LHF Constitution























22.0 Declaration 31


1.O Name:

The name of the organization/foundation shall be Live Hope Foundation (LHF), both meaning the same thing and having equal effect.

1. Vision:

Empowered Youth taking responsibility for their actions through total transformation of lives in and outside Uganda.

1.2 Mission Statement:

To be an effective, sustainable and reliable agent so as to save and empower youth through a well coordinated delivery of friendlier charitable services.

1.3 Objects

The objects for which LHF is established are:

1.3.1 To promote HIV/AIDs prevention/control activities with a major emphasis on promoting the ‘ABC’ strategy i.e Abstinence, Being faithful and Condoms, as a life style among youth in Uganda.

1.3.2 To support those who are abstaining and faithful so that they don't recede back into promiscuity and HIV exposure.

1.3.3 To promote education at all levels of learning through competitive scholarships, so as to promote sustainable development among the youth in uganda.

1.3.4 Trasform lives through inspirational teaching through radio,conferences and small group meetings.

1.3.5 Production of abstinence based eduation media for schools,television and radio in the national arena.

1.3.6 Early intervention to medical crises of HIV, pregnancy which are the primary medical concerns for youth.

1.3.7 Equiping the youth with leadership and entrepreneur skills for self sustenance.

1.3.8 Provision of youth friendly recreational facilities to provide non sexual community services.

1.3.9 To gather relevant research data to impact public policy and practice.

1.3.10 To offer orphan Care services especially those that are for basic survival of children below the age of 15 years.

1.4 Programme Areas

1.4.1 HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control.

1.4.2 Education and Training programmes.

1.4.3 Advocacy, Information and Research.

1.4.4 Community Services.

1.4.5 Orphan Care Services.

1.5 Office location

1.5.1 The registered office of the foundation shall be situated in the Republic of Uganda and the foundation shall have the jurisdictions to open up offices in other countries so as to help vulnerable persons that fall in the foundation’s objects.

1.6 Capital

1.6.1 LHF is an Organization/Foundation limited by guarantee. It has no share capital.

1.7 Contact

Live Hope Foundation

P.O.Box 237, Fort Portal

Kabarole, Uganda.

East Africa.

Tel. +256-78- 441046

Email: livehopefnd@

1.8 Declaration

1.8.1 We, the founders of Live Hope Foundation (LHF), whose names and addresses are subscribed below, are desirous of being formed into an organization/foundation in pursue of this Constitution, and we respectively agree to take on the management of the organization.

|No. |Names, address and occupation of Promoters/Founder |Signature |

|1 |Mr. Masiko James | |

| |Student, Makerere University Kampala | |

| |Tel. 256 78 441046 | |

| |P.O BOX 3024, Kampala | |

| |Email: jamesmasiko@yahoo.co.uk | |

|2 | Mugenyi Patrick | |

| |Technician,Roko Construction Ltd. | |

| |Tel. 256 77 872291 | |

| |P.O BOX 3024, Kampala | |

| |Email: patmugenyi@yahoo.co.uk | |

Witnessed by;





The regulations contained in the table of this constitution shall apply to this foundation so far as they are applicable to an organization Limited by guarantee, subject to the modifications and special positions herein contained.

In these constitution articles, unless there be something in the subject matter or context inconsistent here with the said;

“The LHF Founders” means Masiko James and Mugenyi Patrick.

“The Foundation/Organization/Company” means Live Hope Foundation (LHF),

“The Office” means the registered office for the time being of the organization

“ The Register” means register of members to be kept pursuant to the Act

“ These Articles” means these Constitution Articles as originally framed or as altered from time to time by special resolution;

“The Directors” mean the directors of the organization for the time being.

“The Executive” means the Executive Committee/Council of the organization according to these Constitutional Articles.

“The seal” means the common seal of the organization.

The word, “he” shall mean and include both male and female genders.

“General Meeting/Assembly” shall mean the meeting of all up to date registered members of the organization.


FS – Finance Secretary

GS – General Secretary

IPS – Information and Publicity Secretary

LAS – Legal Affairs Secretary

GAS – Gender Affairs Secretary

GYAS – General Youth Affairs Secretary

BOT – Board of Trustees

Subject, as foresaid, and words or expressions defined in this Constitution shall if not inconsistent with the subject or context, bear the same meaning in these Articles.


1.1 The members of the Company are:

(a) the Foundation Members; and

(b) any other persons the directors admit to membership in accordance with this constitution.

1.2 Number of Members

1.2.1 The number of members for which the Company proposes to be registered is unlimited.

1.3 Categories of Membership

1.3.1 The categories of membership are:

(a) Ordinary membership

(i) Any individual who:

(a) is a citizen of Uganda at the date of application; and

(b) makes a commitment to actively participate towards furthering the objectives of the Foundation; may apply for ordinary membership of the Company.

(ii) Any corporate body which:

(a) is a professional or youth charitable organization. or

(b) any other organisation that has objects consistent with the objects of the company as nominated and determined by the Board of Trustees may apply for ordinary membership of the Company.

(iii) Rights of Ordinary Members

(1) Ordinary members have one vote which will be used to appoint the Board of Trustees and to vote on any other matters put to the membership.

(2) Any corporate body which is an ordinary member of the Company will have one vote which will be used to appoint the Board of Trustees and to vote on any other matters put to the membership..

(3) Ordinary members have a responsibility to pursue the implementation of the objects of the company.

(4) Ordinary members also have the right to attend any future LHF gatherings.

(b) Associate Membership

(i) Any individual who:

(a) is not a Ugandan citizen at the date of application; and

(b) demonstrates a commitment to the objects of the Company, but does not meet the criteria for ordinary membership may apply for associate membership of the Company.

(ii) Any corporate body which:

(a) wishes to support the company in pursuit of its objects, but does not otherwise meet the criteria for ordinary membership; may apply for associate membership of the Company.

(iii) Rights of Associate Members

Despite anything in this constitution to the contrary, an associate member:

(1) has the right to receive notices of and to attend and be heard at any general meeting but

(2) has no right to vote on any matter put to the membership.

(c) Honorary Membership

1. If, in the opinion of the directors, a person, not being a member of the Company, has made over a period of years a significant contribution to the Company, the directors may nominate that person as an honorary member of the Company.

2. A person nominated under (1) becomes an honorary member of the Company on the latter to occur of:

(a) the person consenting in writing to be an honorary member and

(b) the nomination being approved by an ordinary resolution of members at a general meeting.

