AP Biology Protist Essential Topics/Activities

AP Biology Protist Essential Topics/Activities

Resources: Chapter 28 (starting on pg. 578), Online Notes, Microscope slides, Articles and Podcast, Protists Information Site:

Part I: Survey of the Protist Kingdom

Scientists see Kingdom Protista as the next candidate for being split into multiple kingdoms. These Kingdoms have been proposed and are called “supergroups” or “Candidate Kingdoms”. Fill in the highlighted portions of the chart.

|Domain |Kingdom |Candidate Kingdom |Sub-group |Characteristics |Examples |

|Eukarya |Protista |Excavata |Diplomonads | | |

| | | |Parabasalids | | |

| | | |Euglenozoans | | |

| | | |Ciliates | | |

| | | |Golden Algae | | |

| | | |Brown Algae | | |

| | | |Oomycetes | | |

| | | |Forams | | |

| | | |Radiolarians | | |

| | |Archaeplastida |Red Algae | | |

| | | |Chlorophytes | | |

| | |Unikonta |Slime Molds | | |

| | | |Gymnamoebas | | |

1. From the chart above, which Candidate Kingdom gave rise to land plants?

2. From the chart above, which Candidate Kingdom gave rise to Animals and Fungi?

Part II: Microscope Inspection of Prepared Protist Slides

The slides are in a container at the front. Take one at a time. You must complete the questions for two different organism slides.

1. Organism being viewed.

2. Draw what you see under medium power (label magnification). Draw what you see under high power (label magnification)

3. Do you see a nucleus? If so, label it in your drawing.

4. Do you see other organelles? Chloroplasts, vacuoles…

5. To what Kindgom does this organism belong?

6. What subgroup or Phyla does this organism belong to?

7. Does this organism have structures to move? What are they?

8. Would this be considered animal-like, plant-like or fungus-like? Explain your answer.

Part III: Protists that Cause Disease

1. Read the article, “What diseases do protists cause?” List three protist diseases from the article:

a. What are the symptoms?

b. Is a vector involved? If so, what organisms is the vector?

c. General geography of this protist disease.

Enrichment: Listen to the podcast: “Taxoplasmosis is turning the world into zombies?”. You can find the file on Edmodo as a post or saved in the Diversity of Life folder.

a. Toxoplasmosis is caused by a protist however two other organisms from Kingdom Animalia are instrumental in the spread of this disease. Name these two organisms and describe their role.

b. What adaptation has this protist developed to make sure the two animals necessary stay in contact with each other?

c. What are some symptoms of Toxoplasmosis?

d. How are men and women affected differently by the disease?


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