Health Education Lesson Plan Format

Ray Horn

Health Education Lesson Plan

Grade Level: 6th

Content Area of Health: Fitness-Components of Fitness

NHES Skill- Accessing Information

Standards: 3.8.2

Title of Lesson: What Makes up Fitness

Behavioral Objective(s)

Cognitive: After the lesson, students will be able to identify the five components of fitness

Cognitive: After the lesson students will be able to identify the six skill related components of fitness

Cognitive: During the lesson students will identify what component or skill is being used during different types of physical activities

Cognitive: After the lesson students will have created a project on a professional athlete depicting different components and skills used by that athlete

Cognitive: After the lesson students will have created a project on a professional athlete making a workout plan for each component and skill

Affective: Students will appreciate the benefits of fitness not only in athletics, but in everyday life

Outline of Today’s Lesson

1. Bell Ringer: Brainstorming: What are some things we can do to be physically fit?

2. Introduction to the Lesson. As you can see there are a lot of different ways we can exercise. Physical Fitness can be broken down into five different components. For the next couple of days we are going to breakdown fitness and the skills that come with it.

3. Content

▪ Five Components of Fitness

o Flexibility

o Muscular Strength

o Muscular Endurance

o Cardiovascular Endurance

o Body Composition

▪ Six Skill Related Components of Fitness

o Agility

o Balance

o Power

o Speed

o Coordination

o Reaction Time

▪ Fitnessgram

4. Learning Activity:

▪ Fitness/Skill Component Worksheet or Game

5. Assessment

▪ Professional Athlete Fitness/Skill Component Project

6. Final Thoughts/Conclusion to the Lesson

▪ This is the end of our lesson on fitness and skill components. As you can see there are a lot of factors that go into making a physically fit person as well as a world class athlete. Which do you think is the most important component and why? See all of the different answers? Just goes to show you that all of the components are important.

Expanded Outline of Today’s Lesson

1. Bell Ringer (Instant Activity):

What are some of the different activities we can do to be physically fit?

• Possible Answers

-All Sports


-Lifting Weights




-Jumping Rope


2. Introduction to the Lesson (Set Induction):

As you can see there are so many different ways we can exercise. We are now going to break exercise down into 5 separate categories of fitness. After we do that we will break it down even further and get into the skills that come with fitness.

3. Content & Instructional Strategies:

5 Components of Fitness

• Flexibility

Who can tell me what they think flexibility is?

Flexibility is defined as the range of motion around a joint.

Why is flexibility important?

What activities do you think flexibility is most important for and why?

Activities that promote Flexibility

Video: Kevin Love Flexibility

• Muscular Strength

Our next component is muscular strength. Does anyone know what muscular strength is?

Muscular strength is defined as the ability of a muscle to perform a single act of force.

How is muscular strength important to everyday life?

What activities do you think muscular strength is most important for and why?

Activities that promote muscular strength?

• Muscular Endurance

Our next component is muscular endurance. Does anyone know what muscular endurance is and how it is different from muscular strength?

Muscular endurance is defined as the ability of a muscle to perform multiple acts of force.

How is muscular strength important to everyday life?

What activities do you think muscular endurance is most important for and why?

Activities that promote muscular endurance?

Is this an example of muscular strength or muscular endurance?

• Cardiovascular Endurance

Next is cardiovascular endurance. Who knows what cardiovascular endurance is?

Cardiovascular endurance is defined as your bodies circulatory and respiratory system supplying energy to perform activity over time.

How is cardiovascular endurance important to everyday life?

What activities do you think cardiovascular endurance are most important for and why?

Activities that promote cardiovascular endurance

• Body Composition

Our last component is a little bit different than the rest. Our last component is body composition.

Does anyone know what body composition is?

Body composition is defined as what your body is made up of; muscle fat and bone.

Why is body composition important to everyday life?

What activities are important to have a good body composition for?

What activities will promote a good body composition?


6 Skill Related Areas of Fitness

• Speed

o Video: What skill is this?

o What is Speed? Speed is the ability for your body to move swiftly

o What sports are Speed most needed for and why?

• Agility

o Video: What skill is this?

o What is Agility? Agility is the ability of your body to be able to change directions while maintaining speed

o What sports are Agility most needed for and why?

• Balance

• Video: What skill is this?

• What is Balance? Balance is to stabilize your body when still or moving

• What sports are Balance most needed for and why?

