[Short Report Template] - EdoriumJournals

[Research Article Template][This Research Article Template has the standard set of headings][Delete any section or heading you do not need.][Below the headings the dummy text is given in red color. Replace the dummy text with your own text.] [DELETE ALL TEXT IN RED COLOR BEFORE SUBMITTING YOUR MANUSCRIPT.]TYPE OF ARTICLE: Research ArticleTITLE: Title of the ManuscriptAUTHORS: Author A1, Author B2, Author C3 …….AFFILIATIONS: 1Author A, Academic Affiliations (position, department, institute, city, state, country, email ID)2Author B, Academic Affiliations (position, department, institute, city, state, country, email ID)3Author C, Academic Affiliations (position, department, institute, city, state, country, email ID)CORRESPONDING AUTHOR DETAILS Corresponding Author NameCorresponding Author Address (with city, state, country)Contact Phone NumberEmail ID (Required)Fax numberShort Running Title: Short title in less than 40 charactersGuarantor of Submission: The corresponding author is the guarantor of submission.NOTE: If corresponding author is not the Guarantor of Submission give the details below.Guarantor of Submission (if NOT the corresponding author)Corresponding Author NameCorresponding Author Address (with city, state, country)Contact Phone NumberEmail ID (Required)Fax numberTITLE: Title of ManuscriptABSTRACTLess than 250 words for all manuscriptsAIMS[Type or copy/paste your text here]METHODS[Type or copy/paste your text here]RESULTS[Type or copy/paste your text here]CONCLUSION[Type or copy/paste your text here]Keywords: Four to six keywordsNOTE: References cited in text are in square brackets BEFORE the closing punctuation, e.g. [1, 2, 3] and figures/tables are in parenthesis, e.g. (Figure 1) or (Table 1) after the punctuationTITLE: Title of ManuscriptINTRODUCTION[Type or copy/paste your text here]MATERIALS AND METHODS[Type or copy/paste your text here]RESULTS[Type or copy/paste your text here]DISCUSSION[Type or copy/paste your text here]CONCLUSION[Type or copy/paste your text here]CONFLICT OF INTEREST[Declare here if any financial interest or any conflict of interest exists. ]AUTHOR’S CONTRIBUTIONS [At least ONE task from each group is required. Delete anything which is not applicable.]Author AGROUP 1: Conception of the work AND/OR Design of the work AND/OR Acquisition of data AND/OR Analysis of data AND/OR Interpretation of data GROUP 2: Drafting the work AND/OR Revising the work critically for important intellectual contentGROUP 3: Final approval of the version to be publishedGROUP 4: Agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolvedAuthor BGROUP 1: Conception of the work AND/OR Design of the work AND/OR Acquisition of data AND/OR Analysis of data AND/OR Interpretation of data GROUP 2: Drafting the work AND/OR Revising the work critically for important intellectual contentGROUP 3: Final approval of the version to be publishedGROUP 4: Agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolvedAuthor CGROUP 1: Conception of the work AND/OR Design of the work AND/OR Acquisition of data AND/OR Analysis of data AND/OR Interpretation of data GROUP 2: Drafting the work AND/OR Revising the work critically for important intellectual contentGROUP 3: Final approval of the version to be publishedGROUP 4: Agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved[Repeat above as required for all authors]ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSList / thank / acknowledge here individuals who contributed to the work but do not qualify for authorshipREFERENCESUse Vancouver style as given here:Surname First Name Middle Name, Surname First Name Middle Name. Title of article. Journal Name Year;Volume(Number):Full inclusive page numbers.][NO SPACES BETWEEN - Year;Volume(Number):Full inclusive page numbers. ]List all authors if less than six. If more than six authors, list the first six followed by “et.al.”Reference 1Reference 2Reference 3[Repeat above as required for all references]TABLESTable 1: Table Title – A brief descriptive title of the tableAbbreviations: List all abbreviations & full terms FIGURE LEGENDSFigure 1:Give description of figures/image include information like contrast media, stain, chemical, power usedProtect patient privacy at all timesFigure 2: (A) – If a figure has many parts give a description of each part separately (B) – If a figure has many parts give a description of each part separatelyGive description of figures/image include information like contrast media, stain, chemical, power usedProtect patient privacy at all timesFIGURESGive all figures included in the manuscript with description of the figure given belowFigure 1: Description of Figure 1Figure 2: Description of Figure 2 ................

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