Ms. Dismuke's Classroom

3D Skin Model Project

You will be creating a 3D model of skin structure.  The following list includes all of the structures that should be represented in the model.  This project is worth ½ of your Unit 3 test grade. (See Rubric Below)  Have fun and be creative!  Think of recycled materials from home that could creatively model these structures! You may use an anatomy text book/ CD, the internet or your notes to help you with this assignment. Be creative/inventive in the materials you use in your model.

A legend/ key must be attached stating the purpose/use/function of each part. You must also create labels for the structures on the model that match with the legend #s or name).

Due Wed. March 6th

|Hair shaft |Adipose Tissue |

|Sweat pore |Root Hair Plexus |

|Dermal Papillae (papillary layer of dermis) |Hair Follicle |

|Meissner’s corpuscle |Hair Root |

|Free nerve ending |Hypodermis |

|Reticular dermis (layer of the dermis) |Dermis |

|Sebaceous gland |Epidermis |

|Arrector Pili Muscle |Stratum corneum |

|Sensory Nerve Fiber |Stratum lucidum |

|Eccrine sweat gland |Stratum granulosum |

|Pacinian corpuscle |Stratum spinosum |

|Artery |Stratum basale |

|Vein | |

Skin Model Grading:

A. 25 structures: 2 pt. each

1. Structure modeled: 1 pt.

2. Structure labeled: 1 pt.

B. Accuracy & organization of model: 15 pts.

C. Appearance/ Neatness: 10 pts.

D. Attached legend (must include a definition/description of each term): 25 pts.

Name ________________________ Final Score_________

|Category |Points Possible |Points Earned |

|A |50 | |

|B |15 | |

|C |10 | |

|D |25 | |

3D Skin Model Project

You will be creating a 3D model of skin structure.  The following list includes all of the structures that should be represented in the model.  This project is worth ½ of your Unit 3 test grade. (See Rubric Below)  Have fun and be creative!  Think of recycled materials from home that could creatively model these structures! You may use an anatomy text book/ CD, the internet or your notes to help you with this assignment. Be creative/inventive in the materials you use in your model.

A legend/ key must be attached stating the purpose/use/function of each part. You must also create labels for the structures on the model that match with the legend #s or name).

Due Wed. March 6th

|Hair shaft |Adipose Tissue |

|Sweat pore |Root Hair Plexus |

|Dermal Papillae (papillary layer of dermis) |Hair Follicle |

|Meissner’s corpuscle |Hair Root |

|Free nerve ending |Hypodermis |

|Reticular dermis (layer of the dermis) |Dermis |

|Sebaceous gland |Epidermis |

|Arrector Pili Muscle |Stratum corneum |

|Sensory Nerve Fiber |Stratum lucidum |

|Eccrine sweat gland |Stratum granulosum |

|Pacinian corpuscle |Stratum spinosum |

|Artery |Stratum basale |

|Vein | |

Skin Model Grading:

E. 25 structures: 2 pt. each

1. Structure modeled: 1 pt.

2. Structure labeled: 1 pt.

F. Accuracy & organization of model: 15 pts.

G. Appearance/ Neatness: 10 pts.

H. Attached legend (must include a definition/description of each term): 25 pts.

Name ________________________ Final Score_________

|Category |Points Possible |Points Earned |

|A |50 | |

|B |15 | |

|C |10 | |

|D |25 | |


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