ON MONDAY 25th JULY 2005 AT 7:00 PM

In the Chair: Councillor O McMullan

Members Present: Councillors M Black, O Black, S Blaney, W J Graham, H A Harding, G Hartin, D M McAllister, C McCambridge, A P McConaghy, R D McDonnell, R A McIlroy, M McKeegan, C McShane, C Newcombe.

Also Present: Mr R G Lewis, Clerk and Chief Executive

Mr P Mawdsley, Director of District Services

Mr D Kelly, Chief District Building Control Officer

Mr T Stuart, Technical Services Manager

Mr McGolderick, Planning Service

Mrs L McAreavey, Member Services/Clerical Officer



There were no apologies received as all members were present.

Chairman’s Business

Circulation of information prior to a Council Meeting

Councillor McCambridge pointed out that it was against Council policy to hand out information on the night of a meeting. She informed members that a member of the public had not been permitted to do this tonight and yet one of the Councillors had been permitted to do so.

This point was noted by the Chairman.

Vandalism at Bunscoil an Chaistil

Councillor Harding stated that she wished to condemn the recent vandalism at Bunscoil an Chaistil, Kilns Road, Ballycastle.

Councillor McCambridge agreed with this remark.

Vandalism at the Giant’s Causeway Railway

Councillor McAllister stated that he wished to condemn an act of vandalism at the Giant’s Causeway Railway. He informed members that pins had been removed from the tracks and that this was extremely dangerous as it could lead to de-railment of the train. He asked for the support of all Councillors to condemn this action and asked the public to be vigilant.

Members concurred with these remarks.

Committee substitutes

Councillor McConaghy referred to the practice of appointing substitutes and that substitute committee members were not being informed of when they were required to attend meetings. He also pointed out that serving committee members should be notified of meetings in advance as he had not been informed of meetings which he had been expected to attend. He asked for assurance that in future adequate notice would be given to members in advance of meetings.

Councillors McCambridge and Blaney agreed with these remarks.

Civic Reception for the Under 14 Camogie Team

In reply to Councillor Blaney, the Clerk stated that he was waiting to hear from the Camogie Club before a date would be set for this event.


The minutes of the Council Meetings held on 16th May 2005, 9th June 2005 and 27th June 2005, having been circulated, were taken as read.


Green Waste Collection (27th June 2005)

It was agreed that the amount of £15,000 on page 39 of the minutes of 27th June referring to the Green Waste project would be amended to show the correct amount of £1,500.

Charge for stall owners for the Gourmet Market (27th June)

It was agreed that the charge for the stall owners at the Lammas Fair would be clarified in the minutes to show £110 for both the Lammas Fair days.

Recorded vote for the election of the Chairman (AGM 16th May)

It was agreed that the minutes for the 16th May would be corrected as follows;

Page 4, Councillor McCambridge would be shown as voting in favour of the election of Councillor McMullan for Chairman.

After discussion,

Councillor McConaghy proposed,

Seconded by Councillor Blaney and resolved,

“That subject to the above amendments, the Minutes of the Council Meetings held on 16th May, 9th June and 27th June be adopted.”


E/2004/0242/RM Reserved Mr & Mrs W Beckett, 27 Coleraine Road, Bushmills.

Location, 2 Priestland Road, Bushmills. Proposed 10 No. apartments to replace residential home.

E/2004/0308/DC Demolition Mr & Mrs W Beckett, 27 Coleraine Road, Bushmills.

Location, 2 Priestland Road, Bushmills. Proposed demolition of 2-storey slated roof building presently used as a residential home.

There were no objections to the above two applications, they were recommended for approval.

E/2004/0471/F Full Mr H Gray, 72 Causeway Road, Bushmills. Location, 72 Causeway Road, Bushmills. Proposed provision of domestic garage and general purpose store two cars / works van / caravan / turf / fuel / lawnmower and general storage max ridge height – 500m from F.G. level eaves – 4.00 m max

Mr McGolderick stated that this application was contrary to the Draft Northern Area Plan and would be referred to again in August after the objection period had passed. It was also refused due to unacceptable scale and design.

Councillor McMullan stated that Council would not accept the reason of being contrary to the draft plan.

Mr McGolderick stated that the scale and design of the application was contrary to planning restriction COU12. He informed members that there would be a possibility of negotiation with a reduction of scale.

In reply to Councillor McConaghy, Mr McGolderick stated that COU12 was very restrictive for new developments. He stated that this development was adjacent to a World Heritage Site and as such must be small in scale.

Councillor McConaghy requested a site meeting for this application.

Mr McGolderick stated that an office meeting would be more beneficial.

This was agreed.

Councillor Harding stated that she had been informed that it could be some time, perhaps years, before the applications which were contrary to the draft plan were revisited to make a decision. She asked Mr McGolderick if this was the case.

Mr McGolderick stated that a level of objection was required for each zoning and that after this process was complete the applications would be brought back to Council. He informed members that a public enquiry would be the proper forum to base any decisions rather appealing each application.

E/2004/0499/O Outline Mr A White, Moycraig Road, Mosside. Location, opposite to No. 218 Moycraig Road, Mosside. Proposed site for new dwelling.

Mr McGolderick stated that this application was recommended for refusal due to lack of integration and erosion of rural character.

Councillor Graham requested a site meeting for this application.

This was agreed.

E/2004/0504/F Full Mr J Starrs, 55 Moyle Road, Ballycastle, BT54 6LG. Location, Toberkeigh Road, Bushmills. Proposed dwelling with detached garage and stable/store.

Mr McGolderick stated that there had been one objection to this application relating to road safety but that this had been cleared by the Roads Service and that this application was therefore recommended for approval. He informed members that the stable and food store were all adjacent to each other and so close as to reduce any level of nuisance to neighbouring dwellings. He pointed out also that the openings of these were towards the proposed dwelling.

Councillor Graham stated that he had difficulty with approving this application and informed members that it very close to the neighbouring dwelling and that work had commenced without planning permission.

Mr McGolderick stated that he had explained that the stable and food store were also close to the new approved dwelling.

Councillor Graham stated that he objected to approval being given and proposed that Council did not approve this application.

In reply to Councillor McCambridge’s enquiry as to the options held by Council if the objection to approval was supported, Mr McGolderick informed members that if the Council members objected to the approval of the application that it would have to be revisited.

In reply to Councillors McCambridge and Graham, Mr McGolderick informed members that although part of this application was retrospective the application would be treated as a new clean site.

Councillor Graham stated that this was not acceptable.

Councillor McCambridge agreed with this remark and asked if the enforcement section would not be involved.

Councillor Graham informed members that this had been reported to the enforcement section.

After further discussion, it was agreed that this application would be approved.

E/2005/0010/F Full Miss P McDonnell, 155 Glenshesk Road, Armoy, Ballymoney, BT53 8RL. Location, 160m North of 155 Glenshesk Road, Armoy. Proposed erection of dwelling and detached garage.

There were no objections to the above application, it was recommended for approval.

