Throw Out The Trash

Throw Out the Trash YW Activity

By: Shiloah Baker

There is so much "trash" out there for the youth to filter through that many times they may miss some or allow some in their lives and are not aware of the consequences.  This activity is focused to help them get rid of these things and replace them with inspiring, pretty and fun things! This can be one YW activity or series of activities.  This activity is written with the theme: INTEGRITY in mind.

Send the girls home on Sunday before the activity with the standards sheet for going through their music and clothing. They are encouraged to rid their music collection of CD’s that are inappropriate and clothing that may be immodest in the way it fits. They are to bring their items to youth night and throw them in the big trash can that you provide. Then do the following crafts for the activity.

*Note: Be sure that the girls get rid of the things on their own and make their own decisions. I would not recommend that they bring their entire collection of clothes or music to youth night because we don’t want them getting rid of things because of peer pressure or feel made to get rid of things on their own. We want them to make these decisions on their own.

YW Table Décor:

To get the girls excited about the upcoming night, bring in a large trash can and label it with the title of the night. Pass out invitations if you decide to do them. Encourage the girls to bring an extra one to an inactive girl in her class or friend.

Activity in Review:

Altered CD’s

T-Shirt Pillows

Tank Top Purses


"Chews the Right" OR What will you "Chews" to do? Attached to a package of, Star Burst Fruit Chews, Skittles, or your favorite gum or bubble gum.

Other Resources:

Aspire Higher Altered CD Décor


This activity is fun, easy and will help the YW to keep their focus on the temple, marriage, and motherhood.

Materials Needed:

• 3 cd’s

• Tacky tape (red scrapbooking tape for 3-d embellishments)

• Salt Lake Temple by Jolee’s

• 1 large silk flower

• Pink faux diamond stickers

• Metal words by MM (I used “Imagine”)

• Vellum

• Pink cardstock

• 2 patterned papers

• 1 ½ yards 1- 1 ¼ “ wide ribbon

• ¼ yd. pink gingham ribbon

• 3 small and 2 medium flowers

• Metal letters, C, T, R

• Plastic “clip”

• Black ink pad

• Decoupage

• Sponge paint brush

Print the following quote on vellum:


I printed the quote out in CB Classic font (the above font is Pea Smashtastic in a Hurry and the words “Ezra Taft Benson” are Monster Paparazzi) . You can choose your own favorite font. Cut out the Author as it will be put on separately.


Step 1:

“Paint” the decoupage evenly all over the first CD. Place paper right side up on the decoupage and smooth. Cut out the paper along the edges of the CD. Repeat for remaining CD’s.


Step 2:

CD 1- Using the tacky tape, adhere the flowers along the bottom of the CD. Place the temple die-cut just above the flowers. Adhere. Take the metal word and put tacky tape on the back. Adhere it to the bottom of the CD on top of the flowers. Finish by lightly inking the edges of the CD with black ink.


Step 3:

CD 2- Print the quote onto the vellum and cut out the author’s name. Decoupage onto the center of the CD. Decoupage the author’s name in the center near the bottom. Place faux diamonds wherever you wish. Tie a bow with the pink gingham ribbon and adhere to the top.


Step 4:

CD 3- Adhere the flower to the CD. Using the tacky tape, adhere the letters C, T, R to the CD. Finish off by putting a plastic “clip” on the right side of the CD.


Step 5:

Set the CD’s the width apart that you want them to hang on the ribbon. Turn all three CD’s over and place the tacky tape on the back of the CD’s where the ribbon will go. Place the ribbon on them leaving 5-6 inches at the top. When the ribbon is fastened onto all the CD’s, use the top 6 inches to turn back over to make a loop….

Cut the bottom into an upside-down V.

You are now finished and the project is ready to hang!


Get your supplies in bulk at and

The “Clips” with clipper are # SKU: 73-1156 at


Shiloah Baker is the writer of over 500 home and family related articles and dozens of ebooks and 3 books. She is the homeschooling mother of eight. She runs an online business that teaches and inspires women who run and home and family. She is a lover of religion, classic books, children, and beautiful home decor. Learn more about how to manage your time and create a better home at the Homemaking Cottage (link: )



“Before the world was created, in heavenly councils the pattern and role of women were prescribed. You were elected by God to be wives and mothers in Zion. Exaltation in the celestial kingdom is predicated on faithfulness to that calling.”

-Ezra Taft Benson


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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