: HOW HAS LEARNING ABOUT ANNE’S LIFE CHANGED YOURS? Write an essay answering this question. Make sure to meet the length requirement and have proper grammar/spelling, etc.

Option 4: Write a persuasive essay/editorial on whether on not the story of Anne Frank and The Holocaust should be taught in middle school, or should it be saved for high school when students are more mature. Do think the material is appropriate? Would students be able to handle it better when they are older? Should it be taught in both middle and high school? Is it important to learn about it at all? Why?


Option 1: Eulogy: A eulogy is a speech of remembrance delivered at someone’s funeral. It tells what was important about that person’s life as well as what makes them special. A good eulogy is emotional and honest, the speaker describes not only info about the deceased, but how they impacted their life as well. For this option you can write a eulogy about Anne and deliver it to the class as if it were a real funeral. You can write it as yourself, or as Miep, Mr. Frank, or any other surviving character. The speech should be 1-2:00 minutes long read out loud. You may use note cards, but you will be graded on volume and eye contact when you speak as part of your grade.

Option 2: Design a new cover for a printing of the play. Make the cover artistic, detailed, and creative. This cannot be clip art or collage of things you find, but should be original artwork. On the back of the cover please write 200-250 words describing what you drew and why.

Option 3: Memorize one of the monologues from the play, you will have to deliver it to the class without any note cards or script. You will need to say the words with emotion, like you are really that person speaking. Grade will be based on accuracy and effort for acting/emoting. Acceptable monologues:

Anne: page 780 – “My father started a business….we had never met them.”

Mr. Frank: page 789-790 – “It’ll be hard…a fine life for you.”

Anne: page 846 – “We’ve had bad….as I do.”

Anne: page 862 – “We’re all in….an opinion.”

Mr. Frank: page 869 – “The news…I know now.”

Option 4: Create a diorama depicting one scene of the play. This is a 3-D model (often the ones made in a shoe-box, but they don’t have to be). Make it detailed and artistic. You should also include a 50-100 word explanation of the scene you are depicting. Grading will be based on creativity, artistic merit, and inherent effort. You also need the explanation to be grammatically correct.


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