Unit 1: Technology and Society

Unit 1: Technology and Society

|Date |In Class |For Next Time |

|Mon. 10/2 |Intro: Writing Across the Curriculum |Read: WIW Ch.1, Reading Rhetorically (p.3-13) |

| |Writing Diagnostic |Write: Login and respond to Moodle prompt (“What piece of |

| | |technology most affects your life…?”); Reading Response |

| | |Journal |

|Wed. 10/4 |Grammar Wednesday: ME! |Read: Oppenheimer article (WIW 417-423); Diamond (WIW |

| |Freewrite: Reading an Image Rhetorically |504-508), Skim Hacker 381-418 on APA |

| |Discussion of Image |Write: Summary of either Oppenheimer or Diamond article; |

| |Intro to Writing a Summary |Reading Response Journal |

| |Groupwork: Article Summary | |

|Mon. 10/9 |DUE: Article Summary |Read: 2 New Media Articles from Moodle Site |

| |Discuss Paper Topic #1 |Write: Reading Response Journal |

| |Intro to APA Style | |

| |Groupwork: APA Format | |

|Wed. 10/11 |Grammar Wednesday! |Read: Read at least 2 technology/new media articles from the|

| |Library Day |Moodle site |

| |Intro: Annotated Bibliography |Write: Annotated Bibliography for Paper #1; Reading Response|

| | |Journal |

|Mon. 10/16 |DUE: Annotated Bibliography (APA format) |Read: N/A |

| |Groupwork: Revise Bibliography |Write: Paper #1, NO Reading Response Journal |

| |Thesis Statement discussion | |

| |Special Guest: Kieran Cox, computer engineer | |

|Wed. 10/18 |DUE: Rough Draft Paper #1 |Read: “Can Internet Communication Sustain Us?” from the |

| |Grammar Wednesday! |Moodle site |

| |Peer Review Paper #1 |Write: Final Draft Paper #1 |

| | |NO Reading Response Journal |

|Mon. 10/23 |DUE: Portfolio #1 |Read: Connor (534-6) and Alperovitz (536-9) articles |

| |Movie: “Guns, Germs and Steel” |Write: Reading response journal |

| |Discussion of movie | |

| |Intro to Unit 2: | |

| |War and Peace | |


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