Topic: Title of Topic

Reflect on the symbolism of light; learn about significant festivals of light such as Hanukkah, Diwali and Eid-ul-Fitr. Make Menorahs, Diva lights, Eid cards and create a fabulous firework light dance to finish the block with a bang. Learn about special celebrations in the community and in the wider world. Through a series of exciting activities, discover the different ways we celebrate – and the many different things those celebrations can be about!

|Block D: Festivals of Light |Main outcome: Expressive Arts and Design |

|[4 Sessions] |Other outcomes: Communication and Language; Understanding the World; Physical Development |

|By the end of this block you will have |EAD ELG 16 EUM&M Chn safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with |

|achieved the following outcome |colour, design, texture, form and function. |

| |EAD ELG 17 BI Chn represent their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through design and technology, art, music,|

| |dance, role play and stories. |

| |CL L&A ELG 1 Chn listen attentively in a range of situations. They listen to stories, accurately anticipating|

| |key events, and respond to what they hear with relevant comments, questions or actions. |

| |UW P&C ELG13 Chn know about similarities and differences between themselves and others, and among families, |

| |communities and traditions. |

| |PD M&H ELG 4 Chn show good control and co-ordination in large and small movements. |

|Session 1 EAD, CL, UW |Children will: |

|Hanukkah |Know the story of Hanukkah |

|Investigate mystery objects, light an oil |Consolidate their learning about Hanukkah by taking part in child-initiated activities |

|lamp, listen to the story of Hanukkah and |Through discussion/observation find out about Judaism & Hanukkah |

|make potato latkes! |Accept that people have different faiths/beliefs and that should be respected |

|Session 2 EAD, CL, UW |Children will: |

|Diwali |Retell the story of Rama and Sita & participate in role play |

|Learn about Rama and Sita by singing `There|Consolidate their learning about Diwali by taking part in child-initiated activities |

|was a Princess Long Ago´ and act out the |Acknowledge and respect the traditions of Diwali |

|story. Make Rangoli patterns with coloured | |

|salt and create beautiful Diva lights. | |

| | |

|Session 3 EAD, CL |Children will: |

|Ramadan and Eid-ul-Fitr |Know the story of Muhammad |

|Sit on an imaginary prayer mat and face |Consolidate their learning about Eid-ul-Fitr by taking part in child-initiated activities |

|Mecca. Learn about being a Muslim, Ramadan |Find out about, and respect the practices of Islam |

|and the festival of Eid-ul-Fitr. |Learn about and respect the traditions of Eid-ul-Fitr |

| | |

|Session 4 EAD, CL, PD, UW |Children will: |

|Firework & Light Dance |Represent their own ideas in a creative firework& light dance |

|Finish the block with a bang by creating an|Consolidate learning about the celebrations Diwali, Eid and Hanukkah |

|explosive firework dance. Listen to a |Develop tolerance and respect for people that have different religions |

|firework poem and become Rockets and | |

|Catherine wheels twirling and whirling in | |

|the sky. | |

| | |

Abbreviations for Objectives Tables

|Area of Learning and Development |Aspect |Abbreviation |

|Prime Areas |

|Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED) |Making relationships |MR |

| |Self-confidence and self-awareness |SC&SA |

| |Managing feelings and behaviour |MF&B |

|Physical Development (PD) |Moving and handling |M&H |

| |Health and self-care |H&SC |

|Communication and Language (CL) |Listening and attention |L&A |

| |Understanding |U |

| |Speaking |S |

|Specific Areas |

|Literacy (L) |Reading |R |

| |Writing |W |

|Mathematics (M) |Numbers |N |

| |Shape, space and measures |SS&M |

|Understanding the World (UW) |People and communities |P&C |

| |The World |TW |

| |Technology |T |

|Expressive Arts and Design (EAD) |Exploring and using media and materials |EUM&M |

| |Being imaginative | |

| | |BI |

Early Learning Goals are matched with KS1 objectives from the National Curriculum

If you are unsure of any of the pronunciations of words used in this topic, YouTube™ contains a number of pronunciation guides – look at a few for confirmation and practice.


Session 1

Provided: Information sheets covering: Mystery photograph, The Hanukkah Story, How to make traditional Hanukkah Potato Latkes; How to make a Play dough Menorah; Star of David craft ideas; Firework craft ideas & Hanukkah, Diwali and Eid song words.

You will need: Access to the internet; Jewish artefacts, e.g. Family photograph, Kiddish cup, Mezuzah, Siddar, Menorah oil lamp and Torah.

Session 2

Provided: Information sheets covering: Rama and Sita song words & role-play ideas; The story of Diwali; How to make Rangoli patterns & How to make Diva Lights. Role play masks.

You will need: Access to the internet; Costumes to act out the Rama and Sita story, e.g. Sari, scarves; A real Diva light. For `firework sparkles´ see `firework handprints´ resource from Session 1.

Session 3

Provided: Information sheets covering: Prayer mat image; About Mehndi; Play dough fireworks; Fireworks - more craft ideas; About Muhammad (pbuh) & Hanukkah, Diwali and Eid song words.

You will need: Access to the internet; A copy of the Qur´an.

Session 4

Provided: Information sheets covering: Firework poem & Hanukkah, Diwali and Eid song words.

You will need: Access to the internet; Musical instruments. Art from Sessions 1 & 2.


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