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Caribbean Tourism Legislation Database



INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………… 2-3

Background and Purpose



How to Use the Database



II. LISTING BY SUBJECT AREA ………………………………… 32-51

1. Institutional Framework of Tourism

2. Tourist Accommodation Establishments

3. Development Incentives

4. Regulation and Control of Tourism Industry

5. Tourism Taxation

6. Tourism and Environment

7. Travel/Tours, Sports, Entertainment

8. Air and Sea Transport

9. Casinos/Gaming



This Caribbean Tourism Legislation Database is intended primarily as a service to CTO members, although clearly it will also be of assistance to the numerous academic institutions and individual researchers who make use of the Organization’s Documentation Centre. It is meant to serve as a ready and easy-to-use reference source on regional tourism legislation available at CTO Headquarters for consultation. The need to compile such a database arose from CTO’s ongoing work programme activities, notably in the area of product development, and the increasing requests for examples of tourism-related legislative enactments made by member countries in recent times.


The present first edition of the database contains 187 pieces of tourism-related legislation from 20 member countries. It is not a complete coverage of all CTO member countries; nor is it a full compendium of tourism legislation in the Caribbean. But it is perhaps the largest collection of its kind and, to that extent, it is also a unique resource. More importantly, this first edition represents the beginning of an ongoing process of collection and systematic and user-friendly compilation of tourism legislation. Thus, the database will expand as more items are incorporated into it. Regular updates of this publication will inform members and other users. In its present initial form the database is in a document rather than a database format. It does however lend itself easily for inclusion in due course in the CTO Database System, which is currently under preparation.


The database has been structured with a view to providing a quick and easy overview of its contents. It comprises two main listings. The first listing presents all legislation by country in alphabetical order. Here entries are given with full details and a brief annotation. The following is a typical example:

The Anguilla Tourist Board Ordinance, 1993. (No. 16 of 1993)

An Ordinance to provide for the establishment of a statutory authority known as the Anguilla Tourist Board for the encouragement, promotion and development of tourist traffic to Anguilla, for adequate and efficient tourist services for Anguilla and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

The second main listing regroups and classifies the available items under nine different subject areas. These subject areas are the following:

1) Institutional Framework of Tourism

2) Tourist Accommodation Establishments

3) Development Incentives

4) Regulation and Control of Tourism Industry

5) Tourism Taxation

6) Tourism and Environment

7) Travel/Tours, Sports, Entertainment

8) Air and Sea Transport

9) Casinos/Gaming.

Items under this subject listing are again presented by country in alphabetical order. Entries under this listing are abbreviated. For example, under “Institutional Framework of Tourism” and under Anguilla, the above item is shown as follows.

The Anguilla Tourist Board Ordinance, 1993. (No. 16 of 1993)

Due to the close affinity between certain subject areas, on the one hand, and the multi-purpose nature of certain legislative items, on the other hand, a certain amount of overlap and duplication of entries occurs under these subject area listings.

As the database grows, it may well lend itself to further subject area classification and, if necessary, overall restructuring in the future.


It is clear from the above outline of the structure and organisation of the database that use of it is fairly easy. Depending on what one may be looking for, one may refer to either the main country-by-country listing, or the appropriate subject area. A certain amount of cross-referring may also be necessary and useful. The required item(s) may then be consulted at the CTO Documentation Centre or copies may be forwarded to members.



The assistance of Ms Heather Waithe, CTO Library Officer, in assembling the various items and compiling the database is gratefully acknowledged.

John Yacoumis

Product Development Adviser

Regional Tourism Product Development Project

Funded by the European Union



1) Accommodation Tax Ordinance, 1973. (No7 of 1973)

An Ordinance to levy a tax on the amounts payable by visitors for accommodation and meals in Anguilla and

matters incidental thereto.

2) The Accommodation Tax (Amendment) Ordinance, 1985. (No.1 of 1985)

3) The Anguilla Tourist Board Ordinance, 1993. (No. 16 of 1993)

An Ordinance to provide for the establishment of a statutory authority known as the Anguilla Tourist Board

for the encouragement, promotion and development of tourist traffic to Anguilla, for adequate and efficient

tourist services for Anguilla and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.


National Ordinance of November 26, 1953 for the Promotion of Industrial Establishments and Hotel Construction (Publication Sheet 1953 No. 194) as amended


1) The Promotion of Tourism Act, No. 49 of 1963. Chapter 13. Revised Edition 1965.

An Act to provide means for increasing and developing facilities for tourism and to promote measures for attracting tourists to the colony.

2) The Hotels Encouragement Act, 1954, with subsequent amendments. Chapter 304.

An Act to encourage the construction of hotels in the colony by providing for the refund of customs duties and emergency taxes and certain other concessions, and for the exemption of such hotels from certain taxation, and to relieve existing hotels from certain taxation.

3) The Hotels Encouragement (Amendment) Act, 1965. No. 59 of 1965.

An Act to further amend the Hotels Encouragement Act, Ch. 341.

4) The Hotels Encouragement (Amendment) Act. No. 5 of 1966.

An Act to further amend the Hotels Encouragement Act, Ch. 341.

5) The Hotels Act, 1970.

An Act to make provision for the licensing of and the regulation and improvement of standards in hotels; for the imposition of an hotel guest tax; and for matters connected with or incidental to those purposes.

6) The Hotels Encouragement Regulations, 1971. Supplement.

7) The Hotels Regulations, 1971. S.I. No. 8 of 1971.

Issued under the Hotels Act, 1970.

8) The Water Skiing and Motor Boat Control Act, 1970. No. 16 of 1970.

An Act for the more effective control of Water Skiing and the Driving of Motor Boats in coastal waters.

9) The Lotteries and Gaming Act, 1969. No. 8 of 1969.

An Act to regulate Lotteries and Gaming and for matter connected therewith or incidental thereto.

10) The Lotteries and Gaming (Amendment) Act, 1971. No. 1 of 1971.

An Act to amend the Lotteries and Gaming Act, 1969.

11) The Lotteries and Gaming (Amendment) Act, 1972. No. 2 of 1972.

An Act to amend the Lotteries and Gaming Act, 1969.

12) The Lotteries and Gaming (Amendment) Act, 1974. No. 13 of 1974.

An Act to amend the Lotteries and Gaming Act, 1969.

13) The Lotteries and Gaming (Amendment) Act, 1978. No. 3 of 1978.

An act to amend the Lotteries and Gaming Act, 1969.

14) Cruise Ships (Overnighting Incentives) Act, 1995.

An Act to make provision for the grant of concessions for the purpose of encouraging the development of tourism in The Bahamas, and for related matters.

15) The Hotel Corporation of the Bahamas Act, 1974. No. 20 of 1974.

An Act to provide for the establishment of The Hotel Corporation of the Bahamas, for the functions of the Corporation and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.


1) Barbados Tourism Authority Act, 1993 (No. 1 of 1993)

An Act to provide for the establishment of the Barbados Tourism Authority and the Tourism Advisory Council and for related matters.

2) Barbados Tourism Authority Act, 1995. (No.15 of 1995)

An Act to revise the Barbados Tourism Authority Act, 1993.

3) Hotels, Apartments and Guest Houses (Registration and Classification) Regulations, 1982. S.I. 1982 No. 160.

Made under section 12 of the Barbados Board of Tourism Act, Ch. 342.

4) Hotel Aids Act, 1967. Ch. 72.

An Act to consolidate and revise the law relating to the encouragement of the development of hotels and for matters incidental thereto and connected therewith.

5) Suggested Minimum Requirements for Granting of Concessions to Hotels/Guesthouses.

Issued by the National Development Corporation under the Hotel Aids Act.

Hotel Proprietors Act, 1975. Ch. 309.

An Act to regulate the liability of Hotel Proprietors for loss of or damage to property brought by guests to hotels and to provide for related matters.

7) Hotel and Restaurants (Sales Tax) Act, 1974.

An Act to provide for the imposition of tax on the proceeds of the letting of hotel accommodation and sale of food and beverages in hotels and restaurants and for commercial purposes.

8) The Hotel and Restaurants (Rate of Tax) Order, 1977.

Made under section 4 of the Hotels and Restaurants (Sales Tax) Act, 1974.

Hotels and Restaurants (Sales Tax) Amendment Act, 1978.

An Act to amend the Hotels and Restaurants (Sales Tax) Act, 1974.

Hotels and Restaurants (Sales Tax) (Amendment Act), 1980.

An Act to amend the Hotels and Restaurants (Sales Tax) Act

Health Services Act, 1969. Ch. 44.

