Rubric for Midterm Article Critique

Article Critique Rubric

Using the article distributed in class, complete the critique questions as specified on the syllabus. Answers should be typed and in complete sentences, with exception to #4 and #5 where you need only to list the variables. You may discuss the questions; however, responses should be written up independently.

Ratings correspond to the following: 1 = Poor, 2 = Good and 3 = Excellent (½ s will be assigned).

|Question |Support |Rating |

|(1) |What type of research was conducted? |You are expected to describe the type or categories of |1 |2 |3 |

| | |research conducted and reported in the article and justify | | | |

| | |your reason(s). | | | |

|(2) |Choose one construct used to guide the |You should know what a construct is and how to identify the |1 |2 |3 |

| |main research question and discuss how |constructs used in research studies. Many studies | | | |

| |the construct was used. |incorporate more than one construct; limit yourself to one. | | | |

|(3) |How did the authors present the research |You should be able to recognize the research hypothesis(es) |1 |2 |3 |

| |hypothesis(es), directly or indirectly? |used in the research even if not stated directly. | | | |

| |If stated directly, cite the page and | | | | |

| |paragraph. If implied, state in your own| | | | |

| |words. | | | | |

|(4) |List the independent and/or explanatory |You should know what an independent and explanatory variable|1 |2 |3 |

| |variables used in the study. |are and how to recognize these in research studies. | | | |

|(5) |List the dependent and/or response |You should know what a dependent and response variable are |1 |2 |3 |

| |variables used in the study. |and how to recognize these in research studies. | | | |

|(6) |Choose one main independent and/or |Choose one that relates to the construct you discussed in |1 |2 |3 |

| |explanatory variable and note how the |question 2. | | | |

| |variable was operationalized. | | | | |

|(7) |Chose one main dependent and/or response |Choose one that relates to the construct you discussed in |1 |2 |3 |

| |variables and note how the variable was |question 2. | | | |

| |operationalized. | | | | |

|(8) |If any control or extraneous variables |You should be able to recognize the different types of |1 |2 |3 |

| |were included in the study, choose one |variables used in research studies and identify how each of | | | |

| |and explain how the variable was |the variables in the study is operationalzied. For example,| | | |

| |operationalized and how it was used. |an extraneous variable could be controlled by limiting the | | | |

| | |sample, i.e., include only Native Americans. | | | |

|(9) |How would the design be diagramed? Name |There are many ways to diagram a study. You may use Xs and |1 |2 |3 |

| |or describe the design. |Os or you may draw a table with boxes, if appropriate. When| | | |

| | |you name the design, you may link the design to the kinds of| | | |

| | |variables in the study. For example, you may have a | | | |

| | |factorial design with two between-subjects variables. | | | |

|(10) |Discuss whether the design was |If the research hypothesis predicted improvement or change, |1 |2 |3 |

| |appropriate to address the |then a repeated measure design would probably be necessary. | | | |

| |hypothesis(es). |If the study was a one shot study, then the design was not | | | |

| | |appropriate. | | | |

|(11) |Identify and explain one strength and one|Limit yourself to one strength and one weakness in the |1 |2 |3 |

| |weakness in the design as used in this |design. | | | |

| |study. | | | | |

|(12) |Discuss one threat to internal validity |You should know what internal validity is and how to |1 |2 |3 |

| |specific to this study as it was designed|recognize a threat to it. | | | |

| |and carried out. | | | | |

|(13) |Discuss one threat to external validity |You should know what external validity is and how to |1 |2 |3 |

| |specific to this study as it was designed|recognize a threat to it. | | | |

| |and carried out. | | | | |


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