• Power

• Video: What skill is this?

• What is Power? Power is a combination of speed and muscular strength, using maximum force

• What sports are Power most needed for and why?

• Reaction Time

• Video: What skill is this?

• What is Reaction Time? Reaction time is the ability to respond quickly

• What sports are Reaction Time most needed for and why?

• Coordination

• Video: What skill is this?

• What is Coordination? The ability of your body to do multiple movements and actions at once

• What sports are Coordination most needed for and why?


• Pacer Test

-What skill or skills are measured in the pacer test?

Cardiovascular Endurance

• Mile Run

-What skill or skills are measured in the mile run?

Cardiovascular Endurance

• Pull Ups and Curl Ups

-What skill or skills are measured in pull ups and curl ups?

Muscular Endurance

• Sit and Reach

-What skill or skills are measured in the sit and reach?


• BMI Measurement

-What skill or skills are measured in BMI?

Body Composition

4. In-Class Learning Activity(ies):

✓ In-Class Learning activities So now for our activity you are going to complete a worksheet deciding what component or skills are measured. You will do this activity by yourself and then we will go over the worksheet as a class

✓ OR-Game-Use the worksheet to create a game. Split the class into either two or three teams and then ask the students the questions on the sheet. Each answer is worth one point.

5. Assessment:

• Assessment will be based upon a two day project to be done in the computer lab. Each student will choose a different athlete and they must use each component and skill and tell me why it is important for that athlete to have that component or skill. They will also have to write a specific way for that athlete to improve each component and skill for the athlete.

-Each student will have a different athlete

-The student may do the project on a computer piece of paper or poster

-Each project must have a label of the athlete and a picture

-All five components must be listed and described why it is important for that athlete to be skilled in that component

-All six skills must be listed and described why it is important for that athlete to have that skill

-Five different activities or exercises must be listed and described for each fitness component

-Six different activities or exercises must be listed and described for each fitness skill

-Neatly done- I.E. Things spelled correctly, Handwriting legible

-Creativity- Catches the eye I.E. colorful or unique

7. Final Thoughts/Conclusion to the Lesson

Checking for Understanding (verbal or written):

o What were the five fitness components?

o What about the six fitness related skills?

o What do you think is the most important fitness component for everyone? What about athletes?

o And what about for fitness skills?

8. Classroom Management & Materials

□ Classroom Materials

o Prezi Presentation

o Worksheet

o Computer Lab for assessment

o Teacher made assessment example

□ Classroom Management

o Traditional seating for presentation and activity

o Trip to the Computer Lab for project, they may sit wherever they want


Components of Skill Related Fitness. (n.d.). . Retrieved March 11, 2014, from ...

Fitness Skills. (n.d.). YouTube. Retrieved March 11, 2014, from

FitnessGram Overview. (n.d.). . Retrieved March 11, 2014, from

The 5 Components of Physical Fitness. (n.d.). / Fitness / Body Building. Retrieved March 11, 2014, from


|Activity |Main Fitness Component or Skill |

|Running through Athletic Ladder | |

|Yoga | |

|Lifting a car | |

|Baseball Pitching form (Knee up, extend arm across body and | |

|follow through) | |

|Wall Ball (Throw it back and forth off the wall not letting it hit | |

|the ground) | |

|Underwater body fat % weighing | |

|Soccer Juggling of the ball | |

|Basketball Sprints | |

|10 Squats | |

|Marathon Run | |

|Shuttle Run | |

|Drop and Catch (Hold the ball in one hand, | |

|Drop it and attempt to catch it in the same | |

|Hand before it hits the ground) | |

|Box Jumps | |

Fitness Skill and Component Project Rubric

|5 Fitness |5 |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Components | | | | | |

| |All components are | |Either only 3 | | |

|20% |included and are |Either only 4 |components are |Either only 2 |Either only 1 |

| |Correctly defined |components are |included or |components are |component |

| | |included or some of |multiple |included or most |included or all |

| | |the components are |components are |components are |are incorrectly |

| | |incorrectly |incorrectly |incorrectly |defined |

| | |defined |defined |defined | |

|6 Skill Related Components |5 |4 |3 |2 |1 |

| | | | | | |

|20% |All skills are |Either only 4 |Either only 3 | | |

| |included and are |skills are |skills are |Either only 2 |Either only 1 |

| |Correctly defined |included or some of |included or |skills are |Skill included or |