An Act relating to the promotion and preservation of the health of the inhabitants of Barbados.

Subsidiary legislation shown under 12 to 19 made under section 10 of this principal Act.

12) Health Services (Food Hygiene) Regulations, 1969. Ch. 44.

13) Health Services (Hotels) Regulations, 1969. Ch. 44.

14) Health Services (Restaurants) Regulations, 1969. Ch. 44.

Health Services (Building) Regulations, 1969. Ch. 44.

Health Services (Lodging Houses and Barracks) Regulations, 1970. Ch. 44.

Health Services (Swimming Pools) Regulations, 1970. Ch.44.

Health Services (Amendment) Act, 1995-4.

Minor Offences Act, 1998-1.

An Act to revise the law in relation to certain minor offences. Deals inter alia with harassment.

National Conservation Commission Act, 1982. Ch. 393.

An Act to revise and consolidate the law relating to public parks, beaches and caves and related matters and to make provision for the conservation of sites and buildings of national interest.

Travel Services Act, 1983. Ch. 373A.

An Act to provide for the registration and control of persons providing travel services and for related matters.

Travel Services (Fees) Order, 1983. Ch. 373A.

Issued under the Travel Services Act of 1983.

Travel Services Regulations, 1983.

Made under section 27 of the Travel Services Act, 1983. Deals with the licensing and registration of travel agents and tour operators

Barbados Port Authority (Water Sports) Regulations, 1990

Made under the Barbados Port Authority Act, Ch.285B. Deals with registration, inspection, licensing, insurance, safety and related issues.

Condominium Act, 1971. Ch. 224A.

An Act to facilitate the division of properties into parts that are to be owned individually and parts that are to be owned in common and to provide for the use and management of such properties.

Road Traffic (Amendment) Regulations, 1990. S.I. 1990 No.128.

Made under section 124(1) of the Road Traffic Act. Ch. 295. Regulates taxi fares.

Road Traffic Regulations, 1984. Ch. 295. Parts VIII -IX.

Provisions relating to hackney carriages, taxis, maxi-taxis, hired cars and contract carriages.

Registration of Business Names Act, 140. Ch..317.

An Act to provide for the registration of firms and persons carrying on business under business names and for related matters. Incorporates amendments up to 1988.

Profession, Trade and Business Registration Act, 1979. Ch.373.

An Act to make provision for the registration of persons exercising or engaging in any profession, trade, business or calling and to provide for related matters. Incorporates amendments up to 1990.

Profession, Trade and Business Registration Order, 1992.

Made under section 13(a) of the Profession, Trade and Business Registration Act.

Beach Protection Act, 1890. Ch. 389.

An act to consolidate the Acts relating to the taking and carrying away of sand from certain parts of the beach. Incorporates subsequent amendments, viz. 1958-33, 1958-55, 1966-5, L.N.168/1967, 1975-18 (REPEALED).

Cultivation of Trees Act, 1951. Ch. 390.

An Act for promoting the cultivation of trees, and for purposes in connection therewith.

Marine Areas (Preservation and Enhancement) Act, 1976. Ch. 392.

An Act for the preservation and protection of the marine life in certain submarine areas of Barbados and for the establishment of underwater parks and art centres in connection therewith (REPEALED).

Wild Birds Protection Act, 1907. Ch. 398.

An Act relating to the protection of certain wild birds. Incorporates miscellaneous amendments, i.e. 1952,1958,1978. L.N. 168/1967.

The Civil Aviation (Air Navigation) Regulations, 1984.

Made under section 28 of the Civil Aviation Act, 1983. (Act 1983-31)

Barbados Port Authority (Tariff Book Of Dues and Charges) Regulations, 1987.

Made under section 66 of the Barbados Port Authority Act. (S.I. 1987 No. 166)

Barbados Port Authority (Water Sports) Regulations, 1990. S.I. 1990 No. 44.

Made under the Barbados Port Authority Act, Ch. 285B.

Barbados Investment and Development Corporation Act, 1992. ( No. 30 of 1992)

An Act to provide for the establishment of a corporation for the purpose of developing Barbados’ industrial, offshore financial, export and other related activities.

39) Statistics. Chapter 192

An Act to provide for the taking of censuses and for the collection, compilation, analysis and publication of certain statistical information and for other matters relating thereto.

40) Parks and Beaches Commission Act, Chapter 233A. (1970-12)

An Act to provide for the control, maintenance and development of the public parks and beaches of Barbados

41) The Parks and Beaches Regulations, 1974.

Made under the Parks and Beaches Commission Act, 1970.

42) Parks and Beaches Commission (Amendment) Act, (1974-23)

An Act to amend the Parks and Beaches Commission Act, 1970.

43) Parks and Beaches Commission (Amendment) Act, (1978-46)

An Act to amend the Parks and Beaches Commission Act, 1970.

44) Trees (Preservation) Act. Chapter 397. (December 1981)

An Act to provide for the preservation of trees, 1981-49.


1) Belize Tourist Board (Tourist Guide) Regulations, 1992. Statutory Instrument No.130 of 1992.

Regulations made by the Belize Tourist Board in exercise of the powers conferred upon it by section 15 of the Belize Tourist Board Act, (No. 4 of 1990) and all other powers thereunto it enabling and approved by the Minister responsible for Tourism.

2) Belize Tourist Board (Tour Guide) Regulations, 1994. Statutory Instrument No. 80 of 1994

Regulations made by the Belize Tourist Board in exercise of the powers conferred upon it by section 15 of the Belize Tourist Board Act, Chapter 232A of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 1980-1990, and all other powers thereunto it enabling and approved by the Minister responsible for Tourism. Repeals S.I. 130/92.

3) Hotels and Tourist Accommodation Act, 1997. No. 12 0f 1997.

An Act to make new provisions to regulate the operation and management of hotels; to provide for the regulation of tourist accommodation; to repeal the hotels Act, Chapter 228 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 1980-90; and to provide for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

4) Hotels and Tourist Accommodation (Minimum Registration, Licensing and Operating Requirements) Regulations, 1999.

Regulations made by the Minister of Tourism in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by section 14 as read with section 31 of the Hotels and Tourist Accommodation Act (No. 12 of 1997), and all other powers thereunto him enabling.

a) 1st Schedule: Minimum Requirements for the Registration of Hotels and Resorts

b) 2nd Schedule: Minimum Requirements for the Registration of Apartments, Condominiums & Villas

c) 3rd Schedule: Minimum Requirements for the Registration of Guest Houses, Lodges and Inns

d) 4th Schedule: Minimum Requirements for the Registration of Community Based Tourism Establishments

e) 5th Schedule: Minimum Requirements for the Registration of Camp Sites

Belize Tourist Board, Agreement for Operating a Liveaboard Passenger Vessel (Class II- Vessels ten (10) and above and above passenger capacity).

Belize Tourist Board, Environmental Compliance Plan for Liveaboard Passenger Vessels (Class II).

Prepared by: The Department of the Environment in conjunction with The Fisheries Department - Belize Tourist Board. Revised June 1998.

*7) Belize Tourist Board (Local Water and Passenger and Watersports Vessels) Regulations, 2000

*8) Brochure to facilitate the implementation of the retired persons program under the retired persons (incentives) Act (No.11 of 1999)

*9) Belize Tourist Board (Tour Operators) Regulations, 1999

Regulations made by the Belize Tourist Board in exercise of the powers conferred upon it by section 15 of the Belize Tourist Board Act, Chapter 232A of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 1980-90, and all other powers thereunto it enabling

*10) Protected Areas Conservation Act, 1995. No. 15 of 1995

An act to establish a trust for the protection, conservation and enhancement of the natural and cultural resources of Belize; to establish a Trust Fund for the Trust; to establish a Board of Directors to control and manage the affairs of the trust; and to provide for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.


The Summary Offences Act, 1926. 1926: No. 2

With subsequent amendments up to 1977. Makes provision, inter alia, for restriction on making noises at night, tidiness of public places, beaches, etc, restriction on riding horses on beaches.

The Motor Taxi Regulations, 1952

Issued by the Transport Control Department for information of taxi drivers ONLY. These Regulations were brought into operation on 15th January, 1953, by order published in Gazette No. 53 of 1952.

The Auxiliary Bicycles Act, 1954

The Hotel (Licensing and Control) Regulations, 1976

Made by the Minister of Tourism under section 14 of the Hotels (Licensing and Control) Act 1969.

The Motor Car Act 1951. Parts II and IV.