3. An honorary member which is a corporate body may, but need not, nominate a nominated representative.

4. An honorary member has no rights and privileges of membership, other than the right to receive notices of and attend and be heard at any general meeting, and is otherwise subject to this constitution.

1.3.2 Additional categories of members, if recommended by the directors, may be created from time to time by the members in the general meeting.

1.4 Form of Application

1.4.1 An application for membership must be:

(a) in writing in a form approved by the directors;

(b) signed by the applicant;

(c) signed by the proposer and seconder, each of whom must be members; and

(d) accompanied by any other documents or evidence as to qualification for the type of membership applied for which the directors require.

1.4.2 If the applicant is a corporate body it must nominate 1 person (“nominated representative”) to represent it in the Company. The application form must:

(a) state the name and address of the nominated representative; and

(b) be signed by the nominated representative.

1.4.3 An application form must be accompanied by:

(a) an application fee, if any, determined in accordance with 1.9; and

(b) the annual subscription, determined in accordance with 1.10.

1.5 Admission to Membership

1.5.1 The directors must consider an application for membership as soon as practicable after its receipt and determine, in their discretion, the admission or rejection of the applicant.

1.5.2 The directors need give no reason for the rejection of an application.

1.5.3 If an application for membership is rejected the application fee, if any, and the annual subscription must be refunded to the applicant.

1.5.4 If an applicant is accepted for membership:

(a) the GS must notify the applicant of admission in the form of a receipt for the application fee, if any, and annual subscription or in any other form the directors determine; and

(b) the name and details of the member must be entered in the register of members.

1.6 Notification by Members

1.6.1 Each member must promptly notify the GS in writing of any change in their qualification to be a member of the Company.

1.6.2 Each corporate member must promptly notify the GS in writing of any change in the person nominated as its nominated representative under 1.4.2.

16.3 A person nominated as a nominated representative must consent to the nomination in writing.

1.7 Foundation Members

1.7.1 Foundation Members who have signed this constitution before the Company is registered become ordinary members of the Company on registration of the Company.

1.7.2 Foundation Members are not required:

(a) to have any qualification for membership;

(b) to pay any application fee; or

(c) to pay an annual subscription until 1 January next occurring after registration of the Company.

1.7.3 Foundation Members must otherwise comply with this constitution.

1.8 Register of Members

1.8.1 A register of members of the Company must be kept in accordance with the Law.

1.8.2 The following must be entered in the register of members in respect of each member:

(a) the full name of the member;

(b) the residential address, facsimile number and electronic mail address, if any, of the member;

(c) the category of membership;

(d) the date of admission to and cessation of membership;

(e) the date of last payment of the member’s annual subscription;

(f) in the case of a corporate member, the full name, address, facsimile number and electronic mail address, if any, of its nominated representative; and

(g) such other information as the directors require.

1.8.3 Each member and nominated representative must notify the GS in writing of any change in that person’s name, address, facsimile number or electronic mail address within 1 month after the change.

1.9 Application Fee

1.9.1 The application fee payable by each applicant for membership is the sum the directors determine for each category of membership.

1.9.2 No application fee is payable by any honorary member.

1.10 Annual Subscription

1.10.1. The annual subscription payable by a member of the Company is the sum the directors determine and the Company approves in general meeting.

1.10.2. All annual subscriptions are due and payable in advance on 1st January of each year.

1.10.3. If a person is admitted to membership of the Company during the months of January to June inclusive the directors may reduce the annual subscription payable by the applicant in any manner they see fit.

1.10.4 No annual subscription is payable by any life member or honorary member.

1.10.5. Unpaid Annual Subscriptions

(a) If the annual subscription of a member remains unpaid for 2 months after it becomes payable; and

(b) a notice of default is given to the member following a resolution of the directors to do this;

then, the member ceases to be entitled to any of the rights or privileges of membership but these may be reinstated on payment of all arrears if the directors see fit.

1.11 Cessation of membership

1.11.1. Resignation

(a) A member may resign from membership of the Company by giving written notice to the GS.

(b) The resignation of a member takes effect on the date of receipt of the notice of resignation or any later date provided in the notice.

1.11.2. Failure to Pay

If a member has not paid all arrears of annual subscriptions under rule 1.10 or, if paid, the member’s rights and privileges are not reinstated:

(a) the member remains liable for all the obligations and liabilities of membership until the expiration of 6 months after the date of notification under rule 1.10.5(b); and

(b) the member ceases to be a member and the member’s name must be removed from the register of members at the expiration of the 6 month period.

1.11.3. A member who is an individual ceases to be a member:

(a) on the death of the member; or

(b) if the member is expelled under rule 1.12.6.

1.11.4. A corporate member ceases to be a member:

(a) if it is wound up or is otherwise dissolved or deregistered; or

(b) if it is expelled under rule 1.12.6.

1.11.5. A life member or an honorary member ceases to be a member:

(a) if the member is an individual, in accordance with rule 1.11.1 or 1.11.3;

(b) if the member is a corporate member, in accordance with rule 1.11.1 or 1.11.4;

(c) if the directors, for any reason, request in writing the resignation of the member and the member does not resign within 2 months after the request is sent.

1.12 Disciplining Members

1.12.1. If any member:

(a) wilfully refuses or neglects to comply with the provisions of this constitution; or

(b) is guilty of any conduct which, in the opinion of the directors, is unbecoming of a member or prejudicial to the interest of the Company;

then the directors may resolve to censure, fine, suspend or expel the member from the Company and, in the case of expulsion, to remove the member’s name from the register of members.

1.12.2. In exercising their powers under rule 1.12.1, the directors must not fine a member an amount exceeding the annual subscription of an ordinary member, whether or not the member is an individual or a corporate body, or is liable to pay an annual subscription.

1.12.3. At least 1 week before the meeting of the directors at which a resolution of the nature referred to in rule 1.12.1 is passed the directors must give to the member notice of:

(a) the meeting;

(b) what is alleged against the member; and

(c) the intended resolution.

1.12.4. At the meeting and before the passing of the resolution, the member must have an opportunity of giving orally or in writing any explanation or defence the member sees fit.

1.12.5. A member may, by notice in writing lodged with the GS at least 24 hours before the time for holding the meeting at which the resolution is to be considered by the directors, elect to have the question dealt with by the

Company in general meeting and in that event, a general meeting of the Company must be called for that purpose.

