State - LeapLaw
|This chart provides information necessary for incorporations in 50 states. At a glance this chart provides the correct short title and citation of the corporation statutes of 50 states, as well as corporate name |
|requirements, initial forms to be filed, maximum stock for the minimum filing/tax fee, purpose requirements and the secretary of state link. This chart also provides links to online filing capability at all secretary|
|of state offices that provide for online filing. |
|Other LeapLaw forms that are useful when incorporating are: (a) LeapLaw's Other Lawful Provisions to add as an article to the charter. Check state laws and revise accordingly; and (b) LeapLaw's Incorporation |
|Checklist. For sample bylaws, initial director's consent, SS-4 information, stock certificates and minute books, see LeapLaw's knowledge base. If you are a LeapLaw subscriber, check LeapLaw's Incorporation Best |
|Practice Summary. |
|LeapLaw's Reference Chart |
|50 State Incorporation Procedures, Forms and Laws [1] |
|State |Title |Corporation Statute |Initial Forms Filed |Corporate Name Endings |Min No. |Max Stock for Minimum Fee |Purpose |
| | | | | |Directors | | |
| |Alaska Business Corporation |Alaska Stat. § 10.06.005 |Articles of Incorporation |"corporation," "company," "incorporated," |1 |none |general purpose |
|AK |Act |et seq. | |"limited" or abb. thereof | | |only |
| | | |Business License Application | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | |Designation of Agent form | | | | |
| | | |duplicate originals | | | | |
| |Arizona Corporations and |Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann § |Articles of Incorporation |"association" "bank" "corporation" "company" |1 |none |specific purpose |
|AZ |Associations |10-120 et seq. | |"incorporated" "limited" or abb. thereof | | |clause required |
| |Arkansas Business Corporation|Ark Code Ann. § 4-27-101 |Articles of Incorporation |"corporation" "incorporated" "company" |1 |none |must have specific|
|AR |Act |et seq. |w/copy "Corporate Franchise Tax" |"limited" or abb. thereof | | |purpose |
| | | |File Online | | | | |
|CA |California Corporations Code |California Corporations |Articles of Incorporation |natural persons names may be used with |Note | none |must be specified |
| | |Code § 100 et seq. | |appropriate corporate ending | | |purpose |
| | | |Statement by Domestic Corporation due| | | | |
| | | |w/in 60 days of incorporation | | | | |
|CO |Colorado Corporations and |Colo. Rev. Stat. Title |Articles of Incorporation |"corporation" "limited" "incorporated" |1 |none |may state specific|
| |Associations Act |7-101-101 et seq. | |"company" or abb. thereof | | |purpose |
| |Connecticut Business |Conn. Gen. Stat. § 33-600 |Certificate of Incorporation |"corporation" "company" "incorporated" or |1 |20,000 shares |no business clause|
|CT |Corporation Act |et seq. | |abb. thereof | |with or w/o par |required |
| | | |Organization & First Annual due 30 | | |[pic] | |
| | | |days after organization meeting | | |Initial Capital $1000 | |
| |Delaware General Corporation |Del. Code Ann. tit. 8 § |Certificate of Incorporation |"association" "company" "limited" |1 | |general purpose |
| |Laws |101 et seq. | |"corporation" "club" "fund" "union" | |$75,000 of par value shares or |only |
|DE | | | |"foundation" "society" "incorporated" | |1500 w/o | |
| | | | |"institute" "syndicate" or abb. thereof | |par shares for lowest filing | |
| | | | | | |fee. | |
| | | | | | |[pic] | |
| | | | | | |3000 shares with or w/o par | |
| | | | | | |value minimum annual franchise | |
| | | | | | |tax. | |
| |District of Columbia Business|D.C. Code Ann. |Articles of Incorporation |"corporation" "company" "incorporated" |1 |$100,000 of par value shares or|Specific Purpose |
|DC |Corporation Act |§ 29-301 et seq. | |"limited" or abb. thereof | |1,000 no par value shares for |Required |
| | | |duplicate originals | | |minimum Initial License Fee | |
| | | | | | |[pic]Initial Capital $1000 | |