Incorporating subsequent amendments. Deals, inter alia with general restrictions on use of motor cars for hire or reward, public service vehicles including buses, taxis and limousines, etc.


1) Commercial Recreational Vessels Licensing Act, 1992.

An Act to provide for the licensing of commercial recreational vessels; to issue permits to non-commercial

recreational vessels and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

Tourist Board Ordinance, 1969, Ch. 280

Incorporates subsequent amendments up to 1991. Makes provision for the establishment of the Board, its membership, duties, functions and powers as well as financial provisions.

3)* Chapter 95. Mongoose (Prohibition). 6th October 1902.

Mongoose Prohibition Ordinance.

4)* Chapter 96. Pigeons. 19th November, 1926. Pigeons Ordinance.

An Ordinance to provide for the establishment and constitution of a Tourist Board and for other matters connected therewith.

5)* Chapter 97. Protection of Animals Act. 20th March 1935.

6)* Chapter 85. Plant Protection Ordinance. 30th October 1941

7)* Chapter 86. Protection of Trees and Conservation of Soil and Water. 24th Septeber1954

8)* Chapter 87. Turtles Ordinance. 21st May 1959

9)* Chapter 98. Wild Birds Protection Ordinance. 9th March 1959

10)* Chapter 208. Beach Protection Ordinance. 13th August 1960

11)* National Parks Ordinance. No. 29 of 1961.

12)* Statutory Rules and Orders. Interpretation and General Clauses Act, 1955. (Leeward Islands No.12 of 1955). No.23 of 1966

13)* Statutory Rules and Orders. Aircraft (Landing Places and Fees) (Virgin Gorda) Notification 1968. No.9 of 1968 (Gazetted 27th November 1968)

14)* The Tourist Board Ordinance of 1968. No. 9 of 1968.

An Ordinance to provide for the establishment and constitution of a Tourist Board and for other matters connected therewith

15)* Statutory Rules and Orders. Interpretation and General Clauses Act, Section 30, Cap 135. No.12A of 1968

16)* The Mining Ordinance, 1980. No.10 of 1980

An Ordinance to repeal the mining Ordinance 1972 and to enact more comprehensive legislation governing the exploration for and production of minerals in the British Virgin Islands, and for purposes incidental thereto or connected therewith

17)* Tourist Board (Amendment) Ordinance, 1972. No.9 of 1972

An Ordinance to amend the Tourist Board Ordinance, 1968.

18)* Mining Ordinance, 1972. No.11 of 1972

An Ordinance to make provision with regard to prospecting for minerals and mining, and for purposes connected therewith.

19)* Petroleum Mining Ordinance, 1972. No.12 of 1972

An Ordinance to make provisions relating to the issue of exploration licence and petroleum agreement with regard to exploration, prospecting and mining for petroleum in Virgin Islands and to provide for matters connected therewith.

20)* Petroleum Mining (Amendment) Ordinance, 1973. No.8 of 1973

An Ordinance to amend the Petroleum Mining Ordinance, 1972.

21)* Endangered Animals and Plants Ordinance, 1976. No.4 of 1976

An Ordinance to restrict the importation and exportation of certain animals, plants and articles; to restrict the movement after importation of certain live animals; and for the purposes connected therewith and incidental thereto.

22)* Hotel Aid Ordinance, 1977. No.25 of 1977

An Ordinance to consolidate the existing law concerning concessions in respect of customs duties and income tax for certain hoteliers within the Territory, to provide for relief from duty on goods imported, to remove certain concessions, to define premises qualifying as hotels and for other purposes connected therewith and incidental thereto.

23)* National Parks (Amendment) Ordinance, 1978. No.3 of 1978

An Ordinance to Amend the National Parks Ordinance, 1961.

24)* Appropriation Ordinance, 1979. No.4 of 1979

An Ordinance to provide for the appropriation of diverse sums of money for and towards defraying several charges and expenses for the services of the Government of the Virgin Islands for the year ending on the 31st day of December, 1979.

25)* Marine Parks and Protected Areas Ordinance, 1979. No.8 of 1979

An Ordinance to make provision for the establishment of Marine Parks and Protected Areas and for purposes connected therewith and incidental thereto.

26)* Fisheries Ordinance, 1979. No.18 of 1979

An Ordinance to provide for the protection, regulation and control of products of the sea in the waters, of adjacent to, the Virgin Islands, and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

27)* Sewerage (Rates and Charges) Ordinance, 1980. No.6 of 1980

An Ordinance to impose sewerage rates and charges in prescribed areas

28)* The Wild Birds Protection (Amendment) Ordinance, 1980. No.11 of 1980

An Ordinance to amend the Wild Birds Protection Ordinance, Cap.98

29)* Fisheries (Amendment) Ordinance, 1980. No.12 of 1980

An Ordinance to Amend the Fisheries Ordinance of 1979, No.18 of 1979

30)* The Tourist Board (Amendment) Ordinance, 1983. No.2 of 1983

An Ordinance to amend the Tourist Board Ordinance, 1968

Cayman Islands

Tourism Regulations (1999 Revision).

Issued under the Tourism Law (1995 Revision). Revised under the Authority of the Law Revision Law (19 of 1975). Consolidated and revised 5th January 1999. Stipulates fess, forms, register of licenses, minimum requirements, specific minimum requirements in respect of the advertising, etc, of locally owned facilities, travelling expenses, hospitality expenses, appeals, etc.

The Travel Tax Law, 1976 (Law 11 of 1976)

A law to repeal and replace the Travel Tax Law (1 of 1965). Provides for the collection of duties in respect of passengers carried and the responsibilities of carriers.

The Travel Tax Regulations, 1977.

Made under section 6 of The Travel Tax Law, 1976. Prescribes form of travel tax receipt for issue to travellers, form of monthly account to Collector of Taxes of travel tax collected from travellers and other related forms.

The Travel Tax (Amendment) Law, 1979 (Law 32 of 1979)

The Travel Tax (Amendment) Law, 1982 (Law 6 of 1982)

The Travel Tax (Amendment) Law, 1984 (Law 14 of 1984)

The Travel Tax (Amendment) Law, 1985 (Law 39 of 1985)

The Travel Tax (Amendment) Law, 1987 (Law 5 of 1987)

The Tourist Accommodation (Taxation) Law (Revised) [1978]

Consolidated with law 28 of 1968, law 2 of 1977. Deals with taxation of tourist accommodation and related matters.

The Tourist Accommodation (Taxation) (Amendment) Law, 1981 (Law 25 of 1981)

The Tourism Law, 1974. Law 10 0f 1974

A law to repeal and replace in amended form the Tourist Board Law (No. 38 of 1965). Provides for the establishment of the Department of Tourism, the Tourism Advisory Council and the Hotels Licensing Board, the composition of these bodies and their functions.

Tourism Regulations, 1974.

Made under section 13 of the Tourism Law, 1974 [Law 10 of 1974]. Prescribes application forms for the licensing of accommodation establishments and lays down minimum requirements.

Tourism (Amendment) Regulations , 1985

Made under section 13 of the Tourism Law, 1974 (Law 10 of 1974).

The Tourism (Amendment) Law, 1979 (Law 3 of 1979)

Strata Titles Registration Law, 1973 (Law 14 of 1973)

A Law to facilitate the sub-division of land in strata and the disposition and registration of strata titles and for matters incidental thereto.

Strata Titles Registration Regulations, 1974.

Made under section 18 of the Strata Titles Registration Law, 1973.

The Strata Titles Registration (Amendment) Law, 1983 (Law 1 of 1983)

The Mosquito (Research and Control) Law (Revised) [1976]

A Law to provide for research and control of mosquitoes. Consolidated with Law 27 of 1968, Law 18 of 1969, Law 5 of 1974 and revised under authority of the Law Revision Law (no 19 of 1975).

The Mosquito (Research and Control) Regulations (Revised), 1976

The Mosquito (Research and Control) (Amendment) Regulations, 1979

Made under section 28 of the Mosquito (Research and Control) Law (Revised).

Declaration of Physical Control Area (Mosquito (Research and Control) Law (Revised) [1979]

The Mosquito (Research and Control) (Amendment) Regulations, 1981

Made under section 28 of the Mosquito (Research and Control) Law (Revised).

The Marine Conservation Law, 1978 (Law 19 of 1978).

A Law to preserve the natural amenities of the territorial waters of the islands.

