Secondary English Language Arts

7th Grade English Curriculum Map

|Essential Questions | Idaho Content Standards and CCSS-- Literacy Standards (identified by partial name and number) |Essential Skills/Concepts to be Targeted

|Instructional Strategies and Activities

|Formative and


Assessments |Resources

|Resources and Materials | |Introduction |Week One

Why are we taking this class?

What do we already know?

What will we learn in this class?

What are the objectives of this course? |Week One



Produce clear and coherent writing


Write routinely



Engage in collaborative discussion



Knowledge of language and its conventions


Understanding of figurative language and word relationships |Week One

Reflect on prior knowledge in Language Arts

Introduce and begin daily journal writing techniques and assignments

Participate and contribute appropriately in both group and partner discussions

Use correct and coherent English when speaking and writing

|Week One

- Ice Breaker Game to get to know classmates

- Journal writing activity about summer vacation

- KWL Chart

- Group/partner discussions reflecting on past English classes and knowledge as a review activity

- Crossword puzzles to learn and review new vocab/spelling words

|Week One

Formative assessment on student’s prior knowledge on English based through both discussion and the KWL charts |Week One

KWL Handout


Class Syllabus

Class Website

Named Popsicle Sticks

Vocab/Spelling List #1 | | |Unit One: Who I Am as A Learner |Weeks 2-4

Who am I as a learner?

How do I write to precisely tell my audience what I want to say?

How does daily journaling help me to become a stronger writer?

What elements make up a story?

How do the characters, ideas and events of a story interact?

What is the purpose of the story?

What is the difference and proper usage of proper vs. possessive nouns?

|Weeks 2-4


- RL.7.1

Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly, make logical inferences and cite textual evidence when writing or speaking

- RL.7.2

Determine central ideas or themes of a text, analyze development, summarize key supporting details and ideas

- RL.7.3

Analyze interaction and development of individuals, ideas and events in a text

- RL.7.6

Assess how point of view or purpose shapes the content and style of a text


- W.7.3

Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences with effective technique

- W.7.10

Write routinely



Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar and usage

|Weeks 2-4

Better familiarize students with the learning environment, and content they will learn

Construct a 10 word personal memoir in order to practice concise writing skills

Learn and understand the difference between proper and possessive nouns

Continue practicing the importance of daily journal writing

Close read 17 different stories from the Pearson Common Core Writing Anthology (Unit One readings) over these weeks

Analyze components of a text through critical thinking

Practice spelling and new vocabulary words each week

|Weeks 2-4

- Background/Interest survey to learn more about how to approach teaching a diverse classroom

- 10 Word Personal Memoirs to better get to know students with a fun, educational activity

- Nouns Worksheet filled out by students as guided notes

- Worksheet: Proper vs. Possessive Nouns

- Journal Writing Activity: collection of letters to past, present and future self

- Close Reading Workshop: Unit One stories from Pearson anthology

- Daily free reading time |Weeks 2-4

- Pretest: Spelling and grammar in a descriptive paragraph

- Star Reading Test (beginning and end of the school year)

- Vocab/Spelling Tests #1-3

- Entrance and exit slips daily to check for students understanding

- Cumulative Unit One Exam

|Weeks 2-4

Pearson Common Core

Literature Anthology

Vocab/Spelling Lists #2-4

Copies of Nouns Worksheets

Copies of Proper vs. Possessive

Nouns Worksheet


Personal Memoir instruction


English grammar handout

Personal books for daily free

reading time

| | | |

Essential Questions |

Idaho Content Standards and CCSS Literacy Standards (identified by partial name and number) |

Essential Skills/ Concepts to be Targeted |

Instructional Strategies and Activities |

Formative and


Assessments |


| | |Unit Two: The Outsiders |Weeks 5-7

How does character development contribute to a novel as a whole?

What is the difference between connotation and detonation?

How can I use different sentence types to expand my writing skills?

Why does imagery matter?

How do discussions help deepen my understanding of a topic or subject?

What are the steps to edit an essay?

|Weeks 5-8


- RL.7.4

Determine meaning of words and phrases from text including figurative and connotative meanings

- RL.7.6

Analyze how an author develops and contrasts points of view in text

- RL. 7.7

Compare and contrast written story to its multimedia version


- W.7.2

Write informative/explanatory

- W.7.4

Produce clear and coherent writing

- W.7.5

Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing or rewriting

Speaking and Listening

- SL.7.1

Engage in collaborative discussions

- SL.7.2

Explain clarification of main ideas

|Weeks 5-8

Understand reading strategies – summarization, prediction and visualization

Analyze use of imagery

Understand sentence types, phrases, clauses and compounds

Understand connotation and denotation

Write a poem that demonstrates knowledge about imagery

Compare and contrast the novel and the movie of “The Outsiders”

Be able to share thoughts in discussion

Write a coherent essay on character development from “The Outsiders”

Use revising, rewriting, and other editing techniques to enhance writing skills

|Weeks 5-8

- Class reading of “The Outsiders”

- Watch “The Outsiders” movie

- Class/group/partner discussions about the readings

- Writing of imagery poems and creating an artistic drawing or painting as a backdrop for poem

- Journal Writing Activity: re-create a favorite scene from “The Outsiders”

- Found Poetry exercise from the reading

- Essay editing workshops

- Daily free reading time

|Weeks 5-8

- Daily entry and exit slips to check for homework understanding

- Spelling/Vocab Tests #4-7

- Cumulative Novel Exam

- Written essay on character development (choose one character from The Outsiders)

|Weeks 5-8

Class set of “The Outsiders”


Novel packet

“The Outsiders” movie

Spelling/Vocab Lists #5-8


Colored pencils/paints/markers

for imagery poem project

Personal books for daily

free reading time

| | |

| Essential Questions

|Idaho Content Standards and CCSS—Literacy Standards (identified by partial name and number) |Essential Skills/Concepts to be Targeted |Instructional Strategies and Activities |Formative and




| | |Unit Three: The Middle East

|Weeks 9-12

Why is it important to learn about Middle Eastern culture?