1.12.6. If at the general meeting, a resolution to the same effect as the resolution which was to be considered by the directors is passed by a majority of 2/3 of those present and voting (and the vote must be taken by secret ballot), the member concerned must be punished in the manner resolved and in the case of a resolution for expulsion the member is expelled and the member’s name must be removed from the register of members.

1.12.7. If any member ceases to be a member under rule 1.12.6, the directors may reinstate the member and restore the name of that member to the register of members upon and subject to any terms and conditions they see fit.

1.13 Liabilities of members

1.13.1 The liability of the members is limited by guarantee.

1.13.2 Every member of the organization undertakes to contribute to the assets of the organization, in the event of payment of the debts and liabilities of the organization contracted before the time at which he ceases to be a member, and for the costs, charges and expenses of winding up the same, and for the adjustment of the rights of the contributories amongst themselves, such amount as may be required not exceeding Fourty thousand Uganda shillings (40,000/=)


2.1 The Executive Committee

2.1.1 There shall be An Executive Committee which shall be composed of: -

1. LHF Director

2. LHF Co-Director

3. Consultant

4. General Secretary

5. Assistant General Secretary

6. Patron/ Speaker

7. Deputy Patron /Speaker

8. Finance Secretary

9. Information and Publicity Secretary

10. Gender Affairs Secretary

11. General Youth Affairs Secretary

12. Legal Affairs Secretary

2.1.2 The Executive committee shall always be LHF’s top management team. The Director shall always be the head of LHF, and thereafter, follows the Co-Director. The, patron, FS, IPS and GYAS, shall be ex-officio members of the LHF Executive members group.

2.1.3 All members of the Executive committee shall hold office from the date of appointment up to the next annual general meeting unless or otherwise.

2.1.4 Any member of the Executive shall on the termination of his membership of LHF cease being a member of the LHF executive.

2.1.5 If any office on the Executive falls vacant by virtue of death, resignation or otherwise, such a vacancy shall be filled by the Executive committee, by appointment of any qualified personnel.

2.2 The Secretariat

2.2.1 There shall be the secretariat; this shall be composed of LHF staff members. The Patron who shall be an ex-officio of the Executive shall head the Secretariat. Its duties shall be to implement policies of the LHF foundation and to ensure the coordination and implementation of the programs set by the Executive

2.2.2 There shall be departments as deemed necessary by the Executive

2.2.3 There shall be kept the records of the organization at the secretariat

2.2.4 Members shall submit to the Secretariat periodic reports of performance in their areas of operation


3.1 The Executive Committee

The powers, duties and functions of the Executive Committee shall be:

3.1.1 To act as a legislature of LHF

3.1.2 Have powers to consider or reject amendments to the Constitution Articles of LHF.

3.1.3 Sanction and approve the policies of the organization

3.1.4 Elect officers as provided for by these Articles and shall have powers to remove the same by 2/3-majority vote of those present and voting .

3.1.5 Determine the size and appoint the members of the Executive Standing Committee.

3.1.6 To elect representatives to other Bodies/Associations/Companies as may be required.

3.1.7 Be responsible to the organization

3.1.8 Deliberate on all matters that affect the members and resolve on measures to be taken.

3.1.9 Have powers to deal with matters pertaining to the organization and report thereon to the other members.

3.1.10 Carry out the decision and programs of LHF.

3.1.11 Initiate policies and carry them out after approval of the 2/3-majority vote/decision.

3.1.12 Have powers to deal with emergency matters pertaining the organization

3.1.13 Provide support to division / regions / areas as required in the development services and structures.

3.1.14 Co-ordinate the exchange of programmes, ideas and resources country wide to avoid unnecessary duplication of work between the Forum & other organizations and to facilitate programme development.

3.1.15 Provide technical assistance to divisional & regional meetings and events, which are organized on that level.

3.1.16 Participate in the development model programme & resources relating to key Vulnerable persons issues, which can be adopted or used directly by LHF.

3.1.17 Advise and cooperate with other departments of the foundation on issues relating to their work.

3.1.18 Organize National / local & International meetings, events and exchange programmes to encourage young people and adults to meet & exchange developmental ideas & experiences.

3.1.19 Report to the General Assembly on the progress of the implementation of the prioritized projects, problems encountered and their prior solutions.

3.1.20 Analyze the needs & potential of vulnerable people in its areas operation and in the general community.

3.1.21 Involve young people in each of LHF programmes / projects and design dissemination & training programmes plus education / sensitizing of the young people / youth about the way to work with LHF to achieve their needs.

3.2 The Secretariat

The powers, duties and functions of the LHF secretariat shall be to:

3.2.1 Take responsibilities of the LHF details and spreading its gospel to Ugandans and other members so as to activate their participation in social bahavioural, and economic development. That is, it will act as the Organization’s media of communication.

3.2.2 Work with the organization members to develop a National policy, which will help provide the basis for all its work with vulnerable people.

3.2.3 Encourage other members (Ugandans) at all levels to involve young people in their work to share skills and knowledge.

3.2.4 Ensure that its departments are well resourced and prepared for their roles.

3.2.5 Ensure that issues are considered in relation to the LHF operational areas & programmes.

3.2.6 Encourage the development of services in relation to the LHF overall programmes


4.1 Director

The duties, powers and rights of the LHF Director shall be to;

4.1.1 Be the Executive head of LHF

4.1.2 Be the head of the Executive

4.1.3 Preside over meetings of the Executive

4.1.4 Be a co-signatory to all LHF transactions and contracts.

4.1.5 Have powers to call emergency meetings of the Executive committee

4.1.6 Take emergency decisions on behalf of the Executive in extra ordinary circumstances when he can not in anyway consult the Executive and report to the committee for confirmation within 2 (Two) weeks

4.1.7 Have powers to assign duties to any member of LHF

4.1.8 To promote and assess the progress of the implementation of the LHF policies Nationwide.

4.1.9 Promote National support for the vulnerable in a form appropriate for structure and resources to the other societies such as well-resourced department, youth service or youth officer based at the Programme headquarters.

4.1.10 Propose priorities for work in the programme e.g. Young Women’s issues, out-of-school youth, young people with disabilities, HIV/AIDS victims, etc.

4.1.11 Identify areas & divisions where help is needed in the development of the LHF’s programmes / projects & structure. He will further propose priority areas of work for the foundation and taking into account all the policies and priorities of LHF.

