World History Exam - Ms. Byrne's Artifact Notebook

Part I: Multiple Choice Questions: Answer on the scantron provided. DO NOT WRITE ON TEST.

Use the image below to answer question 1.


1. By studying this image, what could a historian learn about the civilization that created this cave painting?

a. What types of clothing they wore

b. New writing styles

c. How they acquired food

d. What types of music they liked

2. What event began the Neolithic Era?

a. Discovery of fire

b. Ice Age

c. Agricultural revolution

d. New Stone Age

Use the chart below to answer question 3.

|Column A |Column B |

|People hunted and gathered for food. |People planted crops and harvested them. |

|They had no permanent homes. |They lived in permanent settlements. |

3. Column B describes what Age of history?

a. Ice Age

b. Neolithic Age

c. Paleolithic Age

d. Stone Age

4. Which of the following is an element of civilization?

a. Irrigation ditches

b. Specialized workers

c. Use of fire

d. City walls

5. Which development most enabled early peoples to form permanent settlements?

a. Advances in agricultural production

b. The creation of democratic government

c. Advances in written language

d. The spread of monotheism

6. Ancient civilizations developed along rivers because these rivers provided what asset to the civilization?

a. Fertile soil

b. New territories

c. Power for factories

d. Areas for recreation

Use the chart below to answer question 7.

Steps to Civilization!


7. Which statement would best complete step three?

a. Women watched children

b. Population expands rapidly

c. Tools are invented

d. Trails are created

8. Which of the following would be ancient Mesopotamian artifacts?

a. Tools

b. River Valleys

c. Government

d. Religion

9. Which of the following is a primary source?

a. Textbook

b. Globe

c. Diary written by a soldier in WWII

d. Book about George Washington

10. Why must historians use multiple sources when researching an event?

a. To acquire more paper

b. Avoid bias in accounts

c. Change their thesis

d. To seem smarter

11. The Neolithic Revolution led to what major and immediate change in society?

a. Decline in population

b. Building of cities

c. Spread of disease

d. Cultural diffusion

12. What purpose did rivers such as the Nile, Tigris, and Euphrates serve for ancient civilizations?

a. Access to water and transportation

b. To worship gods in the water

c. An escape route in the event of natural disaster

d. Places to build recreational areas

13. Most of what we know about Ancient Sumer comes from which ancient system of writing?

a. Characters

b. Latin

c. Cuneiform

d. Hieroglyphics

14. The evidence of writing in ancient civilizations led historians to which of the following conclusions?

a. Record keeping was valued

b. Religion was of little importance

c. People did not go to the theater

d. Trade routes existed between Africa and America

15. Why did Sumerians build Ziggurats?

a. Economic development

b. Religious practices

c. Government practice

d. Court hearings

Use the quotation below to answer question 16.

“If a seignior (noble) has knocked out the tooth of a seignior (noble) of his own rank, they (police) shall knock out his tooth…But if he has knocked out a commoners tooth, he shall pay one-third token of silver”

–Code of Hammurabi

16. Which element of Ancient law does this portion of the Code of Hammurabi illustrate?

a. All men were equal under the law

b. Fines were always more preferable than punishment

c. Division existed between social classes

d. Cultural diffusion

Use the phrase below to answer question 17.

17. What type of government is this quotation describing?

a. Democracy

b. Theocracy

c. Monarchy

d. Communism

18. Which of the following was created by the Ancient Sumerians?

a. The 365 day calendar

b. Steam Engine

c. Gun Powder

d. The Wheel

19. Besides the King, who had the highest position of authority for Ancient Sumerians?

a. Priests

b. Scribes

c. Merchants

d. Landowners

20. What was papyrus used for in Ancient Egypt?

a. Eating

b. Writing

c. Fixing walls

d. Controlling a flood

21. Having a more predicable flood cycle allowed farmers in Egypt to do what?

a. Create a planting schedule

b. Worship Gods

c. Clean their homes

d. Build barns

22. How did Ancient Egyptians control flood waters?

a. Building large ships

b. Digging irrigation ditches

c. Moving their homes

d. Putting in sewers

23. Egyptians were polytheistic, meaning they held what belief?

a. The afterlife

b. Nomadic lifestyles

c. Democratic government

d. Multiple gods

Use the map below to answer question 24.

