Assignment #5 Questions

Assignment #5 Questions

Only answer questions on the below two articles.

The Rich Get Richer, the Poor Get Prison- Tara Gray: An Overview of Jeffery Reiman’s book.

1. According to Reimer, why does the criminal justice system favor upper-class criminals?

2. What does Reimer say about the notion that White-Collar crime is harmless?

3. What sociological theory is utilized mostly in the article (Conflict theory, symbolic interactionism, or structural functionalism)? Why?

Federal Crack Cocaine Sentencing- The Sentencing Project

1. What are the origins of the federal cocaine sentencing policy? Why is the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 deemed problematic?

2. Why were those caught with crack cocaine given longer sentences than those caught with powder cocaine? What was the government’s justification?

3. What were/are the racial and class implications or impacts of the policy?


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