|FL |Florida Business Corporation |Fla. Stat. Ann. § 607.0101|Articles of Incorporation |"corporation" "incorporated" "company" or |1 |No max for the minimum however,|general purpose |
| |Act |et seq. | |abb. thereof | |consider FL Documentary Stamp |only |
| | | | | | |Tax | |
|GA |Georgia Business Corporation |Ga. Code Ann. § 14-2-101 | |"corporation" "incorporated" "company" |1 |none |general purpose |
| |Code |et seq. |Articles of Incorporation |"limited" or abb. thereof | | |only |
| | | | | | | | |
|HI |Hawaii Revised Business |Haw. Rev. Stat. § Ch. 414 |Articles of Incorporation |"corporation" "incorporated" or "limited" or |1 |none |general purpose |
| |Corporation Act | | |abb. thereof | | |only |
| | | | | | | | |
| |Idaho Business Corporation |Idaho Code § 30-1-101 et |Articles of Incorporation |"corporation" "company" "limited" |1 |none |general purpose |
|ID |Act |seq. |duplicate originals |"incorporated" or abb. thereof (if co. is | | |only |
| | | | |used it may not be immediately before "and" | | | |
| | | | |or "&") | | | |
|IL |Business Corporation Act of |805 ILCS 5/1.01 et seq. |Articles of Incorporation |"corporation" "limited" "company" |1 |none |general purpose |
| |1983 | |duplicate originals |"incorporated" or abb. thereof | | |only |
|IN |Indiana Business Corporation |Indiana Code Title 23 |Articles of Incorporation |"corporation" "limited" "incorporated" |1 |none |general purpose |
| |Law | | |"company" or abbreviation thereof | | |only |
|IA |Iowa Business Corporation Act|Iowa Code Ann. § 490 |Articles of Incorporation |"corporation" "limited" "incorporated" |1 |none |may state specific|
| | | | |"company," or abbreviation thereof | | |purpose |
|KS |Kansas General Corporation |KSA § 17-6001 et seq. |Articles of Incorporation |"association" "church" "college" "company" |1 |none |general purpose |
| |Act | |duplicate originals |"union" "corporation" "club" "fund" | | |only |
| | | | |"foundation" "incorporated," "institute" | | | |
| | | | |"society" "syndicate" "limited" or | | | |
| | | | |abbreviations thereof | | | |
|KY |Kentucky Business Corporation|Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. |Articles of Incorporation |"corporation" "limited" "company" |1 |maximum shares for the minimum |general purpose |
| |Act |271B.1-010 et seq. | |"incorporated" or abbreviations thereof | |tax is 1,000 with or w/o par |only |
| | | | | | |value | |
|LA |Louisiana Business |LRS § 12 et. seq. |Articles of Incorporation |"corporation" "limited" "company" |Note |none |general purpose |
| |Corporation Law | |Initial Report |"incorporated" or abbreviation thereof | | |only |
| | | | |(company or co. cannot be preceded by "and" | | | |
| | | | |or "&") | | | |
|ME |Maine Business Corporation |MRSA Title 13-C |Articles of Incorporation |no specific word or abbreviation necessary |Note |$100,000 of par value or 3,000 |business clause |
| |Act | | | | |no-par shares for min. filing |not required |
| | | | | | |fee | |
|MD |Maryland General Corporation |Maryland Corporations and |Articles of Incorporation |"corporation" "limited" "company" |Note |$100,000 of par value or 5000 |general purpose |
| |Laws |Associations 1-101 et seq.| |"incorporated" or abbreviation thereof | |no-par shares for min. filing |only |
| | | | |(company or co. cannot be preceded by "and" | |fee | |
| | | | |or "&") | | | |
|MA |Massachusetts General Laws |MGL |Articles of Organization |"Corporation" “Company” "Incorporated" |Note |$200,000 of par value or |No purpose clause |
| | |Chapter 156D |File Online |"Limited" or abbreviation thereof | |200,000 shares w/o par value |required |
| | | | | | |for min. filing fee | |
|MI |Michigan Business Corporation|Mich. Corp. Laws Ann. |Articles of Incorporation |"corporation" "company" "incorporated" |1 |60,000 shares with or w/o par |general purpose |
| |Act |450.1101 et seq. | |"limited" | |value for min. filing fee |only |
|MN |Minnesota Business |Minn. Stat. Ann. § |Articles of Incorporation |"corporation" "limited" "company" |1 |none |general purpose |
