Culture Box Project

Culture Box Project

Culture is defined as a way of life of a group of people. Your culture box is a way of showing your way of life. There is no wrong answer. This project should show who you are as an individual.

What goes in a culture box?

You can put a variety of different things in your culture box, anything that shows who you are. For example:

• Pictures of friends, family, traditions, celebrations, etc.

• Things that are important to you like a CD album case, your favorite movie, or necklace your Grandmother gave you.

• Things that show who you are. For example pompoms, drum sticks, or water color pencils.

• Cultural influences such as a Menorah or a Rosary.

The bottom line is every box will be different and unique to you. Put in it what ever you think defines you.

What shouldn’t go in box?

• Please do NOT put anything in the box that cannot be replaced. Although the box will never be without you things do happen.

• Don’t bring anything that can leak or becomes a mess, such as food, lotion, etc.

• Nothing that is living. Your pet rat should stay at home. A picture will do just fine.

• As always nothing that is not school appropriate. If you have to ask then leave it at home.

What does the box need to look like?

• The box can be any shape or size, although remember that you have to keep your box in your locker and carry it to and from school.

• You may decorate your box with anything you want. Pictures, paper, drawings, or nothing at all.

What do I do with my box?

• On your designated day you will bring your box to school. One at a time you will stand up in front of the class and talk about some of the things in your box. You may share as much or as little as you want.

• You will be graded on completion of the assignment, not the presentation of your box.

This is meant to be a fun, insightful project. This project is meant for you to look at yourself, and the cultural influences that make you who you are.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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