California State University, Northridge

Annual Assessment Report to the College 2011-12

College: ________MCCAMC___________________

Department: _____ART_______________________

Program: ____BA in Art_______________________

Note: Please submit report to your department chair or program coordinator, the assessment office and to the Associate Dean of your College by September 28, 2012. You may submit a separate report for each program which conducted assessment activities.

Liaison: ____Dr. Lynette K. Henderson_____

1. Overview of Annual Assessment Project(s) (optional)

|1a. Assessment Process Overview: Provide a brief overview of the assessment plan and process this year. |

| |


| |

|FALL 2011: |

| |

|Administer Signature Assignment to all sections of Art 200 (typically 4 sections of |

|approximately 25-30 students; students in Art 200 would be in their 4th or 5th semester |

|of the BA program. This assessment focused on upper division in the BA in art. |

|The assignment is intended to assess students’ ability to identify appropriate elements |

|and principles of design, ability to analyze and problem-solve applying concepts and |

|using the vocabulary. |

|Collect Data from all sections. |

|Plan Fall 2012 assessment with faculty and department assessment committee. |

| |

|Assignment to be assessed: |

|Students will write a reflection on a conceptually-based project, addressing the following: 1) design choices relative to specific art |

|theories, 2) composition analysis for elements and principles, 3) analysis of design for meaning. |

|SPRING 2012: |

|The assessment plan may be modified as a result of assessment analysis on data collected in Fall |

|2011, to be completed in the spring, 2012. |

| |

|Analyze Fall 2011 data collected from Art 200. |

| |

|Process for analyzing assessment data collected in Fall 2012: |

|Select random sample from uploaded sections. |

|Complete a “norming” process with assessment committee for the rubric. |

|After discussion and agreement, tweak rubric if needed. |

|Complete assessment of selected items. |

|Compile report based on results. |

| |

|Plan Fall 2012 assessment with faculty and department assessment committee. |

| |

2. Student Learning Outcome Assessment Project: Answer questions according to the individual SLO assessed this year. If you assessed an additional SLO, report in the next chart below.

|2a. Which Student Learning Outcome was measured this year? |

| |

|SLO’S (Art Department Program Goals) assessed: |


|Developing a foundation of art knowledge, theories, skills, craftspersonship and technologies, where ideas and concepts are communicated in |

|writing, speaking and art making. |


Analyzing, interpreting, and questioning traditional methodologies and pre-conceived notions of art and art making through the process of |

|generating and solving problems |

|2b. Does this learning outcome align with one of the following University Fundamental Learning Competencies? (check any which apply) |

| |

|Critical Thinking_________X___________________________ |

|Oral Communication_________________________________ |

|Written Communication_____________________________ |

|Quantitative Literacy________________________________ |

|Information Literacy________________________________ |

|Other (which?)___________________________________ |

|2c. What direct and indirect instrument(s) were used to measure this SLO? |

|A questionnaire signature assignment was used. Students logged onto a survey site, answered a set of questions related to an artwork. |

|Assignment below includes 5 questions. |

|Pablo Picasso, Night Fishing at Antibes, 1939 (see image below). |

|Identify three elements of art used to create this artwork. |

|line |

|shape |

|critical theory |

|color |

|value |

|colonialism |

|space |

|texture |

|creativity |

|time |

|motion |

|* |

|2. Identify three principles of design applicable to this artwork. |

|unity |

|variety |

|manifest destiny |

|repetition |

|movement |

|pulmonary flow |

|balance |

|perspective |

|rhythm |

|focal point/emphasis |

| |

| |

|3. Describe, in a formal analysis, how the elements and principles selected above are used in this composition. |

|* |

|4. What is the main message, concept or idea conveyed in this artwork? |

|(Write a one or two-sentence statement.) |

|* |

|5. Explain how the elements and principles selected above communicate the message, concept or idea conveyed in this artwork. |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Pablo Picasso, Night Fishing at Antibes, 1939 |

| |


|1. Identify three elements of art used to create this artwork. |

|Line, Shape, Color |

| |

|2.Identify three principles of design applicable to this artwork. |

|Unity, Movement, Balance |

| |

|3.Describe, in a formal analysis, how the elements and principles selected above are used in this composition. |

|Line is used to create boundaries for the shapes and forms included within this work of art. Various shapes with a variety of colors are used |

|to create unique and interacting figures. The different colors used portray the time of day or emotions of the characters for example. |

