Article Analysis Assignment

Article Analysis Assignment

• Choose a SCIENCE related article

• Attach the original article or a photocopy/print out of the article.

• On an 8 1/2 x 11 piece of paper using either blue or black ink or typed in black ink, use the following format:


|Name ________________________________ Date_________ |

|  |

|Title of Article |

|Author |

|Source |

|Date of Article |

|  |

|Body:  |

| |

|Answer these 5 questions about the article using complete sentences:   |

|Who?  |

|What? |

|Where? |

|When? |

|Why? |

|  |

|New Vocabulary Words:  |

| |

|Choose 2-3 words from the article that are new to you.  Write the word, part of speech, syllabication, and  then the definition of the word|

|as it is used in the article.  You may use an online dictionary: |

|For example:   |

|  newspaper - (noun) -  news * pa * per - A publication usually issued daily or |

|weekly containing current news, editorials, feature articles, and usually advertising. |

|  |

|Opinion: |

| |

|  Write 4-6 sentences on why you chose this article, did you agree or disagree with the |

|content, how does it apply to science class, etc... |

|  |




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