E/2005/0030/O Outline Mr C Lynch, C/O Bell Architects Ltd. Location, site approximately 500m SW of 139 Moycraig Road, Mosside. Proposed site for dwelling and garage.

Mr McGolderick stated that this application was recommended for refusal due to its being contrary to PPS2, lack of integration and erosion of rural character.

It was agreed that a site meeting would be held for this application.

E/2005/0051/F Full NM Developments, 1A Agherton Village, Coleraine Road, Portstewart, BT66 7HP. Location, 8 Ballaghmore Road, Bushmills. Proposed replacement of existing single dwelling with two storey split level detached dwelling & integral garage.

Mr McGolderick stated that this application was recommended for refusal due to unacceptable design within AONB

Councillor McAllister requested that an office meeting be held for this application.

This was agreed.

E/2005/0073/F Full Mr D O Neill, 69 Whitepark Road, Ballycastle. Location, land approximately 40m NW of 76 Whitepark Road, Ballycastle. Proposed erection of farm dwelling and domestic garage.

E/2005/0079/F Full Mr S McConaghie, 72 Dunluce Road, Bushmills. Location, 280m east of 45 Knockmore Road, Stranocum. Proposed new dwelling and garage.

E/2005/0080/F Full Mr B Huey, 5 Kilraughts Road, Ballymoney. Location, 230m west of 98 Hillside Road, Armoy. Proposed new dwelling and garage.

E/2005/0101/F Full Mr Morrison, C/O Agent. Location, east of 80 Carrowreagh Road, Armoy. Proposed construction & erection of 400,000 gallon slurry storage tank.

E/2005/0106/F Full Glen Rovers Gac Armoy, Pairc An Cromach, 154 Glenshesk Road, Armoy, BT53 8RL. Location, 154 Glenshesk Road, Armoy. Proposed change of use form agricultural land to playing pitch ( for hurling, Camogie and gaelic football).

There were no objections to the above five applications, they were recommended for approval.

E/2005/0117/F Full Mr K McCooe, 62 Middlepark Road, Cushendall, BT44 OSQ. Location, 62 Middlepark Road, Cushendall. Proposed removal of existing dwelling and replacement with 8 No. residential units, associated car parking & landscaping.

Mr McGolderick informed members that there had been 18 objections and stated that these had been considered but that the application had been recommended for approval and that he considered this to be an excellent scheme for the site.

It was agreed that a resident involved would be permitted to speak.

Mr Newe thanked Council for the opportunity to speak on behalf of the concerned residents of Middlepark Road. He informed Council that they objected to the demolition of a well appointed modern house. He stated that in the consideration of an application, the planning service was obliged to consider planning terms and relevant policy and the effect of the application on other parties. He informed members that as this application had been recommended for approval, he assumed that all of these areas had been considered.

He also stated that he believed that the Planning Service were guilty of inconsistency and negligence in the approval of this application as he informed members that a smaller scheme for the property in question had been refused in August 2004. He pointed out that the refused scheme had been for 1 additional dwelling and that Mr Duffy had recommended this for refusal due to over development, unacceptable precedent, impact on character and unacceptable access arrangements. Mr Newe asked members how this could be the case for 1 additional dwelling and yet 8 residential units had now been recommended for approval.

Mr Newe stated that there was also no procedure in place within the current procedure to initiate an appeal and informed members that the only options open to them to complain or appeal was through the ombudsman or a judicial review. He referred members to the Planning Service leaflet on making complaints and stated that this did not deal with complaints about planning decisions.

He asked that the Council support the residents in their objections to this application.

Councillor McMullan thanked Mr Newe for his presentation to Council and informed members that a letter had been received from the solicitor representing the residents regarding the possibility of a high court judicial review. He stated that in this circumstance the Council could not accept the approval of this application due to the legal circumstances involved.

Councillor McCambridge stated that she had difficulty with the fact that the Planning Service had refused an application for one additional house eleven months ago and now had allowed further development in the approval of eight residential units. She pointed out that it did not create confidence in the Planning Service.

Councillors McIlroy and Blaney were in agreement and Councillor McIlroy stated that there was no consistency in planning service decisions.

Councillor McMullan agreed and pointed out that this case might highlight this issue.

After further discussion,

Councillor McMullan proposed,

Seconded by Councillor O Black,

“That this application would not be approved at this point to allow for legal procedures to be pursued by the residents.”

Councillor McDonnell stated that he believed that this application should be referred to the Planning Management Board.

After further discussion, it was agreed to refer this application to the Planning Management Board.

E/2005/0208/O Outline Miss H Kane, 4 Glenstavghey Road, Ballycastle. Location, adjacent to No.3 Maghery Road, Ballycastle. Proposed site for dwelling.

Mr McGolderick stated that this application was recommended for refusal due to lack of integration, erosion of rural character and potential flood risk.

Councillor McAllister requested that a site meeting be held for this application.

This was agreed.

E/2005/0224/F Full Mr & Mrs A McConachie, 50 Bush Gardens, Bushmills, BT57 8AE. Location, 50 Bush Gardens, Bushmills. Proposed roof-space conversion.

There were no objections to the above application, it was recommended for approval.

E/2005/0232/O Outline Mr Donnelly, 35 Lagavara Road, Ballycastle. Location, land adjacent to 35 Lagavara Road, Ballycastle. Proposed site for two single storey dwellings.

Mr McGolderick stated that this application was recommended for refusal due to its being contrary to HOU8 (multiple housing) and PPS7, lack of integration, erosion of rural character and unacceptable access arrangements.

Councillor Blaney requested that a site meeting be held for this application.

This was agreed.

E/2005/0273/O Outline, McHenry, 104 Glen Road, Glenariffe. Location, land adjacent to 107a Glen Road, Glenariffe. Proposed site for dwelling and a domestic garage.

Mr McGolderick stated that this application was recommended for refusal due to lack of need, ribboning, erosion of rural character and unacceptable access arrangements.

Councillor O Black requested a site meeting for this application.

This was agreed.

E/2005/0280/F Full Mr E J McMullan, 65 Lisnagat Road, Mosside, Ballymoney. Location, land SE of 63 Straid Road, Ballycastle. Proposed erection of dwelling.

Mr McGolderick stated that this application was recommended for refusal due to lack of integration, unacceptable visual impact of access, not in conformity with outline approval, unacceptable access arrangements.

E/2005/0289/O Outline Mr T Brown, 8 Moycraig Road, Bushmills. Location, adjacent to No.59 Straid Road, Ballycastle. Proposed site for dwelling and garage.

E/2005/0290/LB Listed Building National Trust, Ronallane House, Saintfield, Bt24 7LH. Location, 3 Maud Cottages, Cushendun. Proposed extension to dwelling.

There were no objections to the above two applications, they were recommended for approval.

Councillor McShane left the meeting at this point.

E/2005/0292/O Outline Mr Carson, C/O Agent. Location, land adjacent and to the rear of 36 Straid Road, Ballycastle. Proposed site for dwelling and domestic garage.

