Python ascii() Builtin Function - Examples - Tutorial Kart

Python ascii() Builtin Function ¨C Examples

Python ascii()

Python ascii() builtin function

In this tutorial, we will learn about the syntax of Python ascii() function, and learn how to use this function with

the help of examples.


The syntax of ascii() function is




The function returns


In this example, we will

Python Program



In this Python Tutorial, we have learnt the syntax of Python ascii() builtin function, and also learned how to use

this function, with the help of Python example programs.

Python Builtin Functions


Python Builtin Functions


Python - abs()


Python - all()


Python - any()


Python - ascii()


Python - bin()


Python - bool()


Python - breakpoint()


Python - bytearray()


Python - bytes()


Python - callable()


Python - char()


Python - classmethod()


Python - compile()


Python - complex()


Python - delattr()


Python - dict()


Python - dir()


Python - divmod()


Python - enumerate()


Python - eval()


Python - exec()


Python - filter()


Python - float()


Python - format()


Python - frozenset()


Python - getattr()


Python - globals()


Python - hasattr()


Python - hash()


Python - help()


Python - hex()


Python - id()


Python - input()


Python - int()


Python - isinstance()


Python - issubclass()


Python - iter()


Python - len()


Python - list()


Python - locals()


Python - map()


Python - max()


Python - memoryview()


Python - min()


Python - next()


Python - object()


Python - oct()


Python - open()


Python - ord()


Python - pow()


Python - print()


Python - property()


Python - range()


Python - repr()


Python - reversed()


Python - round()


Python - set()


Python - setattr()


Python - slice()


Python - sorted()


Python - staticmethod()


Python - str()


Python - sum()


Python - super()


Python - tuple()


Python - type()


Python - vars()


Python - zip()


Python - import()


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