Class Meeting - NHD TRial Site
|Class Meeting |Unit with Essential Question(s) and |Objective(s) & Class |Homework: |Notes/ |
| |Key Terminology: |Activities: | |Amendments: |
|20 August 2012 |Unit I-Course Overview |“The Space Between Us”-|Write a reflective paragraph | |
| | | |on today’s activity. | |
| |EQ: How are the course essentials in| | | |
| |terms of skills and resources going |SL1b. Establish group |Bring a printed copy of a | |
| |to impact me as a life-long learner? |dynamic to increase |favorite photo. | |
| | |motivation and | | |
| | |productivity. | | |
| |Rubrics, Databases, Common Standards,| | | |
| |The “6 Traits”, Self-reflection, |Introductions and | | |
| |(Peer) Assessment (for Learning), |Scavenger Hunt | | |
| |Student Profile, Goal Setting, | | | |
| |Collaborative Inquiry, Close Reading,| | | |
| |Time Management, Levels of | | | |
| |Questioning (Blooms Taxonomy), Word | | | |
| |Wall/Robust Vocabulary, Jane Schaffer| | | |
| |Essay, Journaling, Feedback | | | |
|21/22 | |“Imitation is the |Secure a binder and memory | |
| | |greatest form of |stick for Language Arts class| |
| | |flattery.” | | |
| | | | | |
| | |L1b. Use various | | |
| | |phrases and clauses | | |
| | | | | |
| | |Composing a Caption | | |
|23/24 | |“You be the judge!” |Navigate the class website | |
| | | |and provide feedback in the | |
| | |SL.1b. |forum on your experience. | |
| | |Establishing a Common | | |
| | |Standard |Go to “Arts and Letters | |
| | | |Daily” this | |
| | |Evaluating Peers’ Works|weekend--. | |
| | | |-- and POST a | |
| | | |sample paragraph of a writing| |
| | | |style that resonates with | |
| | | |you. Discuss what makes it | |
| | | |“work” for you in your post. | |
| | | |Remember to respond to your | |
| | | |classmates’ post(s) as well. | |
|27/28 | |“Get Busy Ya’ll” |Prepare an extended goal | |
| | | |statement for the course. | |
| | |Reading & Writing | | |
| | |Diagnostics-A glimpse |Complete letter of | |
| | |at an AP Lit Exam |Recommendation Form | |
| | | | | |
| | | |Bring college application(s) | |
| | | |and separate binder/notebook | |
| | | | | |
|30 |Unit II-The Search for Self |“Summer Madness”- |Prepare an oral presentation | |
| |Begins/College Application Unit |HtRLLaP |with a visual aid of your | |
| | | |assigned chapter according to| |
| |Year-Long EQs: |Computer Lab/College |the assignment guidelines. | |
| |a. How do we find the truth? |Apps Work Day-Essay | | |
| |b. Who or what unveils the truth to |Revision |Review (background) notes for| |
| |us? | |Siddhartha (posted on | |
| |c. What do we do once we learn the | |moorewiley.) | |
| |truth? | | | |
| |d. In what way to texts both present | | | |
| |and question what we know to be true?| | | |
| | | | | |
|3 September |Unit III- Siddhartha |Warm-up/ HtRLLaP | | |
| | |Presentation Chapter 1.| | |
| |By the end of this Unit, the student | |Complete Reading “Part I” of | |
| |will be able to: |The Monomyth-The Hero’s|Siddhartha | |
| |1. analyze the characters of Govinda,|Journey | | |
| |Kamala, and Vasudeva and explain how | |Online Reading Response | |
| |these supporting characters help |Siddhartha, Objectives | | |
| |develop the protagonist. |and Lecture Notes | | |
| |2. trace the development of | | | |
| |Siddhartha’s character, making note | | | |
| |of how and why he | | | |
| |changes in his journey toward | | | |
| |Nirvana. | | | |
| |3. analyze the structure of the story| | | |
| |and how it infl uences the plot. | | | |
| |4. analyze the story from a Jungian | | | |
| |perspective—identifying the infl | | | |
| |uence of Jungian | | | |
| |theory on the text. | | | |
| |5. discuss the symbols in the story. | | | |
| |6. identify autobiographical elements| | | |
| |in the text. | | | |
| |7. analyze the text as a Quest novel.| | | |
| |8. identify and analyze water as a | | | |
| |major theme and extended metaphor. | | | |
| |9. analyze how the elements of the | | | |
| |Hindu religion affect the development| | | |