Mr McGolderick stated that this application was recommended for refusal due to ribboning, erosion of rural character and unacceptable access arrangements.

Councillor Harding requested that a site meeting be held for this application with the Roads Service in attendance.

This was agreed.

E/2005/0293/F Full Mr McNeill, 89 Cushendall Road, Ballyvoy, BT54 6QY. Location, 89 Cushendall Road, Ballyvoy. Proposed single storey rear lounge extension and first floor bedroom extension to existing dwelling.

There were no objections to the above application, it was recommended for approval.

E/2005/0295/O Outline Ms McNeill, 133a Glendun Road, Cushendun, BT44 0TF. Location, 133a Glendun Road, Cushendun. Proposed site for replacement dwelling.

McGolderick stated that this application was recommended for refusal due to unacceptable access arrangements.

Councillor McConaghy requested that a site meeting be held for this application with the Roads Service in attendance.

This was agreed.

E/2005/0297/F Full Moyle District Council, Sheskburn House, 7 Mary Street, Ballycastle. Location, Sheskburn House, 7 Mary Street, Ballycastle. Proposed first floor storable space.

There were no objections to the above application, it was recommended for approval.

E/2005/0303/F Full AGM Developments, 27 Hill Street, Ballymena. Location, land approximately 420m NE of 45 Knockmore Road, Mosside. Proposed erection of dwelling and detached domestic garage.

McGolderick stated that this application was recommended for refusal due to unacceptable design and unacceptable access arrangements.

Councillor McAllister requested a site meeting for this application.

This was agreed.

E/2005/0306/F Full Mr McIlwane, 66 Gaults Road, Cushendall. Location 101 Ballyemon Road, Cushendal. Proposed replacement dwelling and garage.

E/2005/0322/O Outline Mrs J Gourley, 4 Donaghbrook Crescent, Ballymoney. Location, land approximately 40m north of 23 Riverside Road, Bushmills. Proposed site for dwelling and detached domestic garage.

E/2005/0327/F Full Mr Lavelle, 2 Moyle Avenue, Ballycastle. Location, 2 Moyle Avenue, Ballycastle. Proposed domestic garage.

E/2005/03344/F Full Mr Gibbs, C/O Agent. Location, 64a Whitepark Road, Ballycastle. Proposed extension and alterations to dwelling.

E/2005/0340/F Full Trustees of St Mary’s P.S. Rathlin. Location, play area at St Mary’s P.S. Rathlin. Proposed provision of hard play surface and 2.0m fencing to perimeter of play area. Provision of 3.6m ball stop fencing behind goals.

E/2005/0355/F Full Mr R McFarlane, 124 Main Street, Bushmills. Location, 124 Main Street, Bushmills. Proposed renewal of existing temporary planning permission for function room at existing public bar (E/2002/0189/F)

There were no objections to the above six applications, they were recommended for approval.

Applications Deferred from Previous Meeting

E/2004/0440/O Outline Mr S Glenn, 103 Moyarget Road, Ballycastle. Location, land approximately 280m west of 113 Moyarget Road, Ballycastle. Proposed site for dwelling & domestic garage.

McGolderick stated that this application was recommended for refusal due to erosion of rural character and unacceptable access arrangements.

Councillor Hartin requested that a site meeting be held for this application.

Councillor Blaney enquired about the use of passing bays as a reason for refusal for this application and asked if this should be a matter for the Roads Service.

Councillors McAllister and McCambridge agreed with these comments.

In reply to Councillor Hartin, Mr McGolderick stated that the Planning Service were trying to stop the practice of 2nd deferrals. He informed members that this application would be a case of withdrawal and re-submission irrespective of the passing bays.

Councillor Blaney enquired what would happen in the case that the applicant did not own the road, and asked if this would be the responsibility of the Roads Service.

Councillor McAllister stated that the Roads Service had agreed to a meeting.

After further discussion, it was agreed that this application would be held for three weeks.

E/2005/0035/F Full Mr & Mrs McQuillan, 175 Torr Road, Cushendun. Location, 177 Torr Road, Cushendun. Proposed erection of replacement dwelling with existing dwelling converted to garden store and new garage.

There were no objections to the above application, it was recommended for approval.

E/2005/0038/O Outline Mr W Morrison, 215 Moyarget Road, Armoy. Location, land approximately 250m NW of 56 Knockmore Road, Mosside. Proposed site for bungalow.

McGolderick stated that this application was recommended for refusal due to lack of integration and erosion of rural character.

Councillor Graham requested that this application be held for three weeks.

This was agreed.

E/2005/0122/F Full Mr & Mrs B Kirk, C/O Agent. Location, 130b Tonduff, Causeway Road, Bushmills. Proposed sun room extension.

There were no objections to the above application, it was recommended for approval.

E/2005/0140/O Outline Miss A White, 52 Glenann Avenue, Dunmurry, Belfast. Location, approximately 140m north of 100 Carnbore Road, Liscolman. Proposed site for dwelling.

McGolderick stated that this application was recommended for refusal due to lack of integration.

Councillor Graham stated that this application had been withdrawn.

E/2005/0153/O Outline Mr & Mrs A McAfee, 38 Greenville Avenue, Ballymoney. Location, adjacent to No. 45 Riverside Road, Bushmills. Proposed site for dwelling.

McGolderick stated that this application was recommended for refusal due to lack of integration and unsatisfactory access.

After discussion, it was agreed that a site meeting would be held for this application.

Councillor McShane returned to the meeting at this point.

E/2005/0199/O Outline Mr S Connolly, C/O Agent. Location, 160m south of Carrowcrin Road, Armoy. Proposed site for new dwelling.

McGolderick stated that this application was recommended for refusal due to lack of integration.

Councillor O Black requested that this application be held for three weeks.

This was agreed.

E/2005/0203/O Outline Mr Cassley, C/O Agent. Location, site 195m NW of 168 Cromaghs Road, Armoy. Proposed site for dwelling and garage.

McGolderick stated that this application was recommended for refusal due to lack of integration, erosion of rural character and unsatisfactory access.

Councillor O Black requested that this application be held for three weeks.

This was agreed.

E/2005/0251/O Outline Mrs M McLaughlin, C/O S W Atkinson, 18 Milltown Road, Ballymoney. Location, 200m NE of 32 Carnlelis Road, Armoy. Proposed site for bungalow.

There were no objections to the above application, it was recommended for approval.

E/2005/0255/O Outline Mr J McAfee, C/O Agent. Location, approximately 300m north of 119 Red Road, Ballycastle.

McGolderick stated that this application was recommended for refusal due to lack of integration, erosion of rural character and unsatisfactory access.

Councillor Blaney requested that this application be held for three weeks.

This was agreed.

E/2005/0278/O Outline Mrs M Mitchell, 97 Magheramore Road, Ballycastle. Location, land approximately 350m south of No.39 Knockmore Road, Mosside. Proposed site for dwelling and domestic garage.