What are human rights, and why are they important?

How do I properly research a topic?

How do I create an effective opinion paper?

How do I properly cite sources in my writing?

What is feminism?

How does “The Breadwinner” relate to historical content of the Middle East?

|Weeks 9-12


- RL.7.9

Compare and contrast a historical account to a fictional portrayal of time and place

- RI.7.1

Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and make logical inferences from it

- RI.7.3

Analyze interactions between individuals, events, and ideas in a text


- W.7.6

Use technology to produce and publish writing

- W.7.7

Conduct research projects to answer a question

- W.7.8

Gather information from multiple sources


Draw evidence from text to support research

Speaking and Listening

- SL.7.4

Present information appropriate to task, purpose and audience |Weeks 9-12

Learn how to effectively research a topic

Understand basic concepts of human rights, and how they compare around the world

Learn about Middle Eastern culture

Learn how to write a well-written opinion paper

Understand how to properly use in-text citations

Learn about the true definition of feminism, and how it applies to human rights as a whole

|Weeks 9-12

- Read “The Breadwinner” as a class

- Students choose one human right they believe is most important and write an opinion essay defending their position

- Summary writing after reading “Kids from Kabul”

- Group mini project – choose a Middle Eastern country and present a five minute lesson to the class about facts of their chosen country

- Journal Writing Activity: Why is it important that we are given human rights?

- Interactive lesson and guided notes on the Taliban and how it affected history as a whole

- Daily free reading time

|Weeks 9-12

- Daily entry and exit slips to check for understanding of readings and other homework

- Group mini project presentation

- Spelling/Vocab Tests #8-11

- Cumulative novel exam

- Opinion essay on human rights

|Weeks 9-12

Class set of “The

Breadwinner” book

Holt McDougal Grade 7

Literature Textbook


Spelling/Vocab Lists #9-12

Computers, laptops, or other

means of technology for


Copies of human rights essay

assignment instructions

“How to Cite” information

sheet copies

Guided note copies for lesson

about the Taliban

Personal books for daily free

reading time | | | Unit Four: Appreciating Poetry |Weeks 13-16

Why do we read poetry?

What elements make up a poem?

How do I indentify figurative language?

Why are prepositions and sound devices important in poetry?

How do I shape a poem through variations of tone, audience and voice?

What is diction and syntax, and how can they improve my writing?

What is a haiku?

What have I learned this semester?

|Weeks 13-16



Analyze how a poem’s form or structure contributes to its meaning


Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text


Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how the author distinguishes his or her position


- W.7.4

Produce clear and coherent writing that is appropriate to the task, purpose and audience


- L.7.1

Demonstrate command of the conventions in standard English grammar and usage

- L.7.2

Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation and spelling

- L.7.4

Demonstrate understanding of figurative language

|Weeks 13-16

Be able to understand underlying messages of poems when reading

Analyze what elements make a poem

Understand figurative language

Learn the importance of prepositions, and sound devices in poetry

Learn how to shape a written poem through variations of tone, audience and voice

Compare and contrast different types of poems

Understand the importance of diction and syntax

Learn about the haiku

Write three personal poems

Compile work from the semester into a portfolio

|Weeks 13-16

- Read and follow Unit 5 poems in the “Holt McDougal” textbook

- Write a haiku and create a Japanese Fan to place the haiku on for bulletin board

- Interactive lecture on elements of a poem, figurative language, and how to create your own poem

- Students write a batch of three personal poems

- Group work on fixing student’s own sentences to create better diction and syntax

Journal Writing Activity: Choose a poem, copy it, and analyze every line. Why did you choose this poem?

- Portfolio assignment: collect all work from semester, and revise all essays to create a semester portfolio

- Daily free reading time |Weeks 13-16

- Daily entry and exit slips to check for understanding of class material and homework

- Batch of polished three personal poems

- Spelling/Vocab Tests #12-15

- Final Semester Portfolio Project |Weeks 13-16

Holt McDougal Grade 7

Literature Textbook

Paper, colored pencils and

markers for Japanese Fan and

haiku project

Spelling/Vocab Lists #13-15


Personal books for daily free

reading time | | |References

Common Core State Standards - English Language Arts (2015). In Idaho State Department of Education. Retrieved February 26, 2015, from

Ellis, D. (2000). The breadwinner. Toronto: Douglas & McIntyre.

Holt McDougal. (2012). Grade 7 Literature Common Core Edition. In . (Ed.). Orlando, FL: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

Pearson Education Inc. (2015). Pearson Common Core Literature Grade 7. In . (Ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Popular 7th Grade Reading List Books (n.d.). In Good Reads. Retrieved February 26, 2015, from

Hinton, S. E. The outsiders. New York: Puffin, 1997. Print.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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