4.1.12 Implement training programmes for both members and their leaders to ensure they attain skills to implement this foundation.

4.1.13 Establish contacts with sister organizations, programmes & projects to share resources, learn from one another and to provide a structure whereby vulnerable people can meet their National & International friendship in the spirit of the foundation

4.1.14 Ensure that youth and HIV/AIDS victims are involved in decision making at every level of the Ugandan Society. This will be through involving them in structures such as the Executive Committee or having their representation on existing working groups.

4.1.15 Monitoring and approving financial inflows and outflows into LHF and its projects.

4.1.16 Incase of absence of both the Speaker and the deputy Speaker, the Director or the Co-Director shall preside over the elections of the interim Speaker

4.2 Co-Director

The functions and duties of the Co-Director shall be:

4.2.1 Deputize for the Director’s absence

4.2.2 Deal with all matters of the members concerning their submission to duties and welfare problems

4.2.3 Have powers to assign duties to any member of LHF, except the Director

4.2.4 Carry out such duties as shall be assigned to him/her by the Director

4.3 Consultant

The duties, powers and rights of the LHF Consultant shall be to;

4.3.1 Advice the Executive Committee on any matter of concern to the foundation

4.3.2 Oversee the implementation of development projects in the community in accordance with the LHF programs.

4.3.3 Discuss and find solutions to problems in LHF programs pertaining to members welfare, duties and any other matter of interest

4.3.4 Actively guide and support the foundation in the realization of its programs.

4.3.5 Preferably be a university graduate or equivalent with administration or accountancy knowledge

4.3.6 Collect and disseminate information on and for the benefit and progress of the foundation.

4.3.7 Forward ideas to the authorities on participation in development projects

4.3.8 Present budgets and records of expenditure to the Executive and General Secretary. In consultation with the Director, Co-Director, Patron and Finance Secretary, draw up plans of expenditures outside the budget.

4.3.9 Do any work assigned to him by the Director.

4.3.10 Be the Statistician of the foundation.

4.4 General Secretary (G.S)

4.4.1 The duties and functions of G.S shall be to:

4.4.2 Be the Executive Secretary of the LHF programs

4.4.3 In consultation with the Director, Co-Director, Consultant and the Patron, draw and publish the agenda of all Committees and meetings.

4.4.4 Provide information on any of the organs of LHF.

4.4.5 Keep all records and proceedings of all meetings except Executive meetings

4.4.6 Do any work assigned to him by the Director.

4.4.7 Be a co-signatory to all LHF transactions

4.5 Assistant General Secretary (A.G.S)

The duties of AGS shall be to:

4.5.1 Be the Secretary to the Executive Committee

4.5.2 In consultation with the Director, Co-Director, GS and Patron, call meetings of the Executive

4.5.3 Shall be responsible for all the equipment and be in charge of employed staff and establishment of the Secretariat

4.5.4 Shall act for the General Secretary if she/he is not present

4.5.5 Do any duty assigned to him/her by the General Secretary

4.6 The Patron / Speaker

The Executive shall appoint him. He shall have the duties as below:

4.6.1 Preside over meetings of the LHF Programs.

4.6.2 In consultation with the Director, call and preside over emergency meetings of the Executive and LHF programs.

4.6.3 Be in charge of all matters pertaining to LHF Constitution Articles and all legal matters arising there from.

4.6.4 Preside over Elections

4.6.5 Be Chairman of any care taker government of the LHF.

4.6.6 Be ex-officio member of the Executive Committee.

4.6.7 Actively guide and support the Executive on the realization of its tasks and programs.

4.7 The Deputy Patron / Speaker shall have to:

4.7.1 Deputize for the Speaker/Patron

4.7.2 Assume the duties of the Speaker incase of resignation by the Speaker

4.8 Finance Secretary

The FS shall have to:

4.8.1 Keep all financial accounts of LHF.

4.8.2 Be in charge of records of all subscriptions, donations and grants to LHF.

4.8.3 Present records of accounts to the Executive.

4.8.4 Be co-signatory of LHF financial transactions.

4.8.5 Any duty assigned by the Patron/Speaker.

4.9 Information and Publicity Secretary

The functions and duties of the IPS shall be to:

4.9.1 Be responsible for the official publications of LHF.

4.9.2 Collect and disseminate information on and for the benefit of LHF.

4.9.3 Any duty assigned by the Patron/Speaker.

4.10 Gender Affairs Secretary

4.10.1 The GAS shall be responsible for the mobilization of LHF and outside members towards matters pertaining to women and involving them in the struggle for emancipation of women and their role towards development of vulnerable women.

4.11 General Youth Affairs Secretary

4.11.1 Shall coordinate social and economic activities in and outside LHF, with the aim of involving all LHF Youth members in development activities

4.11.2 Shall forward ideas to the Executive Committee on participation in Youth development projects

4.11.3 Shall work hand in hand with the youths, to up lift their social aspect

4.11.4 Shall liaise between the Executive and youth

4.11.5 Any duty assigned by the Patron.

4.12 Legal Affairs Secretary

4.12.1 Offer legal advice to the Foundation.

4.12.2 Handle any legal matters pertaining to the organization


5.1 Definition

5.1.1 There shall be a Standing Committee in the names of Programs and Planning Committee. It shall be composed of;




General Secretary


Finance Secretary

Information and Publicity Secretary


6.1 Definition

6.1.1 There shall be a Board Of Trustees for LHF, composed of prominent members of the society and who are both Citizens and Non Citizens of Uganda.

6.1.2 The General Assembly with advice from the Founder members and the Executive committee at their meeting(s) shall elect and decide on which people are to be elected on the BOT.

6.1.3 These shall have powers to over see the implementation of LHF foundation, propose policies that can be applied for the continuity of LHF.

6.1.4 And even be used as referees for LHF incase the foundation would like to receive some funding or if it wants to establish any transaction for the good of the organization.


7.1 Terms

7.1.1 All LHF elections shall be by casting votes, unless or otherwise determined by the Executive.

7.1.2 Any ordinary member has a right to vote.

7.1.3 There shall be no voting by proxy.

7.1.4 Whenever there is any tie in elections, elections shall be repeated at least three (3) times and then the Patron/Speaker may cast a casting vote.