The Marine Conservation Regulations, 1979

Made under section 24 of the Marine Conservation Law, 1978 (Law 19 of 1978)

25) Marine Conservation (Amendment) Regulations, 1980

Made under section 24 of the Marine Conservation Law, 1978 (Law 19 of 1978)

26) The Marine Conservation (Turtle Protection) Regulations, 1978

Made under section 24 of the Marine Conservation Law, 1978 (Law 19 of 1978)

27) Marine Conservation (Amendment) Regulations, 1985.

Made under section 24 of the Marine Conservation Law, 1978 (Law 19 of 1978)

28) Marine Conservation (Turtle Protection) (Amendment) Regulations, 1985.

29) The Marine Conservation (Amendment) Law, 1985 (Law 5 of 1985).

30) Marine Conservation (Amendment) Regulations, 1986.

Made under section 24 of the Marine Conservation Law, 1978 (Law 19 of 1978)

31) The Marine Conservation (Marine Parks) Regulations, 1986

Made under the Marine Conservation Law, 1978 (Law No. 19 of 1978).

32) The Marine Conservation (Marine Parks) (Amendment) Regulations , 1986.

Made under the Marine Conservation Law, 1978 (Law No. 19 of 1978).

33) Marine Conservation (Licensing of Seine Nets) Directives, 1986.

Issued by the Marine Conservation Board under sections 3 and 4 of the Marine Conservation Law, 1978.

34) Marine Conservation (Licensing of Spear Guns) Directives, 1986.

Issued by the Marine Conservation Board under sections 3 an4 of the Marine Conservation Law, 1978.

35) The Litter Law, 1982 (Law 2 of 1982)

A law respecting the littering of public places and of premises.

36) Hotel Aid Law, 1976 (Law 6 of 1976).

The Hotels Aid Law, Ch. 66, having fallen into abeyance, it is sought to re-enact it with certain small modifications including some changes in the preferential rate of Customs Duty allowed to licensees under the Law.

37) Hotels Aid Regulations, 1976

38) The Hotel Aid (Amendment) Law, 1978 (Law 4 of 1978).

A law to amend the Hotels Aid Law, 1976 (Law 6 of 1976)

39) The Hotels Aid (Amendment) Law, 1979. (Law 2 of 1979)

A law to amend the hotels Aid Law, 1976 (Law 6 of 1976)


Hotel Aids Ordinance, 1958. Ch. 321.

On Ordinance to encourage the hotel industry in Dominica by granting certain relief in respect of customs duties, income tax, and real property tax to persons who expend moneys upon the construction or equipment of hotels in Dominica and for purposes incidental thereto and connected therewith.

Dominican Republic

Informe Aplicable a las Tiendas de Zonas Francas, Ley No. 4315 (Law relating to the shops in the Free Zones, Law No. 4315)


Beach Vending (Regulation) Act, 1998. (Act No. 21 of 1988).

An Act to regulate beach vending and to provide for matters connected therewith. Also provides for the prohibition of harassment.

Tourist Board Act, 1988 (Act No. 29 of 1988).

An Act to establish a Tourist Board charged with the duty of developing the tourist industry of Grenada, Cariacou & Petit Martinique and promoting its efficiency for the purposes incidental to or connected with the matters aforesaid.

Tourist Board (Amendment) Act, 1990. (No. 20 of 1990).

An Act to amend the Tourist Board Act 1988.

Cruise Ship (Visitors Levy) (Amendment) Act, 1991. (Act No. 32 of 1991).

An Act to provide for an increase in the levy on cruise ship visitors.

Tourist Board (Amendment) Act, 1992. (No. 20 of 1992)

An Act to amend the Tourist Board Act, 1988. Deals with the appointment and remuneration of Director, Deputy Director and Secretary of Tourist Board.

Tourist Board (Amendment) Act 1993 (Act No. 39 of 1993).

An Act to amend the Tourist Board Act, 1988. Deals with the appointment of beach patrol guards.


The Hawkers and Pedlars Act. Cap. 146. [15th October, 1867].

Deals with the licensing of hawkers and pedlars and related matters.

The Tourist Board Act, 1955.

Incorporates subsequent amendments. Provides for the establishment and composition of Board, functions, duties and powers, financial provisions and miscellaneous related matters.

The Tourist Board (Amendment) Act, 1985 (No. 7 of 1985).

Amends a number of sections of the principal Act, notably in respect of licensing of tourist accommodation and the procedure to be followed.

The Tourist (Duty-Free) Shopping System Act, 1974.

Incorporates subsequent amendments up to 1985. Provides for the licensing of tourist (duty-free) shop operators and related matters including the furnishing of a bond, the levying of operational charge, the making of returns and keeping of records, warehousing, and other matters related to the operation of a duty-free trade.

Tourism Incentive Legislation. The Hotel (Incentives) Act 1968.


Ley Federal de Turismo, 1992 - (Federal Tourism Law).

Gazetted on 31 December 1992. Text comprises five parts sub-divided into chapters and articles in Spanish. Provides for the development of tourism, in terms of the planning of tourism including priority development zones, the decentralisation of functions, the promotion and publicity of tourism, the National Tourism Fund, and operational aspects of the sector.

Reglamento de la Ley Federal de Turismo, 1994 - (Regulations under the Federal Tourism Law).

First gazetted on 2 May 1994. Text comprises 15 chapters and 90 articles in Spanish. Provides for the regulation of tourism development zones, tourist accommodation establishments, food and beverage services, travel and tour services, tourist guides, etc.

Reglamento Interior de la Secretaria de Turismo, 1996 - (Internal Regulations of the Secretariat of Tourism)

Gazetted 31 May 1996. Text comprises 9 chapters and 30 articles in Spanish. Prescribes the role and functions of the various structural components of the Secretariat.


Tourist Board Ordinance, 1993. (No. 13 0f 1993)

An Ordinance to establish a Tourist Board for Montserrat to develop the tourist industry and promote its efficiency and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico Games of Chance Regulations, 1997. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Tourism Company.

Issued under the authority conferred by primary legislation, notably the Organic Act of the Tourism Company, Act No. 10 of 18 June 1970, as amended, and the Games of Chance Act, Act No. 221 of 15 May 1948 and repeals previous regulations with respect to the Games of Chance Act. English text comprises 11 chapters governing, inter alia, the grant of franchise to operate a casino, operation of the casino (with sub-chapters devoted to individual games), gaming equipment, controls, employee licence, casino service industry licence and casino service industry employee licence, procedures for solution of controversies, distribution of slot machine revenues, etc.

Amendments made to Section 2 of the Puerto Rico Tourism Company Law pertaining to

Casinos, arcades (games of chance, slots, etc.). 13th Legislative Assembly, Ordinary Session, Law No. 24. Approved 26 June 1997 In Spanish.

Capítulo 5. Juegos de Azar. (Chapter 5. [The] Gambling/Gaming Law)

Ley de la Compañia de Turismo de Puerto Rico. – Junio 18, 1970, Num. 10, p. 426 art. 1: Junio 3, 1976, Num. 141, p. 438, sec. 1, ef. Junio 3, 1976. (23 L.P.R.A. Sec. 671 et seq. Capítulo 39. Compaℑ∞a de Turismo.

(The Organic Law of the Puerto Rico Tourism Company. Spanish text. Deals with the establishment, organisation, responsibilities, functions and powers of the Tourism Company and related matters.

Desarrollo Turistico. Capitulo 151. (Chapter 151. Tourism Development)

Spanish text of law providing for the establishment and operation of tourism investment funds.

Reglamento Promulgado para Gobernar las Condiciones para la Concession de Exenciones y

Otros Incentivos Contributivos a Tenor con las Disdposiciones del Articulo 9(B) de la

Ley de Desarrollo Turistico de Puerto Rico de 1993, segun Emendada, Ley Num. 78 de 10 de

Septiembre de 1993, segun Emendada.

(Regulations promulgated in 1995 under the Tourism Development Law of Puerto Rico, 1993, as amended, Law No. 78 of 1993, etc. Spanish text. Deals with wide range of tourism services, including “condohotels”,

timeshare, golf courses, theme parks, marinas, and concessions and incentives provided etc.)

Ley de Derecho de Multipropiedad y Clubes Vacacionales de Puerto Rico.

English language version available under title “Puerto Rico Timeshare and Vacation Club Act”. Law No. 252 Approved 26 December 1995.

The objectives of the Act are (1) to protect the purchaser of timeshare interests and (2) to encourage the development of the timeshare industry by setting forth rules by which the industry is to operate.

Enmienda al Reglamento de Requisitos Minimos de Hospederias y Paradores de Puerto Rico.

