Early Years – An International Journal of Research and ...

Early Years – An International Research Journal

Editors’ report to TACTYC AGM, November 2016

Journal output 2016

This year we have produced one special issue (36-3 September: Digital Play and Technologies in the Early Years) and three issues with independently submitted papers. The running order for the final issue in 2016 is as follows. All articles have previously appeared online.

|Volume 36, issue 4, December 2016 |

|Editorial |

|Liz Brooker |

|Research articles |

|Bridging home and school: understanding and respecting immigrant mothers’ experiences and perspectives on early learning |

|Raudhah Yahya |

|Teachers’ perception and concerns about the implementation of the 2005 preschool curriculum in Tanzania |

|Ignasia Mligo |

|The implementation of different teaching approaches in Early Childhood Education practices in Estonia |

|Merilin Kimer, Maire Tuul and Tiia Oun |

|Respecting but not sustaining play: Early Childhood Educators’ and Home Childcare providers’ practices that support children’s play |

|Lise Lemay, Nathalie Bigras and Caroline Bouchard |

|Documenting with Early Childhood Education Teachers: pedagogical documentation as a tool for developing ECE practices |

|Kati Rintakorpi |

|Teacher support of student engagement in Early Childhood: embracing ambivalence through playworlds |

|Beth Ferholt and Anna Paulina Rainio |

|The content and implementation of shared professional knowledge in Early Childhood Education |

|Anitta Melasalmi and Jukka Husu |

|Call for Papers |

|Lessons and legacies of early childhood history |

|Larry Prochner and Helen May (Guest editors) |

|Reviewers September 2014-September 2015 |

|Contents and Author Index, Volume 36, 2016 |

Paper flow and backlog 2016

The paper flow continues to increase significantly. Whereas in 2014 the editors received 61 submissions, in 2015 this total had risen to 106, surpassing the 100 mark for the first time. This year, by 7th November 2016, 92 manuscripts had been submitted, so we are again likely to exceed the previous year’s total, with 7 weeks still to go. We also have a strong backlog of 29 papers which have been published online. A further three papers are in production, and 12 manuscripts have been returned to the authors for revision.

Volume 37, 2017

37-1 March will be a substantial special issue focusing on early childhood education in the USA. It is guest edited by Editorial Board member Dinah Volk from Cleveland State University. Alongside her own extended introduction which invites readers to Join us in a “space of dialogue and human action”, there will be seven full articles. These include:

• Pulling preK into a K-12 orbit: the evolution of preK in the age of standards

M. Elizabeth Graue, Sharon Ryan, Amato Nocera, Kaitlin Northey, and Bethany Wilinski

• Who gets to play? Access, popular media and participatory literacies

Karen E. Wohlwend

• Multiple pathways to whiteness: white teachers’ unsteady racial identities

Erin T. Miller

• Investing in high quality preschool: lessons from an urban setting

Rebekah L. Dorman, Elizabeth Anthony, Billie Osborne-Fears, and Robert L. Fisher

37-2 June, 37-3 September, 37-4 December: The following three issues in 2017 will be accommodating the independent papers which have already been published online.

Looking ahead to 2018

For 2018 we have two special issues planned and two issues with independent papers.

38-1 March The first special issue on Lessons and legacies of early childhood history will be guest edited by Larry Prochner, University of Alberta, Canada, and Helen May, University of Otago, New Zealand. The Call for Papers is on the TACTYC website and will appear in print in issue 36-4.

38-2 June Independent paper issue

38-3 September Editorial Board member Michelle Neuman, University of Pennsylvania and R4D (Results for Development), Washington, will be guest editor of a special issue on ECEC in low- and middle-income countries.

38-4 December Independent paper issue

Virtual Special Issue

The editors of Early Years were asked by Taylor and Francis to join five other journals

• International Journal of Early Years Education

• Early Child Development & Care

• European Early Childhood Education Research Journal (EECERJ)

• Education 3-13

• International Journal of Play

in creating a Virtual Special Issue, which appeared online in August 2016. Rod Parker-Rees from Early Years and Chris Pascal from EECERJ acted as guest editors. Two papers from each of the six journals have been included in this special issue on the theme of Power and Relationships in Work with Young Children.


Liz Brooker, Pamela Oberhuemer and Rod Parker-Rees – journal editors, with Jan Georgeson

8th November 2016


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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