McGolderick stated that this application was recommended for refusal due to ribbon development, erosion of rural character and unacceptable access arrangements.

Councillor Harding requested that this application be held for three weeks.

This was agreed.

Councillor McIlroy left the meeting at this point.

Appeal Decisions Notified

E/2004/0223/O Mr J Caskey. Location, site to east of 97 Ballinlea Road, Armoy. Proposed site for dwelling.

Result of appeal; Upheld.

E/2004/0346/O Parishes of Ramoan & Culfeightrin. Location, lands bound by Straid Road, Novally Road, Whitepark Road, Whitehall View and Whitehall Crescent, Ballycastle. Proposed residential development.

Result of appeal; Upheld.

E/2004/0494/F N M Developments. Location, 8 Ballaghmore Road, Bushmills. Proposed replacement of exisiting development with two storey split level detached dwelling with integral garage.

Result of appeal; Withdrawn.

Site Meetings

After discussion, it was agreed that site meetings would take place on Thursday 4th August.

Councillor McKeegan left the meeting at this point.

Councillor M Black left the meeting at this point.

Councillor McIlroy returned to the meeting at this point.


The Interim Report from the Technical Services Manager having been circulated, was taken as read.

Purchase of Second Hand Refuse Collection Vehicles

The TSM stated that tenders had been received for the purchase of 1 no. second hand 26 tonne refuse collection vehicle.

He recommended that the purchase of a second hand refuse collection vehicle be based on the lowest tender received in the form of a 2002 Mercedes Econic/Haller x 2 from Stewart Commercials for the sum of £69,750.

After discussion, this was agreed.

Redevelopment Of Shore Facilities – Ballycastle Marina

The TSM stated that following the relocation of Calmac to the main terminal building at Ballycastle Harbour, it was recommended that Council engage the services of an Architect to re-design the shore facilities offered at the Marina Office, Ballycastle Harbour, to take account of the increasing demand on services and the lack of facilities offered.

He informed members that with a full design proposal on the table Council would be in a position to make a grant application to INTERREG for not only increased pontoon provision, but also enhanced shore services under the next round due to be released 2006/2007.

In reply to Councillor McShane’s enquiry as to what this would entail, the TSM stated that additional showers, toilets and laundry were required.

Councillor Harding enquired about the use of the office space by outside parties.

In reply the TSM stated that there had been a temporary letting of office space for this season only but that the Council’s own needs had to be catered for.

Councillor McCambridge stated that this should be approved as the facilities were required.

After discussion,

Councillor McCambridge proposed,

Seconded by Councillor M Black and resolved,

“That Council engage the services of an Architect to re-design the shore facilities offered at the Marina Office, Ballycastle Harbour, to take account of the increasing demand on services and the lack of facilities offered. This was to include improved laundry, shower and toilet facilities.”

Access to Templastragh Old Church and Graveyard

It was agreed that this item would be taken in committee.

The TSM outlined the legal opinion that had been received from Kevin Denvir, Barrister, regarding the access issue surrounding Templastragh Graveyard.

He informed members the opinion gives Council two options to securing a fenced access to the graveyard; Buying the land from the farmer or having his agreement to the fence being erected or Vesting the land required for this purpose.

He pointed out that Council should now decide how they wish to proceed.

After discussion,

Councillor McIlroy proposed,

Seconded by Councillor Newcombe and resolved,

“That a meeting be arranged with the five local Councillors, the Chairman and Vice Chairman, the TSM and the Environmental Heritage Service regarding access to Templastragh Old Church and Graveyard.”

Waste Disposal on Rathlin Island

This item was taken in Committee.

The TSM informed members that the current arrangements for waste disposal on Rathlin Island had been found to be in breach of the Waste and Contaminated Land Order and the Environmental Protection Order. He pointed out that this could lead to prosecution and that the Council needed to approve an appropriate interim solution to this problem.

The TSM informed members that EHS had approved and Calmac had permitted the transport of Wheeled Bins in containers via the ferry to the island. He pointed out that these bins would be transported on the island by trailer to allow waste to be collected, this would then be transferred to Ballycastle for disposal. He informed members that a long term solution would have to be considered following discussions.

In reply to Councillor McCambridge, the TSM stated that the costs for crossing for the bins were £7.85 per return. He informed members that costs for disposal of waste in Rathlin were not included in the budget and that Council would have to discuss Trade Waste charges with the businesses on the Island.

Councillors McAllister and McIlroy left the meeting at this point.

After further discussion, it was agreed that the TSM would bring further information on the disposal of waste on Rathlin Island to the next Council Meeting.

The meeting continued out of committee.

Ardclinnis Old Church and Graveyard Lay-By

The TSM stated that following Councils request of 8th November 2004 to acknowledge the McAlister families generosity, wording for the plaque had been brought to Council for approval.

After discussion, it was agreed to the provision of a commerative plaque subject to rewording. It was agreed that the new wording for the plaque would be agreed with the McAlister family and the Glenariffe Development Group but did not have to be brought back to Council.

Councillors McAllister and McIlroy returned to the meeting.

Purchase of 3600 Blue MDR Recycling Bins

The TSM stated that tenders had been received for the purchase of 3600 blue 240 litre wheeled bins and it was recommended that the purchase of these be based on the lowest tender received from Contenur UK for the sum of £54,000.

After discussion, it was agreed that the purchase of 3600 blue 240 litre wheeled bins be based on the lowest tender received from Contenur UK for the sum of £54,000.

In reply to Councillor McKeegan, the TSM stated that the distribution of the blue bins would be discussed at the Waste Management Group.

In reply to Councillor McCambridge, the TSM informed members that this was the second purchase of blue bins and that there would be more purchased within the next year and a half. He also pointed out that new brown bins would be purchased in the future for composting as part of the recycling targets which must be met.

Councillor McCambridge stated that there would be a need for education on composting processes.

In reply to Councillor McDonnell the TSM stated that he thought that the Brown Bins would be for household waste only.

Regarding recycling in Ballintoy, the TSM stated that the Council had received an offer of a site for recycling bins from Mr McGinn of the Carrick-a-rede, Ballintoy.

Councillor Harding stated that these were matters for the Waste Management Group meeting.

This was agreed.

People’s Park, Garron Road

The TSM stated that revised plans were displayed for the People’s park in Glenariffe. He informed members that Council did not have sufficient funds for the scheme originally planned.

He recommended a meeting with the architect and the community group to discuss the revised plans for the People’s Park. He stated that the contract needed to be re-tendered and that the lowest tender should be approved to complete the work. He pointed out that this work needed to be completed before the end of December due to the nature of the Interreg funding provided.

In reply to Councillor McMullan, The TSM stated that he would attend the meeting with the architect and members of the community group and in reply to Councillor McCambridge agreed that the Glens Councillors should be included.

Councillor McAllister stated that there were some members of the Glenariffe development group present and suggested that they might like to give their views on the new plans.

This was agreed.

