Psy.5370 Section 501 Course Syllabus

Learning, Motivation ,and Cognition

Instructor: Dr. Theron Stimmel

Office:250M UAC


Office phone 5122453163 won’t take messages. p lease use email!

Office hours 1-2,after class online Please check if you need to see me in my office!

Goals of the Course

1. To read scientific articles and learn how they might be applied to solving a wide range of human problems.

2. To exam recent trends in the study of human motivation and explore how mainstream research in conditioning ,memory ,and cognitive psychology have contributed so much to our understanding of motivation.

3. To relate some new research on the brain to understanding why certain issues in changing behavior are complexly interrelated to the psychology of learning and motivation.

Grading procedures will be explained at the end of the class schedule. Since understanding mastery learning will be a goal of this course, you will have little need to study for the 3 quizzes in the course!!!

Online learning can be very rewarding but it does require more attention to detail on the part of the student. We will meet every class period via Zoom and sometimes move to TRACS. On quiz days,you will receive your quiz on assignments in TRACS and have 1 hour to submit it via TRACS. I will be sending all the written material ,including articles you will need .There is no textbook. My lectures fill that role. I often send you thoughts and reminders. I have learned that if something could be possibly misunderstood, it will be! Remember we meet every day at 2 or so on Zoom ,I will tell you how to get on our ZOOM via TRACS. Easy! Keep checking your email. There are 7 take-homes in this course,referred to as THs. There are 3 quizzes all of which you will submit via Assignments. We should have an intellectually rewarding time this 5 weeks.

Course Schedule

Date Topic Article last name of 1st author

June 1 Getting together Intro

June 2 Science trumps tradition Get TH2

June 3 The old Russian and his slobbering dogs! Hand in TH1 Berridge

Start work on TH2

June 4 There is more to Pavlov than you might think! Berridge, Navarette Start on operant conditioning

June 5 Really get into operant conditioning and it’s issues Eisenberger

Get TH3

June 8 Hand in TH2 after ckass and start social learning theory Bandura

June 9 Issues with social learning theory Beck, Golkar

Work on TH3

June 10 finish TH3,Hand in before quiz Review

June 11 Quiz on everything up to now Get TH4 Haeffel

June 12 Memory the essence of the mind intense lecture!

Be prepared to really go over Haeffel article Short term-memory

June 15 Begin working memory-encoding Mueller, Nairne

June 16 Forgetting and retention Start Gagne

June 17 Kinds of learning Gagne, Ashcraft

Get TH 5, Hand in TH4 before next class

June 18 Emotions and learning Ashcraft, Loftus

June 19 Autobiographical memory and the problem of “false memories”!

Hand in TH5 before quiz Shaw.Loftus

June 22 Quiz on THs 4 and 5 Weiner

Get TH6

June 23 Big views of motivation begin Weiner, Dweck and Leggett Cognitive dissonance, achievement motivation Weiner,Dweck

June 24, Attiributions theory and believes Dweck, Mueller, Haimovitz

June 25 Tie together TH6 get TH7

June 26 The central problem of self-regulation APrimer on habits

Stimmel. ,Wagner, Hand in TH6

June 29 Views of self-regulation Uziell, Job

June30 Teenage-a special time 2 articles by Casey

July 1 Ageing-lessons to be learned Carstensen

Handin TH7 before quiz

July 2 Quiz 3 Since all of the course is interrelated no need for covering earlier material on last exam THS 6 and 7 count as 40% of Quiz 3 so do a good job on them

Grading THs 20% of grade

Quiz 1 30% ,Quiz 2 20% ,Quiz 3 30% A-90% +b80-89% Below 80,C Cs almost never happen


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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