The Arts of Ancient Greece

The Arts of Ancient Greece

Theme: Spirit of Competition

Objectives: to create a unit which includes

-interdisciplinary approach

-emphasis on the arts

-use of technology using laptop computers

Time Frame: One marking period-to be done at intervals of 20 minutes/day

Grade Level And Classes:

8th grade Art – Karen Green

9th grade Computer Applications – Nancy Hamilton

10th grade Latin – Karen Meyers

Unit Plan:

I. Introduction to Greek Culture: Typography

A. Math connection

B. Formation of Greek letters

C. Transliteration worksheet

D. Completion of a myth and use of translator program to translate the myth into ancient Greek

II. Olympic Games

A. Video: Olympic Games (A & E, 40 minutes)

B. The Games:

1. Research the 10 original Olympic sports

2. Examination of evidence for the original sports on Greek vases

3. Research the modern equivalent of the 10 original sports

4. Production of graphic organizer showing the similarities and differences of the modern and ancient games using Inspiration

D. Red figured vase

1. Investigation of Greek vases shapes (handout)

2. Creation of a red figured vase using chosen shape and design

E. Socratic Dialogue

1. Introduction: reading and discussion of short Socratic dialogue

2. Writing of Socratic style dialogue considering modern and ancient practices regarding:

a. Opening Ceremony:

b. Commercialism in the Olympics

c. Prizes

III. Drama

A. Masks

1. Research masks types, examples

2. Identify stock characters

3. Determine mask assignment by lot

4. Experiment with mask designs (on computers)

5. Mask activity (hands on)

6. Masks judged – 3 main character masks chosen

B. Introduction of Ovid’s Pyramus and Thisbe

1. Writing of dialogue – one class as an ancient Greek play, one class as a modern play

2. Introduction to Greek Theater then and now

3. Performance preparation

a. Costuming

b. Set design

4. Rehearsal

a. Play

b. Dance/movement

5. Presentation of play competition to invited audience

a. Judges chosen by lot from faculty

b. Ancient Greek version outside on hillside

c. Modern version inside with lights

6. Awards

a. Wreath

b. Tony

IV. Enrichment

A. Olympia Museum virtual tour

B. Field trip to the Walters

C. Passport: recording of student attendance at cultural events in the community.


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