| |of the story. | | | |
| |10. analyze how the elements of | | | |
| |Buddhism affect the development of | | | |
| |the story. | | | |
| |11. analyze the literary elements in | | | |
| |the story and how they affect the | | | |
| |story. | | | |
| |12. respond to multiple-choice | | | |
| |questions similar to those that will | | | |
| |appear on the Advanced | | | |
| |Placement in English Literature and | | | |
| |Composition exam. | | | |
| |13. respond to writing prompts | | | |
| |similar to those that will appear on | | | |
| |the Advanced Placement | | | |
| |in English Literature and Composition| | | |
| |exam. | | | |
| |14. offer a close reading of | | | |
| |Siddhartha and support all assertions| | | |
| |and interpretations with direct | | | |
| |evidence from the text, from | | | |
| |authoritative critical knowledge of | | | |
| |the genre, or from | | | |
| |authoritative criticism of the play | | | |
|5 September | |Warm-up/ HtRLLaP |Complete Reading of Part II, | |
| | |Presentation Chapter 2.|Siddhartha | |
| | | | | |
| | |Reading Quiz/MC | | |
| | |Practice | | |
|7 | |Warm-up/ HtRLLaP |Complete Reading of Part III,| |
| | |Presentations Chapter |Siddhartha | |
| | |5, 16 and 17. | | |
| | | | | |
| | |Reading Quiz/MC | | |
| | |Practice | | |
| | | | | |
|11 | |Warm-up/ HtRLLaP |Online Response to “Does He | |
| | |Presentation Chapter 7,|Mean That?” HtRLLaP (p.82) | |
| | |12, and 18. | | |
|13 | | |Online Response to Authors’ | |
| | | |comments on use of symbolism | |
| | |AP Style Unit Test with|(NYT article) | |
| | |Timed Writing | | |
|18 | |Warm-up/ HtRLLaP |Online Response to “One | |
| | |Presentation Chapter |Story” HtRLLaP (p.185) | |
| | |14. | | |
| | | | | |
| | |Test Review & | | |
| | |Reflection/ | | |
| | |Establishing a | | |
| | |Community of Writers | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
|20 |Unit IV-Heart of Darkness |Warm-up/ HtRLLaP |Study for Terms Quiz | |
| | |Presentation Chapter 19| | |
| |By the end of this Unit, the student |and 20. |Review Introductory Notes on | |
| |will be able to: | |HoD | |
| |1. analyze the characters of Marlowe,|Intro to Style Analysis| | |
| |Kurtz and the Intended and how each |& Joseph Conrad’s Heart|Respond to Online Prompt and | |
| |relates to one |of Darkness |Read through p. 43 in Conrad | |
| |another and to the themes of the | |Collection | |
| |book. | | | |
| |2. explain how minor characters | | | |
| |reinforce the central themes of the | | | |
| |story or act as foils for the major | | | |
| |characters. | | | |
| |3. illustrate, with examples from the| | | |
| |book, the causes, effects and moral | | | |
| |implications of European colonialism | | | |
| |in the late nineteenth century. | | | |
| |4. explain the impact of narrative | | | |
| |distance and the multiple levels of | | | |
| |narrative employed. | | | |
| |5. identify and explain Conrad’s | | | |
| |social themes as expressed in the | | | |
| |book. | | | |
| |6. discuss the use of imagery to | | | |
| |reinforce the themes of the book. | | | |
| |7. analyze the importance of literary| | | |
| |elements, including irony and | | | |
| |foreshadowing, on the | | | |
| |development of the plot. | | | |
| |8. interpret characters and | | | |
| |characterization from a variety of | | | |
| |viewpoints. | | | |
| |9. discuss Conrad’s use of mystery, | | | |
| |uncertainty, and ambiguity as they | | | |
| |are used to reinforce the themes of | | | |
| |the story. | | | |
| |10. give a close reading of the text | | | |
| |using specific examples from the text| | | |
| |to support all assertions. | | | |
| |11. answer multiple choice questions | | | |
| |similar to those that appear on the | | | |
| |Advanced in | | | |
| |Placement English Literature and | | | |
| |Composition exam. | | | |
| |12. respond in writing to topics | | | |
| |similar to those that appear on the | | | |
| |Advanced Placement in | | | |
| |English Literature and Composition | | | |
| |Exam. | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