8.1 Resignation

8.1.1Any member/staff to resign from LHF or Executive committee shall tender his/her resignation to the Patron and such resignation shall take effect upon receipt of a reply from the Executive Committee, through the Patron .

8.1.2 The Patron through IPS, shall cause publication of such resignation to the Executive and the public immediately

8.1.3 The Speaker or Deputy Speaker wishing to resign shall submit his/her resignation to the Executive Committee, addressed to the Director, through the Co-Director .

8.2 Suspension and Dismissal

8.2.1 Any member of the Executive may be suspended by simple majority vote of the entire Executive Committee pending the conduct of an investigation of his/her conduct if the investigations confirm that the member has misbehaved, and fails to change following the corrections made to him/her, the committee shall dismiss him without fear or favor.

8.3 Vote of No Confidence

8.3.1 A motion of vote of no confidence in the Executive must be supported by at least two thirds (2/3) of the Executive members.

8.3.2 At least one month’s notice shall be given to the Director, through the Co-Director, Patron, and the General Secretary.



10.1.1 These principles have been developed for the guidance of all those working in or using the proposed office of LIVE HOPE FOUNDATION ( LHF). They may be amended from time-to-time by the Directors of LHF to reflect the changing needs of the organization.

10.1.2 The principles shall be brought to the attention of all persons working under or with LHF where relevant.


10.2.1 Overall financial responsibility The Accounting Officer of LHF shall be the Director as appointed by the BOT of LHF. The BOT is ultimately responsible for LHF’s financial affairs. The Director shall provide comprehensive financial and activity reports to BOT. In consultation with the Consultant, the FS shall cause the budget proposals to be prepared and laid before the Executive, involving all estimates of Revenue and Expenditure for the proceeding financial year The finances of LHF shall be expended in a manner approved by the LHF Founders and Executive during its debate on the budget proposals. Accounts shall be audited by a person/firm qualified as an auditor/accountant and appointed by the Executive, for presentation to the Annual General Meeting. No Director or officer or any other employee of LHF shall be eligible to be the auditor of the organization’s books of accounts. The Founders and or Directors/Officials may from time to time raise or seek any sum of money on behalf of the foundation members and or any person or they themselves from discovered/approved funding sources. Any document seeking financial support or support of any kind shall be Co-signatory of only the Director, Co-Director, and General Secretary unless agreed upon that another Official(s) be a Co-signatory.

10.2.2 Sources of Revenue

The sources of revenue for LHF shall be Subscriptions of members; Foundation members shall contribute as specified by the Executive Fundraising activities of LHF Grants and donations Any sources approved by the Executive

10.2.3 Receipt of funds All funds received by or on behalf of LHF, whether in cash, cheques or any other form shall be deposited in any authorised account(s) of LHF prior to use for any expenditure. Such receipt of funds shall be evidenced by a receipt or acknowledgement of receipt and a bank deposit slip. For this purpose, LHF shall open an account(s) in such bank(s) as may be deemed stable and safe.

10.2.4 Internal requisition for funds for expenditure Funds shall be requested only for items contained in the budget, whether expressly or by implication. All funds, including those needed for petty cash, shall be requested in writing, except funds already held as petty cash. The Executive Committee may authorize expenditure outside the budgetary limits but not exceeding fifteen percent (15%). Such expenditure should be made known to the Executive and Secretariat.

10.2.5 Requests for funds shall be as follows: Where budgeted expenditure has already been incurred and reimbursement is sought, the request shall be accompanied by the receipt or invoice evidencing such expenditure; Where the item to be purchased has already been delivered, the request shall be accompanied by the relevant invoice and duly signed delivery note; Where the item to be purchased has not been delivered, the request shall be accompanied by a proforma invoice or quotation; Where there is no document, the request shall be in the form of an advance, which shall be subject to accounting by the relevant person after the expenditure. Requests for funds by the Director shall be made to the FS or such other appointed person. In this event, the signature of the Director shall act as adequate authority to incur expenditure, subject only to the provisions of the budget. Requests for funds by any other officer shall be made to the Director. An endorsement thereon by the Director shall constitute adequate authority to the FS to incur expenditure, subject only to the provisions of the budget. In the event that the FS is not satisfied with any individual request notwithstanding the requisite authority, he or she shall refer the request to the Director. Such request shall then be considered by the Director, whose decision on the FS’s reference shall act as final instructions to the FS.

10.2.6 Advances All moneys paid on condition of subsequent accounting shall be considered as advances. Such advances shall be evidenced by a properly authorised ‘advance form'. Accounting for such advance shall be done as provided under sections 10.2.10, 10.2.11 and 10.2.12 below.

10.2.7 Petty cash Petty cash shall be kept by the FS, or any other person from time-to-time as appointed by the Director. Petty cash for the office shall be fifty thousand Uganda shillings (Ushs 50 000/-) or such other amount as may from time to time be determined by the Executive. Accounting for petty cash shall be done as in 10.2.10 below. Petty cash shall not be replenished until the previous advance is satisfactorily accounted for. Petty cash shall be advanced on the basis of an advance form' subject to accounting therefore. Petty cash voucher books shall be numbered serially and be in duplicate, and shall be filed/signed to support any payments from petty cash. Where possible, purchase of goods or services from petty cash shall be supported by receipts.

10.2.8 Cheque books and payments by cheques Cheque books shall be kept in the office in the custody of the FS or the Director may from time to time appoint such other person. The FS or such other person shall write cheques on the basis only of a duly authorised request, vouchers, invoices or receipts and present the same for signature to any two of the signatories, together with the supporting documents. Cheques and other accountable documents shall not be valid unless signed by at least two authorised signatories. All bank transactions/consultations must be approved/carried out by at least two signatories. All major financial matters shall be authorised by the Director on the basis of the budget. The authorised signatories shall be the Director, GS and FS. Signing of blank cheques is not permitted, except in cases where the requisite number of signatories will be unavailable over a period. In cases where three signatories will be unavailable, only two shall sign. In this event, the third signatory will be responsible for ensuring that his/her signature is appended only on production of relevant authorisation and supporting documents.

10.2.9 Payment vouchers Payment vouchers shall contain such necessary information as the name of the payee, the amount paid, the date of payment, the reasons for payment, the budget item under which the payment is made, and the signature of the payee, where possible. Receipts of acknowledgment should be attached to the payment voucher. Payment vouchers shall be serially numbered, and be in triplicate. The original shall have the supporting documents attached to it and be kept in a separate file. The duplicate shall be given to the payee together with the cheque or cash payment. The triplicate shall be retained in the voucher book. Where payments are made by cheque, the cheques number and date shall be entered onto the relevant voucher.