Ann Harvey, the Chairperson of the Glenariffe Development Group, addressed Council and stated that she and the other members of the group could not believe that the plans proposed by Whittaker and Watt had been 100% more expensive than the funding received.

She informed members that the architects had suggested a competition for school children to suggest play equipment for the area and that these children would now be disappointed as there was no funding for this. She pointed out also that there had been a lack of consultation regarding the revised cut backs throughout the process.

After further discussion, it was agreed that the TSM would meet with the Glenariffe Development Group and the five Glens Councillors to discuss the plans for the People’s Park at Garron Road, Glenariffe prior to re-tendering.

Seafront Scheme, Ballycastle

The TSM stated that revised plans were displayed for the Seafront Scheme in Ballycastle. He informed members that again Council did not have the available budget for the original plans.

The TSM stated that there would have to be scaling back of the plans and informed members that the planned extended lighting would also have to be cut down.

Councillor Harding stated that she was disappointed that the lighting would have to be scaled back.

In reply to Councillor M Black, the TSM stated that the schedule reduction for the Seafront Area could be started in the first week in August.

After further discussion, it was agreed that the schedule of reduction for the Ballycastle Seafront Scheme be approved.

Trailer for the French Market during the Heart of the Glens Festival

Councillor O Black requested that Council provide a trailer for the French Market during the Heart of the Glens Festival.

After discussion, it was agreed that a trailer would be provided for the French Market during the Heart of the Glens Festival on the 5th, 6th and 7th of August.

Site for Cullens Amusements

In reply to Councillor Blaney, the TSM informed members that a potential site had been agreed to accommodate Cullens Amusements at the Lammas Fair. He stated that the site should be in a suitable state when the time comes but that there had been a delay in the work due to the disconnection of the electric supply. He pointed out that he would have more information after the 30th July and would keep Cullens informed of progress.

After discussion,

Councillor McConaghy proposed,

Seconded by Councillor McDonnell and resolved,

That the Interim Report for the Technical Services Manager be adopted.”

Shanes Play Park in Cushendun remains open

It was agreed that point 16 on the Agenda would be taken at this point.

Councillor McKeegan distributed letters from the Cushendun & District Development Association and the residents of Shane’s Park, Cushendun in support of the retention of the play park.

The TSM stated that authority had been given to the Council to remove dangerous items from the specified play parks and to close these parks if required. He informed members that potential errors had been found. He informed members that he had requested a meeting with Rospa to resolve the matter and that he was awaiting a final report. He pointed out that items would be removed if found to be dangerous.

Councillor Blaney left the meeting at this point.

Councillor McKeegan stated that the park was used regularly by the residents of Shanes Park and asked that the Council bring the park up to the required standard.

In reply the TSM informed members that the park could never be brought up to standard as there was not enough land available to do this. He stated that there was a new play area to be located at the beach.

Councillor McDonnell enquired about the need for extra land and asked about the health and safety authority involved in the process.

In reply the TSM stated that the Council staff inspect the area and a one off independent inspection would then take place. He pointed out that Rospa had authority to advise Council in this process. He informed members that some of the play equipment was too close to the road and that there was not sufficient land around the park to move the equipment.

After further discussion, it was agreed that Councillor McKeegan could approach the TSM regarding costs for the replacement of equipment at Shane’s Play Park in Cushendun.

In reply to Councillor M Black, the TSM stated that the park at Glentaisie, Ballycastle would be replaced.

In reply to Councillor O Black regarding the park at Legg-Green, the TSM stated that this scheme had been implemented in 1997 which pre-dated the legislation considered. He informed members that this park would be re-assessed and that if found not to comply would be removed. He pointed out that he had met with the Chairman of the group and that he was awaiting further detailed information which would decide the outcome of the park.

Councillor McAllister enquired about Council policy regarding money raised by community groups and Council matching the amount raised, in relation to Liscolman Park.

The TSM stated that this would be discussed at a future meeting.

In reply to Councillor Harding the TSM stated that the toilets at Shore Street had been locked for a few days due to vandalism.


The Environmental Health Department’s Report, having been circulated, was taken as read.

Application for Occasional Entertainments Licence

The CDBCO stated that an application for occasional entertainments licence had been received from Mr N Kearney, 14 Ardmoyle Park, Cushendall. For a Marquee in the grounds of Cushendall Hurling Club, Coast Road, Cushendall for Music and Dancing on the 6th to 13th August 2005 - 9.00pm to 1.00am.

After discussion, this was agreed.

Application for Extension in Hours of Existing Licence

The CDBCO stated that an application had been received for an extension of an existing licence from Mr & Mrs C McIlroy, 76 Castle Street, Ballycastle for the Glenshesk Bar, Ballycastle. He informed members that the existing hours were Monday – Saturday 11:30am – 1:00am and Sunday 12 noon – 10.00pm and that the proposed hours were Monday – Sunday 11.30am – 1.30am.

After discussion, this was agreed.

Street Naming and Numbering

The CDBCO stated that a letter had been received from McAfee Estate Agents acting on behalf of the developer and proposing the following names for consideration for the proposed development off Main Street, Bushmills, The Maltings, Distillery Mews and Distillery court.

After discussion,

Councillor McAllister proposed,

Seconded by Councillor Hartin and resolved,

“That Hamill Court be suggested as an appropriate name.”

This was agreed.

After discussion,

Councillor McAllister proposed,

Seconded by Councillor Graham and resolved,

“That the Chief District Building Control Officer’s Report be adopted.”


The Report for Environmental Health, having been circulated, was taken as read.

Anti-Social Behaviour Orders

The DDS stated that the Police, NIHE, or a DC could apply for an Anti-Social Behaviour Order (ASBO) to be made in respect of any one aged 10 or over provided the following condition is fulfilled; that the person had acted in a manner that caused or was likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to one or more persons not of the same household as himself; and that such an order was necessary to protect relevant persons from further anti-social acts by him.

He informed members that the Order was made by a Magistrates Court which would prohibit the defendant from doing anything specified in the Order. He pointed out that these prohibitions should be reasonable, proportionate, realistic, practical, clear and enforceable.

The DDS stated that the ethos behind tackling anti-social behaviour was that of partnership; the other relevant authorities must be consulted prior to any application for an Order. This was to identify all relevant information available and to consider other potential solutions; for example in the Council’s case legislation enforced by the Environmental Health Department. He informed members that at a local operational level it is recommended that regular interagency meetings take place to review the local situation.

He stated that to facilitate this local working it was recommended that in exercise of its powers under Section 47(a) of the Local Government Act (NI) 1972 as inserted by Article 26 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) (NI) Order 1985, Moyle District Council delegate the powers conferred on it by The Anti-Social Behaviour (NI) Order 2004 to Peter Mawdsley Director of District Services and Richard Lewis, Clerk and Chief Executive.

In reply to Councillor Blaney, the DDS stated that the case of the young man in England winning a court case was against a curfew and not an ASBO.

Councillor McIlroy enquired if the Council would be taking a lead role in the ASBOS.