(Amendments to the Regulations of Minimum Requirements for Guesthouses and Inns in Puerto Rico). Number 5533. Approved 14 January 1997. In Spanish.

St. Lucia

Tourist (Duty Free Shopping System) Act, 1986. (No 23 of 1986)

An Act to provide for a tourist duty free shopping system permitting duty concessions on goods for export and for matters incidental thereto or connected therewith.

Parks and Beaches Commission Act,1983

An Act to provide for the control and maintenance and development of the public parks, gardens and beaches of Saint Lucia. Provides for the establishment and functions of the Parks and Beaches Commission and miscellaneous related matters.

Tourist (Duty-Free Shopping System) (Amendment) Order, 1996.

Fiscal Incentives Act, 1974. No. (15 of 1974)

An Act to give effect to the Agreement on harmonisation of fiscal incentives to industry.

Hotel Aids Ordinance, 1959. (No. 25 of 1959)

Hotel Proprietors Act, 1968.

Tourist Industry Development Act, 1981. (No. 4 of 1981)

An Act to provide for the establishment of a Board for the purposes of administering and developing the Tourist Industry of St Lucia and for purposes connected therewith. Provides for the establishment, composition, powers and duties, and operating procedures of the Board.

St. Vincent & The Grenadines

Companies Regulations, 1996. (S.R.O. No.22 of 1996).

Made under section 527 of the Companies Act, 1994.

Customs Duties (Amendment) Act, 1997. (No. 5 of 1997).

An Act to amend the Customs Duties Act (Cap. 184 of 1926), with which it should be read and construed as one.

Forest Resource Conservation Act, 1992. (Act No. 47 of 1992).

An Act to make provision for the conservation, management and proper use of the forests and watersheds, the declaration of forest reserves, cooperative forests and conservation areas, the prevention and control of forest fires; and for matters connected with those purposes.

Immigration (Restriction) Act. Revised Edition 1990. Chapter 78.

An Act to impose restrictions on immigration.

Immigration (Passport Exemption) Regulations. Revised Edition 1990.

Preservation of Historic Buildings and Antiquities Act, 1976. Revised Edition 1990. Ch. 247.

An Act to make provision for the acquisition and preservation of historic buildings and antiquities, to restrict the exportation of antiquities, and for matters incidental to the foregoing.

Aliens (Land-Holding Regulation) Act, 1922. Revised Edition 1990. Ch. 235.

An Act to regulate the holding of land by aliens and companies under alien control.

Sir Garfield Sobers (Land-Holding) Declaration Order, 1974. (S.R.O. No. 9 of 1974). Revised Edition 1990.

Order waiving alien status of Sir Garfield Sobers for the purposes of the Aliens (Land Holding Regulation) Act.

Botanical Garden Act, 1898. Revised Edition 1990. Ch. 56.

An Act to authorise the framing of rules for the proper regulation of the Botanical Garden.

Botanical Garden Rules, 1919. Revised Edition 1990.

The Hotel Aid Act, 1988. (No.16 of 1988).

An Act to provide incentives for the renovation, refurbishment and expansion of existing hotels, the construction of new hotels and for matters incidental thereto and connected therewith.

National Trust Act. Revised Edition 1990. Chapter 329.

An Act to establish a body corporate to be known as the Saint Vincent and the Grenadines National Trust. Sets out objects, powers, composition of board of trustees, membership of Trust, publication of rules, and makes provision for relief from income tax on gifts to Trust.

Hotel Tax Act, 1976. Revised Edition 1990. Ch. 338.

An Act to provide for the imposition and collection of a tax in respect of the hire and occupation of accommodation and the supply of refreshment in hotels and for matters connected therewith.

Mustique Company Limited Act, 1989. ( No. 62 of 1989).

An Act to authorise the making of an agreement on the 15th day of Dec 1989 with the Mustique Company Limited for the establishment of the investment of Mustique as a first class international residential resort of distinctive character and the development of its commercial and other undertakings on the island.

Mustique Company Limited Act. Act No. 62 of 1989. Revised Edition 1990. Ch. 108.

An Act to authorise the making of an agreement on the 15th day of December 1989, with the Mustique Company Limited for the establishment of the Mustique Conservation Area, the further development through foreign investment of Mustique as a first class international residential resort of distinctive character and the development of its commercial and other undertakings on the island.

Canouan Resorts Development Limited (Lease Ratification) Act, 1990. (No. 4 of 1990).

An Act to confirm and ratify a lease agreement dated the 31st day of October 1990, between the Canouan Resorts Development Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Gesfid S.A. in respect of lands in Canouan for the construction and operation of an international residential resort and club of distinctive character.

Town and Country Planning (Small Hotels and Self-Contained Apartments) Regulations, 1989. (S.R.O. No. 37 of 1989).

Made under section 22 of the Town and Country Planning Act No. 8 of 1976 and its amendments Act No. 1 of 1981. Provides for minimum physical planning standards for small hotels and self-contained apartments, including site planning and environmental health standards.

Hotels Aid (Application Procedure) Regulations, 1989. (S.R.O. No. 31 of 1989)

Made under section 15 of the Hotels Aid Act, 1988 (No.16 of 1988). Prescribes the procedure for registration of hotels under the Act for the purposes of construction, improvement and expansion approvals.

Hotels Aid (Inventory) Regulations, 1972. (No. 5 of 1972).

Made under the Hotels Aid Ordinance, 1969. Prescribes that certain licensed hotels are required to make, keep and maintain inventories.

Gambling, Lotteries and Betting Ordinance, 1968. (No. 27 of 1968).

Provides for establishment of Gaming Authority, and the operation and governance of gambling, lotteries, and betting, including appropriate licensing requirements, and other related matters.

Gambling and Betting (Licences) Regulations, 1969. (S.R.O. No 1 of 1969).

Made under the Gambling, Lotteries and Betting Ordinance, 1968.

Hotels Aid Ordinance, 1969. (No. 24 of 1969).

An Ordinance to provide incentives for hotel development and to regulate other matters connected therewith.

Licences Ordinance, 1969. (No. 26 of 1969).

An Ordinance to repeal the Licences Ordinance, 1940, and make fresh provision in replacement thereof.

Hotels Aid (Customs Duty Concessions) Regulations, 1972. S.R.O. No. 4 of 1972.

Made under the Hotels Aid Ordinance, 1969. Prescribes drawback of customs duties and the goods to which the concessions apply.

Airport Service Charge Act, 1976. (No. 26 of 1976).

An Act to impose an airport service charge on passengers departing by aircraft from St. Vincent to make provision for the collection of such a charge, and matters in connection therewith.

Yachts License (Amendment) Act, 1979. (No. 1 of 1979).

An Act to amend the Yachts Licence Act, 1970.

Beach Protection Act, 1981. Act No. 10 of 1981

An Act to protect beaches and to prohibit the removal of sand, coral, stones, shingle and gravel from the beaches of St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

Beach Protection (Amendment) Act, 1982. (Act No. 23 of 1982)

An Act to amend the Beach Protection Act, 1981.

Trinidad & Tobago

Qualifications for the issue of licences to Tour Guides & Tour Operators in Tobago. Draft

Guide licence No. 51 of 1980. Statutory Instrument issued under the Summary Offences Law,

Ch. 11:02.

Minimum Requirements for Registration of Guesthouses.

Issued by the Trinidad and Tobago Tourism Authority and the Tobago House of Assembly pursuant to Section 16B of the Tourism Development Authority Act, 1989.

3) Minimum Requirements for Registration of Hotels.

Issued by the Trinidad and Tobago Tourism Authority and the Tobago House of Assembly pursuant to Section 16B of the Tourism Development Authority Act, 1989.

Turks & Caicos Islands

The Tourism Ordinance 1990. (No. 27 of 1990).

An Ordinance to regulate tourism, to establish a Tourist Board and for connected purposes.

The Tourism (Amendment) Ordinance 1995. (No.4 of 1995).

Enacted to amend section 7 of the Tourism Ordinance 1990.

The Tourist Board Ordinance, 1970. (No. 10 of 1970).

An Ordinance to provide for the establishment of a Tourist Board charged with the duty of developing the tourist industry in the islands and for matters connected therewith.

The Tourism Ordinance, 1993.

Draft bill text available. An Ordinance to repeal and replace in an amended form the Tourism Ordinance 1990; to provide for the licensing and regulation of tourism businesses; and for matters connected therewith.

5) Coast Protection Ordinance, 1970. (No. 1. of 1970).

An Ordinance to provide for the protection of the coasts of the islands.