10.2.10 Accounting within the Organization. Members of the Secretariat of LHF shall account to the Financial officer appointed by the Director. The financial officer shall in turn account to the Director . All accounting shall be supported by documentary evidence. All accounting shall be done within two (2) weeks after use of funds for the designated purpose. Funds not accounted for within the period shall be recovered from the person holding the advance. All documents for accounting shall be ultimately deposited with and kept in the custody of the FS or such other person as may be designated by Director from time to time. The FS or such other person shall take full responsibility for the safety of the documents.

10.2.11 Salaries Salaries and other emoluments shall be determined by mutual agreement, subject to the budgetary allocation, the prevailing market rates and the qualifications and experience of the relevant officer. For the avoidance of doubt, LHF shall not be bound to pay the salary attached to a particular position under the budget. Information relating to individual salaries may be made confidential at the request of the individual officer. All salary payments shall be evidenced by means of a pay-slip which shall have the relevant break-down of the application of the emoluments in question. The salaries to the management and any staff member shall be specified on the appointment letter as resolved by the General Meeting/Assembly, or by the Executive incase of allowances and motivations.

10.2.12 Accounting books and files Accounting books/files shall be kept in the office under the custody of the FS or any other person designated by the Director. All accounting books/files shall be updated on a weekly basis. Accounts shall be rendered on a monthly basis. The FS shall at all times ensure that requests for payment are duly authorised, that expenditure is done in accordance with the budgetary limits and is evidenced by valid documents, that advances are promptly accounted for, that books are up-to-date, that accounts are rendered monthly, and that accounts are duly audited at the end of the financial period.

10.2.13 Financial year

The financial year of Live Hope Foundation shall run from 1st January to 31st December of a given year.


10.3.1 Introduction Live Hope Foundation shall keep up to date and in a business like manner such records, accounts and books as provided for under these constitution articles or as may be directed from time to time by the Law for the time being in force, in Uganda, and the General Meetings

There shall be the following records to be kept by LHF:

A register of the members showing names, addresses, occupations, Dates of Administration/Appointment and the Date of Cessation of membership/appointment.

A minute book showing the matter considered during the General Meeting

A minute book showing the proceedings of the Board of Trustees

A minute book showing the proceedings of the Executive Committee

A cash book showing the monies received and disbursed by Live Hope Foundation each day in full details.

A general ledger containing such books of records as are necessary to take care of the property, assets and any other interests of the organization

Vouchers, receipts or any other documents as may be presided by the organization from time to time

10.3.2 In-coming mail There shall be a register of all in-coming mail (which shall include fax messages). The register shall be kept by the office assistant or any other person designated by the Director. Mail received shall be placed in a loose file and circulated to all members of staff prior to being deposited with the person in-charge of administration. The person in-charge of administration shall subsequently mark the mail to the person to deal with the same, or deal with it. The mail shall then be placed in the relevant file by the office assistant or such designated person and presented to the person to act thereon. Both the loose file and the relevant file shall contain a document indicating the movement of the mail, with space for:

(1) The person to whom it is mailed;

(2) The date of mailing;

(3) The sure of the recipient at each point, and action taken including where file sent to next and the date of such action.

10.3.3 Out-going mail There shall be a register kept as in 10.3.2 above for all out-going mail. The register shall contain:

(1) the date and time of sending of mail;

(2) name of addressee;

(3) name of sender and the person delivering or posting the letter;

(4) whether mail is sent by hand-delivery or any other means, and

(5) (where letter sent by post) the amount of stamp used. There shall be a register of all stamps bought and used. The register shall contain:

(1) The date of purchase/use of stamps;

(2) The amount purchased/used, and

(3) The addressee of the mail for which the stamp is used. There shall be a ‘flimsy-file' in which copies of all outgoing mail shall be filed. The file shall be circulated to all members of staff for information.

10.3.4 Filing system There shall be a register of all files opened in the office The register shall contain:

(1) File number and name, and

(2) Date of opening or closing of the file. There shall be four file movement registers as follows:

(1) one for clients'/court files to be kept by the court clerk or any other person designated by the Director;

(2) one for accounting files to be kept by the accountant or any other person designated by the Director

(3) one for general office files to be kept by the office assistant or any other person designated by the Director and,

(4) one for all Secretariat personal files to be kept by the person in-charge of administration or any other person designated by the Director. The registers shall respectively contain:

(1) the file number and title;

(2) name of person to whom the file is marked and date of such marking, and

(3) signature of the person having ordinary custody, and of the person to whom it is marked. All files shall be kept in the office under the custody of the relevant person unless otherwise signed out for a designated official purpose.

10.3.5 Messages recording book There shall be opened a register of all messages received either by phone or person. It shall contain:

(1) date of message;

(2) sender;

(3) recipient;

(4) the message, and

(6) relevant signatures.

10.3.6 Trunk/international calls register There shall be a register of all Trunk and International calls made from the office. For each call, the register shall contain:

(1) number called;

(2) person making the call;

(3) whether official or personal;

(4) if official, the person called, and

(5) date, time and period. The register shall be kept by the office assistant or any other person appointed by the Director.

10.3.7 Register of fax messages There shall be a register of all out-going fax messages. The register shall, for each message, contain:

(1) the addressee;

(2) the sender;

(3) the number of pages;

(4) date and time sent, and

(5) whether official or personal. The register shall be kept by the office assistant or any other person designated by the Director.

10.3.8 Motor vehicle work-ticket There shall be kept a work-ticket for the motor-vehicle(s) which shall contain:

Any fuel put into the vehicle including amount, cost and form of payment (cheques/cash/card/signature);

Any trip made by the vehicle;

(3) Mileage readings at the beginning and end of the trip;

(4) Date of the trip, and

(5) Signature of person authorising the trip. Any running of the vehicle within the town in which LHF is situated or any town or area within which an activity of LHF is being held shall be designated as ‘local running’ in the work-ticket. The work-ticket shall be in the custody of the person authorised to drive the vehicle.

10.3.9 Register of Photocopies There shall be a register of all photocopies made. The register shall contain:

(1) The number of copies;

(2) Date and time;

(3) Person making copies, and

(4) Whether official or personal. The register shall be kept by the office assistant.


