Entrepreneur Scavenger Hunt - Weebly

Entrepreneur Scavenger HuntFind a newspaper / magazine article about each of the following and include a brief summary of each item underneath the article and describe how / why it fulfills the component. You can get your articles online, however, you must use news/magazine sites and you must include URLs, and site names.* All items are to be organized in a scrapbook and creatively/neatly presented* Cover page required*Table of contents (You can build this as you go. Just leave a page in the beginning that will hold the table of contents once you have compiled it.)A picture of an entrepreneur.An article about a person starting a small business. An article about a women in business. An article about the Canadian economy.An article or picture depicting an effective leader.A sports article describing breaking the rules. An article about a consumer complaint.An editorial discussing business.An article describing a serious problem that needs solving.An article about how a problem was creatively solved.An article about a breakthrough in technology.an article about a local entrepreneur.An advertisement for a local business. An article relating to business education. An article about foreign events that may affect the Canadian economy. Two dates to submit:December 10 - Scrapbook must contain a minimum of 8 itemsDecember 17 - Completed ScrapbookYou need to find 14 of the 15 components. Mark Allocation: 5 marks per article X 14 articles = 70 marks + 30 marks for a cover page, Table of Contents,neatness/creativityTotal 100 marks ................

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