6) The Encouragement of Development Ordinance, 1972. (No. 2 of 1972).

An Ordinance to encourage the establishment, conduct and expansion of development enterprises in the islands by the granting of relief from customs duties and taxes to persons engaging in such enterprises incidental to and connected with any of the foregoing purposes.

7) The Encouragement of Development (Amendment) Ordinance 1980. (No. 8 of 1980).

An Ordinance to amend the Encouragement of Development Ordinance, 1972 (No. 2 of 1972).

Historic Wrecks Ordinance, 1974. (No. 15 of 1974).

An Ordinance to provide for the protection of wrecks in certain cases and for purposes connected therewith.

National Parks Ordinance, 1975. (No.11 of 1975).

An Ordinance to provide powers to permit the establishment of parks, nature reserves, sanctuaries and areas of historical interest, and generally for the conservation of he natural environment and ecology of the islands and for purposes connected therewith.

Public Health, 1976. (No.6. of 1976).

An Ordinance relating to public health and to provide for matters incidental thereto.

Towns and Public Health Ordinance, 1896. Revised Edition 1970. Ch. 49.

Control of Drugs (Amendment Ordinance), 1980.

United States Virgin Islands

1) Act No. 5036 of 1984. To authorise the Department of Conservation and Cultural Affairs to administer and enforce provisions relating to the mooring of vessels and the issuance of mooring permits.

2) Mooring and Anchoring of Vessels and Houseboats Act of 1990. Act No. 5567.

To repeal chapter 16 of title 25, Virgin Islands Code, pertaining to the mooring and anchoring of vessels.

3) Coastal Zone Management: Proposed regulations, Administrative Processing fees for CZM Permit. Section 910. [1990]

4)* Revolving/Advertising Fund Bill. Bill No. 21-011. Act No. 6092.

5)* Cruise Ship Industry. Bill No. 23-0178 Act No.6287

6)* The Casino Control Act of 1995. Bill No. 21-0003.




1) The Anguilla Tourist Board Ordinance 1993


1) The Hotel Corporation of the Bahamas Act, 1974


1) Barbados Tourism Authority Act, 1993

2) Barbados Tourism Authority Act, 1995

3) National Conservation Commission Act, 1982

4) Barbados Investment Development Corporation Act, 1992

British Virgin Islands

1 Tourist Board Ordinance, 1969, Ch. 280

Cayman Islands

2 The Tourism Law, 1974


1) Tourist Board Act,1988

2) Tourist Board (Amendment) Act, 1990. (No. 20 of 1990).

3) Tourist Board (Amendment) Act, 1992

4) Tourist Board (Amendment) Act, 1993


1) The Tourist Board Act, 1955

2) The Tourist Board Amendment Act, 1985


5) Ley Federal de Turismo,199

6) Reglamento de la Ley Federal de Turismo, 1994

7) Reglamento Interior de la Secretaria de Turismo, 1996


1) Tourist Board Ordinance, 1993. ( No. 13 of 1993)

Puerto Rico

1) Ley de la Compania de Turismo de Puerto Rico, 1970

2) Desarrollo Turistico, Ch. 151

St Lucia

1) Parks and Beaches Commission Act, 1983

2) Tourist Industry Development Act, 1981

St Vincent and the Grenadines

1) National Trust Act. Revised edition, 1990.

2) Mustique Company Limited Act, 1989

3) Mustique Company Limited Act. Revised edition 1990

4) Canouan Resorts Development Limited (Lease Ratification) Act, 1990

Turks and Caicos Islands

1) The Tourism Ordinance, 1990

2) The Tourism (Amendment) Ordinance, 1995

3) The Tourist Board Ordinance, 1970

4) The Tourism Ordinance, 1993



1) Accommodation Tax Ordinance, 1973

2) The Accommodation Tax (Amendment) Ordinance, 1985


1) National Ordinance for the Promotion of Industrial Establishments and Hotel Construction, 1953.


1) The Hotels Encouragement Act, 1954

2) The Hotels Encouragement (Amendment) Act, 1965

3) The Hotels Act, 1970

4) The Hotels Encouragement Regulations, 1971. Supplement

5) The Hotels Regulations, 1971


1) Hotels Apartments and Guest Houses (Registration and Classification) Regulations, 1982

2) The Hotel Aids Act, 1967

3) Hotel Proprietors Act, 1975

4) Hotel and Restaurant (Sales Tax) Act, 1974

5) The Hotel and restaurants (Rate of Tax) Order, 1977

6) Condominium Act, 1971


1) Hotels and Tourist Accommodation Act, 1997

2) Hotels and Tourist Accommodation (Minimum Registration, Licensing and Operating Requirements) Regulations, 1999


1) The Hotel (Licensing and Control) Regulations, 1976

Cayman Islands

1) The Tourist Accommodation (Taxation) Law (Revised), 1978

2) The Tourist Accommodation (Taxation) (Amendment) Law, 1981

3) Tourism Regulations, 1974

4) Tourism (Amendment) Regulations, 1985

5) The Tourism (Amendment) Law, 1979

6) Hotels Aid Law, 1976

1) Hotels Aid Regulations, 1976

2) The Hotel Aid (Amendment) Law, 1978

3) The Hotels Aid (Amendment) Law, 1979


1) Hotel Aids Ordinance, 1958


1) The Tourist Board (Amendment) Act, 1985


1) Reglamento de la Ley Federal de Turismo

Puerto Rico

1) Reglamento Promulgado para Gobernar las Condiciones para la Concession de Exenciones Otros Incentivos Contributivos a Tenor con las Disposiciones del Articula 9(B) de la Ley de Desarrollo Turistico de Puerto Rico de 1993

2) Puerto Rico Timeshare and Vacation Club Act, 1995

3) Enmienda al Reglamento de Requisitos Minimos de Hospederias y Paradores de Puerto Rico, 1997

St Lucia

1) Hotel Aids Ordinance, 1959

2) Hotel Proprietors Act, 1968

St Vincent and the Grenadines

1) The Hotel Aid Act, 1988

2) Hotels Aid (Application Procedure) Regulations, 1989

3) Hotels Aid (Inventory) Regulations, 1989

4) Hotels Aid Ordinance, 1969

5) Hotels Aid (Customs Duty Concessions) Regulations, 1972

Trinidad and Tobago

1) Minimum Requirements for Registration of Guesthouses

2) Minimum Requirements for Registration of Hotels




1) National Ordinance for the Promotion of Industrial Establishments and Hotel Construction, 1953


1) The Promotion of Tourism Act, No. 49 of 1963. Chapter 13. Revised Edition 1965.

2) The Hotels Encouragement Act, 1954, with subsequent amendments. Chapter 304.

3) The Hotels Encouragement (Amendment) Act, 1965. No. 59 of 1965.

4) The Hotels Encouragement (Amendment) Act. No. 5 of 1966.

5) The Hotels Encouragement Regulations, 1971. Supplement.

6) Cruise Sips (Overnighting Incentives) Act, 1995.


1) Hotel Aids Act 1967

2) Suggested Minimum Requirements for the Granting of Concessions to Hotels/Guesthouses. Issued by the National Development Corporation under the Hotel Aid Act.

British Virgin Islands

1) Commercial Recreational Vessels Licensing Act, 1992

Cayman Islands

1) Hotels Aid Law, 1976

2) Hotels Aid Regulations, 1976

3) Hotels Aid (Amendment) Law, 1978

4) Hotels Aid (Amendment) Law, 1979


1) Hotel Aids Ordinance, 1958


1) The Hotel (Incentives) Act, 1968


1) Ley Federal de Turismo, 1992

2) Reglamento de la Ley Federal de Turismo, 1994

Puerto Rico

1) Desarrollo Turistico. Capitulo 151

2) Reglamento Promulgado para Gobernar las Condiciones para la Concession de Exenciones y Otros Incentivos Contributivos a Tenor con las Dispsiciones del Articulo 9(B) de la Ley de Desarrollo Turistico de Puerto Rico de 1993

St Lucia

1) Fiscal Incentives Act, 1968

2) Hotel Aids Ordinance, 1959

3) Tourist Industry Development Act, 1981

St Vincent and the Grenadines

1) The Hotel Aid Act, 1988

2) Mustique Company Limited Act, 1989

3) Mustique Company Limited Act. Revised edition 1990

4) Canouan Resorts Development Limited (Lease ratification) Act, 1990

5) Hotels Aid (Application Procedure) Regulations, 1989

6) Hotels Aid (Inventory) Regulations, 1972

7) Hotels Aid Ordinance, 1969

8) Hotels Aid (Customs Duty Concessions) Regulations, 1972

Turks and Caicos Islands

1) The Encouragement of Development Ordinance, 1972

2) The Encouragement of Development (Amendment) Ordinance, 1980



1) The Hotels Act, 1970.

