Group Research Project Directions

Group Research Project Directions

Topic: Child Trafficking

Location: Thailand

Directions: Your group is responsible for providing information on the “Thailand: Child Trafficking” page of the wiki Child Human Rights. The information that must be put on the wiki page can be found below in “Wiki page headings.” Some suggested resources to access the information required to post to your wiki page is located in “Suggested Resources.” In addition, there is a link to the CRC document located on the home page of the wiki, under the heading titled Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Accessing and editing on the Wiki:

a) go to

b) click on “Member Sign In”

c) type the following:

a. Username: caranostudent

b. Password: bhsstudent

d) click on “Thailand: Child Trafficking” (located on left side)

e) click on “EasyEdit”

f) type your information

g) click on “save”

Suggested Resources:

- Internet: (In addition to information, this site also includes links to access child trafficking in India)

Wiki page headings: (*note: headings titles have already been placed on your page)

a) History

a. Identify where Thailand is located

b. How long has this been an issue here?

c. Who are the main perpetrators?

d. Underlying reasons/causes

b) How many children have been affected

c) Story of a Child who has been affected

d) Government reaction (i.e. have there been prosecutions, protections put in place for children, etc.)

e) Global reaction

f) USA reaction

g) CRC articles being violated

- Include an explanation of how they have been violated

h) Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography being violated

- Include an explanation of how they have been violated

i) Bibliography


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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