10.4.1 Stores and services Stores and services will be requisitioned in accordance with the budget. The decision on sourcing of supplies of stores and services shall be based on at least three quotations. The FS shall requisition all stores and services well before they run out, taking into consideration the market rates and any directions provided by the Director.

10.4.2 Equipment Equipment will be requisitioned by the FS in accordance with the budget and the decisions of the Director. For each piece of equipment, there shall be at least three (3) quotations to guide the taking of a decision regarding purchase. The Director may request technical assistance with regard to decisions on purchase of equipment.

10.4.3 Restriction on property All funds, assets or any other property acquired after the incorporation of LHF Foundation shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objectives of LHF as set out in the constitution and no portion of it shall be paid out directly or indirectly by a way of dividends, gifts, bonus or any other way of profit to the members of LHF. If upon the winding up or dissolution of the organization, there remains after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities any property of any kind the same shall not be paid out or distributed among the members of Live Hope Foundation but shall be given or transferred as provided in the constitution.


10.5.1 Motor vehicle(s) shall be kept at the premises of LHF or any other safe place approved by the Director.

10.5.2 The log book (s) shall be kept by the FS or any other person designated by the Director.

10.5.3 For purposes of fuelling/oiling, LHF may enter into an agreement with (a) specific fuel station(s) for bulk purchase and payment at the end of the month.

10.5.4 The Director or any person designated by him shall authorize the use of the vehicle in accordance with any guidelines provided by the Director.


10.6.1 LHF shall establish a resource centre to house publications it receives.

10.6.2 The resource centre shall be managed by the IPS or any other person designated by the Director.

10.6.3 The IPS shall facilitate proper organisation of the resource centre and the recording of materials received in and or borrowed from the centre.


10.7.1 Meetings Quorum The Founders, Director, Co-Director shall call meetings in accordance with the provisions of these constitution Articles and the quorum for such meetings shall be at least 2/3 of its members Where the meeting cannot proceed due to lack of a quorum, the Patron/Speaker shall adjourn the said meeting to another date and the General Secretary shall there upon give 30 (thirty) days prior notice to the other people absent from the said meeting. The General Assembly. There shall be Annual General Meetings of the organization to be held once a year in July (or any other month as may be agreed from time to time) and this shall be the supreme policy making organ of the organization, which every LHF member shall be entitled to attend. The Director, or the Co-Director shall always chair it, or the Executive Committee from time to time may decide any person. At the General Meeting of the organization, nothing shall be discussed unless there is present at least 2/3 of the total membership of the organization. The General Assembly/General Meeting shall be the body to deal with the following matters

Consideration and Approval of estimates of Income and Expenditures for the next financial year.

Consideration of Annual Reports and Audited Accounts for the previous financial year.

Consideration and approval of any other proposed program.

Consideration of the recommendations, discussions, acts, proposals etc of the Executive, The Founders, The Director, Co-Director, Finance Secretary , Patron, Consultant(s), Auditor Or Any Other Official or employee of the organization.

Consideration And Approval of any lawful business falling in the scope of the objectives of the organization. Executive Committee The Founders, Director, Co-Director shall call emergency meetings in accordance with the provisions of these constitution Articles and the quorum for such meetings shall be at least 2/3 of its members The Executive shall meet as often as possible on its own motion or on request of any of the members of the organization. The Executive or any sub committee of the foundation shall determine their own Procedures. In all other meetings of the Executive Committee of the organization, the quorum shall be at least 2/3 of the total Executive Membership of the organization. Secretariat. Meetings of the Secretariat shall be convened by the Director or any other person designated by him.

10.7.2 Reports Every person designated to take part in any activity shall produce a report in writing within a week of the completion thereof. The reports shall be made to the Director or any other person designated by the Director.

10.7.3 Employment and personnel matters The Executive Committee of the organization may appoint and employ any person required carrying out any of the services and objectives of the organization. The Executive Committee shall have the power of confirmation, promotion and dismissal of such employees subject to ratification, approval and direction of Control of the Executive. The relationship between LHF and any employee shall be governed by the Labour Relations Principles and any other agreement mutually entered into. The Director shall be responsible for personnel matters and may designate any person to be responsible therefore.

10.7.4 Office interpersonal relationships/Relationship with stakeholders In the relationships indicated above, we shall emphasize:

(1) Honesty/truthfulness and respect;

(2) Humaneness;

(3) Openness/transparency;

(4) A sense of responsibility;

(5) Accountability;

(6) Consultation prior to decision-making;

(7) Legality;

(8) Fairness; and

(9) The right to be heard prior to a decision that affects one's interests. The Director shall have the right to develop principles relating to relationships, subject to discussion and approval by the BOT.

10.7.5 Use of Equipment and Facilities All persons within LHF shall ensure that all equipment and facilities in the office are used diligently, efficiently and without wastage. In particular: Computers, scanners, photocopiers, telephones,public address system, and any other equipment and facilities shall be used only by authorised personnel; All equipment shall be handled with the requisite care and switched off when not in use; Services such as water and electricity shall be used sparingly and efficiently and turned or switched off when not in use; Stores and supplies shall be used sparingly and efficiently; Telephones shall be used with due regard to costs and the needs of other personnel within and outside the office; Use of e-mail/internet shall be generally restricted to early morning and late Afternoon/evening, and shall be done with due regard to expense and equitable distribution of use among the personnel; All persons using the office shall strive at all times to maintain office cleanliness and neatness and shall not deliberately or carelessly litter or deface the office or any content of the same; Where necessary, records shall be kept with regard to use of equipment and facilities;


11.1 Unless or otherwise provided under these constitution articles, all documents, contracts and cheques of the organization shall be authenticated by the following:

The Director and the Co-Director, Legal Affairs Secretary, in cases of contracts.

The Director, GS and the FS in respect of cheques, vouchers and any other financial matters and all other transaction documents.

Document(s) not signed shall be invalid unless they are enclosed with the Common Seal of the company and at least two signatures of either the Director, Co-Director or the GS.


12.1 There shall be a common seal of the organization vested in the Executive Committee and shall be kept by the General Secretary of the organization under lock and key.

12.2 The common seal of the company shall be circular in form with the words, “LIVE HOPE FOUNDATION”, inscribed around its circumference and with the word, “Registered” inscribed in the center thereof.