|24 | |Warm-up/ HtRLLaP | | |
| | |Presentation Chapter 19| | |
| | |and 20. | | |
| | | | | |
| | |Vocabulary Quiz | | |
|26 | |Warm-up/ HtRLLaP |Complete Part I | |
| | |Presentation Chapter 25| | |
| | |and 26. | | |
| | | | | |
| | |Class reading and | | |
| | |Response to opening | | |
| | |chapters of HoD | | |
|28 | |Close Reading and Style|Complete Part II | |
| | |Analysis, Reading Quiz | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
|2 October | |Close Reading and Style|Complete Part III | |
| | |Analysis, Discussion | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
|4 | |Close Reading and Style| | |
| | |Analysis, Discussion | | |
| | | | | |
|8 | |Close Reading and Style| | |
| | |Analysis, Discussion | | |
| | | | | |
|10 | |Close Reading and Style| | |
| | |Analysis, Discussion | | |
| | | | | |
|12 | |AP Style Unit Test – | | |
| | |Heart of Darkness | | |
| | | | | |
|16 | |HtRLLaP-Chapter 6 |Read and Respond to Achebe’s | |
| | | |Commentary | |
| | |Test Review and | | |
| | |Reflection | | |
| | | | | |
| | |Writing Lab | | |
|18 | |Writing Lab | | |
| | | | | |
| | |Final HoD Essay DUE | | |
| | | | | |
| | | |Build background on Invisible| |
|END OF FIRST | | |Man from class website- |Happy FALL BREAK!!!|
|QUARTER | | |respond to prompt in DF | |
|29 October | |HtRLLaP-Chapters 3 & 11|Read Prologue-Chapter 1 | |
| | | | | |
| | |First Impressions, | | |
| | |Ralph Ellison’s | | |
| | |Invisible Man | | |
|31 | |HtRLLaP-Chapters 8,9,10|Read Chapters | |
| | | |2-3 | |
| | |Reading Check-Close | | |
| | |Reading and Style | | |
| | |Analysis, Discussion | | |
|2 November | |HtRLLaP-Chapter 15 |Read Chapters |MEP |
| | | |4-6 | |
| | |Reading Check -Close | | |
| | |Reading and Style | | |
| | |Analysis, Discussion | | |
|6 | |HtRLLaP-Chapters 21 & |Read Chapters | |
| | |22 |7-9 | |
| | | | | |
| | |Reading Check -Close | | |
| | |Reading and Style | | |
| | |Analysis, Discussion | | |
|8 | |HtRLLaP-Chapters 23 & |Read Chapters | |
| | |24 |10-11 | |
| | | | | |
| | |Reading Check -Close | | |
| | |Reading and Style | | |
| | |Analysis, Discussion | | |
|12 | |Reading Check -Close |Read Chapters | |
| | |Reading and Style |12-15 | |
| | |Analysis, Discussion | | |
| | | | | |
|14 | |Reading Check -Close |Read Chapters | |
| | |Reading and Style |16-19 | |
| | |Analysis, Discussion | | |
| | | | | |
|16 | |Reading Check- | | |
| | |Close Reading and Style|Read Chapters | |
| | |Analysis, Discussion |20-23 | |
|20 ED | |Reading Check -Close |Read Chapters | |
| | |Reading and Style |24-Epilogue | |
| | |Analysis, Discussion | | |
|22 ED | |Reading Check -Close | | |
| | |Reading and Style | | |
| | |Analysis, Discussion | | |
|26 | |Continue IM Study-Begin| | |
| | |Essay | | |
| | | | | |
|28 | |Continue IM | | |
| | |Study-Continue Essay | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
|30 | |IM AP Style Unit Test |Preview Camus The Stranger | |
| | |with Timed Writing | | |
| | | |Submit IM Essay to | |
| | | | before 4 Dec | |
| | | |class meeting | |
|4 December | |Test Review and |Read all of Part I | |
| | |Reflection | | |
| | |PreReading | | |
| | |Review-(Re)Introducing | | |
| | |Existentialism | | |
|6 | |Reading |Read all of Part II | |
| | |Check-Discussion and | | |
| | |Activity | | |
| | | | | |
|10 | |Reading | | |
| | |Check-Discussion and | | |
| | |Activity | | |
|18 | | | | |
| | |Comprehensive Objective| | |
| | |Test – The Stranger | | |
|20 | |HtRLLaP- Chapter 4 | | |
| | | | | |
| | |Poetry Activity | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Happy Holidays! |
|8 | |AP Test Taking |Final Exam Prep | |
| | |Strategies Review | | |
| | |/Semester Review | | |
| | | | | |
|10 | |AP Test Taking | | |
| | |Strategies Review | | |
| | |/Semester Review | | |
| | | | | |
|FINAL EXAM WEEK |Full AP Exam using |questions from |our works read |this semester. |
• Please note this overview is subject to change. 31/8/2012
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