Internal Assessment: Portfolio of Commentaries


Students will produce a portfolio of four commentaries of 650 to 750 words each, based on published extracts from news media. The extracts may be from a newspaper, a journal or the World Wide Web, but must not be from television or radio broadcasts.

Each commentary must:

• explain the linkages between the extract and an economic theory taken from the section of the syllabus on which the commentary is based

• demonstrate economic insights into the implications of the extract (that is, it should provide evidence of the student’s ability to evaluate current events from the point of view of an economist).


Three out of the four commentaries must have as their main focus a different section of the syllabus, although it is acceptable for commentaries to make reference to other sections. (eg. microeconomics focus with macroeconomic references). The fourth commentary can focus either on a single section of the syllabus or can focus on two or more sections.

Selection of Extracts (Articles)

The extracts on which each commentary is based must be drawn from four different sources. Extracts must, as far as possible, be contemporaneous with the course. Students should be searching for material relating to current events. This may include material published up to six months before the start of the course.


Students will be able to submit a draft of their first commentary to Mr. Messere. Feedback will be provided so that revisions and improvements can be made by the student. Please note that the entire portfolio is graded against the scoring rubric in an holistic manner. Individual commentaries are not graded.

Organization and Presentation

• Provide a cover page including all relevant information for each commentary as indicated below: (see sample of this cover page and exemplars within study guide)

➢ Title of extract

➢ Source of extract

➢ Date of extract

➢ Word count of the commentary

➢ Date the commentary was written

➢ Section(s) of the syllabus (Section 2: Microeconomics / Section 3: Macroeconomics) to which the commentary relates

• Summarize the main idea and its relationship to the economic principles to be applied in the commentary (do not devote more than 2 to 3 sentences to this)

• do not use news editorials or columns as one of your extracts

• Make sure your source is from a reputable news media outlet (The Globe and Mail, The Toronto Star, The Economist etc..) – the article can relate to Canadian or international economic issues

• Diagrams should be clearly and neatly labeled and specific data (eg. numbers) should be incorporated in to the diagram

• Stay within the word count limit (650-750 words) for each commentary

• Highlight or underline the relevant parts of the article being considered (consider sentences/paragraphs that relate the economic principles and ideas being considered in your commentary) & consider short articles

• include a table of contents with your last commentary submission for the portfolio

• Use a duo-tang folder for your final submission (do not enclose each commentary in plastic jackets or sleeves)

• Save a copy (electronic or print) of each commentary and article for editing and moderation purposes

Use of Economic Terminology

• Use consistent and precise economic terms when discussing relevant economic principles and concepts

• Provide correct definitions of three to four relevant economic terms being focused upon within your commentary

Application and Analysis of Economic Concepts and Theories

• Properly identify and apply relevant economic concepts/theories

• Analyze how the relevant economic concept/theory relates to the article; provide economic insights based on your understanding of economics


• Evaluate the economic concepts or theories in the context of real world examples (in other words – can the student judge an economic theory and an application to a given situation with an awareness that the theory may not provide an accurate description?)

o after defining relevant terms and applying the economic concepts, take the next step when writing your commentary … “economic theory would suggest that ‘such and such’ would happen, but in reality it has not …” - determine and explain why not (eg. perfect competition, comparative advantage theory all based on assumptions that often don’t hold up in real world economy)

See the attached evaluation rubric for grading requirements


Your completed portfolio will make up 15% of this course’s (CIA 4U7 Culminating Activity) mark and comprise 25% of your IB-SL Economics mark (Internal Assessment). The portfolio grade cannot be released to you until moderation of marks has been completed by the IBO.

Due Dates for Commentary Submissions

Please note the following manner in which your work will be collected:

|Commentary #1: | |

| |(rough draft will be returned with suggested revisions) |

|Commentary #2: | |

| | |

|Commentary #3: | |

| | |

|Commentary #4: | |


Students who do not submit a commentary on the prescribed due date will not be permitted to hand in the commentary thereafter.


|Economics commentary number: |#1 |

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|Title of extract: | |

| | |

|Source of extract: | |

| | |

|Date of extract: | |

| | |

|Word count: | |words |

| | |

|Date the commentary was written: | |

| | |

|Section of the syllabus to which the commentary relates: |Section: |

| | |

|Candidate name: | |

| | |

|Candidate number: | |

| | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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