12.3 The seal shall not be affixed to any instrument except by the authority of a resolution of the Executive and in the presence of at least 2 Executive Committee members/directors or at least one Executive member and the General Secretary.

12.4 Any instrument to which the seal shall be affixed shall be signed by at least two (2) Executive members/directors and shall be affixed in their presence. Such signatories shall be conclusive evidence of the fact that the seal has been properly affixed.

12.5 Any instrument which is required to be signed by General Secretary of the organization or to which the seal of the company is to be affixed in the presence of the General Secretary may be signed and the seal affixed in his/her presence.

12.6 The Directors shall appoint the General Secretary of the foundation for such terms, at such remunerations and upon conditions as they may think fit and they may remove the General Secretary so appointed.


13.1 The top administration of LHF shall be carried out by the Executive Committee in accordance with the policy directions formulated by the General Assembly meetings, and Board of Trustees of the organization from time to time.

13.1.1 This being the hierarchy of administration, Live Hope Foundation Organization chart shall comprise of the following:


14.1 Any member of the organization running a separate business shall be free to supply the organization with any goods and services that are deemed necessary given that he/she meets the requirements made and he shall have to be paid accordingly.

14.2 Any member of the organization shall be free to carry out any business/project related to those of the organization on condition that he/she does not use the organization’s instruments and equipments to manage his/her business.


15.1 The standing orders of the organization shall be made according to the decisions of the Executive Committee and shall be binding on all members of the organization.


16.1 The Directors, Founders and the organization members at their General Meeting(s) shall appoint the National Patron of the organization, who shall be overseeing the activities of the whole foundation in the day-to-day operations.

16.2 He shall have to be an influential person in the society and may or not be a Ugandan Citizen.

16.3 His duties shall be similar to those of LHF’s Internal Patron, but he shall be representing the foundation at National level.


17.1 Amendments to these constitution Articles may be made at any regular General Meetings/Assembly of the organization, provided the proposed amendment shall have been submitted first to the Executive Committee for their consideration and in writing, two (2) months prior to the meetings of the General Assembly (Meeting).

17.2 These constitution articles shall be amended by the general meeting only if the proposed amendment is supported by 2/3 (two thirds) of the organization’s membership.

17.3 No such amendments shall be valid unless 30(thirty) days prior notice of the proposed amendments was published or furnished to all members before holding.


18.1 The organization shall be dissolved by virtue of:

18.1.1 A resolution supported by 2/3 (two thirds) of all membership in a General meeting/Assembly.

18.1.2 Where Voluntary dissolution is proposed under regulations 18.1.1 thereof, a notice of the proposed dissolution shall be served on the General Secretary of the organisation and the Information and Publicity Secretary of the organisation shall publish or circulate it to all the members at least Nine (9) months before the holding of the proposed general meeting.

18.1.3 Unless otherwise agreed upon that such an item be given to such a member/person, during the winding up or dissolution of the organization, there remains after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities any property of any kind the same shall not be paid out or distributed among the members of the organization but shall be given or transferred as provided in the constitution.

By a court decision or proceeding that has been fully resolved.


19.1 Every Director, Manager, Officer, Staff or member of the organization or any person employed by the organization may be indemnified out of the funds of the organization against all liability incurred by him/her as such Director, Manager, Officer, Staff, or member or any worker defending any proceedings whether civil or criminal, in which judgment is given in his/her favor or in which he/she is acquitted and/or relief is granted to him by the court if the duty he/she was doing was personal. And the reverse holds if the work/duty was official


20.1 LHF has been founded by some members (Founders). These are Masiko James and Mugenyi Patrick.

20.2 They have their personal Assets from which they have raised some funds to see that this organization is registered in the Republic of Uganda and also established as well, so that it carries on its work as provided for by this Constitution and the Country legal jurisdiction.

20.2.1 These Assets shall remain their personal belongings and cannot be used to settle any debt/liability in case incurred in the due course of operation.

20.3 The Promoters/Founders shall not retire from the organization even though they have exceeded the capability age bracket. This is intended to see that they watch the progress of the organization to see that the goal is attained and maintained until the foundation is wound up.

20.4 The Promoters/Founders of the foundation shall be free to alter their positions of Administration as may be deemed necessary by the Executive Committee, through a special resolution

20.6 Death of Founders

20.6.1 The family of the founder may nominate to the organization a member to occupy the position of the deceased founder member if the nominee has qualifications or if he is capable to perform the deceased’s duties.

20.6.2 Incase the family has no qualified person as per 20.6.1 above, the family shall continue receiving the sum of money the deceased has been currently receiving even though the organization gets another personnel of its own, to occupy the vacant position of the deceased founder until the organization winds up.


21.1 If and whenever any difference rises in and outside Uganda between the organization, any member or their respective representatives touching the construction of any of the articles herein contained or any act or being made or done, or to be under or omitted or in regard to the rights and liabilities here under or arising out of the relations, existing between the parties by reason of these presents or of the act, such differences shall forthwith be referred to two arbitrators to be appointed by the parties by agreement who shall choose an umpire before entering considerations of the matters referred to them and every such reference shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of law relating to arbitration for the time being in force in Uganda or in the country concerned.

22.0 Declaration

22.1 We, the founders of Live Hope Foundation (LHF), whose names and addresses are subscribed below, are desirous of being formed into an organization/foundation in pursue of this Constitution, and we respectively agree to take on the management of the organization.

|No. |Name, address and occupation of Promoters/Founders |Signature |

|1 |Masiko James | |

| |Student, Makerere University | |

| |Tel. 256 78 441046 | |

| |P.O BOX 3024, Kampala | |

| |Email: jamesmasiko@yahoo.co.uk | |

|2 |Mugenyi Patrick | |

| |Technician,Roko Construction Ltd. | |

| |Tel. 256 77 872291 | |

| |P.O BOX 3024, Kampala | |

| |Email: patmugenyi@yahoo.co.uk | |

Witnessed by;




General Assembly

Project Managers

National Patron

Legal Affairs Secretary

Office Cleaners

Casual workers

Security Guards

Office Attendants




Chairperson Corporate Members


Assistant Finance Secretary.

Field Officers

Assistant Consultant

Assistant General Secretary

Human Resources manager


Gender Affairs Secretary

Information & publicity Secretary

General Youth Affairs Secretary

General Secretary

Finance Secretary

Foundation Internal Patron



Executive Committee

Board Of Trustees

LHF Founders


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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