Map of Ancient Egypt


24. Where are most cities established in Ancient Egypt?

a. In the desert

b. Saudi Arabia

c. Along the Nile River

d. In the Red Sea

Use the images below to answer question 25.

|Egypt |Mesopotamia |

|[pic] |[pic] |

25. What were the art and architecture of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia designed to emphasize?

a. Family

b. Religion

c. Money

d. Farming

26. What stopped China from participating in cultural diffusion with other river valleys?

a. Natural Barriers

b. Farming methods

c. Religious intolerance

d. Traffic problems

27. The Dynastic Cycle and Mandate of Heaven both worked to secure what for Chinese dynasties?

a. Power

b. Taxes

c. Military strength

d. Land

28. What characteristic of China made it difficult for a dynasty to maintain power over the entirety of it?

a. Size

b. Economy

c. Transportation

d. Agriculture

29. Which ancient civilization created planned cities with sewage systems and indoor plumbing?

a. Indus Valley

b. Mesopotamia

c. China

d. Ancient Egypt

30. Why did Indus River Valley civilizations build walls around their cities?

a. To keep water in

b. Support for their buildings

c. For military protection

d. Reduce robberies

31. Why do many people in Southeast Asia hope for the timely arrival of the summer monsoons each year?

a. The rains water the crops

b. Temperatures often reach 100 degrees Fahrenheit

c. Families need to go on their vacations.

d. Rivers must be drained

32. Why was the Rosetta Stone such an important discovery?

a. Language began when it was discovered

b. It explained the flooding patterns of river valleys

c. Historians were then able to learn and translate ancient languages

d. Nomadic tribes learned to farm

33. Cuneiform, Hieroglyphics, pictographs and Chinese characters are similar because they are all types of what?

a. Government

b. Writing

c. Religion

d. Bartering

34. The integration of foreign food, music, technology, religion and clothing into a new culture is an example of what?

a. Communism

b. Theocracy

c. Capitalism

d. Cultural Diffusion

35. The early civilizations of the Nile River Valley, Mesopotamia, and the Yellow River Valley were similar because they all shared what trait?

a. Monotheism

b. Industrialization

c. Democratic government

d. Dependence on fertile land

Use the quotation below to answer question 36.

Life is full of suffering. Suffering is product of people’s selfish desire for temporary happiness. The way to end suffering is to put an end to these desires. The way to overcome desire is to attain enlightenment.

-Siddhartha Gautama

36. The above quotation would be seen in what religion?

a. Buddhism

b. Christianity

c. Judaism

d. Hinduism

37. Which of the following is considered the first monotheistic religion?

a. Christianity

b. Judaism

c. Hinduism

d. Islam

38. What Middle Eastern city is recognized as a Holy City by Muslims, Christians, and Jews?

a. Cairo

b. Bethleham

c. Constantinople

d. Jerusalem

Use the image below to answer question 39.


39. What religion is associated with the diagram above?

a. Christianity

b. Hinduism

c. Buddhism

d. Judaism

Use the image below to answer question 40.


40. The religious mandates above come from what religion?

a. Judaism

b. Hinduism

c. Islam

d. Christianity


Our leader is one of supreme power. Not only is he honored as a King, but also a God.

Part II: Constructed Response Question:

Your answer must be at least TWO full paragraphs (5-8 sentences) in length to be considered for full credit. Your answer must be completed on a separate sheet of paper. DO NOT WRITE ON TEST.

Geography contributed significantly to the development of early civilizations. Describe one geographical feature and its positive effect on a specific culture and one geographical feature and its negative effect on a specific culture.

Five Pillars

1. Faith or belief in the Oneness of God and the finality of the prophet Muhammad

2. Establishment of the daily prayers

3. Concern for and alms giving to the needy

4. Self-purification through fasting

5. Pilgrimage to Mecca for those who are able

Map Key:



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