(ED 671) Common Course Assessment

(EDF 671) Educational Policy and Practice

Common Course Assessment: Research Paper

(EDF 671) Educational Policy and Practice

Common Course Assessment: Research Paper

Course Outcomes: Foundational Principles

Principle 1: The educator understands and can apply disciplinary knowledge from the humanities and social humanities and social sciences to interpret the meanings of education and schooling in diverse cultural contexts.

1.3: Can examine and explain the practices, leadership, and governance of education in different societies in light of its origins, major influences, and consequences, utilizing critical understanding of educational thought and practice and of the decisions and events, which have shaped them.

Principle 2: The educator understands and can apply normative perspectives to education and schooling.

2.5: Has developed habits of examining the normative and ethical assumptions of schooling practice and educational ideas.

Principle 3: The educator understands and can apply critical perspectives on education and schooling.

3.3: Can identify and appraise educational assumptions/arrangements in order to lead to changes in conceptions and values.

3.4: Uses critical judgment to question educational assumptions and arrangements and to identify contradictions and inconsistencies among social and educational values, policies, and practices.

Principle 4: The educator understands how moral principles related to democratic institutions can inform and direct schooling practice, leadership, and governance.

4.4: Can evaluate the moral, social, and political dimensions of classrooms, teaching, and schools as they relate to life in a democratic society.

Principle 5: The educator understands the full significance of diversity in a democratic society and how that bears on instruction, school leadership, and governance.

5.1: Understands how social and cultural differences originating outside the classroom and school affect student learning.

Principle 6: The educator understands how philosophical and moral commitments affect the process of evaluation at all levels of schooling practice, leadership, and governance.

Directions to the Student: Write a Research Paper on a topic/issue related to educational policy and practice representing the construction of an informed position through the review, analysis and critique of the literature that also identifies of the topic/issue’s underlying assumptions and any competing ideologies. This should include the following components:

▪ A brief review of the literature on an educational issue/topic that addresses its competing ideologies or underlying assumptions.

▪ Research the issue or topic in three types of literature: general interest, professional, and refereed—the latter as identified in Ulrich’s or equivalent source.

▪ In the paper, 1) Explain the issue/topic, its competing perspectives, and its underlying ideologies or assumptions; 2) Evaluate the arguments based on their implications for the larger goals of education and schooling; 3) Meet professional expectations for structure, expression and APA manuscript/research format.

Rubric for Research Paper

|Elements |Distinguished (3) |Proficient |Progressing |Unsatisfactory (0) |

| | |(2) |(1) | |

|Issue Identification |Issue is thoroughly and |Issue is adequately stated but |Issue is insufficiently or |Does not meet requirements |

| |succinctly stated, has clear |may lack conciseness, is |incompletely stated, | |

|Principle 1.3 |relevance and timely |relatively well focused and has|imprecisely focused (i.e., | |

|Principle 2.5 |significance to school |relevance to school context(s) |inadequately orients the | |

| |context(s), including social, |including social, historical, |reader), and has limited or | |

| |historical, political, |political, economic, and |questionable relevance or | |

| |economic, and ecological |ecological dynamics. |significant to school | |

| |dynamics. | |context(s), such as social, | |

| | | |historical, political, | |

| | | |economic, or ecological | |

| | | |dynamics. | |

|Summary and |Extensively/thoroughly analyzes|Inclusive of a range of |Includes |Does not meet requirements |

|Analysis |literature/research as it |relevant multiple and |limited/indistinguishable | |

| |relates directly to the issue. |contending perspectives. |perspectives from the | |

|Principle 3.4 |Includes multiple and |Analysis is not only more |literature/research, none of | |

| |contending perspectives. |protracted and substantive, but|which are contending (i.e., | |

| |Analysis is protracted and |also includes attempts at |builds the case in support | |

| |substantive. Effectively |contesting some of those |only), and/or analysis is | |

| |contests contending |contending perspectives (i.e., |narrow or superficial in scope.| |

| |perspectives. Identifies |more than mere disagreement | | |

| |obvious gaps in |with them). | | |

| |literature/research. | | | |

|Conclusions and |Conclusions & Recommendations |Conclusions & Recommendations |Conclusions & Recommendations |Does not meet requirements |

|Recommendations |(C/R) are not only logically |(C/R) derive quite logically |(C/R) are weak based on | |

| |derived from the evidence, but |from the evidence. There is no |limited/insufficient evidence. | |

|Principle 3.3 |are thorough and compelling. |incongruence with the evidence.|Position is poorly developed | |

|Principle 4.4, |There is no incongruence or |They contain no unstated |and inadequately defended. C/R | |

|Principle 5.1 |unstated assumptions. Position |assumptions. Position is |may be occasionally incongruent| |

| |is well developed, reasoned and|adequately developed and |with the evidence and/or | |

| |defended. There are no logical |defended. There are no logical |contain incorrect or unstated | |

| |fallacies. |fallacies. |assumptions. Some logical | |

| | | |fallacies may be present. | |

|Technology use, |Demonstrates consistent ability|Demonstrates proficiency in |Demonstrates nominal ability to|Does not meet requirements. |

|including retrieval of |to access, search, and retrieve|ability to access, search, and |access, search, and retrieve | |

|research articles from |articles from multiple online |retrieve articles from at least|articles from at least one | |

|online data bases |university data bases, as |two online university data |online university data bases, | |

| |evidenced by accurately citing |bases, as evidenced by |as evidenced by accurately | |

| |articles in reference list. |accurately citing articles in |citing articles in reference | |

| | |reference list. |list. | |


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