2) The Hotels Regulations, 1971. S.I. No. 8 of 1971.

3) The Water Skiing and Motor Boat Control Act, 1970. No. 16 of 1970.

4) The Lotteries and Gaming Act, 1969. No. 8 of 1969.

5) The Lotteries and Gaming (Amendment) Act, 1971. No. 1 of 1971.

6) The Lotteries and Gaming (Amendment) Act, 1972. No. 2 of 1972.

7) The Lotteries and Gaming (Amendment) Act, 1974. No. 13 of 1974.

8) The Lotteries and Gaming (Amendment) Act, 1978. No. 3 of 1978.


1) Hotels, Apartments and Guest Houses (Registration and Classification) Regulations, 1982. S.I. 1982 No. 160

2) Hotel Proprietors Act, 1975. Ch. 309.

3) Health Services Act, 1969. Ch. 44.

4) Health Services (Food Hygiene) Regulations, 1969. Ch. 44.

5) Health Services (Hotels) Regulations, 1969. Ch. 44.

6) Health Services (Restaurants) Regulations, 1969. Ch. 44.

7) Health Services (Building) Regulations, 1969. Ch. 44.

8) Health Services (Lodging Houses and Barracks) Regulations, 1970. Ch. 44.

9) Health Services (Swimming Pools) Regulations, 1970. Ch..44.

10) Health Services (Amendment) Act, 1995-4.

11) Minor Offences Act, 1998-1.

12) Travel Services Act, 1983. Ch. 373A.

13) Travel Services (Fees) Order, 1983. Ch. 373A.

14) Travel Services Regulations, 1983.

15) Barbados Port Authority (Water Sports) Regulations, 1990

16) Condominium Act, 1971. Ch. 224A

17) Registration of Business Names Act, 140. Ch..317.

18) Profession, Trade and Business Registration Act, 1979. Ch.373.

19) Profession, Trade and Business Registration Order, 1992.


1) Belize Tourist Board (Tourist Guide) Regulations, 1992. Statutory Instrument No.130 of 1992.

2) Belize Tourist Board (Tour Guide) Regulations, 1994. Statutory Instrument No. 80 of 1994

3) Hotels and Tourist Accommodation Act, 1997. No. 12 of 1997.

4) Hotels and Tourist Accommodation (Minimum Registration, Licensing and Operating

Requirements) Regulations, 1999.

a) 1st Schedule: Minimum Requirements for the Registration of Hotels and Resorts

b) 2nd Schedule: Minimum Requirements for the Registration of Apartments, Condominiums & Villas

c) 3rd Schedule: Minimum Requirements for the Registration of Guest Houses, Lodges and Inns

d) 4th Schedule: Minimum Requirements for the Registration of Community Based Tourism Establishments

e) 5th Schedule: Minimum Requirements for the Registration of Camp Sites

5) Belize Tourist Board, Agreement for Operating a Liveaboard Passenger Vessel (Class II- Vessels ten (10) and above and above passenger capacity).


1) The Motor Taxi Regulations, 1952

2) The Auxiliary Bicycles Act, 1954

3) The Hotel (Licensing and Control) Regulations, 1976

4) The Motor Car Act 1951. Parts II and IV

Cayman Islands

1) Tourism Regulations (1999 Revision).

2) The Tourism Law, 1974. Law 10 0f 1974

3) Tourism Regulations, 1974.

4) Tourism (Amendment) Regulations , 1985

5) The Tourism (Amendment) Law, 1979 (Law 3 of 1979)

6) Marine Conservation (Licensing of Spear Guns) Directives, 1986.

Dominican Republic

1) Informe Aplicable a las Tiendas de Zonas Francas, Ley No. 4315 (Law relating to the shops in the Free Zones, Law No. 4315)


1) Beach Vending (Regulation) Act, 1998. (Act No. 21 of 1988).

2) Tourist Board (Amendment) Act 1993 (Act No. 39 of 1993).


1) The Hawkers and Pedlars Act. Cap. 146. [15th October, 1867].

2) The Tourist Board (Amendment) Act, 1985 (No. 7 of 1985).

3) The Tourist (Duty-Free) Shopping System Act, 1974.

Puerto Rico

1) Puerto Rico Games of Chance Regulations, 1997. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Tourism


Amendments made to Section 2 of the Puerto Rico Tourism Company Law pertaining to Casinos, arcades (games of chance, slots, etc.). 13th Legislative Assembly, Ordinary Session, Law No. 24. Approved 26 June 1999. In Spanish

2) Capítulo 5. Juegos de Azar. (Chapter 5. [The] Gambling/Gaming Law)

3) Reglamento Promulgado para Gobernar las Condiciones para la Concession de Exenciones y Otros Incentivos Contributivos a Tenor con las Disdposiciones del Articulo 9(B) de la Ley de Desarrollo Turistico de Puerto Rico de 1993, segun Emendada, Ley Num. 78 de 10 de Septiembre de 1993, segun Emendada.

4) Ley de Derecho de Multipropiedad y Clubes Vacacionales de Puerto Rico.

5) English language version available under title “Puerto Rico Timeshare and Vacation Club

Act”. Law No. 252 Approved 26 December 1995.

6) Enmienda al Reglamento de Requisitos Minimos de Hospederias y Paradores de Puerto Rico.(Amendments to the Regulations of Minimum Requirements for Guesthouses and Inns in Puerto Rico). Number 5533. Approved 14 January 1997. In Spanish.

St Lucia

1) Tourist (Duty Free Shopping System) Act, 1986. (No 23 of 1986)

2) Parks and Beaches Commission Act,1983

3) Tourist (Duty-Free Shopping System) (Amendment) Order, 1996.

4) Hotel Proprietors Act, 1968.

St Vincent and the Grenadines

1) Companies Regulations, 1996. (S.R.O. No.22 of 1996).

2) Customs Duties (Amendment) Act, 1997. (No. 5 of 1997).

3 Immigration (Restriction) Act. Revised Edition 1990. Chapter 78.

4) Immigration (Passport Exemption) Regulations. Revised Edition 1990.

5) Aliens (Land-Holding Regulation) Act, 1922. Revised Edition 1990. Ch. 235.

6) Sir Garfield Sobers (Land-Holding) Declaration Order, 1974. (S.R.O. No. 9 of 1974).

Revised Edition 1990.

7) Gambling, Lotteries and Betting Ordinance, 1968. (No. 27 of 1968).

8) Gambling and Betting (Licences) Regulations, 1969. (S.R.O. No 1 of 1969).

9) Licences Ordinance, 1969. (No. 26 of 1969).

10) Yachts License (Amendment) Act, 1979. (No. 1 of 1979).

Trinidad and Tobago

1) Qualifications for the issue of licenses to Tour Guides & Tour Operators in Tobago. Draft. Guide licence No. 51 of 1980. Statutory Instrument issued under the Summary Offences Law, Ch. 11:02.

2) Minimum Requirements for Registration of Guesthouses.

2) Minimum Requirements for Registration of Hotels.

Turks and Caicos Islands

1) The Tourism Ordinance 1990. (No. 27 of 1990).

2) The Tourism (Amendment) Ordinance 1995. (No.4 of 1995).

3) The Tourism Ordinance, 1993.

United States Virgin Islands

1) Act No. 5036 of 1984. To authorise the Department of Conservation and Cultural Affairs to administer and enforce provisions relating to the mooring of vessels and the issuance of mooring permits.

2) Mooring and Anchoring of Vessels and Houseboats Act of 1990. Act No. 5567.



1) Accommodation Tax Ordinance, No7 of 1973.

2) The Accommodation Tax (Amendment) Ordinance No. 1 of 1985.


1) The Hotels Act, 1970.


1) Hotel and Restaurants (Sales Tax) Act, 1974.

2) The Hotel and Restaurants (Rate of Tax) Order, 1977.

3) Hotels and Restaurants (Sales Tax) Amendment Act, 1978.

4) Hotels and Restaurants (Sales Tax) (Amendment Act), 1980.

Cayman Islands

1) The Travel Tax Law, 1976 (Law 11 of 1976)

2) The Travel Tax Regulations, 1977.