In reply the DDS stated that circumstances would play a part in deciding the lead role for any ASBOS taken. He informed members that if the event took place on Council ground, for example the Playing Fields that Council may be the lead agency involved.

After further discussion,

Councillor McAllister proposed,

Seconded by Councillor M Black and resolved,

“That Moyle District Council would HEREBY DELEGATE to Peter Mawdsley and Richard Lewis the powers conferred on it by The Anti-Social Behaviour (NI) Order 2004.”

Food Safety (Fishery Products and Live Shellfish) (Hygiene) Regulations (NI) 1998

The DDS stated that since Morton’s had now opened a fish and chip shop, they had made changes to their fishery products premises at 22a Bayview Road, Ballycastle. He informed members that the changed premises must now be re-approved under the above Regulations. He pointed out that the premises met the necessary standards and recommended approval of Morton’s Fish Products, under the Food Safety (Fishery Products and Live Shellfish) (Hygiene) Regulations (NI) 1998.

After discussion this was agreed.

The Sale of Pellet Guns at the Lammas Fair

Councillor Harding raised the issue of selling pellet guns at the Lammas Fair and asked if any new information was available.

In reply the DDS stated that the matter was complicated and still ongoing.

After discussion,

Councillor Harding proposed,

Seconded by Councillor Graham and resolved,

“That Council write to NILGA regarding the sale of Pellet Guns at the Lammas Fair and what action could be taken against this.”

After discussion,

Councillor McAllister proposed,

Seconded by Councillor Graham and resolved,

“That the report for Environmental Health be adopted.”


In the absence of the Development Manager, this report was delivered by the Clerk.

Draft Northern Area Plan 2016

The Clerk stated that Council’s planning advisors Ostick and Williams had finalised Council’s response to the Draft Northern Area Plan 2016 and that this had been forwarded to the Planning Service for consideration.

After discussion, it was agreed that copies of the Council’s response to the Draft Northern Area Plan 2016; would be forwarded to the Councillors.

Halloween Fireworks Display

The Clerk stated that for the past five years Council had arranged a Halloween fireworks display at Ballycastle Harbour. He informed members that in recent years this display had been paid for by private sponsorship, however unfortunately no sponsorship was forthcoming for this year.

He pointed out that to allow sufficient time to appoint a fireworks company and apply for a fireworks licence Council now needed to decide if they wished to pay for a display to be held this year. He informed members that in the past the displays had cost between £1600 and £3000.

Councillor O Black stated that she would like to see displays in Bushmills and the Glens Area also. She pointed out that every town deserved a display and that the rate payers should get the same facilities.

Councillor Harding informed members that this topic had been discussed previously and that it was agreed that Ballycastle was the main town of the area and that it would be held here.

Councillor McMullan agreed with these comments.

The DDS stated that the money could be raised for this event through the use of revenue generated by Cullens Amusements.

Councillor McIlroy stated that it was ridiculous that 25 traders had been given access to use of Council property and had been sponsored to do so by Council and yet the rate payers could not get facilities.

Councillor McMullan suggested that for future years Council could approach the local business owners to ask for sponsorship.

After further discussion, it was agreed that the Halloween Fireworks display would be funded by Council through use of money raised by Cullens Amusements at the Lammas Fair to the amount of £3,000.

DVD player for the Rathlin Boathouse Visitor’s Centre

The Clerk stated that the Rathlin Boathouse Visitor’s Centre had requested permission to have a DVD for display purposes.

After discussion, it was agreed that permission be given for a DVD player for the Rathlin Boathouse Visitors Centre.

DSD Funding for City and Town Centre Promotion and Marketing

The Clerk stated that DSD had offered Councils the opportunity to apply for financial assistance towards promoting and marketing city and town centres. He informed members that a number of grants were now available to a select number of named towns, and Ballycastle was one of those named by DSD. Grants were available on a competition basis to projects that have clearly shown the extent to which the proposed project would promote or market the town and assist with the regeneration of the town. He pointed out that a grant of up to 50% of costs up to the maximum of £25,000 per annum for 3 years was available and that applications must be submitted by the 15th August 2005.

He stated that an application would be submitted by the Trade Development Officer if match funding was available from Council.

In reply to Councillor O Black, the Clerk stated that this funding was just for towns.

After discussion,

Councillor Blaney proposed,

Seconded by Councillor McConaghy and resolved,

“That the offer from DSD to allow Council the opportunity to apply for financial assistance towards promoting and marketing Ballycastle would be approved.”

Community Relations Grant Applications

The Clerk stated that Community Relations Grant Applications had been received from the following;

Bushmills & District Community Association for a Cross border trip to Ramelton, Co Donegal to look at community development issues in a context of cultural exchange and to develop inter community contacts. Grant Request: £250.

After discussion, it was agreed that a Community Relations Grant of £250 would be awarded to the Bushmills & District Community Association for a cross border trip to Ramelton, Co Donegal.

Ballycastle Community Development Association Project for a Heritage Walk and Bus Tour exploring the Glens area. Grant Request: £250

After discussion, it was agreed that a Community Relations Grant of £250 would be awarded to the Ballycastle Community Development Association for a heritage walk and bus tour.

Councillor McShane stated that she welcomed the cross border trip by the Bushmills Community Association and suggested that Council develop stronger links with their twinned town of Ballinasloe to promote all Ireland tourism.

The Clerk stated that this may be a matter for the Moyle Twinning Association.

Councillor McMullan suggested that a letter be sent to the Moyle Twinning Committee to develop further links.

Councillor Harding enquired about the Three Fairs Committee and stated that there had been great ideas but no meetings.

Councillor McIlroy stated that representatives of Ballinasloe attended the Bushmills Fair and that the visit was beneficial to both and suggested that time be set aside for discussion of this at the Lammas Fair.

The Clerk stated that the issue of the Three Fairs Committee could be raised at the Lammas Fair.

Marina/Harbour Notice Board

The Clerk stated that Heather Newcombe representing the writers group had requested use of the Marina/Harbour Notice Board to display a poster with details of the ‘Take me to the Island’ writer’s weekend that takes place on Rathlin Island in September each year. He informed members that the Technical Services department who are responsible for the notice board had no concerns about this particular event which is based on Rathlin being advertised through the Marina/Harbour notice board.

After discussion, it was agreed that Council give permission for the writers group to display information about their writer’s weekend in the Marina/Harbour Notice Board.

After discussion,

Councillor McConaghy proposed,

Seconded by Councillor Harding and resolved,

“That the Development Manager’s Report be adopted.”


(Deferred from the meeting of the 27th June 2005)

After discussion, it was agreed that the decision regarding what to do about the membership of Limited Companies would be deferred pending the result of the Nilga meeting with the Minister.

05/16:09 car park at giant’s causeway belonging to the steam train

(Requested by Councillor McConaghy)

Councillor McConaghy stated that in relation to the current charge for parking and facilities and the availability of evening parking he would like Council to investigate the type of lease being used by the present owner.