| |Corporation Act |302A.001 et seq. | |"incorporated" or abbreviation thereof | | |only |
| | | | |(company or co. cannot be preceded by "and" | | | |
| | | | |or "&") | | | |
|MS |Mississippi Business |Miss. Code Ann. § |Articles of Incorporation |"incorporated" "company" "limited" |1 |none |general purpose |
| |Corporation Act |79-4-1.01 et seq. | |"corporation" or abbreviations thereof | | |only |
|MO |General and Business |Mo. Rev. Stat. 351.010 et |Articles of Incorporation |"incorporated" "company" "limited" |1 if stated in |$30,000 of par value or 30,000 |general purpose |
| |Corporation Law of Missouri |seq. | |"corporation" or abbreviations thereof |the charter, |w/o par shares for min. filing |only |
| | | | | |otherwise min #|fee | |
| | | | | |is 3 | | |
|MT |Montana Business Corporation |Mont. Code Ann. 35-1-112 |Articles of Incorporation |"corporation" "incorporated" "company" |1 |50,000 shares with or w/o par |general purpose |
| |Act |et seq. | |"limited" or abbreviations thereof | |value for minimum license fee |only |
|NB |Business Corporation Act |Neb. Rev. Stat § 21-2001 |Articles of Incorporation |"corporation" "incorporated" "company" |1 |$10,000 of par value shares (no|general purpose |
| | |et. Seq. | |"limited" or abbreviations thereof | |par value shares not authorized|only |
| | | |instructions | | |by statute) | |
|NV |Private Corporations, |NRS § 78.010 et seq. |Articles of Incorporation |natural persons names may be used with |1 |$75,000 of par value or 75,000 |general purpose |
| |Business Corporation Act | | |appropriate corporate ending | |w/o par shares for min. filing |only |
| | | | | | |fee | |
|NH |New Hampshire Business |N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. § |Articles of Incorporation |"corporation" "incorporated" "limited" or |1 |none |general purpose |
| |Corporation Act |293A:1.01 et seq. | |abbreviation thereof | | |only |
| | | |Securities Statement | | | | |
|NJ |New Jersey Business |N.J. Stat. Ann. § 14A |Articles of Incorporation |"corporation" "company" "incorporated" or |1 |none |general purpose |
| |Corporation Act | | |abbreviation thereof and abbreviation "Ltd" | | |only |
| | | |duplicate originals | | | | |
|NM |Business Corporation Act |N.M. Stat. Ann. § 53-11-1 |Articles of Incorporation |"corporation" "company" "incorporated" |1 |100,000 par value or w/o par |must have specific|
| | |et seq. | |"limited" or abbreviation thereof | |value hares |clause |
| | | |First Corporate Report | | | | |
|NY |Business Corporation Law |N.Y. Bus. Corp. § 101 et |Certificate of Incorporation |"corporation" "company" "incorporated" |1 |$20,000 in par |general purpose |
| | |seq. | |"limited" or abbreviation thereof | |value or 200 shares w/o par |only |
| | | | | | |value for min. filing fee | |
|NC |North Carolina Business |NC Gen. Stat. § 55-1-01 et|Articles of Incorporation |"corporation" "company" "incorporated" |1 |none |general purpose |
| |Corporation Act |seq. | |"limited" or abbreviation thereof | | |only |
|ND |North Dakota Business |N.D. Cent. Code § |Articles of Incorporation |"corporation" "limited" "company" |1 |$50,000 of par value or 500,000|general purpose |
| |Corporation Act |10-19.1-01 et seq. |Consent of Resident Agent |"incorporated" or abbreviation (company or | |shares without par value for |only |
| | | | |co. cannot be preceded by "and" or "&") | |min. filing fee | |
|OH |General Corporation Law |Ohio Rev. Code Ann. § |Articles of Incorporation |"corporation" "company" "incorporated" |Note |850 shares with |general purpose |
| | |1701.01 et seq. | |"limited" or abbreviation thereof | |or without par value for min. |only |
| | | | | | |filing fee | |
|OK |Oklahoma General Corporation |Okla. Stat. Tit 18 § 1001 |Certificate of Incorporation |"association" "club" "company" "fund" |1 |$50,000 of par value shares or |general purpose |
| |Act |et seq. |duplicate originals |"limited" "corporation" "union" "society" | |1,000 share w/o par value |only |
| | | | |"foundation" | | | |
| | | | |"incorporated" "institute" "syndicate" or | | | |