| | |the skills are |multiple skills |included or most |All are |

| | |incorrectly |are incorrectly |skills are |incorrectly |

| | |defined |defined |incorrectly |defined |

| | | | |defined | |

|5 Fitness |5 |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Components | | | | | |

|Exercises |All components are | |Either only 3 | | |

| |included and are |Either only 4 |components are |Either only 2 |Either only 1 |

|20% |Correctly defined |components are |included or |components are |component |

| | |included or some of |multiple |included or most |included or all |

| | |the components are |components are |components are |are incorrectly |

| | |incorrectly |incorrectly |incorrectly |defined |

| | |defined |defined |defined | |

|6 Skill Related Components |5 |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Exercises | | | | | |

| | | |Either only 3 | | |

|20% |All skills are |Either only 4 |skills are |Either only 2 |Either only 1 |

| |included and are |skills are |included or |skills are |Skill included or |

| |Correctly defined |included or some of |multiple skills |included or most |All are |

| | |the skills are |are incorrectly |skills are |incorrectly |

| | |incorrectly |defined |incorrectly |defined |

| | |defined | |defined | |

|Neatness |5 |4 |3 |2 |1 |

| | | | | | |

|10% |All words are |Most words are |Some words are |A lot of |Most words are |

| |correctly spelled |spelled correctly |spelled correctly |misspelled words and|spelled |

| |and the project |and |and |the project |incorrectly and |

| |looks outstanding |the project |the project |looks below |the project |

| | |looks very good |looks decent |average |looks like it was |

| | | | | |thrown together in |

| | | | | |ten minutes |

|Creativity |5 |4 |3 |2 |1 |

| |Project is incredible |Project shows a |Project shows |Project shows |Project shows |

|10% |unique |good amount of |an average |below average |little to no |

| | |creativity |amount of |creativity |creativity |

| | | |creativity | | |

This was the first Health unit I taught at Upper Moreland Middle School during my student teaching practicum. There was a high level of comfortably with this specific unit. Not only am I an experienced athlete, but I was also exposed to these topics at Penn State University in multiple courses.

I decided to go with a Prezi presentation as my instructional method. A Prezi is a fancier, more interactive version of PowerPoint. I see most teachers using p[PowerPoint, so I figured using Prezi would help capture the student’s attention, which I think it did. Students were answering questions, lots of questions and comments as well from a high percentage of students. Within the Prezi there were a bunch of different videos. I explained the fitness components first and we as a class discussed different reasons for their importance and gave examples of when it is important to have these components. For the skill components I decided to play a video of a professional athlete using one of the skills and have the students guess what it is before defining and discussing it. The students loved this. Videos, especially short ones are usually great ways to capture the student’s attention, but posing it as a trivia type question as well also pays dividends. Locking down the components and skills was the main cognitive objective of the lesson.

In order to measure how much the students learned I was originally going to assess them by completing a worksheet where exercises were given and they need to specify which component or skill they were improving. I decided against that and decided to with the game. I broke the class up into three teams, based upon where they were sitting. I then used the worksheet as the trivia questions for the game. Students loved this and the engagement level was incredibly high. It was a great way to see what the students had retained and what they still needed a little help on. They had the components down pretty well, but were a little sketchy on the skills. Next time I would make sure to have specific examples corresponding with each slide on the Prezi.

The final step of the unit lesson was to have our formal assessment. Students paired up and were directed to choose any athlete they wanted to do a breakdown of fitness components and skills. It was really interesting seeing the differences in the athletes being chosen. Before assigning the project I was worried that everyone was going to pick LeBron James or a similar athlete in popularity. It turns out that not one group even picked LeBron James. We had groups choose dancers, gymnasts, swimmers, a bowler, they really hit on a ton of different sports. For the project itself they for the most part did a really great job of following the rubric and making the posters look neat and creative. There were a couple groups however that didn’t read the directions nor ask for help and their grade suffered. Overall, the class average on the project was a _______ and I came away with many great examples to show future classes.

I would most definitely like to teach this lesson again in the future. I would absolutely tweak the Prezi a bit with more specific examples. I really liked the review game and would keep that in the future. The projects came out really well and the kids loved doing them. My only switch there would be to make sure that the students use the rubric so they don’t miss any points. My idea is to have them use the rubric to grade themselves and until they feel they have a 100% project they shouldn’t hand it in.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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