AP Language and Composition Current Events Assignment Spring 2020Purpose: The AP Exam demands that students have a large breadth of knowledge from which to draw. This breadth of knowledge includes current events and controversial issues. In order to develop your knowledge base, you will be responsible for keeping up with the news and issues in/of society. Be prepared to present your current events to the class (large or small groups) and take part in any discussion surrounding someone else’s current events presentation. As current events are presented, we will discuss how the issues and events may relate to your AP Language and Composition Exam. Current event topics must relate to the topics provided and will be due on specific dates so as to not interfere heavily with our additional writing assignments, reading, and projects. All articles should be published in 2020. Topics for Spring 2020: EducationGender the Environment Politics Community TechnologyRecord Your Topic HereDue Dates: February 13 __________________________________________March 11 __________________________________________April 2 __________________________________________April 22 __________________________________________Assignment Requirements:For each current event, you must cover a topic that you have not yet covered, and must do the following:Bring in a physical copy of the article (attach it to your write-up). This may be printed from online or cut neatly from a magazine or newspaper if you are working with a hard copy. Complete a write-up and response to the article. You must include the following items. Each item must be labeled on your write-up. A correctly bibliographical citation for your article in MLA format. Use Purdie OWL if you need help with citations.An identifying statement of the topic and the locality (example: Scientific Discover, National Implication) A Precis for the article. (A reminder of the precis format is on the class website)A question you have related to the article OR a prediction of the implications of this event on the current/future society (Why is it or will it be important?)A point of connection – to what other events or issues or news items does this article relate? To what in your personal life or our everyday lives does this issue relate? To what literature or even songs does the event relate?) Two insightful, meaningful, intelligent discussion questions relating to the article. These should be thematic in nature and should not be “yes or no” questions. An analysis of diction, syntax, figurative language or appeals choices made by the author. This part is especially important for an editorial you may choose. You should identify a minimum of 5 things. Grading of the Assignment__________ Handwritten neatly in ink OR typed and printed, double-spaced, and with each item labeled appropriately w/ an appropriate and correct MLA heading (5 pts.)__________Article attached in a printer-appropriate version / format (10 pts.)__________Bibliographic citation included and completed correctly (MLA format) (20 pts.)__________Topic/Category and Locality identified (5 pts.)__________Rhetorical Precis completed correctly and effectively (30 pts.)__________Question related to the article or prediction of current or future implications provided and is insightful (10 pts.)__________Point of connection provided – to another article, event, life, or literature! Be specific and clearly identify the connection, including any relevant details or information. (10 pts.)__________Identification of rhetorical devices and appeals usedYour Name _________________________________________Current Event Group Article EvaluationTopic: ________________________________________________Student Sharing Article: __________________________________________Article Title: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Author: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Place of Publication: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Date of Publication: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Bullet Point Summary: What did this article make you think about? Connection to another event, text, or article: __________________________________________________________________________________Your Name _________________________________________Current Event Group Article EvaluationTopic: ________________________________________________Student Sharing Article: __________________________________________Article Title: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Author: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Place of Publication: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Date of Publication: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Bullet Point Summary: What did this article make you think about? Connection to another event, text, or article: __________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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