Project #4: Write Journal Article Critiques 15 pts./ea.


SE 637

Project #1: Participate in Class Discussion/Activities

Participation is expected of students in graduate classes.

Project #2: Give Oral Presentation(s) 30 pts./ea.

Choose one topic for each oral presentation you expect to give. (No

more than two presentations may be scheduled.) The topic(s) can be

related to any of the following:

- Non-Graded vs. Graded Curriculum

- Homogeneous Grouping vs. Heterogeneous Grouping

- Decentralization vs. Centralization with regard to

curriculum issues

- Human Technology vs. Autonomous Technology

- Globalism vs. Regionalism

- Principals as Curricular/Instructional Leaders

- Sociological Changes which affect the school Curriculum

- A curricular challenge unique to your major area

- A curricular challenge common across several areas

- Choose your own . . . obtain the approval of your

professor before you plan this one.

For this project:

a. Choose your topic.

b. Schedule your presentation with your professor.

c. Research, outline, prepare hand-outs for a 15-20 minute

presentation on your topic.

Project #3: Write Journal Article Critiques 20 pts./ea.

For this project you may elect to do up to five critiques from professional

journal articles that are dated past three years. Each article critique

submitted must be from a different journal as well as address only one

major area from the course syllabus. For each critique, follow this outline:

a. Your Name and the category for which it is being submitted.

b. APA Bibliographical reference for the article.

c. A Brief SUMMARY of the content.

d. Your PERSONAL REACTION to the content of the article with

appropriate supportive rationale.


have with regard to either short or long term effects.

f. Your RATIONALE FOR why this article fits into the category

for which you’ve submitted it for credit.



Project #4: Compile an Annotated Bibliography (-ies) 30 pts./ea.

Select a CURRICULUM related theme. Obtain approval of this theme

from your professor before you work on this project. Research your them

and compile a bibliographical list of at least ten references. Annotate each

reference with an abbreviated summary and your personal rationale for its

importance and relevance to CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT.

You may opt to compile a maximum of two distinct bibliographies.

Project #5: Explore Curriculum Designs 40 pts.

In Chapter 10 of your text, Wiles & Bondi discuss the classification of

the many forms of schooling in the United States according to Lucas

(1976). After reading the discussion for each of these six curriculum

designs. . .

a. Compare and Contrast these designs to show similarities and differences.

b. Rank order these designs from what you think may be the MOST

influential to the LEAST influential design as they may impact

curriculum development in education in the future.

c. Explain why you ranked your choice of design as the

MOST influential, as well as , as well as why you ranked your

choice of design as the LEAST influential.

Project #6: Research, Write, then Orally present a “Position Paper” 100 pts.

This is a major requirement for this course. Your “Position Paper”

should reflect a graduate level research in supplying the EVIDENCE for

a specific position you are taking regarding a relevant curricular issue.

The following steps should be followed in addressing this project:

a. Visual presentation/organization of the paper (5)

b. Proper use of APA/in-text and Reference list (10)

c. Graduate level vocabulary/writing (15)

d. Logical order, progression of topics/sub-topics (20)

e. Thoroughness of presenting topic/position clearly

supported and stated (25)

f. Appropriate use of relevant literature reviewed

and analyzed (20)

g. Extent of Reference list/relative and current (5)


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