Welcome Third Grade Parents

Welcome Third Grade Parents

The third grade teachers of Ben Franklin would like to invite you to become a partner in your child’s learning experiences this year. A partnership between home and school can provide your child with a wealth of learning opportunities that will last a lifetime.

We have some changes taking place this year in third grade. First off, Mrs. Cheryl Bourgoin is joining our team. She was a fifth grade teacher last year at Washington Jackson. We also have Miss. Ashley Thomas joining us from the fourth grade team. Kelli Burchett and Nancy Jones will complete the third grade team. Mrs. Burchett and Ms. Jones will be teaching English/Language Arts and Social Studies. Miss. Thomas and Mrs. Bourgoin will be teaching Math and Science. We will be changing classes mid-day. Miss. Thomas and Mrs. Burchett will team together and Ms. Jones and Mrs. Bourgoin will form the other team.

Schedule and Conference Period

You will find a copy of the third grade schedule posted outside each teacher’s door. The third grade teachers each have a conference and planning time that is listed on the schedule. If at anytime you would like to meet with us concerning your child, we will be happy to schedule a conference. The children and their teachers are very busy in the morning from 8:00 to 8:30. If at all possible, please meet with us at a scheduled conference time instead of in the morning before school.


You are welcome to join your child for lunch. Parents may bring food at lunch for their child only – not for some or all of the class.

Lunch times this year are as follows:

Bourgoin 12:10 Burchett 12:18

Jones 12:14 Thomas 12:22


The curriculum in third grade includes language arts, math, social studies, science, cursive handwriting, art, music, and physical education. We use state adopted textbooks and a variety of other instructional materials to the meet the TEKS in third grade.

Spelling will be a predictable part of the curriculum in that Mrs. Burchett and Ms. Jones will follow the same procedure each week. Your child will be assigned a spelling list on Monday. They are to practice the words at home. We will have a spelling test at the end of the week. The children will not receive a separate spelling grade on their report card. It will be averaged in with the English grade.

Field Trips

We will take at least one field trip this year. It will be to learn about the history of Wichita Falls. Other field trips, if taken, will be decided during the year. The field trips will be taken on school buses.

LIONS Binder

Your child will have an organizational binder. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR CHILD TAKES CARE OF THIS BINDER. The binder will contain the following:

• Cover sheet

• Binder Rules and Discipline Plan

• Zipper pocket for money

• Homework Checklist and Spelling list

• Homework Pocket: Here you will find the homework for your child. It will need to be returned.

• Graded Paper/Take Home Pocket: This pocket will have take home papers and need to be cleared daily.

• Important Notes/Return to School Pocket: This will be any papers that need to be signed and returned.

• Conduct and Work Habit Sheet

• Parent/Teacher Communication Spiral: This will be where the Parent can find more information from the teacher about their child. Please check this daily for communication about your child.


The students will have expectations to follow in each classroom. These expectations are posted along with the consequences. When expectations are followed, the children will receive positive incentives and rewards. If your child chooses not to follow the expectations a conduct cut will be given after a verbal warning. You are encouraged to follow your child’s progress in conduct by reviewing their conduct sheet (located in the LIONS Binder) each night. After reviewing the discipline plan (located at the back of this packet) with your child we ask that each of you sign it and return it to the teacher. Also, a work habits grade will be given.


Homework will be assigned as needed. Many times the students are asked to finish work that was not finished in class. Please check with students before leaving for school in the morning to make sure they have their homework and books. Projects that are assigned during the year are the responsibility of the student. We hope that they are student produced. A rubric will be given at the time of assignment so that the students understand the expectations.

P.E. and Music Rotation

This year the third graders will have P.E. and Music in a rotation everyday from 1:00 to 1:45. The four classes will be split into three groups. Two out of the three days they will go to P.E. and the third day will be Music.

Dress Code

Tops – Any solid color of polo style shirt or shirt with a collar and sleeves.

o Small logos are acceptable

o No writing

o Turtlenecks are acceptable

Bottoms – Pants, shorts, skirts, or culottes

o Solid color

▪ Brown

▪ Black

▪ Khaki

▪ Navy

*Tights must be a solid color. No shapes or patterns.

Dresses and Jumpers may be worn.

o Jumpers should be brown, black, navy, or khaki. They should be a solid color and should be worn with a collared shirt underneath it.

o Dresses should have sleeves and a collar. They should be a solid color.

Belts are optional based on individual preference.

Sweaters or Light Jackets for classroom wear should be a solid color with no writing or pictures.

Pull-over sweaters (or solid color sweatshirts) should be worn with a collared shirt underneath.

o Heavy coats and/or jackets will not be worn in the classrooms or other inside areas of the school.

Shoes should be appropriate for P.E. type activities.

o Laces shall be tied.

o Buckles shall be buckled.

o Flip flops are not appropriate for students at school.

Ben Franklin Spirit Shirts can be worn any day of the week as long as it is paired with uniform pants, shorts, or skirts.


Fridays are Jean Day. Students can wear jean bottoms with a Ben Franklin Spirit Shirt or regular uniform shirt.


Please note: Students who choose to wear pants that are too big will be required to tuck in their shirts and wear a belt.


All other WFISD policies relating to dress codes should be followed. Please refer to the Student Handbook for specific information relating to district dress code policies.

Violations will be addressed through parent contact.

Other Important Information

School dismisses at 3:25. Please pick up your child up on time. If a child is not picked up by 3:45, he or she will be waiting by the office. We feel it is very important that your child not be left outside alone.

If your child is absent from school please call the office. Please send a not the next day giving the reason for the absence. This note will go to the office.

The third grade teachers are looking forward to a great year. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Let’s work together this year to help your child succeed to the full potential in school.

Third Grade Teachers,

Cheryl Bourgoin cbourgoin@

Kelli Burchett kburchett@

Nancy Jones njones@

Ashley Thomas aethomas@

Discipline Plan

Dear Parents,

It is with pleasure that we welcome your child to our class. We all look forward to a very exciting and rewarding school year. In order to provide our students will excellent educations climate they deserve, we have developed the following grade level discipline plan that will be in effect at all times. The conduct sheet will be in the take home folder.

Classroom expectations:

• Be responsible

• Be prepared

• Be where you need to be

• Respect yourself, others and things

• Use hands, feet and voices correctly

• Listen carefully

• Do what you are asked


• Conference with child

• Note to family

• Phone to family

• Meeting with family

• Meeting with family and principal

* conduct/work habit cuts=grade deduction

The conduct grade will be based on behavior. Each conduct cut will equal a grade deduction. At the end of the week the weekly grade will be circled.

The work habit grade will be given an S-Satisfactory or N-Needs Improvement. The grades will be averaged at the end of the nine weeks.

A Sample:

Conduct Work Habit


Talking Returns signed papers

Disturbing others Has materials

Cafeteria Completed Assignments

Playground Uses time wisely

Disrespect Works well with others

Follow directions Neat and orderly

Please monitor your child’s progress in each area.


Third Grade Teachers


Please cut and return to teacher

Discipline Plan

I have read and discussed the discipline plan with my child.

_______________________ ______________________

Parent signature and date student signature and date


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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