| | | | |abbreviations thereof | | | |
|OR |Oregon Business Corporation |Or. Rev. Stat. § 60.001 et|Articles of Incorporation |"corporation" "company" "incorporated" |1 |none |general purpose |
| |Act |seq. | |"limited" or abbreviation thereof | | |only |
|PA |Business Corporation Law of |19 Pa. Code § 1101 et seq.|Articles of Incorporation |“association" "fund" "syndicate" "company" |1 |none |general purpose |
| |1988 | |File Online |"corporation" | | |only |
| | | | |"incorporated" or abbreviations thereof | | | |
|RI |Rhode Island Business |R.I. Gen. Laws § 7-1.2-101|Articles of Incorporation |"corporation" "company" "incorporated" |1 |75,000,000 shares with or w/o | |
| |Corporation Act |et seq. (7/1/2005) | |"limited" or abbreviation thereof | |par value | |
|SC |South Carolina Business |S.C. Code Ann. § 33-1-101 |Articles of Incorporation |"corporation" "company" "incorporated" |1 |none |general purpose |
| |Corporation Act |et seq. |Initial Annual Report of Corporations|"limited" or abbreviation thereof | | |only |
|SD |Business Corporations |S.D. Codified Laws Ann. § |Articles of Incorporation |"corporation" "incorporated" "limited" or |1 |$25,000 of par |specific purpose |
| | |47-2-1 et seq. | |abbreviation thereof | |value or 250 w/o par shares for|required |
| | | | | | |min. filing fee | |
| | | | | | |Initial Capital $1000 | |
|TN |Tennessee Business |Tenn. Code Ann. § |Articles of Incorporation |"corporation" "incorporated" "company" or |1 |none |general purpose |
| |Corporation Act |48-11-101 et seq. | |abbreviation | | |only |
|TX |Texas Business Corporation |Tex. Bus. Corp. Act Art. |Articles of Incorporation |"corporation" "incorporated" "company" or |1 |none |general purpose |
| |Act |1.01 et seq. | |abbreviation | |Initial Capital $1000 |only |
|UT |Utah Revised Business |Utah Code Ann. § |Articles of Incorporation |"corporation" "incorporated" "company" or |Note |none |general purpose |
| |Corporation Act |16-10a-101 et seq. | |abbreviation | | |only |
|VT |Vermont Business Corporation |Vt. Stat. Ann. 11A § 1.01 |Articles of Incorporation |"corporation" "company" "incorporated" |Note |none |general purpose |
| |Act |et seq. | |"limited" or abbreviation thereof | | |only |
|VA |Virginia Stock Corporation |Va. Code Ann. § 13.1-601 |Articles of Incorporation |"corporation" "company" "incorporated" |1 |Authorizing more than 5,000 |general purpose |
| |Act |et seq. | |"limited" or abbreviation thereof | |shares will create |only |
| | | | | | |greater-than-minimum | |
| | | | | | |registration fee | |
|WA |Washington Business |RCW § 23B.01.010 et seq. |Articles of Incorporation |"corporation" "company" "incorporated" |1 |none |general purpose |
| |Corporation Act | | |"limited" or abbreviation thereof | | |only |
|WV |West Virginia Business |W. Va. Code § 31D-1-1 et |Articles of Incorporation |"corporation" "company" "incorporated" |1 |$5,000 of par value shares |general purpose |
| |Corporation Act |seq. |duplicate originals |"limited" or abbreviation thereof | | |only |
|WI |Wisconsin Business |Wis. Stat. 180-0101 et |Articles of Incorporation |"corporation" "company" "incorporated" |1 |9,000 shares with |general purpose |
| |Corporation Law |seq. | |"limited" or abbreviation thereof | |or without par value |only |
| | | | | | | | |
|WY |Wyoming Business Corporation |Wyo. Stat. § 17-16-101 et |Articles of Incorporation |no specific requirements |1 |none |general purpose |
| |Act |seq. | | | | |only |
NOTE: The minimum number of directors is 3, unless there are less than 3 shareholders, then the number of directors may be equal to, but no less than the number of shareholders. [Applicable States: CA, LA, MA, ME, MD, OH, UT, VT]
[1] NOTE: This chart provides general information regarding the incorporation process in all 50 states. LeapLaw subscribers can access this chart with live links, notations, laws and forms at by searching the term "incorporation". The chart is listed under forms.
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