| |

|4. What is the main message, concept or idea conveyed in this artwork? |

|(Write a one or two-sentence statement.) |

|The main idea conveyed in this work of art is a man, possibly accompanied by a companion, fishing in a stream at night. |

| |

|5. Explain how the elements and principles selected above communicate the message, concept or idea conveyed in this artwork. |

|The variety of shapes used create symbols or figures that we can recognize such as the people fishing, the fish themselves, and the stream. |

|The earth tones included portray a natural, outdoor setting. The wide range of colors, from warm to cool colors give the viewer a feeling of |

|relaxation in addition to a feeling of excitement or thrill of survival in these peoples lives. |

| |

|2d. Describe the assessment design methodology: For example, was this SLO assessed longitudinally (same students at different points) or was a|

|cross-sectional comparison used (comparing freshmen with seniors)? If so, describe the assessment points used. |

| |

|The plan was to first assess students at the beginning of the upper division in our BA, then in a cross-sectional assessment, compare those |

|results with seniors about to graduate. This would give us both information about students’ knowledge base and skills as they enter upper |

|division, and if the skills and abilities tested improve after upper division studies. |

| |

|2e. Assessment Results & Analysis of this SLO: Provide a summary of how the evidence was analyzed and highlight important findings from |

|collected evidence. |

| |

|ASSESSMENT ASSIGNMENT/SURVEY 2012 – Part I of assessment plan. |

|Art 200 Students Surveyed; 95 total responses. |

| |


| |


|Acquire a basic knowledge, theories, and concepts about art; develop a foundation of art skills and a high level of craftspersonship; |

|communicate ideas and concepts through writing, speaking and art making; acquire a competency with the tools and technologies associated with |

|the visual arts. |

| |


|Apply processes of generating and solving problems in art; analyze, interpret and question traditional methodologies and preconceived notions |

|of art and art making. |

| |

| |

|RESULTS: AVERAGES (based on the rubric shown above) |

| |

|Questions |

| |

| |

|Rubric Scores 1&2 3 4 5 |

|(Out of 4) |

| |

|Com Mmbr 1 3.7 2.25 2.4 1.55 |

|Com Mmbr 2 3.7 1.72 1.9 1.2 |

|Com Mmbr 3 3.5 2.3 1.5 1.5 |

|Com Mmbr 4 3.5 2.4 2 1.4 |

|______________________ |

| |

|TOTALS/AVGS. 3.6 2.29 1.95 1.41 |

| |

| |

|Ques. 1 & 2 are multiple choice |

|Ques. 3 & 4 are analyzing w/answers from 1 & 2 |

| |

| |

|Assessment Committee Speculation: Students reached 90% meeting the slo on Question 1; 57.25% on Question 2; 48.75% on Question 3; 35.25% on |

|question 4. They appeared to meet Basic Skills in terms of identification, but were not able to complete analysis applying basic skills |

|(vocabulary) to an artwork. Most faculty were not surprised at these levels for students who were just beginning their upper division studies.|

| |

|Assessors speculated that if questions 1 & 2 answers had not been provided in multiple-choice format, scores would have been lower. General |

|faculty opinion was that they were not surprised by these results for students at this level, but would expect to see improvement in senior |

|scores. |

| |

|Recommendation: Teach this material more specifically in Foundation Art 140 and mid-program such as Art 307 (that’s the new course replacing |

|Art 200 as gateway). The liaison plans to talk with the foundation coordinator and gateway instructor to determine which sections will utilize|

|this instruction. |

| |

|*The committee is currently analyzing responses from Art 438 senior students for comparison. Initial review shows that unlike Art 200, there |

|were problems with implementation of the questionnaire in Art 438, so only about 25-30% of student questionnaires were collected. It may be |

|possible to gain indicative information from the data set retrieved. There will be discussion with faculty this year about the implementation |

|process to ensure this does not happen in the spring with the next assessment project, as we would like to move forward with the next set of |

|SLOs. |

| |

|9/24/12 - The Assessment committee decided to repeat this assessment for Art 438 this year (spring) in order to get a viable comparison with |

|Art 200 results. |

|2f. Use of Assessment Results of this SLO: Were assessment results from previous years or from this year used to make program changes in this |

|reporting year? |

| |

|Type of change: |

| |

|changes to course content/topics covered: The content from the signature assignment will be included specifically in a select foundation |

|course, possibly Art 140. It is not yet known if the same material would need to be included in a later year or the senior year, such as in |