3) The Travel Tax (Amendment) Law, 1979 (Law 32 of 1979)

4) The Travel Tax (Amendment) Law, 1982 (Law 6 of 1982)

5) The Travel Tax (Amendment) Law, 1984 (Law 14 of 1984)

6) The Travel Tax (Amendment) Law, 1985 (Law 39 of 1985)

7) The Travel Tax (Amendment) Law, 1987 (Law 5 of 1987)

8) The Tourist Accommodation (Taxation) Law (Revised) [1978]

9) The Tourist Accommodation (Taxation) (Amendment) Law, 1981 (Law 25 of 1981)


1) Cruise Ship (Visitors Levy) (Amendment) Act, 1991. (Act No. 32 of 1991).

St Vincent and the Grenadines

1) Hotel Tax Act, 1976. Revised Edition 1990. Ch. 338.

2) Airport Service Charge Act, 1976. (No. 26 of 1976).



1) Health Services Act, 1969. Ch. 44.

2) Health Services (Food Hygiene) Regulations, 1969. Ch. 44.

3) Health Services (Hotels) Regulations, 1969. Ch. 44.

4) Health Services (Restaurants) Regulations, 1969. Ch. 44.

5) Health Services (Building) Regulations, 1969. Ch. 44.

6) Health Services (Lodging Houses and Barracks) Regulations, 1970. Ch. 44.

7) Health Services (Swimming Pools) Regulations, 1970. Ch..44.

8) Health Services (Amendment) Act, 1995-4.

9) National Conservation Commission Act, 1982. Ch. 393.

10) Beach Protection Act, 1890. Ch. 389.

11) Cultivation of Trees Act, 1951. Ch. 390.

12) Marine Areas (Preservation and Enhancement) Act, 1976. Ch. 392.

13) Wild Birds Protection Act, 1907. Ch. 398.


1) Belize Tourist Board, Environmental Compliance Plan for Liveaboard Passenger Vessels (Class II).


1) The Summary Offences Act, 1926. 1926: No. 2

Cayman Islands

1) Strata Titles Registration Law, 1973 (Law 14 of 1973)

2) Strata Titles Registration Regulations, 1974.

3) The Strata Titles Registration (Amendment) Law, 1983 (Law 1 of 1983)

4) The Mosquito (Research and Control) Law (Revised) [1976]

5) The Mosquito (Research and Control) Regulations (Revised), 1976

6) The Mosquito (Research and Control) (Amendment) Regulations, 1979

7) Declaration of Physical Control Area (Mosquito (Research and Control) Law (Revised) [1979]

8) The Mosquito (Research and Control) (Amendment) Regulations, 1981

The Marine Conservation Law, 1978 (Law 19 of 1978)

The Marine Conservation Regulations, 1979

Marine Conservation (Amendment) Regulations, 1980

The Marine Conservation (Turtle Protection) Regulations, 1978

Marine Conservation (Amendment) Regulations, 1985.

Marine Conservation (Turtle Protection) (Amendment) Regulations, 1985.

The Marine Conservation (Amendment) Law, 1985 (Law 5 of 1985).

Marine Conservation (Amendment) Regulations, 1986.

The Marine Conservation (Marine Parks) Regulations, 1986

The Marine Conservation (Marine Parks) (Amendment) Regulations, 1986.

Marine Conservation (Licensing of Seine Nets) Directives, 1986.

Marine Conservation (Licensing of Spear Guns) Directives, 1986.

The Litter Law, 1982 (Law 2 of 1982)

St Lucia

1) Parks and Beaches Commission Act,1983

St Vincent and the Grenadines

1) Forest Resource Conservation Act, 1992. (Act No. 47 of 1992).

2) Preservation of Historic Buildings and Antiquities Act, 1976. Ch. 247.

3) Botanical Garden Act, 1898. Revised Edition 1990. Ch. 56.

4) Botanical Garden Rules, 1919. Revised Edition 1990.

5) National Trust Act. Revised Edition 1990. Chapter 329.

6) Mustique Company Limited Act, 1989. ( No. 62 of 1989).

7) Mustique Company Limited Act. Act No. 62 of 1989. Revised Edition 1990. Ch. 108.

8) Canouan Resorts Development Limited (Lease Ratification) Act, 1990. (No. 4 of 1990).

9) Town and Country Planning (Small Hotels and Self-Contained Apartments) Regulations, 1989. (S.R.O. No. 37 of 1989).

10) Beach Protection Act, 1981. Act No. 10 of 1981

11) Beach Protection (Amendment) Act, 1982. (Act No. 23 of 1982)

Turks and Caicos Islands

1) Coast Protection Ordinance, 1970. (No. 1. of 1970).

2) Historic Wrecks Ordinance, 1974. (No. 15 of 1974).

3) National Parks Ordinance, 1975. (No.11 of 1975).

4) Public Health, 1976. (No.6. of 1976).

5) Towns and Public Health Ordinance, 1896. Revised Edition 1970. Ch. 49

6) Control of Drugs (Amendment Ordinance), 1980.

United States Virgin Islands

1) Act No. 5036 of 1984. To authorise the Department of Conservation and Cultural Affairs to administer and enforce provisions relating to the mooring of vessels and the issuance of mooring permits.

2) Mooring and Anchoring of Vessels and Houseboats Act of 1990. Act No. 5567.

3) Coastal Zone Management: Proposed regulations, Administrative Processing fees for CZM

Permit. Section 910. [1990]



1) The Water Skiing and Motor Boat Control Act, 1970. No. 16 of 1970.


1) Travel Services Act, 1983. Ch. 373A.

2) Travel Services (Fees) Order, 1983. Ch. 373A.

3) Travel Services Regulations, 1983.

4) Barbados Port Authority (Water Sports) Regulations, 1990

5) Road Traffic (Amendment) Regulations, 1990. S.I. 1990 No.128.

6) Road Traffic Regulations, 1984. Ch. 295. Parts VIII -IX.

7) Barbados Port Authority (Water Sports) Regulations, 1990. S.I. 1990 No. 44.


1) Belize Tourist Board (Tourist Guide) Regulations, 1992. Statutory Instrument No.130 of 1992.

2) Belize Tourist Board (Tour Guide) Regulations, 1994. Statutory Instrument No. 80 of 1994

3) Belize Tourist Board, Agreement for Operating a Liveaboard Passenger Vessel (Class II- Vessels ten (10) and above and above passenger capacity).

4) Belize Tourist Board, Environmental Compliance Plan for Liveaboard Passenger Vessels (Class II).


1) The Motor Taxi Regulations, 1952

2) The Auxiliary Bicycles Act, 1954

3) The Motor Car Act 1951. Parts II and IV.

Trinidad and Tobago

1) Qualifications for the issue of licenses to Tour Guides & Tour Operators in Tobago. Draft. Guide Licence No. 51 of 1980. Statutory Instrument issued under the Summary Offences Law Ch. 11:02.



1) Cruise Ships (Overnighting Incentives) Act, 1995


1) The Civil Aviation (Air Navigation) Regulations, 1984.

2) Barbados Port Authority (Tariff Book Of Dues and Charges) Regulations, 1987.

3) Barbados Port Authority (Water Sports) Regulations, 1990. S.I. 1990 No. 44.

British Virgin Islands

1) Commercial Recreational Vessels Licensing Act, 1992

St Vincent and the Grenadines

1) Airport Service Charge Act, 1976. (No. 26 of 1976).

2) Yachts License (Amendment) Act, 1979. (No. 1 of 1979).



1) The Lotteries and Gaming Act, 1969. No. 8 of 1969.

2) The Lotteries and Gaming (Amendment) Act, 1971. No. 1 of 1971.

3) The Lotteries and Gaming (Amendment) Act, 1972. No. 2 of 1972.

4) The Lotteries and Gaming (Amendment) Act, 1974. No. 13 of 1974.

5) The Lotteries and Gaming (Amendment) Act, 1978. No. 3 of 1978.

Puerto Rico

1) Puerto Rico Games of Chance Regulations, 1997. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Tourism


2) Amendments made to Section 2 of the Puerto Rico Tourism Company Law pertaining to Casinos, arcades (games of chance, slots, etc.). 13th Legislative Assembly, Ordinary Session, Law No. 24. Approved 26 June 1997. In Spanish.

3) Capítulo 5. Juegos de Azar. (Chapter 5. [The] Gambling/Gaming Law)

St Vincent and the Grenadines

1) Gambling, Lotteries and Betting Ordinance, 1968. (No. 27 of 1968).

Gambling and Betting (Licences) Regulations, 1969. (S.R.O. No 1 of 1969).


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