The Clerk stated that as far as he was aware the lease did not prohibit this.

Councillor Graham informed members that a lot of people in the neighbouring community were disappointed about the lack of access to the facilities.

Councillor M Black left the meeting at this point.

The Clerk stated that there may be a requirement under the lease to allow access to the car park after hours and informed members that this could be investigated.

After discussion, it was agreed that legal advice regarding car parking at the Giant’s Causeway belonging to the steam train would be obtained to determine if the car park should remain open at night.

Councillor M Black returned to the meeting at this point.

Councillor Blaney stated that he had been told previously that a free car park could not be changed to become a charging car park and enquired if the lease was not the same as with the first company.

Councillor McIlroy stated that if the train was used then the money for the car park was refunded.

Councillor McAllister stated that the road to the Causeway was constantly blocked with parked cars and enquired if Council had the power to clamp these.

Councillor McIlroy agreed and stated that recently there had been chaos with the traffic, and enquired if there was a field that could be used and charged for.

Councillor Blaney left the meeting at this point.

Councillor McMullan enquired if the Roads Service could paint a yellow line on the road.

Councillor McAllister informed members that the Roads Service had been previously asked about the provision of yellow lines.

Councillor McMullan suggested that Council write to the Roads Service again regarding this matter.

After further discussion, it was agreed to make enquiries to the Planning Service about the possibility of use of a field for temporary car parking facilities near the Giant’s Causeway.

Councillor Blaney returned to the meeting at this point.

05/16:10 disabled car parking in the glens

(Requested by Councillor McMullan)

Councillor McMullan stated that there was little or no disabled car parking in the centre of Cushendall, the beach area and Waterfoot. He informed members that he would like the Council to look into this.

Councillor McKeegan stated that she would like Council to write a letter to the National Trust to have the car park at Glenmona resurfaced.

Councillor McMullan agreed with this comment.

Councillor Harding stated that the disabled spaces at the car park on Ann Street, Ballycastle were being misused. She informed members that builders were parking there and that the spaces in the diamond were also being misused and appealed to the public not to use these spaces.

Councillor O Black stated that she would like the lack of street parking at Waterfoot highlighted in correspondence to the Roads Service.

In reply, Councillor McMullan stated that this item was not on the agenda.

Councillor McCambridge asked that spaces be provided in Cushendall outside prime facilities.

Councillor Graham asked if Bushmills could also be investigated.

After further discussion, it was agreed to write to the Roads Service regarding the following points; provision of disabled car parking at Cushendall Beach, the main streets in the Glens, and in Bushmills and the lack of parking in Waterfoot.

It was also agreed to write to the National Trust about the resurfacing of the car park at Glenmona in Cushendun.

05/16:11 Invest ni in Moyle

(Requested by Councillor McMullan)

After discussion, it was agreed to write to Invest NI to enquire about their plans for the Moyle area.

This was agreed.

Councillors McIlroy and McAllister returned to the meeting at this point.

05/16:12 jet skis at ballycastle beach

(Requested by Councillors Newcombe and M Black)

Councillor Newcombe stated that complaints had been received regarding the use of Jet Skis at Ballycastle Beach. He informed members that there was a very grave danger of injury as the Jet Skis were coming in very close to the shore. He pointed out that most people were in favour of a buoyed area to mark out where it was safe for the Jet Skis.

Councillor M Black stated that she supported the above comments and informed members that she had received a lot of complaints from concerned parents.

Councillor McDonnell stated that buoys should be avoided.

Councillor McKeegan left the meeting at this point.

Councillor McMullan enquired if there was a policy to cover this matter.

The Clerk stated that this was a matter for Council and that Council could go as far as a complete ban on these using harbour facilities.

In reply, Councillor Newcombe stated that he was not in favour of a ban and informed members that watersports should be encouraged and developed but that the swimmers and bathers needed to be protected.

The Clerk suggested that advice be sought from the coastguard on this issue.

After further discussion, it was agreed to contact Gordon Munro from the coastguard to arrange a meeting with him and Council to discuss beach safety, including jet skis, and the relocation of the Coastguard services.

05/16:13 Relocation of the coastguard

(Requested by Councillors M Black and Harding)

Councillor M Black stated that she had seen an alarming article in the newspaper regarding the relocation of the coastguard and informed members that on speaking to Gordon Munro she had been assured that this would not lead to degrading of services.

Councillor McMullan left the meeting at this point and Councillor McKeegan returned.

Councillor M Black suggested that Mr Munro be invited to address Council to discuss this topic.

Councillor Harding stated that there had been a recent fatality off the coast at Portrush and that there was significant danger for divers and for children. She stated that more information was required and suggested that a letter be written to the department of transport.

The Clerk suggested that the Coastguard should be the first point of contact.

After further discussion, it was agreed to contact Gordon Munro from the coastguard to ask him to also discuss the relocation of the Coastguard services at the proposed meeting.

05/16:13 speed limit for clady road in cushendun

(Requested by Councillor McKeegan)

Councillor Newcombe left the meeting at this point.

Councillor McKeegan proposed that a speed limit of 30mph be imposed for the Clady Road in Cushendun. She informed members that this was a built up area and that the cars were speeding up and down this stretch of road. She pointed out that this road was also a walkway and that there had been complaints of near accidents.

Councillor McDonnell informed members that there may already be a speed limit of 30mph as it depended on the spacing between the street lamps. He pointed out that street lamps in a close proximity implied a speed limit of 30mph.

In reply, Councillor McKeegan stated that residents would like to see signs erected.

Councillors McMullan and Newcombe returned to the meeting at this point.

Councillor O Black agreed with Councillor McKeegan’s comments and stated that she would like to see additional or more prominent signage at Chapel Road, Cushendall.

After further discussion, it was agreed to write to the Roads Service proposing that a 30mph speed limit and traffic calming measures be introduced for the Clady Road, Cushendun. It was also agreed to ask for additional or more prominent 30 mph signage on Chapel Road in Cushendall.

05/16:14 Conferences, courses etc

The National Association of Councillors Northern Ireland Region, Annual General Meeting and Conference

It was agreed that Councillors McIlroy, Blaney and McAllister would attend the National Association of Councillors Northern Ireland Region, Annual General Meeting and Conference. To be held on 9th and 10th September 2005. Venue, Burrendale Hotel, Newcastle.

Responsible Choices Seminar

There were no nominations for the Responsible Choices Seminar to be held on Wednesday 28th September 2005 at the Stormont Hotel, Belfast.

Cumann an Phiarsaigh Conference on Planning Rural Vs Urban

There were no nominations for the Cumann an Phiarsaigh Conference on Planning Rural Vs Urban. To be held Wednesday 5th – Friday 7th October 2005. Venue, Bay View Hotel, Killybegs, Co Donegal.

Confederation of European Councillors Overseas Conference and Annual General Meetings.

There were no nominations for the Confederation of European Councillors Overseas Conference and Annual General Meetings. To be held from Wednesday 12th - Friday 14th October 2005. Venue, Park Inn Hotel, Berlin.