|Art 438, as well.__ |

| |

|course sequence__The course that will include this content is a foundation course that students take in their first semester in the B.A. |

|program______________________________ |

| |

|addition/deletion of courses in program___None________________ |

| |

|describe other academic programmatic changes___The Art Department has been reviewing the BA program and all disciplines within, and is |

|currently restructuring. The Art Dept. will be putting forward a Program Modification proposal this Fall 2012 semester; some discipline areas |

|have already put in proposals changing their particular areas._____ |

| |

|student support services____Internal support within the selected course named above. Additional advising for students will be occurring as of |

|this Fall 2012. Art Dept. faculty are receiving training on reviewing student records and in advising techniques.___ |

| |

|revisions to program SLOs____Graduate program SLOs are currently under construction in the Art Dept.; there is no plan to change the |

|undergraduate program SLOs at this time.___ |

| |

|assessment instruments_____The Art Dept. Assessment committee will be reviewing the 2011-2012 questionnaire, modifying for the new SLOs to be |

|assessed and also to modify any aspects of the questions, rubric or instrument type that might hinder student responses._____ |

| |

|describe other assessment plan changes___Since the first part of the assessment was complete by the end of Fall 2011 semester, the Art Dept. |

|implemented assessment in Art 438 last Spring 2012 rather than waiting for Fall 2012. If results are viable even as an indicator, the |

|department will move on to the next SLO in the plan, after careful review of the questionnaire, the rubric, scoring sheets and implementation |

|methods.___ |

| |

|Have any previous changes led to documented improvements in student learning? (describe) |

|Since an assessment 5 years ago that showed an uneven quality amongst instruction in various sections of the foundation program, course |

|syllabi have been standardized to include SLOs, course objectives and clearly outlined and scheduled activities. We have been working with |

|current, new full-time and adjunct faculty to ensure that they not only follow the format but that their courses address the SLOs and |

|objectives listed on the syllabi. This effort is ongoing and improvement is made each year. |

| |

| |

Some programs assess multiple SLOs each year. If your program assessed an additional SLO, report the process for that individual SLO below. If you need additional SLO charts, please cut & paste the empty chart as many times as needed. If you did NOT assess another SLO, skip this section.

3. How do your assessment activities connect with your program’s strategic plan and/or 5-yr assessment plan?

The 5-year plan for the Art Department includes assessing a different undergraduate SLO every year, along with one continuously-assessed SLO in critical thinking. Our assessment activities last year moved a bit more quickly than the plan in terms of assessing Art 438 last Spring rather than this Fall for the Basic Skills and Critical Thinking SLOs. Due to the construction of Graduate Program SLOs, assessment in that area is on hold until later this 2012-2013 year.

4. Other information, assessment or reflective activities or processes not captured above.

One of the Art History faculty members has been working within the HOT project, comparing online with face-to-face instruction in one of the art history courses. Results, up to this point in time, of the 2011-2012 HOT project in Art History are:

One SLO was assessed in Spring 2012 for:

ART 112OL: World Arts: Africa, Oceania, Native America (90 students) 

ART 112 Hybrid: World Arts: Africa, Oceania, Native America (40 students)

Student Learning Outcome:

Describe and explain the historical and/or cultural context in which a work of art was created.

Assignment(s) or Other Source(s) of Evidence:

10 multiple choice questions and 1 essay question

Findings:  Overall, on-line students scored slightly higher in their ability to master the course objective through the quiz and essay.

Analysis:  Course content delivery was very similar (traditional PowerPoint synchronous lectures for the hybrid class vs. PowerPoint with voice-over narration for the asynchronous on-line classes).  All students had the same readings. However, on-line students could revisit the 12 PowerPoints as many times as desired. They had more frequent access to the core material and therefore, could develop in-depth familiarity over time. If the hybrid students missed class or did not take good notes, they were unable to demonstrate comprehension in their assignments.