Environment NI, a vision for the future.

There were no nominations for the Environment NI, a vision for the future. To be held on 18th and 19th October 2005 at the Stormont Hotel, Belfast.

Environmental Health – making the difference

It was agreed that Councillors Harding and Graham would attend the Environmental Health – making the difference. To be held on 15th and 16th November 2005. Venue, Radisson Roe Hotel, Limavady.

05/16:15 Notices of Applications under the Licensing (NI) Order 1996 and Betting, Gaming, Lotteries and Amusements (NI) Order 1985

The Clerk stated that applications had been received under the Licensing (NI) Order 1996 for the following:

Application for Occasional Licence for Carey Faughs GAC for 7 August 2005.

Application for Occasional Licence for Moyle Gateway and Friends for 8th July 2005.

There were no objections to the above applications.

05/16:16 Sealing of Documents

There were no documents for Signing and Sealing.

05/16:17 Correspondence

Sub Regional Transport Plan Consultation

It was agreed that the Sub Regional Transport Plan Consultation response by the RETWG would be endorsed by Council.

Letter dated 24th June 2005 from the Department of the Environment regarding safety on school buses

Councillor McCambridge stated that this was welcomed and Councillor McMullan agreed stating that this was a step forward.

Letter dated 24th June 2005 from the Drainage Council for Northern Ireland inviting a nomination from Council to the next Drainage Council

After discussion,

Councillor O Black proposed,

Seconded by Councillor M Black and resolved,

“That Councillor McCambridge would be nominated to represent Council on the Drainage Council for Northern Ireland”

Letter dated 28th June 2005 from the NEELB regarding the closure of Bushmills Library

Councillor McConaghy stated that he would like Council to investigate the terms of the lease of the ground that the library was situated on. He informed members that it was important that the library was not taken away from the public.

After discussion, it was agreed, following a letter dated 28th June 2005 from the NEELB regarding the closure of Bushmills Library, that further legal details would be sought regarding the terms of the lease with the McNaughton Estate.

Letter dated 30th June 2005 from Action Cancer asking Council to consider a donation towards the costs of providing screening for people throughout Northern Ireland

Councillor McDonnell left the meeting at this point.

After discussion,

Councillor Harding proposed,

Seconded by Councillor M Black and resolved,

“That a donation of £100 would be made from the Voluntary Contribution budget.”

Invitation from the organising committee to attend the 3 Fairs Reception of the Puck Fair on 11th August 2005

After discussion the following Councillors were nominated;

Councillor Blaney Councillor M Black proposed,

Seconded by Councillor O Black

Councillor McIlroy Councillor Newcombe proposed,

Seconded by Councillor McAllister

Councillor Newcombe Councillor McKeegan proposed,

Seconded by Councillor Blaney

Councillor McMullan Councillor McKeegan proposed,

Seconded by Councillor McConaghy

It was therefore agreed that Councillors Blaney, McIlroy, Newcombe and McMullan would attend the 3 Fairs Reception of the Puck Fair on 11th August 2005.

Correspondence/Reports not circulated

Letter dated 20th July 2005 from Ballinasloe Town Council

The Clerk stated that an invitation had been received from Ballinasloe Town Council for their October Fair 2005 from 7th – 9th October 2005.

After discussion the following Councillors were nominated;

Councillor McIlroy Councillor McAllister proposed,

Seconded by Councillor Graham

Councillor McCambridge Councillor Blaney proposed,

Seconded by Councillor M Black

Councillor Blaney Councillor McCambridge proposed,

Seconded by Councillor M Black

Councillor McAllister Councillor McIlroy proposed,

Seconded by Councillor Blaney

Councillor McConaghy Councillor McMullan proposed,

Seconded by Councillor Blaney

Councillor Newcombe Councillor McKeegan proposed,

Seconded by Councillor McMullan

Councillor McMullan Councillor McConaghy proposed,

Seconded by Councillor McShane

Councillor M Black Councillor O Black proposed,

Seconded by Councillor Blaney

Councillor Graham Councillor McAllister proposed,

Seconded by Councillor McIlroy

Councillor Harding informed members that they would require particular insurance to cover them whilst at Ballinasloe.

Councillor McIlroy asked that the total expense be calculated and communicated for Councillors wishing to take a partner.

After discussion, it was agreed that Councillors McIlroy, McCambridge, McAllister, Blaney, Graham, McConaghy, Newcombe, McMullan and M Black would attend the Three Fair Reception of the October Fair in Ballinasloe on 7th – 9th October 2005. It was also agreed that the total costs of this would be clarified for taking a partner.

Letter dated 16th July 2005 from Ardclinis Outdoor Adventure

The Clerk stated that a letter had been received from Anne Bowen of Ardclinis requesting that Council reconsider the fees for the use of Council land.

Councillor McMullan stated that £100 had been sent in and a request had been made that following the progression of business that a fee be charged for the following year.

He informed members that the climbing frame had cost £20,000 of Anne’s own money and that it would take time to build up the market for it.

Councillor McIlroy enquired where this climbing frame was being used.

In reply, Councillor McMullan stated that it was being used for the Red Bay Lifeboat Open Day in benefit of the RNLI and for different festivals and youth events.

Councillor O Black pointed out that at a previous meeting a charge of £100 in total had been decided for the use of Council land and asked why this had been changed to £300 when the letter was sent.

The Clerk stated that there had been confusion over this topic and that the wrong amount had been put on the letter.

Councillor McShane stated that she would like the use of Council property to be put onto the agenda for the next Council meeting and pointed out that it was ridiculous that the Council did not have a policy to govern this area.

Letter dated 17th June 2005 from M McGuigan regarding travellers at car park at Marconi’s cottage

The Clerk stated that this land did not belong to the Council and that this complaint should be redirected to the Roads Service.

The DDS agreed and stated that the Council had no responsibility in this area.

After further discussion, it was agreed that this matter would be referred to the Roads Service.

Councillor Blaney enquired about the situation with the travelling community at Fairhill Street in Ballycastle.

In reply, the Clerk stated that this land was leased to the North Antrim Co-op.

Travelling Community at rear of Moyle District Council Offices

After discussion,

Councillor McIlroy proposed,

Seconded by Councillor McCambridge and resolved,

“That the meeting continue in committee.”

The Clerk stated that these travellers were trespassing and the Council could obtain a court order to have them removed and asked Council if this was the route they wanted to take. He pointed out that this was a difficult situation as the human rights of a minority grouping were involved but that the Council had to look after the interests of its rate payers.

After further discussion, it was agreed that a legal line would be pursued in the removal of the travelling community currently using land behind the Council offices and that the Dog Warden would check for dog licences.

The meeting continued out of committee.

Letter dated 14th July 2005 from Crown Castle International

The Clerk stated that a letter had been received from Crown Castle International regarding the proposed extension to the existing radio telecommunications installation at Ballypatrick Forrest.

This was noted.

The meeting concluded at 10:55 pm






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