Rubric Used for Assessment

Essay Question:

Chose one Aztec and one Inka building or object from the reading. Compare how each artwork exemplifies the Aztec and Inka worldviews. Consider history, myth, religion, geography, and/or the importance of sacrifice.

|Essay Criteria |No/Limited Proficiency (D/F)|Some Proficiency (C) |Proficiency (B) |High Proficiency (A) |

|1. Identifies 2 artworks from|Fails to identify 2 artworks|Identifies only 1 relevant object or|Identifies 2 relevant objects from|Clearly identifies 2 artworks |

|the readings |from the readings |2 artworks from the readings that |the readings that are only |from the reading that are |

| | |are not relevant to the essay |partially relevant to the essay |relevant to the essay question |

| | |question |question | |

|2. Explains the Aztec and |Fails to correctly describe |Successfully describes some aspects |Successfully describes most |Clearly and accurately describes |

|Inka worldview respectively |the Aztec and Inka |of the Aztec and Inka worldviews |aspects of the Aztec and Inka |the Aztec and Inka worldviews |

| |worldviews respectively |respectively as discussed in lecture|worldviews respectively as |respectively as discussed in |

| | |and readings |discussed in lecture and readings |lecture and readings |

|3. Use of Evidence |Fails accurately to explain |explains some general understanding |Correctly explains most of the |Correctly explains all of the |

| |world view to history, myth,|of the connections of world view to |connections of Aztec and Inka |connections of Inka and Aztec |

| |religion, geography, and/or |history, myth, religion, geography, |world view to history, myth, |world view to history, myth, |

| |the importance of sacrifice |and/or the importance of sacrifice |religion, geography, and/or the |religion, geography, and/or the |

| | | |importance of sacrifice |importance of sacrifice |

|4. Comparison |Fails to demonstrate the |Demonstrates some aspects of the |Satisfactorily demonstrates the |Clearly and thoroughly |

| |relationship between the |relationship between the Aztec |key aspects of the relationship |demonstrates the key aspects of |

| |Aztec worldview and the Inka|worldview and the Inka worldview |between the Aztec worldview and |the relationship between the |

| |worldview | |the Inka worldview |Aztec worldview and the Inka |

| | | | |worldview |

5. Has someone in your program completed, submitted or published a manuscript which uses or describes assessment activities in your program? Please provide citation or discuss.

No one has published a manuscript on this subject in our dept.[pic]




|Scoring Scale (1-4)|Identification: Elements & |Description: Question 3 |Identification: Concepts: |Interpretation & Problem |

| |Principles: Question 1 & 2 | |Question 4 |Solving: Question 5 |

|Excellent - 4 |Excellent identification of |Exceptional use of art |Complete identification of |Exceptional conceptual |

| |the (3 ea.)most applicable |vocabulary. Clear, |the mainmessage, concept or |discussion of5-6 of the |

| |Elements & Principlesof |descriptive formal analysis |idea conveyed inthis artwork.|applicable Elements |

| |Design, concepts and ideas. |of 5-6 elements and | |&Principles that communicate |

| | |principles, and how | |theappropriate message, |

| | |theyfunction within the | |concept or ideaconveyed in |

| | |composition. | |the artwork. |

|Satisfactory - 3 |Satisfactory identification |Satisfactory use of art |Satisfactory identification |Satisfactory conceptual |

| |of (2)applicable Elements & |vocabulary. Clear, |of the mainmessage, concept |discussionof 3-4 of the |

| |Principles ofDesign, concepts|descriptive formal analysis |or idea conveyed inthis |applicable Elements& |

| |and ideas. |of 3-4 elements and |artwork. |Principles that communicate |

| | |principles, and how | |theappropriate message, |

| | |theyfunction within the | |concept or ideaconveyed in |

| | |composition. | |the artwork. |

|Minimal - 2 |Minimal identification of (1)|Minimal use of art |Minimal identification of the|Minimal conceptual discussion|

| |applicableElements & |vocabulary. Partially clear |mainmessage, concept or idea |of 1-2of the applicable |

| |Principles of Design,concepts|descriptive formal analysis |conveyed inthis artwork |Elements & Principlesthat |

| |and ideas. |of 1-2elements and | |communicate a message, |

| | |principles, and how | |conceptor idea conveyed in |

| | |theyfunction within the | |the artwork |

| | |composition. | | |

|Unacceptable – |Incorrect or no |Incorrect or no use of art |Incorrect or no |012:\hˆ‘¶·- ´ ¼ Þ ç |

|Unacceptable-1 |identification of |vocabulary. Incorrect or no |identification of the | |

| |anyapplicable Elements & |descriptive formalanalysis;. |mainmessage, concept or idea | |

| |Principles ofDesign. |Incorrect or no mention |conveyed inthis artwork. | |

| | |ofelements and principles and| | |

| | |how theyfunction within the | | |

| | |composition. | | |

Elements Formal Concept Formal applied

Principles analysis ID to meaning


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